With this program, the Hungarian Army finally openly rejected the terms of the Trianon Treaty and began increasing its armored force. Seeing a new opportunity to potentially acquire new lands, on 17th March, Hungarian officials demanded that Slovakia give away parts of Ruthenia. This short-lived and unrecognised Carpatho-Ukraine state had, from the start, complicated political relations with Hungary due to previous lost Hungarian territories. During the thirties, Miklós Horthy embarked on a campaign of attempting to find stronger political and military allies which could help the Hungarians regain lost lands. The Hungarians distinguished their heavy tanks from their medium tanks based on the caliber of the main gun and not simply based on the weight of the vehicle. Two LT vz. For a short time, from 1919 to 1920, the Hungarians operated some 20 Rába (4×2) modified anti-aircraft trucks. Hungary got its first chance to get back some of the lost territories with the support of its Axis allies during the Vienna Arbitral Award in 1938. The 24th Hungarian Frontier Guard Battalion was deployed in this area and its patrols reported advancing Czechoslovakian tanks on the road. Another prototype version built using the Turan chassis was a command version with improved radio equipment and a fake wooden main gun but, beside the prototype, no other vehicle was built. This was recovered by the Hungarians and, after it was repaired, was used for training. The Hungarian tank classification terminology during the war was a bit different than the international one. This vehicle was presented to the Hungarian army officials but, due to constant requirements changes (like swimming ability, for example), it would be not adopted and only one working prototype was ever built. The only difference between this and the earlier version was in minor details and an increase in the use of domestically built parts. Towards the end of the war, a reformed … 100 backers pledged £10,195 to help bring this project to life. It is worth mentioning that the Hungarians, during the war, tried to obtain a license for production for some German tanks. In the hope of increasing the firepower of its tanks, one Toldi was modified and equipped with a 7.5 cm anti-tank gun, being often called ‘Toldi páncélvadász’, which means Toldi tank destroyer/hunter. Because this light tank was based on a production vehicle the engine was in the front and the fighting c… Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. But, as the allied forces had inferior fighting vehicles to both those of the Soviets and of the Germans, they suffered heavy losses. The situation for the Axis forces was complicated even more by the Romanian changing sides in August 1944. T. Jentz and H. Doyle, Tiger I Heavy Tank 1942-45, Osprey 39M Csaba; Light Tanks. Regarding the insignias, initially, the Hungarians used a Maltese type cross painted on the armored vehicles. Straussler V-4; 38M Toldi I and 41M Toldi II; Medium Tanks. The combat strength of the Independent Tank Battalion after this was 8 Turans, 2 Toldi, 3 Zrinyi and 2 Nimrods. They were mainly used for crew training up to 1930. Completed. Authored By: Staff Writer | Last Edited: 3/26/2020 | Content ©www.MilitaryFactory.com The Hungarian Toldi Light Tank was born from the … The Hungarian Soviet Republic would fall on August 1st, 1919, to be replaced by the Hungarian Republic and then in 1920, the Kingdom of Hungary. Hungarian Artillery. Stash. In 1938, a Hungarian military delegation again visited Sweden and, on this occasion, showed interest in the Landsverk L-62 dual purpose anti-tank/aircraft vehicle armed with the 40 mm Bofors gun. Despite this influx of more modern armored vehicles, it was hopeless for the Axis forces. WORLD WAR 2. It was armed with the 20 mm Solothurn anti-tank rifle and a 34/37. Battistelli (2012), Italian Light Tanks 1919-1945, Osprey Publishing, 3.7 cm Flak 43 in Keksdose-Turm auf Pz.Kpfw.III Fahrgestell, The Flakpanzer You Never Knew About | Flakpanzer III. Hungarian Turan tank 1941. They managed to buy a single Swedish L-60 light tank in 1937. One of the last and most advanced attempts to create a modern vehicle for the Hungarian Army was the Tas tank. C. Bescze (2007) Magyar Steel Hungarian Armour in WW II, STRATUS. The Hungarian army created these miniature “mini tanks”. One of the earliest examples of a “Flak Tank”, or tailored anti-aircraft tank, was in service in 1941, based on