The 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines recommend older adults to incorporate aerobic activity, muscle-strengthening activity, and balance training for older adults at risk for falls. How does this impact how you think about your life/work/volunteerism/studies? He specializes in public policy related to adult skill enhancement, college financial aid, job quality, public assistance and corrections. We ask you to start by recording your initial thoughts about this activity: where are you today in terms of your understanding of racial equity issues and what do you hope to get out of the challenge? Peter Ruark has worked at the League since 2001 and currently serves as a Senior Policy Analyst. Hi-Hope believes that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are entitled to the respect, dignity, equality, safety and security accorded to other members of society and are equal before the law. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Medal of Service Award. Brandon Betz joined the Michigan League for Public Policy in September 2019. She also brings with her two years of Americorps service. Forbes article: Why hiring for “culture fit” might be holding you back, Tech entrepreneur Chandra Arthur: The Cost of Code Switching (11-minute video), Nonprofit AF post: Why we need to end the culture of cultural fit. Every day we enforce our rights in quiet ways the mainstream never hears about.”. Karen is a graduate of Albion College, with a degree in Political Science and an emphasis in Public Policy. We also ask you to think about steps you can take within your organization and your personal life in furtherance of these goals. If you work in a school or have a child who attends school, what kinds of conversations can you start or join around this idea? Significant health benefits are seen in adults aged 65 years and older who participate in regular physical activity. Jayme has worked with survivors of sexual assault, families experiencing homelessness, the Mayor’s Greening Initiative, affordable housing, and sits on the board of directors for Girls on the Run of Kent and Muskegon Counties. How will you put any of your new commitments into action, starting as soon as today? Alicia Guevara Warren joined the Michigan League for Public Policy in 2014 as the Tax Policy Analyst, and became the Kids Count in Michigan Project Director in June 2015. Some parts of this site work best with JavaScript enabled. She oversees the project, which includes the collection and analysis of data to make informed policy recommendations to improve child well-being. As racial equity advocates, what responsibility do we have with regard to the media we consume and create? It exists in formal policies, for example, and in unwritten and unspoken norms of behavior. It counts as long as the aerobic activity is performed at a moderate or vigorous effort for at least 10 minutes at a time. What commitments are you making to stretch your learning from these 21 days to the rest of the year? If so, what have you found effective? In the words of Fay Givens, “American Indians have a wide view of education; it involves things the mainstream would fail to call education. Renell’s career has been devoted to improving the results for families by promoting access to economic opportunities. She oversees data and advocacy work to increase economic security and racial equity for children across Michigan. What's Going On Following these procedures allows us all to enjoy a hike, a round of golf and call in sandwiches after for curbside pickup in the Village; Lodging Browse a wide selection of lodging options throughout Stratton Mountain Resort in Vermont. Good news, adults can count the time spent during warm-up and cool-down towards meeting aerobic activity guidelines. All rights reserved. Karen Holcomb-Merrill currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer with the League. If you’re a White person, what can you do to support people of color who are already fighting for culture change in our schools and bearing the cost for doing so? In her free time, she enjoys tackling DIY house projects and trying new outdoor activities with her dog. The role of media in the maintenance of White supremacy cannot be overstated. Her bookkeeping and accounting experience began when she started recording the receipts for her mother’s business at the age of 13. Chronic conditions need to be taken into consideration since they may affect their ability to do regular physical activity safely. In 2012, she participated in the Harvard Business School’s Strategic Perspectives in the Nonprofit Leadership Program. One of the many insidious aspects of racism is that it harms people not just at a particular point in time, but over generations. It may not always play itself out in outrageous and overtly intentional ways, but rather show up in subtle and ignorant ways. Flexibility plays an integral part in some types of physical activities such as dancing. Have a question for the League? Day 1: Introduction: What is this and why are we doing it? Emotionally? Join the discussion here. In his work, Brandon analyzes and researches tax and other revenue generating policies to actively advocate for an equitable and progressive tax system that supports communities of color and people with low and moderate incomes. Significant health benefits are seen in adults aged 65 years and older who participate in regular physical activity. Chapter 5 of Flipping the Script: White Privilege and Community Building. Many have already made a hand drum.” Indeed, many youth are drawing from a vast body of Indigenous knowledge and cultural assets to take leadership roles in addressing some of society’s most pressing problems. Are they inspiring new possibilities for equity and liberation? Think about how you typically think