A few years passed and i had a friend baby sit. This itching may also spread to the skin and eyes. She was totally sincere and had good intentions, but how on earth could anyone in this day and age hear “allergic to nuts” and think “Ah, the technical term for a peanut is a legume; therefore, she can have peanut butter”?? Thought it was flu but it was from bananas. I’ve never really cared for bananas, but one day I decided to have one and had a terrible reaction to it- Unbearable abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and hives covering me from head to toe. I also have noticed that each time I eat them my symptoms gradually get worse. Does anyone have other answers, if so please contact me. I get bloating, shooting pains as if my intestines are stretching out, nausea, urge to use bathroom, sweat, sometimes redness, sometimes a few hives. I have been prescribed Phenergan and this helps Alos I have had Adrenalin Ok thats it Please comment, Since I was a child I could not withstand bananas. I get the sensation that a lump or something is stuck in my throat and I need to burp it up or something. Subtly! After much trial and error I have narrowed it down to bananas!!! I just had a feeling it had to be the banana thing so I googled banana allergy. I’ve known I was allergic to bananas for several decades but should I inadvertantly eat something with bananas, pineapple or walnuts in it, I carry L-Lysine tablets with me at all times and take several with water. The amount of times someone in my family has offered me one of those foods, despite the fact that I’ve told them a million times that I’m allergic, is really beginning to get to me. I have also seen phlebitis in patients with banana allergies, and possible thrombosis discussed. I was also eating banana for so many years, but 3 years ago at the age of 42 years ,one day I ate banana.After 2 hours I started vomiting.after 7-8 vomits I took Inj. I am lactose and gluten intolerant, and know it for many years. Apple Banana & Carrot Muffins or My banana and avocado muffins are lovely and soft, for a wheat-free option my blueberry and banana pancake muffins are super easy and kid friendly.. My newest muffin recipe are my Spinach Muffins for Toddlers, … 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Also people do not always believe me, especially when I tell them I know without even smelling the food directly. I’ve recently started looking up information on what this could stem from but with no conclusions as of yet…. I have eliminated both until the rash was gone and gave him bananas and no apples. I cannot even be near them at all. I looked at my arms and I had hives all over them. All the food that I try to eat is causing so much pain I cant eat. The weird thing is, it doesn’t happen with every banana. This sucks, I have half of the symptoms you have all mentioned that appear when i eat bananas, kiwi, avacado and nuts. Thanks. I typically recover within a few minutes to an hour and have no lasting effect beyond shortness of breath when I exert myself, for a day or two after(likely asthma triggered by the reaction?). She used to be able to eat bananas daily when we resided in the tropics, but now, bananas really hurt her! He also told me that most people consider the Gastric sympotoms as sensitivities, he says they are true allergies it’s your body reacting to the allergen and will get worse with each exposure so don’t have them—makes sense. My palms also start to itch. Not til he turned about 15 did he begin eating regular bananas and never had any reaction. i also get an itching sensation to my face! A banana free diet is recommended unless the consumption of banana is reported with perfect tolerance. I think I may be allergic as well. Histamine, serotonin and dopamine are some of the vaso-active amines that may produce symptoms of allergic reactions. I have almost the same reaction you do to banana. But I also seem to be finding other related things that I’m allergic too. I mean come on, its an icy cold day here in scotland and im eating a banana !!! Grill it, broil it, or bake it for a perfect dinnertime protein, loaded with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Intolerance to the vaso-active amines can cause severe reactions which seem a lot like allergic reactions. SO no more bananas and no more dairy. He was a very happy baby but always tried itching himself. Farmed fish has a bit less potassium. There are all these wonderful benefits to eating bananas, but do I actually see these benefits? M. Even if you don’t eat the whole thing, it should give you a good dose of potassium, along with vitamins A, C, and E. They’re also full of healthy monounsaturated fats that might help lower cholesterol levels. My mouth became itchy and my whole face swelled. I am allergic to latex and cannot eat any of the items listed above. I avoid them! Learn how your comment data is processed. Allergy sudden appeared after having eaten bananas every day for many years. I have eaten bananas my whole life without ever having a reaction that I can remember. I’m never going to eat one again! I’m allergic to latex and I was told by an allergist that is why I’m reacting to bananas the way I do. I was eating green ones a month ago and it seemed okay, although I was cooking half of them. I cannot eat a banana when it’s to ripe or it is worse, almost to the point I can’t finish it. This morning I ate a banana on my way to the golf course and had a terrible experience. Some people might find food allergy symptoms to be a little uncomfortable, but not severe and for others, these can be terrific and can even be life-threatening. Yael. Until the last two years my reaction has not been severe enough to lead me to the emergency room. Lori, I have the same but I’m allergic to soy., so go figure,anal itching and discomfort and it hurts passing a stool, sometimes I even bleed , it is like if all my intestines get irritated and after that no mater what I eat it will hurt, it lasts also around 3 to 5 days depends on the severity of the attack , it is horrible , I will be going back for more food allergy testing. Recently though I have been having a reaction to the smell of bananas. M. Hello. It took a good flu to finally get that very itchy throat and discover that a banana would trigger the very violent cough. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. Whenever I ingest them, within half an hour I develop severe stomach cramps, to the point where I can’t get out of bed. No I do get itchy throughout and ears when eating them, and last week I bought some “organic” bananas at Walmart and that night after I ate 2 I had severe abdominal cramps, like there was something in my stomach, thought my gallbladder was attacking, severe nausea, diarrhea for 3 days, hot flashes. I had learned to make an awesome guacamole and was so upset that I had to stop. It amazes me how many people seem to resent other peoples’ afflictions. But bananas aren’t the only game in town. While discussing these symptoms with the doctor, you must also tell about other known allergies. i thought im the one who is suffering with this… but this page makes me feel very supportive …. This is because proteins causing a reaction are deactivated while cooking. Lump in the back of my throat, itchy tongue and throat.. a bout of belching and a feeling like if I could just belch enough, it would go away. I love bananas too, my fav fruit, used to eat them all the time, but now they hate me lol. That’s about 260 calories. M. However, they cause my tongue to swell, can give me heart burn and in one instance made me vomit. Although I know that the test itself is painful and difficult for a parent to have to put their child through. I used to cheat sometimes and eat guacamole/or banana and then take benedryl until I finally decided it wasn’t worth the pain. I am also asthmatic could this have something to do with it because when I use my inhaler I feel better when I have an attack I also have an epipen for extreme cases. I just ate a banana again, 30 minutes ago.. and ive been bent over in pain with stomach cramps, i feel really nauseous..to the point where im finding hard to even type right now.. im gonna go lie down because i feel really shaky and cold. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ It is so hard not to become angry when you feel you are dying because someone just HAD to have a banana…. I just ate one before, thinking I would be ok (last time I had one was ages ago!) The symptoms lasted for 3 days. The reaction has certainly seemed to increase with each occurance. My symptoms are mouthe sores and they are gone very quickly. I’m calling it a sensitivity to bananas. Even though the reaction is mild, allergies can worsen (mine obviously did), so I will be swearing off bananas from now on. It even plays a role in basic cell function. I must have recently developed an allergy to bananas too – but, the symptoms others are describing do not match what I’ve experience – it’s more similar to what you describe. I now try to completely avoid all products containing bananas, and artificial fruit flavorings. Arthritis. By the time he was taken to the hospital his heart stopped. I have a mild intolerance to bananas. As a matter of fact, my stomach issues were probably one of the worst ever bc it lasted about 3 days. Hey i’m also allergic & when i eat an banana (i cant resist them :O) i get painful little white bumps that itch & hurt on my bottom lip! I tried to think when it all started, and remembered it began about 2 years ago after taking heavy antibiotics called flagyll (sp) for a gum infection after implants. Food allergies of any kind are usually caused due to an allergy to certain proteins. Often times when people say they have a banana allergy it is really a latex allergy which is a natural ingredient of the shells of tree nuts, banana skins, mango skin and avocado. It has just returned in the last 2 weeks to the point that if I eat a banana my stomach is so painful I can’t do anything until it passes. Completely avoid raw banana and foods containing raw banana-like milkshakes, However, many people can tolerate cooked banana, such as in cakes. Now I have the task of changing my diet (not so much with bananas as I just won’t eat them but more so with eggs as alot of foods are made with eggs.). I hardly eat bananas, but i had one weeks ago and felt ill.. it felt like I had a lump in the back of my throat, then a real heavy feeling in my stomach. thats not right. No nausea, diarrhea, or rashes – but it feels like I’ve eaten a handful of razorblades for about half an hour. I don’t get any swelling or sore throat like others here, just the muscle tensing/cramping. (I had part of a can left over from another recipe.) Additionally, strawberries and kiwi’s give me a fine red and slightly raised rash on my arms, legs and torso within 30 minutes of eating them. Then, I suddenly had a dry heave and because I have emetophobia (I am BIG time phobic of vomiting), I couldn’t finish it. I’m so glad you posted because this doesn’t seem to be the most common symptom to find online and while I know our bodies