the earlier and very innovative Swedish Luftvärnskanonvagn L-62 Anti II tank. Hungarian armored vehicles were painted using a base dark olive green color combined with red-brown blotches and light ochre. Before the outbreak of the Second World War, the Hungarian Army was interested in acquiring even more advanced design tanks. Interestingly, the Hungarians adopted the side skirts armor used by the Germans for their own vehicles. C. K. Kliment and D. Bernard (2007) Maďarská armáda 1919-1945, Naše vojsko. Interestingly, the Hungarian Army managed to bypass the Trianon Treaty ban regarding the use of tanks. T. Jentz and H. Doyle, Tiger I Heavy Tank 1942-45, Osprey, S. J.Zaloga and J. Gransden (1993) The Eastern Front Armour Camouflage and Marking 1941-1945, Arms & Armour, F. Cappellano and P.P. They entered a program to upgrade some of these weapons and in 1940 they acquired a licenses to manufacture more modern designs. In the late twenties, the Entente powers partially relinquished the ban on arms and weapon purchases, and so, the Hungarian Army tried to acquire foreign armored car designs. 1:72. … Previous Hungarian ground forces have included the Royal Hungarian Landwehr, the Royal Hungarian Army … Hungarians never accepted the possible return of the Habsburg Monarchy and, during a National Assembly, chose Miklós Horthy as a Regent. All but 15,000 of these Jews were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and 90% of those were immediately killed. In addition, one Tatra armored car was also captured and used for the same purpose. P. Chamberlain and H. Doyle (1978) Encyclopedia of German Tanks of World War Two – Revised Edition, Arms and Armor press. The first two stretch goals have been unlocked already, the Tuland II -Turan upgrade (at £1,200) and the 38M Botond Truck (at £1,500) and the kickstarter is only 6 1/2 hours old. Both units would see some action up to the end of the war. Just come across this kickstarter project – Hungarian Tanks in 1/56 scale. Therefore, the 44M. While the Italian fast tanks were acquired in relatively large numbers, they were fairly obsolete as fighting vehicles. Despite the introduction of locally produced tanks, due to a lack of production capacity, only one Armored Division could be formed. Hungarian Turan I tank crosses a damaged bridge at the Russian front. B, possibly some command vehicles based on the Panzer I, 5 Marder IIs (possibly even more in 1944), 108 Panzer 38(t), 10 Panzer III Ausf. So this will not be brief. Unit Profile: German Tanks in Hungarian Service Jagdpanzer 38 (t) Hetzer. While other 3.7 or 4 cm caliber guns were considered, these were not adopted initially due to the need of redesigning the turret. For this purpose, the Turan chassis was to be armed with an anti-tank gun. With the implementation of the ‘Huba 1’ program in June 1937, the Hungarian Army increased the financial resources available for the expansion of its armored force. Please direct all other inquiries to militaryfactory AT gmail.com. Each of these four brigades had 18 tankettes, 18 Toldi and a company of Csaba armored cars. During the war, the Soviets managed to capture relatively large numbers of enemy equipment. In order to find a more modern tank design, a Hungarian delegation visited Italy. Prior to WW2, Hungary had equipped its armored forces with AFV’s from abroad (mainly Italian CV-33 tankettes) which they then modified to suit their own purposes. The Hungarians used this document to take parts of southern Slovakia and southern Ruthenia. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. B. Adam, E. Miklos, S. Gyula (2006) A Magyar Királyi Honvédség külföldi gyártású páncélos harcjárművei 1920-1945, Petit Real Between the years 1941 and 1944 the army had an unusual array of guns and howitzers, these had origins in Germany, Sweden, Belgium and home produced Skoda … The Zrinyi was named after Nikolaus Graf Zrinyi, famous for fighting against the Turks during the 16th century. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. By the end of September 1939, this region was declared as a Ukrainian autonomous region. Hungarian Tanks in World War 2. In October, this Battalion handed over some 13 vehicles to the 5th Guard Tank Brigade. One solution was to negotiate with the Czechoslovak Škoda company (now in German hands). D. Nešić, (2008), Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Nemačka, Beograd The Hungarians would change the machine gun type used by this vehicle and add a command cupola on some 45 of them. The Regent, Miklós Horthy, tried to negotiate a separate peace with the Allies. Like Czechoslovakia, Hungary developed a small industrial basis and was capable of building tanks and armored cars of its own. It was designed by the German DAC engineer Joseph Vollmer. 