A lot of people wont like my post and think its inappropriate, but if you want to force your way up the ladder, this is the best way to do it, and you should look at your bosses comments as if she just opened a potential treasure chest for you. How can you tell if your boss doesn’t respect you? Somewhat passive-aggressive as a response but nothing was said again. It is not uncommon for me to see an intense Commander boss have zero respect for a jovial Empathizer employee. I am going to email asking politely what she is referring to I doubt she will respond in writing though. Your employer can put reasonable work restrictions on your work, including talking to co-workers when you should be working. but you do talk about other stuff that could possibly be construed as a "heated discussion" – like an argument over a tv show or something else equally inane. OP – you need to be aware that on most threads on Whirlpool someone will cry 'go to Fair Work'.In this scenario, it just isn't justified. Make sure you’ve witnessed the behavior firsthand. And it can terminate you when you talk or voice Innocent opinions if it does not want you to. You should complain to your manager, your HR person, or your boss’ boss. you can always ask your friend if they would verify with your manager that there are no issues between them and yourself, if they are ok then let your manager know that they can talk to your friend if they have any issues over it. I am only guessing. I have no idea. “It’s taking me some getting used to that you’re not about to yell at me when you say you need to talk to me – my old boss always did that” so she can adjust her style as well. If I did I wouldn't be shouting it out in a public place. This alone will scare the life out of HR (that they actually need to do something for once as well), and they will cower to you after some initial "talks" (aimed ot scare you at backing down). By Caroline Levchuck, Yahoo! Then end result after some time – Your boss (if my assumptions are correct) will apologise and most likely be thinking "now the company knows im a paranoid person and i bully people....i should move on if i want to progress", and that will give you further avenues :). You do not have to tell everything about yourself. just get everything in writing and keep copies. god no, HR are NOT your friend, ever. Although I see from a later post they also have coffee with the person concerned so the post now seems a little muddled. am assuming she means talking about the challenges we are having in our team not sure. 1. Now my question is should I go to HR? Mention the times when your boss brought the issue up2. wouldn't be shouting it out in a public place. Can a boss tell you not to talk to someone? I am assuming she means talking about the challenges we are having in our team not sure. Thankyou I think this is good advice. Keep your socialising to the appropriate meeting for coffees or lunch out of the workplace. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. OP said it's a large organisation so their boss is likely a team leader or manager, not someone at executive level. Also be sure to ask yourself why you’re telling the boss. Cloudflare Ray ID: 62615ef709a61c23 Taking it to HR formalises it and could definitely end up with OP getting written warnings. whrl.pl/Rear1W. The problems are the part of life wherever you go, there you will find some or the other issues, but that does not mean those issues will have no solutions. If your illness impacts your work, it won't be seen as poor performance. Archive View Return to standard view. curious. Don't forget her she's invested money into the business and doesn't want to run it poorly. The short answer is no, they can’t. So you were disrupting the workplace? In this case, you may want to seek help from a mediator. What are they? Be thankful she actually came up you because its usually the silent bosses that take you to the cleaners without notice. It’s standard fare. Think about it like this, if anything develops from this, you have been the first to report it, therefore fairwork heard this from you. Manager's like the sound of their own voice, after all. In fact, the making or taking of personal telephone calls during working hours is sometimes referred to as “theft of time,” and considered “cause” for firing by … Disagree with her and you could wind up on the unemployment line. Be Professional. There's the issue there. Maybe he missheard something. Aaah, I remember a work colleague and I – in adjoining cubicles – used to have verbal 'differences of opinion'. But what I want employees to talk to me about is what makes them happy (or unhappy) in their job and life and how the company or I can help maximize that happiness. I know there’s a good solution, but I’m not seeing it clearly, which is why I’m here seeking some help. otherwise you should be fine and if matters like this are put forward, just take some time to kindly talk to your boss in a polite manner. Your boss changes his mind every day about what you’re meant to be working on. During lunch time it is a different story. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission allows such a … Life. Although, you should keep it professional and ask for a "real conversation", in which the following steps are followed:1. Sharing the ‘wrong’ things with co-workers can quickly backfire and leave us exposed, vulnerable or side-lined. she is afraid I am bringing up problems in my team, LORDJP writes... ["and do NOT talk about the Team" ]. As long as the OP is proficient at their job IME the boss will move on to another area to exert authority. I don't even know what she means by heated. Plus in the unlikely event they need to take it further, they have a record of exactly what was said. talk to your friend and ask if there is anything bothering them in terms of their talks, if there is any reason why your boss might approach you about this? Again: I’m not here to vent or blame. Seemed to indicate this was occurring at work. I have 5+ relatives who are on various parts of the spectrum. If she brings it up again and refers to it being 'heated' you can also respond with something like "I'm not sure what you're referring to – my discussion with X was a friendly one, there was no arguing involved". Avoid this by using email. I don't talk about work stuff with this friend at work. If so, then your boss is right to pull you into line. This may be your boss's view but she isn't articulating it very well. If your boss had said 'keep it professional' then their expectation would be clearer, but I'd wager that's what they meant. Your lives would be prolonged for getting out of his way. Because having an 'animated' conversation isn't against company policy :p. They can't tell you what to do in your personal time. I am a outlier in this. And with effort and patience, they are productive people who can get things done. Why go to HR when their most likely employed by your boss, just speak directly with your boss. But many people, and therefore also bosses, tend to talk exclusively about themselves when they do not know their interlocutor well. Just suck it up and don't do it again? 