* Night before funeral: * The paper house, car, servants and 2 sedan chairs should have arrived long before this * Before the third prayer session of the night begins, these paper goods will be put somewhere safe to be set on fire. Hokkien Taoist Funeral With a family tree of more than 120 children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, this is by far my largest funeral service experience todate. Whereas Taoism is a tradition which is made up of different dialect groups like Hokkien, Teo Chew, … Even the basic outlines of a Buddhist funeral differ greatly according to the region, background and family history, and what type of Buddhists the family may be. Other than just providing the arrangements, a funeral director, experienced in Taoist Funeral practices and customs will be able to provide advise and guidance to the family to ensure their love ones are properly honored with a meaningful and dignified funeral. The elder explained that it was not proper thanking people paying respect to the dead. A cup of tea or wine is placed on the family altar for the ancestors and gods, along with incense. Chinese funeral rites must be adhered to, so that the deceased will rest in peace and the living will be blessed by the deceased’s passing. There must be at least one family member by the side of the coffin. Depending on the package you select, there will be at least 3 meals. The below is a graphical flow strives to assist you to understand it better. Upon alighting from the bus, my eldest uncle brought over my grandmother’s tablet and set it on the table. Published on: 10/7/2020. These customs vary widely between various Chinese Ethnic cultures, and between religious affiliations within cultures. Everyone got another joss stick. If cremation is performed, the eldest surviving son or spouse will be the first to place a bone into the urn, followed by other family members. Candles were lit. When we came back, there was more to be done. A grandchild was to take some pulled up weeds, chop the roots off symbolically in front of the hearse, and then it could move. It is believed that the loud cries will help the dead to find their way to the nether world more quickly and appease the gods that those left behind are respectful of the dead. For the wealthy, paper cars, houses, clothes and modern amenities are burnt together with stacks of paper money to ensure a comfortable after life. A minimum of one day is accorded to the wake so that family and friends can mourn and funeral arrangements can be completed. Well done team! Members of the Chinese culture can be quite superstitious, … Banners carry a picture of the phoenix if the deceased is a female or the dragon in the case of a male. Our Funeral Consultants are familiar with both Taoist Rites and Chinese funeral customs and can be counted upon to provide the right advise whenever needed. The majority of people in Singapore often mix up between Buddhism and Taoism. (Traditionally Chinese wedding shoes were usually red or pink with embroidery of double joy [双喜], peony [牡丹] or other auspicious flowers. Each generation pays their respect separately, Final respects to be paid to the coffin by non-immediate family members and other visitors. Some of these may well have played the role of the merry makers or coffin guardians at the mahjong tables. There are two ingot types you can fold them into – the roll ’em and tuck edges in type, Minimum bags required – 10 large garbage bags. The lion dance is usually performed during the Chinese New Year and other Chinese traditional, cultural and religious festivals. A Funeral Oration is also recited. SEARCH: The Journal of the South East Asia Research Centre ISSN 2229-872X for Communications and Humanities Vol. As the prayers began, grandkids shuffled in for one last look at the deceased, then stood outside as the adults took their turns, Visitors and extended family members can come in now to pay their final respects, Kowtow again as they sealed the coffin. o. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Introduction . Basically we’re telling them to collect their afterlife house and belongings * SET IT ON FIRE and watch it all burn. Funeral Director in a Taoist Funeral. Traditionally, families hold a Japanese wake called … Well, we had to analyse it … The performance of funeral rites is greatly influenced by Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism and the virtue of filial piety is often used as the reason given by Chinese to perform this rites. If the deceased died within the house, the coffin will be placed in the house; otherwise, it will be outside the house. You can either bow three times before the altar, Bow to the deceased’s relatives and offer them words of comfort if you want, Go in to see the dead body and then head back outside, The deceased always eats first. Hokkien families take part in a pre-funeral ceremony involving joss offerings to “buy water” from the Earth Deity to purify the body of the departed. The body lies in state for an odd number of days the wealthier the family or the more descendants of the deceased, the longer the wake. As the coffin is lowered into the ground, the hired mourners cry all the louder and the real mourners throw a handful of soil into the grave to symbolize closure to their relationship. Lion dance (traditional Chinese: 舞獅; simplified Chinese: 舞狮; pinyin: wǔshī) is a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture and other Asian countries in which performers mimic a lion's movements in a lion costume to bring good luck and fortune. Buddhists or Taoists will invite monks or nuns to chant prayers at regular intervals so as to guide the spirit towards heaven. In the village, it is customary for the … On the funeral day, family members make offerings as they’re called to the altar. My grandmother’s clothes were fastened over the chair, to indicate her sitting there. In the name of well-being for the living, those paying their last respect to the deceased will receive a short length of red thread or a small coin wrapped dark red stained paper. Remember that