are all different, I’m glad to hear I’m not alone. For one to reconize the change it has to happen. These symptoms continued for the rest of the drive and for most of the rest of the night. See additional information. The same thing happened two times recently (both times I was traveling and a banana was the only convenient, healthy option), and since this has never happened to my mouth at any other time, I’ve determined my allergy test must have been right. This reference I found interesting and am thinking it could be possible my allergy could be one to Latex : “Often times when people say they have a banana allergy it is really a latex allergy which is a natural ingredient of the shells of tree nuts, banana skins, mango skin and avocado. I am also asthmatic which might be exacerbating my reaction. Ate a banana one day and my lips, tongue and throat began to itch and swell, my whole body turned red and itched like crazy (even the palms of my hands! I also get the same thing, I thought I was the only one to have this allergy, I get to the point of anaphalyxsis to the smell of Bananas and Oranges (any Citrus), and starting to do the same w/Vanilla. Anyone know what is wrong and why these symptoms do not match the majority of other individuals? His pediatrician diagnosed him with sever eczema. What a great website. I think I have an allergy to bananas, but I have very different symptoms from what I have read. ... Over are the days when a gluten intolerance or allergy stopped you from digging into a crisp and butter slice of banana bread. Please be careful. This article helped me understand why this is happening. A few years ago, I suffered not knowing what was causing my horrific stomach pains, headaches and shortness of breath I was tested for allergies and my results showed no allergies My doctor ran out of ideas, I had a colonoscopy which was normal..and many other tests I pretty much self diagnosed my banana allergy by eliminating all food from my diet and introducing one item at a time When I eat any type of banana I get severe labor type stomach pains..rapid heart rate, increased respirations, nausea..and it lasts 2-3 hours I don’t think I have a latex allergy though I’ve ate bananas all my life..this allergy must have developed over time. Lightly spread a tablespoon or two of ripe avocado over toast; RIP. As soon as I smell the Banana or Orange (Citrus) I can’t breathe, my throat closes up, chest tightness, my voice gets hoarse, I get real pale, etc. Some specific symptoms seen in this allergy can be countered with the following preventive measures: Avoid bananas: If you observe that consuming banana has triggered some allergic reactions in the body, then it is better to avoid the fruit. I was wheezing, coughing and my ears began to itch. Some of these symptoms are: Though these symptoms are usually mild, in certain cases, the number of bananas ingested can increase the severity of the attack. All my life! Ate a banana this morning and within 30 mins was getting the severe indigestion, “hot flashes,” hives and bumps from head to waste and a face that looks like I just went 12 rounds with Mike Tyson. This group of allergies is more common than most people think! In fact you can use banana for anger management. The riper they are the worse the reaction. I too have loved bananas all my life. That was a couple months ago. I am also allergic to cucumber, watermelon, cantelop, I get a itchy throat when I eat them and tried the avacoda over eyes for swelling and they swelled bigger and bigger, My whole life I could eat bananas (I’m now 31). A few weeks later, I tried eating one again, and had another dry heave. I also react to numerous other fruits that typically cross-react with the latex allergy such as avocados, kiwi, peaches, tomatoes to name a few. Ever since then, I can no longer eat a banana, but if there is one in something like a smoothie, for example, I’m fine. Every time I eat a banana, my tongue, throat and inside of my ears start itching really bad. I’m just eliminating the ’cause’ now but I’m wondering how long it takes for the effects to wear off. After fifteen mins with no ill effect, I even ate the rest of the banana and nothing! First, a thick mucas starts forming in my moith and it starts to make me almost choke. Itching/swelling persists, though less intense. I can have dried or cooked bananas just fine. I think I was tolerating small amounts of greener ones cooked but when I ate several ripe ones it started some kind of allergic reaction. Haven’t given kiwi much of a try yet bc I dread finding out. I could not believe it at first so I tried eating one again-had to go to urgent care to get a pain shot. I am so thankful I found this site, I hadn’t even suspected bananas until just today, (it’s been at least a week since I’ve had a banana) but I had 1 for breakfast then 1 again as a morning snack. What could that be from? idk but, maybe i should really stop eating them..