about and see racism operating in your life, work and community. Detroit Natives Reclaim Their City’s Story, Society for History and Racial Equity (SHARE), Tech entrepreneur Chandra Arthur: The Cost of Code Switching, Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion, A video about tribal healing-to-wellness courts, Odawa Waabshki-Miigwan (White Feather) program, 16-minute talk by Morgan Dixon and Vanessa Garrison, Constance Wu on why representation matters, how to read with your children using a race-conscious lens, American Indians in Children’s Literature blog, National Coalition Against Racism in Sports and Media. We also invite you to engage with some of the following resources and consider how you see your own role and responsibility around “calling in” (as opposed to “calling out” or shaming) others in your family, community, workplace, or school: Interrupting Racism: Our Role and Responsibility as White Allies. The Perkins V legislation, Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act, provides states and local education agencies with a critical framework to center equity within Career and Technical Education (CTE) – the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA).The needs assessment process is the primary lever within Perkins V for educators to highlight … Older adults need to evaluate their level of fitness before determining their level of effort for physical activity. You may find it helpful to consult the appropriate worksheets from Sandra Chapman and watch some of the videos from The New York Times on racial identity in America. Gilda Z. Jacobs has served as president & CEO of the Michigan League for Public Policy since 2011, following a 30-year career in public service at the local, county and state levels. He went on to receive a master’s degree in public policy from UMBC in 2017. She loves being an aunt and enjoys reading, writing, music, general nerdery and spending time with friends who are family and family who are friends. A guide to organizations bringing diversity to public media. We also encourage you to explore the following resources to incorporate diverse representation in your work and help dispel harmful prevailing narratives in favor of more nuanced, accurate and empowering ones: Reclaiming Native Truth– be sure to scroll down to the “Share Our Message” section for some guides you can use in your work to change the narrative about Native Americans. What might this look like? And, although it’s much easier to learn core life skills when you’ve had a strong […] Title: The Impact of Telehealth on Health Equity from the Perspective of Large Healthcare Systems during the COVID-19 Pandemic Date: Tuesday, December 08, 2020 Presenters: Jeffrey Hall, PhD, MSPH, MA Chief Health Equity Officer COVID-19 Response Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. One way to do this is to understand that there is a continuum of White superiority that is not simply about what may come to our minds as the most extreme forms. She is responsible for design and layout of graphics and formatting publications, reports, creating charts and tables, and posting web content. Prior to serving in the Legislature, she served as an Oakland County Commissioner and a Huntington Woods City Commissioner. This type of screening for camaraderie among staff can promote unity of purpose and process, enabling the organization to function like a well-oiled machine. How can we lift up these stories so that their lessons may better influence our own work and larger public policy conversations? We are in this together. In Kalamazoo, the Society for History and Racial Equity (SHARE) works to educate the community on the importance of the region’s African American history. Day 1: What is this and why are we doing it? In her spare time, she bakes, reads, and enjoys bike rides and hikes at the greater Lansing area parks and trails with her husband and son. Older adults should aim for at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week, 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity each week, or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity. As this piece by Cherokee and Blackfeet writer Mariah Gladstone highlights, the U.S. government has long exploited the construct of race to wrongly define Native Americans as a racial category. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in social relations from Michigan State University’s James Madison College and a Master of Arts in public policy, also from MSU. If you’re inclined to share your thoughts on social media you can use the hashtag #mlpp21days. JN Learning™ is the home for CME and MOC from the JAMA Network. Welcome to the Michigan League for Public Policy’s 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge! What new knowledge or insights do you have? This short video, the Unequal Opportunity Race, provides an overview of how multiple vectors of racism converge to form a pipeline to well-being for Whites and a comprehensive barrier for people of color. Some of the League’s local partners in working to end structural racism: Kalamazoo: Eliminating Racism and Creating/Celebrating Equity (ERACCE), Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation Kalamazoo, Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community (ISAAC). Laura Ross is a former educator who is committed to social justice issues. We invite you to explore the following resources to better understand how racism’s costs radiate beyond its direct targets, with profound implications for public health, community strength, economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, knowledge production and innovation: Chicago region Metropolitan Planning Council report, The Cost of Segregation, 10-minute video on the Asian Model Minority Myth, 5-minute interview with Jonathan Metzl, author