Angioedema From Food Allergies We were visitng family away from home at the time, so we rushed her to a local vet. We let our dog do her business in the backyard. Like people, dogs can be allergic to chemicals, foods, plants, spider bites, bee stings, medication, or a vaccine (though that's rare). Quercetin is a flavonoid found in the peels of fruits and vegetables that contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-histamine properties. If your pet's face looks swollen, or lopsided, get your dog to a veterinarian immediately. Giving your dog a weight-appropriate dose of an antihistamine such as Benadryl may help reduce the swelling significantly. Benadryl is the brand name for the generic drug diphenhydramine HCL. Does your pet have a big swollen ear? Can Metacam can cause kidney failure in cats? "My dog has mental breakdown in which he acts like he is on drugs. NOTE: It’s always best to contact your veterinarian for guidance before administering any medication to your pet, including Benadryl. But the reason why you still need to check with your veterinarian is to ensure that it is safe for your dog to take Benadryl, because there are safety risks if your dog has certain health conditions. Benadryl can be given to dogs to help with travel anxiety. I've recently heard that there is... (8356 views), Kittens died. Benadryl for swollen snout? My pitbull puppy has an umbilical hernia, about the size of a half dollar. Vets commonly use it to treat environmental allergies and allergic reactions to insect bites or stings. Also, a small percentage of dogs and cats can have the opposite reaction to Benadryl, causing hyperactivity instead of sedation. You might have heard that Benadryl can be given to dogs to help with travel anxiety or dogs that are scared of fireworks and thunderstorms. At night with the lights on, Misha snaps at the air as if she's catching flies.... (19267 views), Coconut milk for dogs. Hello. It is usually not very painful but can cause severe itching. Strawberries? While the right dose of Benadryl is safe for most dogs, occasionally a dog may be allergic to the medication itself. My husband came home from work and she had... (25591 views), Sore anus after using chlorox wipe. Other symptoms of dental issues can include: bad breath Common injuries like animal bites and other wounds can lead to infections that cause swelling. Swelling like this is often caused by some sort of allergic reaction - usually to something like a bee or wasp sting. An abscessed tooth, though, can definitely make your dog’s face swell up. Spontaneous swelling of the face is usually the result of some form of trauma, infection, or allergic response. var cx = 'partner-pub-8995154986384801:1sj057-fayi'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; She shows... (7229 views), Anal gland problems. Face looks … Read this! Some veterinarians say that since Benadryl works on the central nervous system, your dog’s eyes may become swollen because of the drugs. Is your cat peeing in the house? Veterinarian, Dr. Marie created this site to be able to provide quick, accurate veterinary advice online. Oral Benadryl is considered a mild to moderately effective antihistamine. Other Uses for Benadryl in Dogs This will help fight the reaction reduce the swelling and eliminate any resulting hives. Now he is throwing up clear and some frothy. The entire content of this website is copyrighted by Ask A Vet Question, owned by Dr. Marie Haynes and is not to be reproduced, copied or distributed without permission. However, there are other swellings that can be addressed at home. Lastly, Benadryl can make some dogs quite drowsy, so daily dosing (especially multiple times a day) may not be the best way for your dog to be. Next day my friend was watching her while I … (function() { Some people also worry that the drug can be absorbed into the blood stream, so if your dog has difficulty breathing, it could be from the drug. Threw up this morning but ate later in the day and seemed fine. If you want an alternative to Benadryl, consider quercetin.In fact, quercetin is often referred to as as Nature’s Benadryl.That’s because it can stop the body from releasing histamines. Benadryl is only minimally effective (particularly by itself) for dogs with allergies so I’m not surprised to hear that it seems to have stopped working. Shortly... (50955 views), Problems after enema. What to do if your DOG gets HIVES Species: Dog Breed: american bull dog Age: 5-8 years my dogs face around the snout has become swollen not sure why but im guessing its allergic reaction to something? When the allergic reaction is suspected to be the cause of facial swelling in dogs, Benadryl can be used. Difficulty breathing 2. Continue giving the benadryl until her face looks completely normal. Last night my dogs face swelled up. Giving your dog a weight-appropriate dose of an antihistamine such as Benadryl may help reduce the swelling significantly. Can you breed a dog with one testicle? However, we are currently in the... (49355 views), Sudden death. Here are a few things you should keep in mind before giving your dog Benadryl. My 9-10 month old cat had five kittens. The dose is 1 mg per pound every 8 hours. Benadryl is commonly used to treat itchiness in dogs caused by skin allergies, and