SS Bremen 15 January Ship Elena 19 January Ship Shakespeare 2 February Steamer New York 14 February SS Bremen 8 March Bark Dorette 1 July. Less than three hours later, she lay at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, having taken with her more than 1,500 of the roughly 2,200 people on board. Even the Bremen's Captain Wilhelm responded that his ship lacked the wherewithal to pick up the bodies when confronted about it. 1864 Ship Rebecca 6 August. Introduction: This is a list of indexes of passenger lists (also called immigration records or ship manifests) for ships that sailed to the United States from 1820 to the 1940s (and now into the 1950s), including microfilm (some rolls have now been digitized), books, and online indexes and databases. Unfortunately, all lists from 1875 - 1908 older than 3 years were destroyed due to lack of space in the Bremen Archives. 'Bremen' (2) … [This booklet was distributed to cabin passengers. 1862 Ship Johanne Wilhelmine 19 July Ship Ernestine 23 September. 1923 she was registered by the National S.N. SS George Washington 1922 Souvenir Passenger List (Bremen to NY) - List of Cabin Passengers, United States Lines, American Twin Screw Steamship, "George Washington", Bremen via Southampton and Cherbourg to New York, Wednesday, Nov. 15th 1922. New York Passenger Lists Quick Guide 1820-1962 : Finding New York Immigration Records This webpage lists links to research material for locating New York, New York passenger arrival records from 1820-1962, including online databases and indexes. Co., Panama, and renamed 'King Alexander'. But as the SS Bremen steamed closer to this strange apparition on the afternoon of April 21, 1912, passengers on deck suddenly began to scream. Their ship was steaming into … In February 1921 sold to Byron SS CO, London, and renamed ' Constantinople ' . The stamp shows the steamer 'Prinz Eitel Friedrich, another NGL vessel. But as the SS Bremen pushed closer towards the site on Saturday, April 20, passengers began to scream. • Passenger Ship Arrivals: SS Dresden departed Bremen and arrived in Baltimore on July 26, 1898 • SS President Lincoln departed Hamburg and arrived in New York on May 30, 1912 • SS Graf Waldersee departed Hamburg on May 15, 1911 and arrived in New York on May 28, 1914 • SS Lapland departed Antwerp and arrived in New York on April 21, 1921 Illustration by Louis F. Grant, April 1912. Scrapped 1929 at E. Breda, Venice. Just before midnight on April 14, 1912, the ocean liner Titanic struck an iceberg. 3.30 PM. In addition, includes a link to images of … Nonetheless, it is important for an understanding of this to note that many passengers, on the Bremen, thought that they should stop and … On 4 May 1912 Portsmouth magistrates found the charges against the mutineers were proven, but discharged them without imprisonment or fine due to the special circumstances of the case. Aboard the Norddeutscher Lloyd liner SS Bremen, traveling west from Germany, passengers enjoying a brief lull on deck in the rainy North Atlantic weather suddenly notice hundreds of spots of white across the horizon, initially appearing to be sea birds or bits of ice on the surface of the water. Name index to lists of 25 million people (not just immigrants) who arrived at Ellis Island, Port of New York, 1892-1924. The rules and regulations of the ´Nachweisungsbureau´ considerably improved the quality of both the stay at Bremen prior to the sailing plus the seaworthiness of the ships.