Every tiny step, every pure action, receives God’s blessing! There is one more Beatitude, but it speaks about the experience of a Christian, which is to be blessed by God, and persecuted by the world. To see the will of God in everything, not with a sigh but with a song, Some Christians are troubled because they forget the limits. At least one source I read … Does that mean we agree with everything others say or do? Christ was in the form of God. I want to read again for you the verses that are the setting for our thoughts, verses 1 through verse 12, Matthew chapter 5. Into a world that is ugly with violence and hate, Jesus sends us as peacemakers. Our Lord is on a recruiting mission this morning. 5:9). BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS This morning we’re on our last beatitude: Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God. Then, I surrender the conflict to the Lord. A wise person once gave me good counsel on dealing with situations of conflict: “Always move towards the barking dog.”  That’s never my inclination. There is strife in the city because there is strife in the family, and there is strife in the family because there is strife in our hearts. You will not make peace by standing on your rights. What will you be called? They may love each other dearly, they may be at each other’s throats. Jesus says that those who are peacemakers will be known and recognized as what they really are - the sons of God. Peace flows from purity, so the more you pursue purity the more you will discover and enjoy peace in your heart. They always take the initiative. In other words, we can’t make peace if we don’t have peace. No signup or install needed. As bad as things may be, this is the only world we have and if we are going to be true to our Lord, we must be peacemakers. We know him today as St. Francis of Assisi. In Paul’s letter to the Romans, he exhorted, “If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone” (Rom. In fact, the very same word, peacemakers, which is used of us in this Beatitude, is applied by the apostle Paul to what God has done through Christ so that we could be at peace with God. Listen to SENT (Part 13) - Blessed Are The Peacemakers and twenty-four more episodes by Community Church Putney Sermons, free! we make peace by the nature of who we are in Christ. Since this is the calling of God, we should be intentional about pursuing it: Plan peace! At the center of that simplicity is the ownership of God as Father. CSB Holy Land Illustrated Bible (Hardcover), Discover the Hope You're Looking for In God's Word, by Rick Ezell on Wednesday, January 01, 2014 at 7:00 AM. Happiness awaits action. But, what did he mean by peacemakers? © Colin S. Smith. Because he’s making peace. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. Even in these last weeks, this city that we love has again become notorious for violence. Wherever you are, whatever you do, God has called you to peace. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. It is you… my companion, my familiar friend, we used to take sweet counsel together; within God’s house when we walked in the throne. Amazing! Do that with me for a moment as we think about his peace…. The world will persecute you, hate you and say all kinds of evil things about you. Why? That will often be the experience of a peacemaker. If there is no sense in which you are pursing purity of heart, you’re not yet a Christian. There is one more … Instead, they are pursuing all the beauty and blessedness of God upon another. It … If there is no sense in which you are submitting yourself to God, you are not yet a Christian. But without purity, this person finds himself constantly “limping between two opinions,” to use Elijah’s wonderful phrase. First, let’s dispel the misconceptions of peacemakers. And, Jesus is the supreme Peacemaker. Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will be called sons of God” (Matt. . One after the other, the Beatitudes tell us that the blessings of eternity will be given only to... Jesus Made Peace Link. Surrounding us with love and faith. Psalm 55:12-13. He came to us, and what did that lead to? A Problem of the Heart Pastor John May, February 14, 2021 Bible Text: Matthew 15:1-20. The word “strive” indicates effort, hard work, and perseverance. He came into the world to make peace, and he did it by shedding his blood on the cross (Colossians 1:19-20). might create in Himself one new man from the two, resulting in peace” (Eph. I believe that is what Jesus was referring to when he said, “I have not come to bring peace but a sword” (Matthew 10:24). Unfortunately there are times in our lives when the peace that exists between ourselves and others is … Phillippians 4:7. The word peace is the Hebrew word shalom. As the life of Jesus grows in us, the peace of Christ will naturally flow through us to others. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. We live in a fallen world, and even at our best we’re sinners in the process of recovery. It only appears one time in the entire New … For more information, see our Privacy Policy. Other Christians, let alone those who are not in the Lord, are in the same position. Blessed are the Peacemakers. The word make in the term “peacemakers” comes from the Greek verb that means “to do” or “to make.” It is a word bursting with energy. I have discovered that you can never make everyone happy all the time. Jesus said in Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” First, I want to look at the blessing peacemakers receive, then the nature of peace and how to be a … The journey is needed. As long as that unresolved conflict rages there is no peace. The radicalness of Christ’s call to peacemaking demands a radical remaking of human personality. It’s the most dangerous job in the world! Conflict is never resolved accidentally. Matthew 5:9. Have you come into a relationship with Jesus, the Prince of Peace? Every level of society is affected. He’s looking for a few good men and a few good women who will spread God’s peace all over the world. Mat 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Let’s pray. “Blessed Are The Peacemakers” Matthew 5:9. He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways (James 1:8). Peacemakers are people who bring peace to others, because they have it themselves. You desire and do not have, so you murder. Stephen R. Wilson Use this children’s Sunday School lesson on the seventh Beatitude to teach kids how to be peacemakers. Purity of heart (to will one thing), hunger and thirst for righteousness, meekly submitting to the will of God, the beginnings of all these things are in the heart of every child of God. Jesus laid down His life to make peace between God and sinners, and when we can carry that message of peace to others, we are peacemakers. It is important to remember that peace in the Bible is always based on justice and righteousness. Write Blessed Are the Peacemakers at the top of a piece of paper for each child in the class. Want to get in touch? Someone has to drag the combatants to the table and give them a reason to put down their arms. Latest sermons. Jesus repeated thisbeatitude from the Sermon on the Mount during his visit to the Nephites (see 3 Nephi 12:9). We cannot give what is not real to us. He or she wants two contradictory things at the same time. Nothing disqualifies us in being peacemakers more than talking about people rather than talking to them. Where we do have it, we should be asking: How can we protect it? SENT (Part 14) - Blessed are those who are persecuted. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. It mandates action and initiative. We come today to the last of the Beatitudes that describe the character of a Christian. Making peace does not mean avoiding conflict. If this person had come to a place of willing one thing, they would have a means of dealing with their passions. It gives me perspective and tenderness. Whether it’s the Colt Peacemaker that “won the West” or the B-36 bomber of the Cold War era, “peacemaker” often refers to a weapon designed to kill the enemy before he kills you. We said at the beginning of the series that these Beatitudes tell us what a true Christian looks like. The famous Aaronic benediction of Numbers 6:24-26 brings out this idea very clearly: “The LORD bless you and protect you; the LORD make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; the LORD look with favor on you and give you peace” (Num. 5:9). 7th (Blessed are the peacemakers); before we turn full attention to that, I would like to briefly touch on the nature of the Beatitudes as a whole. Find answers to some of the more asked questions. In fact, Hughes questions their position in the family of God. Jesus said, “So if you are offering your gift on the altar, and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. Mat 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Here’s what you need for a balanced, biblical approach to sanctification: Embrace the aim! I believe when Jesus says, blessed are the peacemakers, he is saying, blessed are the disciple makers. 11 "Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. I find it crucial to talk to the Lord about what I’ve done or what people have done to me before I talk to them. Proverbs 12:20. We have to experience the grace of God before we can experience the peace of God. Your Bible study. We have seen that there is order and progress in the Beatitudes, and the fact that this is last tells us much about the heart of God. It is like crossing a fast moving creek on slippery rocks. Those who are blessed are those who "make" peace. When the United States first entered World War I, the president of Columbia University in New York City sent a questionnaire to the entire faculty asking … Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. We aren’t given the choice of whether or not we would like to be peacemakers and we certainly aren’t given the choice of what kind of world we would like to live in. God is the God of peace. Every time you think about your rights, remind yourself, “If God stood on his rights, I would be in hell forever and so would everyone else.”  You don’t make peace by standing on your rights. Philip Henry often would quote Luther's story of the two goats that met upon a narrow bridge over a deep water. James 4:1-2. The words to this song are included at the back of the manual. Our Lord Jesus Christ is described as “the Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). But no Christian completes the journey in this life. Romans 5:8. It includes even those who work hard to make peace, though they fail. Matthew 5:9 (NASB) The Greek word that Jesus used for peacemaker is EIRENOPOIOS. The testimony of a church is its ability to get along with other people. It’s important to remember that sanctification is a journey in which every Christian makes progress. They “must” change to experience the reward and benefit of this beatitude. My instinct is to back off. "They could not go back; they durst not fight. This is the top rung of the ladder, the last ring to which all of the others have been leading. You can’t always live at peace with people like that. If you are the most mature Christian in this congregation, this will be your experience. It takes time and a lot of emotional energy. 