1. If you toned down your conversation while in the workplace I'm sure that would be more than acceptable. He constantly undermines your authority: No matter what your position in the company is, the boss, who hates you is going to just end up undermining your authority. “Your boss may have been put under pressure by somebody and now feels that they need to change their opinion to match someone else’s,” he explains. Rather than relying on your own imperfect intuition, try checking this list of signs that you are being disrespected. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. This vague feedback is confusing and when I asked her what are you talking about "did they hear anything specific" her response is "no". Your top priorities shift constantly. Can I tell my boss he's over stepped his authority? However, Elizabeth gives me and my co-workers almost no information about what the top-level executives are planning for next year or the year after that. Telling your boss what you really think about something can be a slippery slope, depending on your supervisor's disposition (and ego). Then, once the dust has settled (in 2 weeks) raise it with your boss face to face. OP's boss is being inappropriate by suggesting they shouldn't talk to someone else. this will be dependant on how close you two are though (dont do it if youre not extremely certain it will remain between you two). could be as simple as complaining /talking behind a co-workers back or talking nonsense about the company that hurts their image)2. disruptive behaviour(loud etc)3. illegal activities, data sharing, insider knowledge abuse.4. 'Workplace Gossip'- there's probably a Policy she is aware of & is trying to implement. Participant reference: whrl.pl/RekwH5. I am assuming she means talking about the challenges we are having in our team not sure. If it’s to teach someone a lesson for annoying you, it’s time to reconsider. So I think she is telling me not to socialise with this person as she is afraid I am bringing up problems in my team, I am only guessing. Can a boss tell you not to talk to someone? Flip Flopping. If the instruction wasn't clear, I expect to be asked to elaborate. It just sounds like your boss doesn't want you to be cackling away like a couple of old friends down at the pub. If I did I wouldn't be shouting it out in a public place.Sounds like unprofessional behaviour to me. Not in an attacking way but a 'I really want to understand what I did wrong so I can avoid it in future' way. Be more subtle about it? If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Send the boss's boss an e-mail confirming that you had a conversation with them. Employees have the legal right to discuss pay if they choose to, and it’s illegal for employers to ban those discussions. And as long as your conversation isn't offensive or about work, or overly loud or disruptive etc they can't control that on work grounds either. I know its not a legal matter but this is ridiculous I feel I have to do something about this. This is why it seems so wrong and why I want to go to HR. The manager probably has a crush on them ;). Some advantages of telling your employer include: You can put changes in place to help you stay at work. The above advice is a Career Limiting Move. What do you mean by this statement? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. Being open will mean your colleagues are more understanding. Not enough info around however. Make sure whenever you present any problem, you also have a solution to that. Now, is that the same as your situation? Boss is just being paranoid and insecure. Do as your boss has asked for 2 weeks. I guess it was because he was regarded fondly as a bit of a wacko – the whole office were generally amused by it, and never made mention of it or complained. Having said that, there are some topics that an employer cannot forbid you to talk about with co-workers or it will run the risk of being exposed to a claim of illegal retaliation. I think she is nervous about me being friends with this person X as she is a manager and has many connections. There's no benefit to telling your boss "Two years from now when my husband finishes school, we're going to move back to Philadelphia." In one of the meetings she said it next to another colleague so I have a witness. “But at the same time, Dave implied that he didn’t want me to tell my manager.” Josh felt conflicted. Mention it is probably your fault for not bringing it up earlier (it puts you on the backfoot and seem less intimidating)3. Unless you have a valid work-related reason for being in that department you have no business being there. HotJobs. Here’s something better to say. We’ll review the year, talk about company progress, the employee’s progress, and my own opportunities to improve. If I give one of my staff an instruction, I expect it to be carried out. My boss now has brought this up 3 times with me, she has told me that "somebody" saw me having a heated discussion with X (another employee in another department that I am friends with). Your boss is just as annoyed by your coworker who sings with their headphones in as you are. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. No welcome visitor. Then calmly discuss the issues in an open and honest manner. Being on the front foot and involving FW, is what might seem as "extreme" but it will put you in a great position of power. If so, stop doing that and your manager will be happy. Can you tell when your boss is giving you passive-aggressive, or covert signs it is time to quit? You quoted me, but I wasn't actually the person who said that. Let her know that you want to discuss some issues that have been frustrating you so she has a general idea of what to expect before the meeting. There are some things we shouldn’t tell anyone at work. A lot of people wont like my post and think its inappropriate, but if you want to force your way up the ladder, this is the best way to do it, and you should look at your bosses comments as if she just opened a potential treasure chest for you. Keep it professional with your friend and do NOT talk about the team. Hi, My boss now has brought this up 3 times with me… Did you have a heated discussion with X? Avoid communicating that you're frustrated with your boss. last updated – posted 2015-Jun-25, 10:23 pm AEST posted 2015-Jun-25, 10:23 pm AEST User #543975 75 posts. However, if it happens again and again with someone like this boss, you can’t just ask if she’s seen a doctor. I just have coffees with X and go to lunch like anyone else does. Go to the boss with the friend and both act confused at the suggestion that you were having anything resembling a heated discussion? Surely I have a right at work to socialise with whoever I wish? The first is focused on the facts, while the second is focused on the feelings. I think she is nervous about me being friends with this person X as she is a manager and has many connections. I feel I have to do something about this. Or a discussion that other people could have interpreted to be heated? For example, one of those topics is wages, another is job safety. So if in the workplace then I hold with that. You are not at work to socialise so don't go chatting and distracting others from their work. If your talk … If it's a problem for the 3rd party reporting it to your boss you can ask the boss to clarify further with them as it could just be a misunderstanding by the other person. One tactic is to tell your manager that you need help reaching your full potential, or that you need a new challenge. What id be doing, is asking to have a formal sit down with the manager along side X to see what the issue is. Are you talking to X about the challenges in your team? It’s not as easy, though, to tell your boss you need a mental health day. You can also mention to your boss to pass on to this 'person' that they are more than welcome to bring their concerns directly to you so that you can address it immediately, rather than waiting. So, above are some of the points that one must keep in mind while telling the boss that you are not happy at work. That approach says “‘I’m concerned about you,’ when the message you really need to deliver is ‘I’m concerned about the rest of us,’” Green writes. I didn't get that from the first post. I think dealing with this via email is the best way forward. Kindness to others really makes a world of difference. However given the fact that the OP had to ask the question in the first place, indicates to me a lack of emotional intelligence. • sexual harassment). work place policies (like a no-talking allowed rule at work whilst on work duty). But to those saying workers are literally just robots: Don't confuse working in australia with working in North Korea. It's not about who you're talking to, but your manner. This is why it seems so wrong and why I want to go to HR. Unlikely. X is in another department. Don't have this conversation now, and don't do it over email. Is it really worth creating difficulties at work with the one person who can truly make your day difficult just so you can 'have a bitch' to a work colleague/friend? So you are complaining to your friend about issues in your team? Don’t run screaming to your boss because you heard negative gossip about a coworker. My boss now has brought this up 3 times with me, she has told me that "somebody" saw me having a heated discussion with X (another employee in another department that I am friends with) and told be there is a time and place for it. Don't do … Id probably just do what your boss has asked, given he has spoken to you three times about it there is obviously something they're concerned about. If they ask that, then they know I care. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. However, expect them not to do much, if anything, about your problem. you really need to get details from your boss or just stop seeing your friend during business hours at work for a while, just see them out of the office only. Surely I have a right at work to socialise with whoever I wish? OP, I think in this instance you need to follow instruction. While that is true, from what i have read they are having coffee with X on lunch breaks. Approach your boss in a free, calm moment, and let him or her know that you feel there are some issues that need to be addressed. As for the instant messaging. A previous boss had a similar chat with me once – I asked for it to be put in writing so that I could be sure to make sure my behaviour complied with company policy in the future. Some bosses and managers are cool like that, and want you to come to them with your problems, questions, and concerns. Even though many employers have adopted an English-only policy in the workplace, these policies are frequently in violation of the law and can result in a lawsuit. When telling your boss about your frustrations, let your logic take the lead – - not your emotions. I think your grasp of the corporate hierarchy is apt – and as a middle manager myself I think someone with enough experience could pull this manoeuvre off. This all sounds very small and trivial. My boss said 'don't talk to Sally without me being present'. You will get branded a trouble maker, and for what? Keeping the dialogue on this particular issue to emails ensures that the boss will only be able to give direction that complies with workplace policies, they won't be able speak in vague generalities. It was just part of the work pressure / fun to let off steam. posted 2015-Jun-17, 9:03 pm AEST ref: whrl.pl/RekwH5. "You don't have to do this alone if you don't want to," said McLaren. If out of the work environment then @!