of Dying of Whiteness, Conversation with Nishnaabeg activist, scholar and author Leanne Betasamosake Simpson on Indigenous knowledge and climate change. About Us Julie Cassidy joined the League as a policy analyst in 2017. We are separate, sovereign nations within the boundaries of the United States. As community engagement director, Renell works with organizations throughout the state in connecting the impact of budget and tax policies to their communities. Are they advancing justice? Dwayne Barnes is a self-described “Scholar, gentleman and musician.” He is the founder of Social Tech, a think tank that focuses on the issues related to technology creation, consumption and its impact in urban communities. Fighting racism isn’t a discrete event, it’s an ongoing process—watch, , who compares it to the daily practice of dental hygiene. Kelsey Perdue joined the League in 2019 as the Kids Count Project Director. This isn’t a formal homework assignment; the point is simply to make a habit of doing something. How do they define themselves? Prior to joining the League, Alex worked for Democratic Central Staff for the Michigan Senate for almost ten years, serving as the deputy communications director and, previously, as press secretary and communications advisor, helping draw attention to the important legislative issues facing our state. She returned to the University of Michigan to complete her Masters in Social Work focused on Social Policy and Evaluation, during which she interned with the ACLU of Michigan’s policy and legislative team and assisted local nonprofit organizations in creating data and evaluation metrics. Welcome to Greater Good in Education—a collection of science‐based practices for integrating social‐emotional learning, mindfulness, and character education into the DNA of classrooms and schools. Peter holds a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy and psychology from Calvin College and a Master of Social Work with a concentration in policy, planning and administration from Western Michigan University. What kinds of supports do you need to do so? Several years ago, the League made a decision to apply a racial equity lens to the anti-poverty work at the heart of our mission. Day 5: Levels of Racism: How and where do we see these operating? Examples of warming-up would be to walk briskly before jogging or lift a lighter weight before completing the actual weight used during weight training. Day 12: Recognizing and Dismantling White Supremacist/Dominant Culture, Day 15: Changing the Narrative: Advancing justice through asset framing, Day 16: Valuing different ways of knowing and learning, Day 17: Organizational Culture: “Fit” vs. “Add”, Day 18: Culture is a scaffold and a safety net. Behavioral Health Equity is the right to access quality health care for all populations regardless of the individual’s… SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions (CIHS) CIHS is a national training and technical assistance center that promotes the development of integrated primary and… When chronic conditions make it hard to achieve the 150 minutes each week, older adults should be physically active as their abilities and conditions allow. Join the discussion here. She values the connection of research and data with lived experiences and personal stories in order to improve well-being in Michigan. As a segue into the next two days of the Challenge, we invite you to watch this 16-minute Ted Talk by Baratunde Thurston regarding calls to the police to gain a better understanding of how racism at the individual level is translated into racism at the institutional and structural levels. Are you comfortable with intervening around racist behavior? What are some effective ways you’ve seen or used to have conversations with children about the images and ideas they receive through the media? What actions have you taken, or will you take, as a result of this experience? No one is born with these skills, but we can all learn them over time. Senator Gary Peters and interned with Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss. Consider sharing your observations with others. this piece by Cherokee and Blackfeet writer Mariah Gladstone. Join the discussion here. Visit institutions dedicated to the honor and preservation of Indigenous cultures in your area, such as the, Ziibiwing Center of Anishinabe Culture and Lifeways, Day 4: The intersection of white supremacy and patriarchy, Day 5: Levels of Racism: How and where do we see these operating, Day 6: The intergenerational trauma of racism. European and White American colonizers have long relied on the Western model of science to validate their designation of other peoples as biologically inferior—even less human, in some cases—in order to justify the taking of those people’s labor, land and other resources. Prior to returning to the League, Pat was the senior director for policy and advocacy at the Early Childhood Investment Corporation; the vice president for policy at Michigan’s Children; and a senior planning and research associate at the League, serving as the organization’s first Kids Count director. In what ways and to what extent do you feel you have internalized racism? What do you sense/feel and where are you physically? Thank you for joining us in taking this Challenge and for your commitment to advancing racial equity in Michigan! We would like to thank the following partners for their knowledge, perspectives and guidance in putting the Challenge together: Fay Givens, Choctaw/Cherokee, Executive Director of American Indian Services, Inc. Dr. Kay McGowan, Choctaw/Cherokee, Cultural Anthropologist, Adjunct Professor at Eastern Michigan University, Dana Ashlock, Program Director, Jackson Community Foundation, Dr. Andre Fields, Associate Professor/Counselor, Grand Rapids Community College.