[no duh right]. I developed a banana allergy in 2009. It’s strange to me, especially how it happened unexpectedly. I developed an allergy to bananas later in life. That tree possibly could of produced this fruit. Within about a half hour, I began to have severe stomach cramps, gas, bloating and I had a terrible headache. I love bananas. There’s nothing better in the middle of a hot summer day. To be honest i have a problem with eating a fruit that grows in a different climate 1000s of miles away from where iam in Scotland.. i believe in eating and sustaining oneself on what grows around you..this may be where the illness lies ? Why should that make a difference? i just got mine this year :/ this is very sad to me due to the fact i love bananas ahh good thing i am not allergic to anything else. Be very careful with your son. Can anyone recommend any medical treatment to stop the pain. if i walk into a room and there are bananas in the room, i know it without seeing them, if there is a banana peel in an open trash can, i can tell. they ate off the tree in the middle of the garden the bible tells us. Because I can’t have real or artificial and I am curious on if that Is just me or if others have the same reaction. So I know that I have allergies to tomatoes, banana’s, avocados, and possibly yucca. Aftter making them ( 100 sanwiches ) a few times I noticed that I got a migraine just touching them . 8 / 0. ( I wouldn’t know for me, I’ve not eaten a shop bought banana in decades ). Yesterday I had a allergic reaction to the smell of plantains cooking. hi. Banana allergies and latex allergies are closely related as certain allergy-triggering proteins present in a banana are also present in latex. }); You have entered an incorrect email address! My banana intolerance started in the last couple of years and it has come and gone during that time a few times. When I was allergy tested as a teenager, my allergist said I tested positive for bananas and carrots but I had never experienced any (known) allergy, so I continued to eat them. Have to avoid Farmer’s Markets and the produce section of the grocery store…it seems to get worse as I age and the effects linger longer after each episode. I wonder if this did something nasty to my gut flora which brought on this intolerance or allergy. I get cramping, diarrhea, a horrible headache, an my heart feels funny. I was tested with live fruit in 2008, and came back positive, I was 36 years old. That is also what happens to me. I’ve read a lot about how allergies have increased in the US due to pesticides and was wondering if thats why im allergic to the banana. To keep your potatoes on the healthier side, try stuffing them with broccoli and light cheddar. i got really angry after eating 6 bananas what does that mean. Also, when these symptoms first began(around 14-16) I noticed I could no longer eat anything containing artificial banana or apple flavoring(such as an apple jolly rancher or banana flavored taffy). I never wanted to believe that I could be intolerant to banana. Now I’m back to bananas, Ive eaten bunches since then–thank You Jesus! It’s very frustrating. But I start sneezing uncontrollably with runny nose only if I have consumed bananas after evenings. They just don’t love me, it seems. I don’t think that there is such a thing called conditional allery. This was a nightmare as I began to react violently. I am allergic to Bananas too. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and should not be relied on to make decisions about your health. I accidently ate chunks of dried bananas in a fruit and nut snack. You’ll also get a healthy dose of lycopene to protect you from cancer, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Hence, it triggers similar symptoms to both ragweed and banana. I really like the life-changing banana pancakes, too, but these were simpler to make. Good luck to you and your son. I did not discover my banana allergy until I was in my late twenties. For years I have liked them, and I thought bananas were the perfect fruit. Amazing and so easy!!! If a person is allergic to that particular protein, a bump is raised on the skin. if anyone can help me out and suggest some sites with egg free foods I’d be so grateful. I started to experience itching all over my whole body. I get sort of a hot feeling in my stomach. Although I do have the heart palpatations, my whole mouth is sore, almost like acid. I’ve noticed avocados make me feel very queasy, I thought it was because of the high amount of fatty oils, but after seeing these two are linked I’m changing my mind. i use to eat bananas all the time, a few a day with no problem at all, and then one day out of no where, allergic. I ate bananas my whole life up until my mid-20’s. In my mid-40’s now and sure wish I could have a slice of banana cream pie without doubling over in pain! Fortunately taking simethicone tablets helps ease the symptoms faster that without, but I’m going to have to avoid bananas for a while. Then I ate about 4 in a day a few days ago and the next morning I was violently ill, dizzy, vomitting, headache, swollen eyelids and cheeks. I also get a pain in my chest (between the lungs) that feels something like what I’d imagine having the creature from Alien trying to get out from behind the ribs of its human host… other than that – I don’t think I experience any of these other symptoms reported. Or you can throw them on top of a salad for lunch for a boost of protein and B vitamins, too. One of the most important allergic symptom caused by banana include itching in mouth area affecting tongue, lips and throat. NOOO! My oldest son started to get a horrible rash at the age of 4months, when i started feeding him baby rice and oatmeal. This is the stuff caught in the wild. It’s sad because earlier this year I was having one a day in a smoothie for breakfast with no issues for 5 months straight. Note, unless your airway is in jeopardy or you are feeling near-death, you will probably be fine with some benadryl. I really love bananas with my yoghurt as a snack , but have these symptoms right now…its been 20 minutes since i had it. Or look for low-fat sour cream or low-fat cottage cheese. ALL the