##!$#@, she has told me that "somebody" saw me having a heated discussion. "In some cases this can even lead to mild bullying behavior, where the boss is so consumed with monitoring your every step that it begins to feel like a form of intimidation." What can you do? That is another Career Limiting Move. yes, but if your manager receives a complaint that youre harassing another worker (even if it was taken out of context) they dont have much choice. I would strongly suggest not dealing with issues like this over email. I prefer to know if someone is on the spectrum. Google "chain of command". Some just plain do not respect you. Here's everything else they won't tell you. I feel I have to do something about this.There's your first problem. Even if you are down the street at a cafe. Adjustments to your workload might mean you do not need as many sick days. How to Talk Back to Your Boss. Not a friendly face. Whoever that is making up stories should approach me yes. I think you're blowing this out of proportion. Given here are some main signs to tell whether your boss doesn’t respect or even hates you! He is likely to do this even if it happens to be in front of workers who are your subordinates. Ask for clarification. I’m hoping that you might be willing to offer some guidance, hold a conversation with the two of us, or perhaps bring in an outside mediator or conflict resolution specialist. work or public? That said, taking this to HR isn't going to end well and would be extremely ill-advised. Far from trifling the wounds he gives with his ungentle, woe-working weapons. Sounds like you are confused about your boss's intent here and if confused it should be as simple as to sit down with the boss and say "I'm confused, please help me" Also sounds like there is a 3rd party reporting info to your boss and given this you should be given the opportunity to inform the boss what happens in the time you catch up with X and why that is not a problem in your view and then ask why it is a problem in the boss's view. posted 2015-Jun-17, 9:03 pm AEST O.P. 6. I don't talk about work stuff with this friend at work and my boss knows I have been friends for years. so where was the location? There is no situations like discrimination or anything illegal that can be used for me not to talk to this person.Absolutely no reason what so ever. Your IP: No we don't talk about work. Talking to your boss can be difficult; especially when it comes to sensitive topics like bonuses or quitting your job.Your career is ultimately in your manager’s hands, and you need to make sure you can build a stable relationship with them, while still staying true to your values and opinions.. Yes unless its written in the work contract or company policy.Anyone who knows anything about work related laws and policies will know how impossible it is to control coversation between workers. Let's say my boss knew I was annoying another co-worker called Sally (e.g. If the answer is (as i suspect) "nothings wrong on my side, i have no idea what your boss is referring to", then i would ask your boss in email to tell you what has happened. We got on quite well most of the time, but these would rise to serious verbal barrages – both ways. You may not want to talk to your boss directly. Putting your sense of indignation ahead of your rational assessment will get you into trouble. Sinner251 a bone-splitter, a reddener of swords, a pruner of limbs who delights in red-frothed, glorious carnage. You should carefully document that you did make these complaints. I've been burned too many times by 'he said, she said' issues at work, so if I ever catch a whiff of someone acting in an inappropriate manner, all communication with them on the issue goes to email and sure enough, usually the problem magically goes away. I agree that taking this to HR at the present time isn't a good move, but I'm not sure how requesting it to be put in writing and 'playing dumb' is a career limiting move? But there are definitely situations in which it would be reasonable for management to say 'don't talk to that person'. It will avoid rumours and gossip. get a case going, and then and ONLY THEN inform HR of your actions. End of the day, the boss has a great responsibility to manage your team. You have been given feedback – you should just take it on board. Daisy Daisy / Shutterstock Sometimes, you might think you can't talk to your boss, because they won't be understanding, or fair. Seriously feels like high school and this is a very large organisation! I would too. He didn't do anything wrong, and neither did you it seems. That allows me to treat them with extra kindness. There is no question that an employer can prohibit making or taking personal telephone calls by employees on the job, almost without any limit. If I did I wouldn't be shouting it out in a public place. Shouting out what exactly I don't know as she didn't say. Your boss can absolutely tell you who you can and cannot talk to at work, whether or not he can enforce that order is another issue. You can’t keep up. Employers can surely prohibit employees from making or taking personal telephone calls while on the job. OP's boss has kept this informal by not putting it in writing. THEN i would contact fair work. Excellent with the axe and sword he is. I was responding to someone else saying that. So breaks, lunches, before and after work you can talk to whoever you want. That said, not every work environment is as… MENU. I hate thinking that I’m terrifying people needlessly (sometimes/rarely I do need to strike a bit of fear into them, but I … • Talking about subjects that do not relate to the work can create a more personal bond between a boss and his employees. If you are and that info is coming back to your boss then this is what your boss is probably trying to stop. Manager's find a way to get information – you don't want to compromise a friendship. Wow. That seems reasonable - I don't have the right to talk to Sally whenever I please if my boss has expressly asked me not to. Mention you and your friend are confused as you were talking about non-work related topics4. My Boss Is Telling Me Not to Speak My Native Language at My Workplace. 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