7 images. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. During WWII, the Hungarian army used some 1118 armored vehicles. In 1941, another production order for 110 more vehicles marked as 38M Toldi II B20 was placed. As these were mostly obsolete, they were mainly used for troop training and gaining first experience with such vehicles. While they may have seen as a good idea at the time, able to maneuver where regular tanks couldn’t, in the end, they proved to be ineffective, and they ceased to be produced. From Italy, some five Fiat 3000B (the Italian version of the French Renault FT tank) and ten German LK II tanks were purchased. Get all 4 Tank Encyclopedia Magazine issues for 25% off. Wishlist (1 mates) Stash (3 mates) Started (0 mates) Nobody. N. Thomas and L. P. Szabo (2010) The Royal Hungarian Army in World War II, Osprey Publishing . While a single prototype was built, due to problems with the gun development, no serial production was possible. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. It also achieved some export success, as the British ordered some 53 AC.II chassis. Last updated March 6, 2016. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The first combat action of the Hungarian armored units as part of the combined Axis forces was the invasion of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in April 1941. Those that were in working condition were often pressed into service. For test and evaluation purposes, one L-62 vehicle was purchased. This vehicle would be built using the Turran chassis and armed with a 7.5 cm anti-tank gun (44M Zrinyi I) or a 10.5 cm howitzer (43M Zrinyi II). Of course, these numbers are different depending on the source used. These were completed from May 1941 to December 1942. These numbers are rough estimations, as precise information is hard to find. C. Bescze (2007) Magyar Steel Hungarian Armour in WW II, STRATUS. The 1st Armored Division was also supplemented with a smaller number of Toldi, Nimrods and Csaba armored cars. While six prototypes were to be built, there is no proof that this was ever implemented. Saved by Attila Hidvégi. The Hungarians tried to approach their German allies during 1939, but without success. Whilst the war with Czechoslovakia was a Hungarian military victory and was low in casualties, Romanian troops entered Budapest in August 1919, putting an end to hostilities that had left over 3,000 dead on either side. Cavalry Tank / Medium Tank Tracked Combat Vehicle, Tank Destroyer (TD) Tracked Combat Vehicle, Infantry Light Tank Tracked Combat Vehicle, Amphibious Light Tank (LT) / Infantry Support Vehicle. In total, some 152 would be operated by the Hungarians. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. While initially agreeing to this, on the 23rd, a short engagement between the Slovakian and Hungarian forces took place. They were forced to rely more and more on their allies to provide additional soldiers. It managed to form a 2,000 man strong Carpathian Guard which attacked the Hungarian-held town of Munkacs in early 1939. While the Turan was the most modern Hungarian tank with its 40 mm gun, it was outdated by the standards of 1941. Their purpose was for swift and stealthy maneuvers. M, over 50 Panzer IV Ausf. It was inspired and used the technology-based solutions found on the design of the Czechoslovak Å koda T-21 medium tank prototype, it was produced in two main variants: the 40M Turán (or Turán I) with a 40 mm gun and the 41M Turán (or Turán II) with a 75 mm gun. The initial order for 46 vehicles of the 40M Nimrod (as this vehicle was known in Hungarian service) was placed in 1940. Some 135 would eventually be built. The Soviet advance could not be stopped and, by August 1944, they reached the Hungarian borders at the Carpathian Mountains. This was simply done under the excuse of acquiring new equipment for the police force. Campaign Rewards FAQ 8 Updates 23 Comments 654 Community Share this project Dorset, UK Tabletop Games £10,195. F were also provided by the Germans. The Royal Hungarian Army received 101 Jagdpanzer 38 (t) Hetzer tank hunters in 