Names-Generators.Com is a free to use website for generating names like Amish generator for use in the interest of public. We share many ancestors from around the late 1700 and early 1800. She was asking me for more information on the Amish people, so I found myself here. I was also pleased to see that my first and last names were listed as still being so common . I was born in 1963 in northern Indiana, and I have a long deceased younger brother named Scott, and a younger sister named Debbie or Debra. I have a pen pal in Sri Lanka. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. He is Zeke Gary because it sounds like Zachary. Also, how does someone go about finding more information about a history into a family of Amish background? Just a continuum of dialects with no standard spelling. Whether you love a timeless pick or seek something modern, check out our list here! There are as many as 8771 names generated for the topic Jarmuth Hooley Name Generator in our database. A Hebrew name, Ezekiel means God will strengthen. In the Swiss Reformed Church records from Guggisberg, Schwarzenburg (Wahlern), and Rüschegg of Canton Bern, Switzerland, the first spelling was recorded as Bieler in the 1550 to 1600s. I got to thinking that perhaps 100 years ago converting to the Amish church may not have required such a massive lifestyle change as it would presently, and that conversions may have been more common? My parents were Noah A. Beyeler and Viola (Mast) Beyeler. Anything you can do would be of great assistance. My daughter has traced her Great-Greats back to Switzerland, came to America in the 1700’s by way of Amsterdam. From long-time favorites like James to new faces like Oliver, check out the boy names parents are loving. I also am related to a family of Masts from my mothers side. That book was probably written in the 1940’s to the 1970’s, and it could possibly have errors. I had asked my father for more information about my family history many years ago, but he didn’t know very much about that and now he is deceased. I’d like to know if he could have Amish roots. I would like advice on getting started in the publishing world. Don (Donovan) J. Beyeler, I would love to correspond with you but I do not have your email address. Amish arrived in North America in 2 large waves, one in the mid-1700s, (most of those Amish settled in Pennsylvania) and a later, larger wave in the early-mid 1800s (many of whom ended up in the Midwest). I have many photos/video of this area from being there in 2013. “The way it works is you make the choice as an adult if … The fact that the name had 3 e’s and my 1st name has 3 a’s was the first thing that stood out to me, it also wasn’t a very common name (well so I thought) and that’s why I picked it. Richard Edward Carlock @ Thank you.. Ezekiel is a very beautiful name, strong yet pure meaning, and epic or badass. It was very helpful for my book. Anyway, my grandfather was ashamed about having an Indian grandparent, and he made his wife promise to keep that fact a secret. Today there are just 3 existing settlements founded in the 1700s, all in Pennsylvania. Marcus Yoder London Ohio, I’d like to find that website you mentioned, ‘saga’. Also quite useful is the middle initial many Amish take. I learned to know your brother-in-law, David Hershberger a bit. I will continue our conversation through use of our email addresses. Ezekiel is a strong name and I like the cute little nicknames like Zeke. I’d guess there are more than that now with a handful of converts adding more than might have been lost in the ensuing period.