Substrates are normally of bedrock with scattered jumbles of rocks and boulders, and while riparian/stream-side vegetation and submerged leaf litter are common aquatic plants aren’t usually present. It is one of several members of the genus that function as “cleaners,” picking and eating the parasites from the bodies of larger fishes. 13 images available; click on one to open viewer. Mudskippers (Periophthalmus) are amphibious and live in the mudflats… A good dealer will have done something about this prior to sale but if you decide to take a chance with severely weakened specimens they’ll initially require a readily-available source of suitable foods in the absence of competitors if they’re to recover. Following Watson and Kottelat’s (1995) re-diagnosis of the species it can be distinguished by a combination of characters which include: males with a patch of white, fatty deposit behind the pectoral fins; almost always 15 pectoral-fin rays; black-edged scales on the dorsal surface forming a reticulated pattern; a bright blue/green metallic stripe running from snout to caudal peduncle; outer edge of first dorsal–fin (between spines 1-4) yellow to reddish; outer edge of second dorsal–fin blueish; outer edge of caudal and anal-fins whiteish. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Add to cart. (notably S. semoni – see ‘Notes’) its range doesn’t overlap with any of them though it may co-exist with the dissimilar S. percnopterygionus or S. imperiorientis at some localities. The Neon Blue Goby will accept most food items small enough to fit in its mouth. They may need to travel several kilometres inland, often over cascades or through stretches of rapidly-flowing water. Explore similar videos at Adobe Stock Due to their prey drive, however, no young of the latter are likely to appear, although their main diet consists of algae, algae growth and the accompanying fauna below. Such a ‘nursery’ doesn’t have to be very large, requires only strong lighting and in sunny climates can be kept outdoors. The entire series was destroyed during World War II, however, leading Watson and Kottelat (1995) to designate a neotype from Leyte Island, part of the Visayas central region of the Philippines. Electric Blue Neon Dwarf Goby (Stiphodon atropurpureus) From $ 13.79 - $ 71.29 . SKU: N/A Categories: Gobies, Saltwater Fish Tags: Dr Reef, Gobies, Quarantined Inverts, Saltwater fish, Snails. The pelvic fins are fused into a disc designed for suction which allow the juveniles to adhere to hard surfaces and climb steep gradients, in some cases even ascending vertical waterfalls with overhanging rocks. Avoid those that feed aggressively such as many Schistura spp. The function of this is unknown but it appears to be related to male dominance in some way, with older adults possessing larger patches of tissue (Watson, 2008). Tropical Freshwater Fish. Neon goby is a slim fish, with black colors on the whole body. As with all members of the genus sexual dimorphism is pronounced. S. atropurpureus falls into the former group and typically occurs in higher altitude biotopes characterised by rapidly-flowing, narrow runs and riffles broken up by wider-slower-moving stretches, usually located above waterfalls or cataracts. Top Care Facts For The Bluestripe Neon Goby (Elacatinus oceanops) Care Level: Easy Temperament: Non-Aggressive Reef Safe: Yes Diet: Carnivore Origin: Skip to content. The neon blue algae goby, Stiphodon atropurpureus, which comes from fast-flowing, clear and herbaceous rivers in Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia and the Philippines and due to its behavior and color, is still relatively unknown, although it has been on the market since 2005, but by no means uninteresting a real eye-catcher in the aquarium. The Neon Goby has quite the personality for it’s size. Following the work of Koumans (1953) Stiphodon was considered a monotypic genus containing only S. elegans for almost half of the twentieth century, despite S. semoni being the original type species, but since the late 1980s a number of species have been described or revalidated. It’s thought that reduced egg size and high fecundity are advantageous since the large number of fry offsets risks such as predation or the possibility of excessive dispersal at sea and their small size allows them to feed on microscopic plankton. – mixing of species at export facilities. Members of this genus are near-exclusive inhabitants of short coastal streams on tropical, often volcanic, islands, with typical habitats lying above waterfalls or cataracts. A bright blue reflective stripe runs through the length of this goby. Other articles where Neon goby is discussed: goby: …animals is typified by the neon goby (Elecatinus oceanops), a small Caribbean species brilliantly banded with blue. The gradient of the streams varies depending on locality, and Stiphodon spp. I have a yellow neon goby and in the past I have had blue neon goby, both in the same tank with a possum wrasse. Interestingly the range of standard length for the pelagic larvae (13.5 – 14.2 mm) was greater than that of settled larvae (12.7 – 13.6 mm). The upper body of this fish is usually darker with a … – lack of aquarium literature. These cookies do not store any personal information. No products in the cart. As far as aquarists are concerned the most immediately useful of these are the blue lateral stripe plus reddish outer edge of the first dorsal fin which represents a unique combination of features within the genus. Additional information. It is well documented that this fish will act as a cleaner species that picks parasites and other debris from the mouth, gills and skin of … This little neon goby removes small parasites from the other fish and perhaps that keeps them from being eaten by larger fish. It is, however, still active enough that it makes a beautiful display in larger aquariums … Otherwise, practically the entire body of the animal is transparent except, Introduction This beautiful ornamental fish may not have such bright colors, but the black charcoal tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) from the Rio Paraguay and the Guaporé, Introduction Around 2007 the cute Danio margaritatus appeared for the first time in the aquarium hobby and “hit like a bomb” back then. … The Blue Neon Goby is a charming little fish that makes a wonderful addition to the reef aquarium. Spawning is initiated by the intensely-coloured male as he attempts to coax females to his chosen spawning site while fending off rivals. Also bear in mind that males in particular tend to dig into the substrate when sleeping or spawning meaning larger rocks are best positioned directly on the tank base to prevent any risk of collapse. Cart / $ 0.00. The colour of the lateral stripe in males can vary depending on the angle of light hitting it... ...and almost fades completely in newly-introduced/stressed individuals. Similar to other gobies, the Neon Blue Goby is an intriguing fish full of personality that provides unmatched entertainment. As the mark, there are two blue stripes on the body that highlights the white belly. All share a similar life-history with many endemic to a particular island or group of islands, though a few are widespread. Amphidromy in sicydiine gobies isn’t unique to members of Stiphodon and is practised by all other genera. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. It can socialize with other peaceful fish and larger invertebrates. McDowall (2007) gave a list of potential benefits to fishes employing such a breeding strategy, hypothesising that it may facilitate colonisation of new islands emerging in volcanic areas and/or allow recolonisation of streams following events such as volcanic eruptions/rapid changes in water flow during the wet season.