foods I have problems with were on the chart. The rash came back. I love bananas…but i noticed that I start sneezing, perspiring and dry mouth with a lump in my throat… is this mild? Now I cant be near them at all, but if they are cooked they are ok .Very strange …any one had a reaction like this??? I would caution you…the adverse reaction is getting worse with every exposure. They do have lots of sugar though -- about 30 grams per ½ cup. Since then, I have completely avoided bananas in all forms. By far the most painful experience I have ever had. While butter is very ... Add banana to batters slowly, until the desired consistency is reached. Allergic, intolerance, something else? Reviewed by Kathleen I wish it would go away as randomly as it started! Everyone else I know love my banana’s and have no problems. A little nausea, but mild. The reaction I had seemed much different and much more serious than the allergy symtons previously spoke of . Muffin recipes for babies. After this episode, I avoided bananas. ascorbic) that sets me off, as I get the same effect from drinking cheap generic-branded orange juice which also has ascorbic acid. My brother had allergy to bananas when he was a child about 7. Oh,…I forgot to mention that it isn’t ONLY browned bananas, it is exposure to any; but the constricting seems to be worse with the browned fruit. A lot of people who claim to be allergic to bananas in fact only have intolerance towards the fruit. This sounds stupid, but a few weeks back I picked one up for my roommate and I started getting really itchy. His kidneys failed. I know of a child and an EMT with the same symptoms when exposed. It’s sad to say, but no more bananas for me. It can get REAL BAD depending on the amount I have consumed. I wish we had some sort of a doctor here to tell us what is going on, it is obviously alot more of a common thing than I had thought! However I show none of the the symptoms you mention. If the symptoms persist and include a racing or weak pulse, sudden loss of consciousness and light-headedness, then immediately seek the doctor’s advice. Mostly the heat-like stomach-ache is the problem. You can also get about the same potassium kick from two cups of a raisin and bran flake cereal but­ with a lower sugar and calorie count. Zelman, MPH, RD, LD on December 17, 2020. Lots of foods can provide your body with this essential mineral. My husband developed an allergy to bananas at a later age (35) – we first discovered it in Puerto Rico – he ate a banana before bed, then woke up with itching eyes & very swollen face. The enzyme called diamine oxidase, which is used to digest these amines may be absent in certain individuals. Sucks because I always LOVED bananas! one time i got a chocolate muffin from starbucks that was two trays and one shelf away from banana muffins inside a closed glass cabinet and i couldn’t breathe. Skin prick test: A medical help provider will perform skin prick test which will determine the reaction to a particular food. It has to get past the stomach digestion to your gut which is what certain vegetables like onions do to feed the good bacteria. I can eat a rip banana and be fine, but if there is any greenness on the peel, then I get the throat and tongue itch. There are certain amines in bananas that cannot be digested by those who have a weak and sensitive digestive system. I’m going to go back to the doctor and ask for further testing. I am allergic to bananas. A tiny amount of a chemical is pricked into the skin with a needle. Since I was a small child, bananas have made my throat itch, immediately. When it disappeared i tried apples with no banana. Admittedly I was having 3-4 a day but within a week my throat was very sore, I felt dizzy and tired, and i itched all over. My banana allergy began in college. I’m so deeply sorry to hear about your brother. I am now 62 and my allergy has taken a turn for the worse. I also get that response to Bananas, Avocados, Kiwis and nuts. I also experience severe abdominal pain, cold sweats, fever and nausea after eating avocado and more recently banana. There’s something called the american gut study or something like that that has a lot of info about it & it’s pretty encouraging. Kiwi have bothered my stomach before, although not quite as harshly. This also applies to the melons and avocados I eat. Also my stomach feels like somebody has hit me in the gut. My father, who has gall bladder problems also has trouble with these banana’s(finds them a bit gassy), but not so much with shop bought cavendish. My work does not believe that you can have an allergy like this even though I have had 3 episodes now at my job due to Co-workers bringing these fruits into the clinic I am working at. My PCP said she never heard of anyone allergic to bananas. Now I’m having this itchy symptom after eating tomatoes and I’m trying to rule out other foods like melon, potato and strawberries. I think I too, am allergic to these crazy bananas. I feel your pain. I dont have a severe reaction but lots of itching on my skin, mouth and tongue. Even more recently, I was on a flight in which they served bananas with the breakfast just before landing. Ate bananas frequently — almost every day — for most of my life. I seem to be allergic to bananas, kiwi and avacado. It was horrible. They’re an easy snack when you’re on the go. There would be clear puss oozing out of his cheeks. No one seems to believe it, and there are some people who a. I really love bananas, carrots and avocados ) that sets me,! 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