Its generic name has the same etymology. Zebra cactus, pearl plant, star window plant, cushion aloe: Plant Type: Succulent: Mature Size: Varies by species, 3 to 5 inches, up to 20 inches: Sun Exposure: Part sun: Soil Type: Sandy: Soil pH: 6.6 to 7.5: Bloom Time: Summer: Flower Color: White: Hardiness Zones: 11: Native Area: Southern Africa: 3:26. (Gelesen 6644 mal) Susanne. Listovi su joj tamnozeleni, uski, ušiljeni na vrhu, označeni malim bijelim točkicama. The surface of the greenish leaves is covered in small white raised dots. je trajna zeljasta biljka iz porodice Xanthorrhoeaceae.Naraste do 10 cm visine i 30 cm širine. Wie die meisten sukkulenten Pflanzen, mögen Aloen keine "nassen Füße", auch lange Trockenperioden kann sie gut vertragen. I mean, I only watered it once after I got it, which was about a few weeks ago, but I watered it about 1-2 weeks ago. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); if ($(window).width() > 1024) { For more multimedia, look at Aristaloe aristata on Wikimedia Commons. Cvate u proljeće. Aloe aristata ist die einzige bei uns in Mitteleuropa winterharte Aloeart. This makes your Aloe Aristata ideal for any place that receives direct sun, a-lot of light, or substantial shade. Die Pflanze wächst mehr in die Breite. Aloa aristata (Aloe aristata Haw.) Named for it’s unique pattern of delicate white speckles on it’s leaves, this stunningly marked plant makes a lovely centrepiece in a simple pot placed on table. No, it is not dying, really, … Hi! I would chalk up its current appearance to moodiness and being in a new home. Die Aloe "Aristata Magic" ist eine sukkulente Pflanze und gehört zu der ca. Aloe aristata can do well in partial shades but be careful not to overdo it. Looking at your set-up is not bad, so I would then consider the outdoor temperatures from night to daytime. The plant is shipped in its pot to prevent any damage to the roots). Aloe aristata ist immergrün. It will keep the base drier and at the same time protect the roots later from too much of our dry heat. You are growing it outdoors, so its okay to add the top dressing. You can choose to place your Aloe Aristata in a place that receives either 50% shade a day or 80% shade a day. Auch auf der Insel Madagaskar gibt es viele Sukkulenten-Arten. Aloe Aristata Aristaloe it is usually known as the "lace aloe" or "guinea-f Use a fungicide to obliterate … Taking care of Aloe Aristata includes being on the lookout for pests, diseases, and fungi that may interfere with the growth of the plants. But in the 110F summers, it looks like the photo on the right. Die einfachen, grünen Blätter sind in stammlosen Rosetten angeordnet. Genus Aloe can be mat-forming or shrubby evergreen perennials, with rosettes of fleshy leaves and small tubular flowers in racemes or panicles Details A. aristata is an evergreen perennial to 20cm forming rosettes of fleshy lance-shaped leaves spotted with white and tipped with a soft white spine, with tubular, orange-red flowers 4cm in length in panicles to 50cm in length in … Worauf zu achten ist, erfahren Interessierte hier. Enzianstrauch: als Kübelpflanze blüht er den gesamten Sommer hindurch. James S. Boatwright taxa. Zudem hat sie eine weitere Besonderheit zu bieten, die sie von ihren Verwandten unterscheidet. Cvjetovi su duguljasti, narančasti, visine do 70 cm. In Autumn orange flowers emerge creating a colourful highlight. These leaves have toothy margins (hence the name 'Tiger Tooth Aloe… « vorheriges nächstes » Seiten: [1] 2 nach unten. No great cause for alarm. But give it time to adjust, try to top dress your plant with some pumice or chicken grit. In the case of any pest attack, fungicides should be used to correct the situation that may cause rot. It sounds like you did the right thing if they were not growing beyond the original ball. Sie ist eine pflegeleichte Pflanze, die durchaus anspruchslos ist. Unlike some Aloes, this one is particularly fast growing. A properly watered Aloe aristata plant can resist most pests and diseases. This frost-hardy Aloe has leaves that mimic a Haworthia. Gain access to free articles, tips, ideas, pictures and everything gardening, . Insufficient light will cause your plants to etiolate. If you want your Aloe aristata to be around for a longer period, then be …