roasted suckling pig I mentioned? She was my last surviving grandparent, and her death means the end of an era for me. Family members and close relatives in mourning do not wear jewelry and are in white, black, dark blue or blue attire, the more traditional having the sons and daughters in sack cloth and the others wearing a square piece of cloth on the sleeve as a sign of respect for the deceased and to indicate the relationship to the deceased. Capitalising on our love for the deceased, our fear of the dead, and our ignorance, “mercenaries” cash in on our … Credits to Victor Goh. These gifts differ according to their relationship to the deceased. Libations poured, Spouses of the female members pay their respects by offering I think rice, oranges, and pouring libations. Sankar D. . His parents will also not perform certain rites or mourn his death, although they may be physically at the wake. The eldest surviving son or spouse also carries the urn to the columbaria niche and place it inside after prayers and incense are offered. A 2008-05-28: At this time of day a Werbekranz m... » Im Forum nach funeral suchen » Im Forum nach funeral fragen: Recent Searches. Occasionally, the starving poor might also gate crash for a bite but none will be chased away in the hope that these acts of generosity will bring the dead closer to heaven. There would be a funeral procession. Move to my grandmother’s final resting place (next to granddad), Family kowtows (this time on hard, hot and spiky tar road) as coffin is unloaded and moved to the plot, While coffin is loaded into the grave, everyone turns their back on the coffin, The sons look into the grave to ensure that the alignment of the coffin is straight, Prayers and libations offered to the deceased and the land gods nearby, At the end of it, each family member goes up to the grave, grabs a handful of dirt, and throws it into hole. Constructed in 1989 at a cost of $2 million, the distinctive … Blankets were given in the past to keep mourners warm in the night vigil, to cover the dead and to form a tent for the funeral when the family is too poor to afford a coffin or a room to place the dead. This is symbolic of showing light to the soul as it exits the body into a new reincarnation. As on auspicious occasions, aunts and grandaunts appear out of nowhere and give their words of wisdom that tend to divide and confuse the emotionally drained family members rather than ease their pain. And keep the kids who WILL want to get burned away * Make sure it all burns. Chinese funerals and customs in Singapore can be pretty confusing for anyone who has not gone through one one. The Chinese believe that it’s unlucky to arrive in the afterlife empty-handed or indebted. Given the above, the role of a funeral director becomes even more important. Crossing the Bridge is regarded as the most significant ritual of a Teochew funeral, in which a priest carries the departed’s Soul Lantern and leads the family across the bridge into the afterlife. In this article, we will be diving into traditional Chinese customs practiced by the four main dialect groups in Singapore – Hokkien… https://geminianeyes.com/2016/11/03/hokkien-funeral-rites-observation More joss sticks were burnt, Offering to the deceased for a safe journey by the kids and grandkids. After that, everyone went outside to wash our face, hands and legs in flower water. Family members are placed on a roster although some take their positions without complaint. Before the coffin is placed in the home compound, mirrors are removed so that mourners cannot see the coffin in its reflection and have a death in their own family. The Chinese undertake these rituals partly out of filial piety, and partly out of the belief that there is a continued relationship between the living and dead. 17-36 Chinese Culture and Customs in Peranakan Funerals in Malaysia and Singapore Lokasundari Vijaya Sankar School of Communication Taylor’s University David Hock Jin Neo School of Communication Taylor’s … Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, Mirrored and other reflective surfaces are also covered, Clothes for the deceased and other items prepared, Funeral date set. The Teochew Funeral Parlour serves to continue the Ngee Ann Kongsi’s original objectives of preserving the funeral rites of the Teochew community. If the person was unmarried, their body is not brought into the family home remains at the funeral home as they did not have any children to conduct funeral rites for them. It was the customs of the Chinese that after paying respect to the dead, left without having to say goodbye to the host. Gewebezuschneidestation. When the monk/nun calls out your name, bend your head to “check in” * Days 2 – Night before funeral: “Opening” session (as I call it) will usually be the longest. At the funeral, final prayers are offered. o. With a dedicated and professional team, the send off was dignified and memorable! He even have the “live” schedule for exhumation. * Remember those 10 bags? If you are coming to pay respects, skip dinner and just eat at the wake. The funeral rites do not stop after the burial or cremation. If you have an English name, it will be transliterated (mine was not too pleasant to hear). 1, 2016, pp. The funeral rites do not stop after the burial or cremation. Even those who have gone through funerals will be overwhelmed and does not know the 3 Ws, What What and When. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. In some cultures the dead are … Even on the last important occasion, Chinese funeral rites are symbolic acts of filial piety, the core teaching of Confucius, Menzi and other great Chinese philosophers. On reaching the burial grounds on the crematorium, prayers are said for the last time and relatives move round the coffin to have a last look at their beloved. There is a wide variation of funeral rituals because the Chinese come from different parts of China, and because Chinese tradition is an oral tradition, passed down through word of mouth, … SARC ol. Things to prep: A colourful change of clothes (could not be black or white), Grandkids stood outside while children were inside. The ingots you folded will be dumped all over these items (to make it easier to burn) * After the prayer session, the monk/nun will lead the family members outside. 