it also reduces many of the other symptoms of allergies, including: Itching Hives Swelling and inflammation Redness Runny nose and eyes Coughing Sneezing Anaphylactic reaction Small bumps or hives, sometimes with hair standing up in that area Tomatoes? If a pet is having an acute allergic reaction with facial swelling or difficulty breathing, skip the oral medications and go straight to the vet. Learn about treatment... Infographic: What happens to a dog's body in a hot car. Recently I have moved to a new apt 3 hours away from... (5615 views), Infection in neuter incision? Treated him with Benadryl and it went down. But if your pet is having an acute allergic reaction with facial swelling or difficulty breathing, take them straight to the vet. In mild cases the benadryl really should work. You can also ask Dr. Marie for a second opinion on your pet's condition. My dogs eyes a red and swollen we where told to give benadryl and still red he was fine when i put him in his kennel - Answered by a verified Dog Veterinarian We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. But the safest way to give the proper dose is to ask your veterinarian. What you should never do is apply remedies prepared for humans or get nervous. Many allergic diseases require a combination of allergy medicine for dogs and treatment of underlying infections; if your pet is not responding to their prescription pet medication, talk to your vet for other options. Go for course of "bee allergy shots": Just like other allergies in people and in pets, some dogs can be "desensitized" to … Angioedema involves the swelling of the deeper soft tissue in the body and antihistamines, such as Benadryl, Claritin, Allegra, or Zyrtec don’t have the ability to fully reverse this type of inflammation. Reviewed and updated for accuracy on January 27, 2020, by Dr. Katie Grzyb, DVM. gcse.async = true; I'm allergic to cats but I would love to have one. Dear Dr. Marie, A common cause of swelling of the Submandibular lymph nodes, those just underneath the jaw, is Strep Throat , which is also a common condition in humans too. Quercetin. Can I Give My Dog Benadryl and If So, How Much? By and large, Benadryl is very well-tolerated in dogs with few side effects. Fortunately, most cases of hives in dogs are just allergic reactions, so there’s no need to panic if your canine does have a breakout. A severe allergic reaction may lead to swelling of a dog's throat, making it difficult for them to breathe normally. Be sure to monitor the swollen area carefully to make sure your dog can eat and breathe as he should. His neck seems larger. We gave her 2. Don't believe your pet has fleas. Risks of Benadryl for dogs. The standard dosage for oral Benadryl for dogs is 1 mg per pound of body weight, given 2-3 times a day. Never use Benadryl to solve a dog's swollen eye without a vet supervision If your pet has been bitten by a wasp or a bee, his face will swell a lot. She isn't having any trouble breathing beyond panting, but she is almost 13 years old and pants a lot, so this is not abnormal. We'll only send you great stuff, never spam. I am a veterinary assistant and I am having an issue with my Cane Corso's... (8237 views), Hyperesthesia syndrome? The types of swollen face in dogs relate to the ways in which the swelling can occur: Trauma - Including blunt trauma and penetrating injuries Allergies - Includes food allergies and insect bites (spiders, wasps, etc) as well as environmental and household allergens (household cleaners, carpet cleaners, air fresheners, etc) and mold and pollen However, she might need a higher dose. They gave her a fairly high dose of Benadryl and said we could give her more when we got home (which would have been about 5-6 hours later) if the swelling hadn't gone down. These allergic reactions could stem from a number of things; ranging from seasonal allergens to stings, other medications or vaccines. Benadryl is an antihistamine that blocks the H-1 receptors on smooth muscle and blood vessels. Why is only one lymph node swollen? Her eyes were half swollen closed at the worse, and there were large bumps on her head above her eyes. Like a second chin...kind of hanging. I put a Clorox Disenfecting Wipes on my dog's anus. Dr. Marie treats dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and rats. . Earlier today, the swelling wasn't as severe, and we gave her 4 low dosage aspirin. Okay my dog has suffered colitis since he was a pup, numerous vets said his food was... (111619 views), Bump near anus. Benadryl is used to treat a range of conditions in dogs. If your dog eats too much Benadryl, call the emergency vet or poison control hotline at (888) 426-4435 right away. I would expect you to have a similar experience with Zyrtec. This usually causes a dog's face to become swollen, especially beneath the eye. Hello. It should work in about an hour. Unsubscribe any time. wondering if i can give her benadryl or something to get her threw the night? With any infection bad enough to cause pronounced swelling your dog might also have a fever. Benadryl, also known by its generic name, diphenhydramine, is one of the few over-the-counter drugs that veterinarians routinely have owners administer at home. So it’s important to trial it at home prior to using it for travel.