9:6). Those are sobering words. Never are we instructed to run from conflict. They rarely are the most noticed people, but wherever they are there is a calming presence of righteousness and truth. The term includes all who make peace between men, whether as individuals or as communities. If you have a testimony or story you would like to share or if you have a prayer request, please use the form below. If our character is such that we spread rumors and gossip about others; if we are constantly fomenting discontent; if we find joy in the report of trouble and scandal; if we are omnicritical, always faultfinding; if we are unwilling to be involved in peacemaking; if we are mean - if these negative qualities characterize our lives, there is a good chance we are not Christians. If this is what we are like, then we need to take a day off from work or school and spend it with the Scriptures open before us, seeking the face of God. Embed dr skip 8 views 2021-02-17T20:15:06 Mat 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Customer Service Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CT Monday - Friday Phone: 1-800-458-2772. Jesus saw the gravity of our problem and he refused to sweep it under the rug or stick his head in the sand. Peacemakers take the initiative. The one, true God has called us to receive His peace. We have to know peace ourselves before we can make peace in our relationships. We are to live at peace with everyone. He stepped down. This is the most difficult of all—much more difficult than purity. Most of us can think of a relationship that didn’t end as we would have liked it to end. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus opens with a series of statements concerning blessedness known as the Beatitudes.The seventh Beatitude is "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God" (Matthew 5:9). It’s called Thoughts on Christian Sanctity. The peace of Christ will come through in whatever situation we find ourselves in. [Beginning of this blessed are … Some lack progress because they do not see what they could become: “This is who I am, and I’m never going to be anything more.”  Others see what they could become so clearly that they feel defeated, and they are overwhelmed by their lack of progress. [4], I mean… not limits in our aims, for there must be none, nor limits in divine grace itself, for there are none, but limits, however caused, in the actual attainments by us of Christian holiness. They look for fights because they want to get involved. Hebrews 12:14. God delights in those who reconcile others to … No. We aren’t given the choice of whether or not we would like to be peacemakers and we certainly aren’t given the choice of what kind of world we would like to live in. There will be limits to the last, and very humbling limits… to the last, it will be a sinner who walks with God. We will never sell or misuse your information. The salutation of the Apostle Paul’s letters almost always begin “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (Phil. Blessed Are the Peacemakers (7 of 21) Series: THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT Dan Rodgers Matthew 5:1-12 December 7, 2005 INTRODUCTION: As we pick up our study of the Beatitudes, we come to lesson number seven, or the 7th blessing: "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." “But,” you say, “Why should I go to the person when they are the one that hurt me.” Do you want the biblical answer? Who you read matters more than what you read. … There won’t be any peace there. Alastair McEwen Blessed are the Peacemakers He chose to live in utter poverty. O master grant that I may never seek so much to be consoled as to console To be understood as to understand To be loved as to love with all my soul Make me a channel of your peace. Christ is our supreme example in bringing peace in our hearts, our relationships, our church, our nation, and our world. It is a statement of character. It’s been called “The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached.” And rightly so. Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God. Notice his word choice. Founded in 2002. “This Week at Unlocking the Bible” features new articles, radio programs, devotionals, and ministry updates, Colin Smith is the Senior Pastor of The Orchard Evangelical…, To be like him “whom not having seen, we love…”, To displace self from the throne and to enthrone him, To live in peace in the midst of pressure, For affections and imagination to be purified through faith. To some of the Beatitudes that describe the character of a church is its ability get... The order reversed to “ Smiles ” ( Matt ], in particular he identifies these aims every. Contribute to its peace above must be approved by Unlocking the Bible the... Christian in this life make peace if we don ’ t stop with plans—they the. Greer, South Carolina not bring peace to others what God can do for them is.! Ourselves before we can make peace in your heart must not be easy nor it! 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