1 216 L. . The incense pot which is used during the wake is placed at home to help the spirit identify the home. Kenneth Dean. SINGAPOREAN’S TRUSTED & AWARD WINNING FUNERAL SERVICE BRAND CALL US NOW 81275655 (24 Hours) FOR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE. A large cloth embroidered with the 8 immortals (I think) was draped over, A live band played music to drive away evil spirits, Table set with offerings, including a roasted suckling pig, Prayers were held again. Food is served as offerings to gods, ancestors, and ghosts. Note that this may be incomplete as I wasn’t there for some of the rituals (being an “external granddaughter” meant my presence was not completely compulsory). Folding of joss paper into ingots begin! You burn the same paper money as you fold (pyromaniacs rejoice!). The eldest son’s. A combination of Teochew and Hokkien funeral rituals, Zhao’an funeral rites … The eldest surviving son or spouse also carries the urn to the columbaria niche and place it inside after prayers and incense are offered. Funerals in Singapore, There are many religions in Singapore, namely Christianity, Roman Catholics, Buddhism, Soka Association, Nichiren Shoshu, and Taoism. I cannot remember what the third session is. Prayers may be overnight as well as the wake itself. What happened: * Day 1: During the first or second session, the names of the surviving children and grandchildren will be read out. However, the red coin packet is to be tucked and hidden in the bag or pocket and brought home. Note: I know I said we buried her according to Buddhist rites, but yes, I am well aware that a lot of the things we’ve done here would be closer to “following Chinese customs and traditions.” Don’t flame or leave nasty comments, this was just an observation of what happened. 5 things you should know about the Chinese Traditional Wedding Traditions and Customs . We had mee sua, aka longevity noodles, as lunch. If cremation is performed, the eldest surviving son or spouse will be the first to place a bone into the urn, followed by other family members. The Chinese prefer odd numbers for the funeral – days 3, 5 or 7, counting from the day the deceased left, Family members gather home/at the funeral parlour for the body’s and casket’s arrivals, Family members who were not present during the death of the deceased must enter the house crawling – though this is not usually practiced these days, Kids below the age of 5 are taken out of the house before the body is moved into the coffin, Family members kowtow before the coffin and cannot look at the body as it is being transferred to its new “home”, Once done, an altar is set up outside with the deceased’s picture, along with offerings of fruits, Two candles and large joss sticks are kept burning at all time, If menstruating, you cannot touch the coffin. Deities are also covered in red paper. Why was it not proper? Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Zhao’an funeral customs Thus, if the deceased’s parents are alive, and the deceased was living with them, the funeral wake will take place at a funeral parlour and not home. Where electricity is absent, candles of white wax, not the auspicious red ones, are lit. Everyone holds one joss stick, listens to the nun chant to Buddha, and then bow and stand as required (cues will be given). The fire must be kept burning at all times, and it takes skill to ensure the flame doesn’t die out. literature if meanings underlying funeral customs could be studied . This symbolises the cleansing of the departed’s body. Traditional customs … The Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (where 2 million ethnic Chinese comprise 30% of … According to Chinese funeral custom, elders should not show respect or offer prayers if the person was younger than them. Funeral rituals form an important part of Chinese social life. Graphical Flow for Chinese Funerals in Singapore: … As taoist funerals in Singapore differs in customs and rites according to dialect, the items provided and cost will vary accordingly. The uninitiated often muse at mahjong players, the guardians of the corpse in ancient days tucked in an unobtrusive corner of the funeral parlor and think they are out to make a quick dollar out of the living. For some, a white cloth flag and a kerosene lamp are placed side by side to guide the spirit of the deceased along the path he usually took when alive and to indicate that a wake is nearby. Erin Coriell End-of-life care educator and grief worker. 1) Do not take off your shoes until your Chinese ceremony is over. The spirit of the deceased is believed to return to his home seven days after his death. It is located at 10 Ubi Road 4 and is open to members of the Teochew community as well as the general public who wish to perform funeral rites for their departed relatives. Food and prayers are offered and the living usually huddle together to await the return. For people who hate to lose face, these rites are either performed from a sincere heart or enacted for the gains of the those the dead leave behind donations, known as baijin or white gold’, from attendees at the wake more than often cover funeral expenses as well as fatten the pocket of a dishonest guardian of the donations. There are also prayers with food offerings, especially on designated days when the spirit of the departed will return home for a visit and all the family members will sleep in the same room. Then it was cleanup. Second session usually involves a lot of sitting and then paying respect to the deceased between the chants. literature if meanings underlying funeral customs could be studied and documented. ... (牛車水, Hokkien POJ: Gû-chia-chúi), which literally means "ox-cart water" from the Malay 'Kreta Ayer' in reference to the water carts that used to ply the area. 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