1944–45. We do not sell any of the items showcased on this site. After a series of test trials, in 1938, the Hungarians obtained a license for the production of this vehicle. Hungarian 4 cm 37/42.M tank gun Converted from the 4 cm 37.M tank gun of the Hungarian Straussler V-4 prototype tank. Armor / Land Systems. These consisted of a white square with a capital H or 1H (which stands for Honved), a small Hungarian flag (in the shape of a small shield), and three-digit numbers below that. T-34/76 #07. Hungarian tank regiments in 1944 had an equal number of Turan I and II tanks, even if the Turan I was obsolete. This tank was known in Hungarian as the 38M Toldi A20. The French tanks were used in Ukraine in fighting Partisan incursions and were lost in 1944 fighting the Soviets. One in three of all Jews killed at Auschwitz were Hungarian citizens. Price $10.00 « Previous 1 2 Next » Please note: Miniatures are cast as each order is processed - we do not keep inventory on hand. Armored Cars. It is also important to point out that the majority of these vehicles were not used in the front line due to a lack of spare parts and ammunition. IV Ausf. 40M Nimród Sp.A/A vehicle and its crew in leather jerkins. F2/G. The single purchased L-62 was modified to be used as an ambulance (named Lehel S) and engineer (Lehel A) support vehicle. Due to the lack of production capabilities, only one prototype of this auxiliary version was built. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. F1, 10 Panzer IV Ausf. In 1938, the Honved selected the MAVAG railway plant for production, later extended to the Ganz factory as well. Price $8.00. Zrinyi II vehicles were fitted with radios (probably R/5a type) and in the latter part of … These cookies do not store any personal information. By 18th March, the Hungarians officially annexed Carpatho-Ukraine territories. M machine gun. While on paper Hungary was a Kingdom, in reality, the country was led by the Regent, Vice-Admiral Miklós Horthy. He used a commercially available Daimler lorry chassis as the basis of their new weapon. From 1942 to 1945, the Hungarians operated a number of different German armored vehicles. A smaller license plate was painted on the tank’s front hull. ... Only 202 of the Hungarian 38M Toldi Light Tanks were produced and many saw failed action against Soviet T-34s in the latter war years. By mid-March 1939, Czechoslovakia was completely taken over by the Germans who created the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Price $10.00. We don't know about any in-box reviews for this Hungarian Tanks in WW2 Part 2 (#72028) from Bison Decals. As the 20 mm main weapon was toothless by this time of war, it was replaced with a 40 mm gun. ww2 Hungarian tanks The 44M Zrinyi I was the tank hunter variant of the same, armed with a gun derived from the KwK 40 L/43 shared by the Panzer IV and STUG III ausf G. Although it was promising, it never reached out production due to the Soviet invasion of Hungary. Once again, the Fast Corps was used, with 60 Ansaldo tankettes, 81 Toldi tanks and Csaba armored cars. His second much improved model, named V-4, would be completed by 1937. 74. The Csaba vehicles would be used by the Hungarian reconnaissance units during the war but a few were also used by its police force. Due to a general lack of capacity and industrial capability for the completion of the first series of 80 vehicles, some parts had to be imported from Germany and Sweden. Hungarian artillery was not that advanced and contained many vintage pieces. As the Hungarians already produced this gun and the Toldi (which shared many components with the L-62), it was logical to adopt it. It was armed with a 20 mm anti-tank rifle and an 8 mm machine gun. Tas would also have been a heavy tank according to the Hungarian terminology much like how even the 41M. But, in late 1944, the Hungarian tank crew members were instructed to paint the edge of the Balkenkreuz with red paint. Slovakia, with German pressure, declared independence from Czechoslovakia. S.J.Zaloga (2013) Tanks of the Hitler’s Eastern Allies 1941-45, New Vanguard. Using Hunagiarn vehicles, in September 1944, the Soviet 18th Army formed an independent Tank Battalion equipped with some 32 Hungarian vehicles. While these countries later supported Hungarian territorial claims, they also provided them with military support, which included armored vehicles such as tanks in the following years. The tanks were on test trial in Soviet Union. D. Miller (2010) Fighting Men of World War II Axis Forces. These included 4-6 BA-6 armored cars, 10 T-27 tankettes, around 6 T-26 and BT-7 tanks, 4 M3 Stuarts, at least one T-28 and over 10 T-34-76 and 85 medium tanks. 