TLDR: Gaijin set up the normalization and penetration curves of APDS in a way that it would cleverly nerf its penetration against most Soviet tanks that has a UFP with a construction slope of 60-65 degrees. APFSDS typically produces even higher muzzle velocities (1,500 m/s [4,900 ft/s] or higher) Fortunately, we can easily evaluate the practicability of two of these solutions: HVAP and APDS, with one simple example. Well… First, you want to talk about APFSDS. L26 APFSDS at 68 defeats defeats 609mm at 1000m. APDS = Armor Penetrating Discarding Sabot Basically a dart. APFSDS. APDS rounds served as the primary kinetic energy weapon of most tanks during the early-Cold War period, though they suffered the primary drawback of inaccuracy. Slip rings, AFAIK, were only introduced for APFSDS fired from rifled barrels. The Armor Piercing, Fin-Stabilized, Discarding Sabot round (“APFSDS,” “long-rod penetrator” or “sabot,”). (Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Disgarding Sabot). 105mm L7: M900 APFSDS-T: 4000: 650: 1505: 1989: 105mm L7: CMC105 APFSDS-T: 3500: 430: 1501: 1980s: 105mm L7: DM23 APFSDS-T: 3000: 390: 1455: 1978: This is the German designation for the Israeli 105mm M111 round. But APDS is also very limited performance wise compared ot APFSDS because spin-stabilized ammunition only works up to a certain L/D ratio (in theory you can double that limit to a point, but it requires even faster spin rates that reduce your linear velocity, which would require a more powerful gun - which increases wear and recoil.. T-72B + Kontakt 1 has upper glaces armour rated 530mm KE. when it impacts the target the softer … Can easily penetrate from 1km. Interestingly, a slight spin improves the accuracy of fin stabilised projectiles, as it counters the effect of eccentricities in the projectiles. The additional penetrator length improves the post-penetration damage effects. I recall shortly after introduction of the APFSDS dart round in the late 70s the US Army finally admitted when firing 90mm APDS from their M48s a round would sometimes just fly off at an odd angle. L26 APFSDS at 68 defeats defeats 609mm at 1000m. First, we will turn back to the M2 AP projectile, by which Level IV armor is defined. Can easily penetrate from 1km. If you're talking 88 you need to specify which. The final caliber of the muinitions after being fired can be pretty damned small. The Leopard AS1 with DM23 is a good representation of a German Leopard 1A4 for 1978-86 scenarios (when the Leopard 1A5 … We have produced in excess of 20 million rounds of ammunition for the U.S. NAVY’s PHALANX Anti-Ship Missile Defense System. WC = Tungsten Carbide WA = Tungsten Alloy U = Uranium (general) TI = Titanium Alloy QUINT = five alloying elements QUAD = four alloying elements AP = Armor piercing APDS = Armor piercing, discarding sabot APFSDS = Armor piercing, fin stabilized, discarding sabot If the subcaliber core didn't separate cleanly from the sabot it could be knocked badly off course. APFSDS is the pinnacle of the kinetic anti-armour rounds. As with APDS, APFSDS utilises an extremely hard penetrator and a discarding sabot, however the penetrator is usually significantly longer than that of APDS and incorporates fins for improved long-range ballistics. General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems is the sole developer and qualified producer of the 20mm MK149 Armor-Piercing Discarding Sabot (APDS) cartridge. APDS never has fins and is always spin-stabilised*. L26 APFSDS at 68 defeats defeats 609mm at 1000m. If it had fins, it would be APFSDS. T-72B + Kontakt 5 has upper glaces armour rated 690mm KE. APCR = Armor Penetrating Composite Rigid Its a metal dart shrouded in a softer metal, the metal will deform when it in the barrel to make a stronger seal between the round and the barrel itself.