38M Toldi Light Tank. In June 1941, the Hungarians joined their German allies in the invasion of the Soviet Union. In later stages of the war, some vehicles were painted either in dark green or light ochre color. During this conflict in Romania, the Hungarian 7th Assault Gun Battalion (equipped with Zrinyi and StuG III) managed to inflict on the Soviets some 67 tank losses. These were reused by Czechlosvakia after the war for testing, but would be discarded once Soviet equipment became available. This Division would be mainly engaged supporting the Hungarian 2nd Army which fought in the area of Don River. The V-4 was protected by a 26 mm strong armor and was armed with one 40 mm anti-tank gun and two additional machine guns. 1 / 2. Hungarian Anti-Tank Gun Crews. The Germans had to replenish their allies’ armored forces by providing them with more modern equipment. In late 1944 and early 1945, even more German vehicles arrived to support the Hungarians, including some Jagdpanzer 38(t) and Panther tanks. Csaba Armored Car. Aligning with the Axis powers during World War 2, Hungary inevitably sealed its military and political fate for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately for the Hungarians, they lacked the production capacities to actually produce this vehicle in sufficient numbers. In the last year of the war, around 20 Panzer IV Ausf. By the end of the war, in 1944 and 1945 (some may have used it from late 1942 on), the Hungarians used a much simpler white cross painted on a black square. Despite German armored reinforcements sent to the Hungarians, the Soviet advances in January 1943 led to the destruction of the 2nd Army. There are no related Kits and Decals covering the "39M Csaba" in 1:72 on scalemates.com. These were remnants of the defeated Polish Army that was trying to escape the Germans by crossing the Hungarian border in late September 1939. The Italians proposed their M11/39 tanks, but to the Hungarians, it was obvious that this was an outdated design. Author note: due to disagreements in the sources about the precise numbers of armored vehicles used by the Hungarians, this article will use C. Bescze’s (2007) Magyar Steel Hungarian Armour in WWII as the main source for these values. Price $10.00. The last attempts to increase the Turan firepower were made by installing a long barrel version of the 7.5 cm gun. The 2nd Armored Division used four white painted digit markings, but this marking was smaller and usually only painted on the rear part of the vehicle’s turret. Miklós would remain in this position from 1920 to 1944. While over 300 were ordered, only around 180 were built by 1944. Back to Tanks in World War 2; This page was last updated 2012-09-14 11:31:19. A total of 424 were made. 35 belonged to the Skoda Factory, manned by Skoda mechanics arrived to Slovakia from Soviet Union via Romania. Straussler would first design the AC.I prototype, followed by the AC.II armored car. Some, like the BA-6 armored cars, were used for anti-partisans fighting. These were known in Hungarian service as 35M for the CV33 and the 37M for the CV35 but also known simply as Ansaldo. F. Cappellano and P.P. According to the Hungarian tank classification system during WWII, any tank mounting a 75 mm or larger caliber gun was classified as a ‘heavy tank’, regardless of its weight or size. After some negotiations and German approval, the Hungarian army chose to use the T-21 (or the T-22, the sources are conflicting) prototype as a basis for a new tank. The Tas tank hunter version, supposedly armed with the 8.8 cm gun, while often mentioned to be real, was actually never intended to be built by Hungarians and was not a real project. Another reason why it was never adopted was the adoption of the Toldi tank. These had an R/4T radio set instead of the left side ammo boxes. During the fighting on the Eastern Front, the Hungarians managed to acquire several serviceable Soviet armored vehicles. Hungary launched a small offensive towards Romania with its two Armored Divisions, but was beaten back due to Soviet support. The production orders were changed several times due to war demands and, by 1944, some 279 were built. The Hungarians also operated a small number of French tanks sold to them by the Germans in 1942. Due to the Turan’s obsolescence and witnessing the use of the German StuG III assault gun, the Hungarian Army requested that a similar vehicle be developed. The "Military Factory" name and MilitaryFactory.com logo are registered ® U.S. trademarks protected by all applicable domestic and international intellectual property laws. These saw combat fighting for the Osza railway station, by supporting the Soviet infantry on 15th September 1944. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Battistelli (2012), Italian Light Tanks 1919-1945, Osprey Publishing. Nearly all the tankettes were lost, while the Toldi’s mainly suffered mechanical breakdowns and were mostly recovered. After a series of test trials, the Hungarians introduced some changes, like the increase of the open top turret size and adding more ammunition. To rebuild its shattered forces, the Hungarian High Command tried to implement the ‘Huba II’ military plan. Luckily for the Hungarian Army, an engineer named Nicholas Straussler began working on a new type of armored car in the early thirties. Depending on the source, it may also have been intended as an armored personnel carrier. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Price $10.00. Hungarian Tanks of WW2 Pt 1: Number: 72013: Scale: 1:72 : Type: Decalset : Released: | Initial release - new tool: Box contents. However, some changes were made by the Hungarians, such as having an enlarged turret with three crew members, adding a new 260 hp domestically produced engine and using a 40 mm gun, as this caliber ammunition was already in production. G were received. The 55 vehicles produced in 1943 were part of an order placed for an additional 309 tanks. For this operation, the Hungarians used the Fast Corps which consisted of two Motorized Brigades and Two Cavalry Brigades (the 1st Cavalry Brigade was not used during this campaign). In April 1943, the Hungarian Army initiated the Huba III program. Created by Bob Emmerson Bob Emmerson. It was decided to arm the Hungarian version, named the Toldi, with the locally produced version of the Solothurn 20mm antitank rifle along with a co … Projects. Material presented throughout this website is for historical and entertainment value only and should not to be construed as usable for hardware restoration, maintenance, or general operation. Total production numbers from the four firms assigned to manufacture the 40M Turan, or Turan I, were 285 tanks with Hungarian industry producing 230 vehicles in 1942. By mid-November, this unit was brought back to Hungary due to extensive losses. WW2 Hungarian Tanks and Vehicles in 1:56 (28mm) scale - designed for wargaming, cast in resin. The last Hungarian armored offensive was undertaken by the 20th and 25th Assault Gun Battalions to support the German attack at Lake Balaton in March 1945. Pz.Kpfw.II als Sfl. The Hungarians used the 2nd Motorized Brigade, equipped with three tankette companies and one platoon of Fiat 3000Bs. In 1944, 10 to 12 Panzer III Ausf. H, over 5 Panther Ausf. I’m going to divide this answer into three parts, one for each series of Hungarian tanks I’ll be talking about. This way, some 15 to 20 of TK3/TKS tankettes, 3 R-35 tanks, and at least one C2P artillery tractor were obtained. The Germans were impressed with their allies’ performance and provided them with additional armored equipment, including a small number of Tiger tanks. There was also a proposal influenced by the German Marder series to build a similar vehicle. The German military insignias and markings were left unchanged. Design by Christian Ankerstjerne. Initially, a great interest was shown for the Swedish Lago tank, but due to its delayed development, it had to be dropped. These were used to equip one of the two new 101st and 102nd formed Independent Tank Squadrons. Turan I. No new German vehicles were acquired in 1943. Between late 1918 and mid-1919, Hungary was invaded by the newly formed Czechoslovakia and Romania. A (one acquired in 1938 and the second in 1942), 8 Panzer I Ausf. The Hungarian Army was unsatisfied with these cars’ overall performance, but they could do little to change this. The Anti II was originally built by Landsverk for Finland in order to help fend off Soviet airplanes on the North-Eastern Front, and was based on the Stridsvagn L-60 chassis, and six were used as the ItPsv 41 during the war.