A stroke of lightning forming a line of 100 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts out from you in a direction you choose. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Lightning genasi that leave Corona in their bodies of artifice are guided by a voracious need to experience, analyze, and understand everything. Lightning Bolt D&D 5th Edition 3rd Level Spell Guide. He is letting me reflavor the Wildfire Druid class to be Lightning themed (Wildbolt? Genasi is one another races from the book princess and Parklands it has medium size with humanoid type and it has also the disease of natural. Realm of Adventure Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. SPELLS Some pick a name later in life to reflect their elemental heritage however, names like 'Cinder', 'Gust', 'Flow', and 'Pebble'. The latest desktop versions of … They smell of fresh rain and clean water. Elemental Origin Your ancestors were native to the Elemental Chaos, so you are considered an elemental creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin. Genasi 5th Edition has generally life span between 72 years to 110 years. The followers of these deities have, therefore, established quite a few shrines and temples in the Plane of Lightning. Automatic Languages: Common, Auran. Your Charisma increases by 1. This only applies to loud, booming noises similar to thunder (such as from Drums of Panic or a Thunder Weapon); Lightning Genasi suffer the full effects of the wail of a Howler, the wail of a Banshee, the winds of Pandemonium, etc. However, there are Genasi present everywhere.Genasi Names They are natural constructs of raw power and great intelligence, and excel in the art of harnessing the elements. This bonus increases by +1 for every five character levels the Genasi attains. Ice Knife (Lvl 2 Ice Genasi Spell) - Per 5e rulebook (From Diz's 5e Spells mod) (does not conflict) Qorrashi burst (Lvl 3 Ice Genasi Spell)- Conjure the elemental power within you and unleash a burst of snow and ice in a 5 ft radius around you. Most water genasi look as if they just finished bathing, with beads of moisture collecting on their skin and hair. Sonic Resistance (Ex): Since Lightning Genasi come from a plane which is deluged by loud, continual thunder, they receive a +4 racial bonus on all saving throws vs. magical effects which stem from loud booming noises. Genasi usually take or receive a name belonging to the culture of their mortal parent, so a genasi born of a genie and an elf would likely receive an elvish name. Stormsoul. Though all genasi do suffer a -2 reaction roll penalty from other races, a trait born of their rarity and their being huge douchebags. Genasi don't set a high bar when it comes to their subclasses, but this still blows them all out of the water, especially air, which this demolishes. Common planar mutations include light blu… Like all genasi manifestations they can be manifested by experienced genasi who have a different primary manifestation but have trained themselves otherwise or have acquired the manifestation as a result of hidden ancestry or environmental conditions. Despite all children of an given elemental representing said element, the way their powers manifest can vary from genasi to genasi. Magical electricity damages them as normal. This is because a. Three bolts then leap from that target to as many as three other targets, each of which must be within 30 feet of the first target. Well, Dungeon and dragon are one… Read More » Can I contribute? Outsider: Lightning Genasi are outsiders. Genasi stem from the Elemental Planes of air, earth, fire, and water. Some examples of these features are: 1. lightly scaled skin 2. Genasi is one of the player character races in Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition introduced in the Forgotten Realms Player's Guide. A water genasi’s hair might float freely, swaying and waving as … But many more inevitably find themselves compelled to investigate other deities and belief systems which are completely unrelated to "storms," and so begins a process of temple-visiting and question-asking and generally making theological nuisances of themselves. Electricity Immunity (Ex): Lightning Genasi are completely immune to non-magical electricity (including lightning). It is also very likely that the Lightning Genasi has remained unaware of the existence of any other deities during her stay on her native Plane. And these deities usually like to take occasional side trips to the Plane of Lightning, since the entire Plane is basically the Multiverse's biggest non-stop thunderstorm. +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength: Lightning Genasi tend to take on the nature of lightning itself, which makes them quick rather than strong. Each of the four fundamental elements had associated genasi, so the most common genasi were air gen Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components; Decompose (HB) Necromancy HB: 1 Action: Touch: 1 minute: V, S: Guidance: Divination: 1 Action: Touch: Concentration up to 1 minute Mechanically, each of the four Genasi breeds was its own distinct race. You create a bolt of lightning that arcs toward a target of your choice that you can see within range. Every genasi personifies the possible disordered air and fire, the order of earth and water, even the savagery of rumble and lightning. They are the result of surges of elemental power, or the union of humans and creatures of elemental lineage such as genies. Posting over in Twitter about 4e, I happened to recall that 4e genasi had a lot more varieties than 5e genasi do.Their metagame position is also quite different; 4e genasi have unique offensive powers, while 5e genasi have spells that might be offense or utility, and are substantially varied in usefulness. Lightning Genasi look a lot like Air Genasi, but their skin tends to be darker. If the DM is bad with positioning around that it could totally shut down an entire level 1 encounter. The reason the Plane of Lightning is so thick with deities is because almost every pantheon has a deity with Thunder, Lightning, Weather, or Storms in His or Her (or Its) divine portfolio. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.Smokey Escape. So, the dungeon and dragon followers must be fond of the Genasi, but those who are a newbie, you are most welcome here, as today I am going to tell you each and everything about the Genasi D&D. Shocking Grasp (Sp): Lightning Genasi have the ability to cast Shocking Grasp once per day as though they were a 5th level Wizard. Lightning Genasi. You Dexterity or Intelligence score increases by 1.Ashen Lungs. You know the shocking grasp cantrip. As such (and depending on how respectful the Lightning Genasi is), the life of a Planewalking Lightning Genasi can be either very rewarding, or very short. You can know Genasi 5E Dungeons and Dragons Information from here. Note that this is a secondary mirror, and so is not guaranteed to be up-to-date. As an lighting genasi, you are descended from the denizens of the Quasielemental Plane of Lightning, one of the least known planes of existence. Jump to: navigation, search. Genasi are physically similar to humans in many ways, standing at 5'7" to 6'2" on average, just slightly taller than the average human. Lightning Bolt D&D 5th Edition 3rd Level Spell Guide. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Level Adjustment +1: Lightning Genasi are slightly more powerful and gain levels more slowly than most of the other common races. Planewalking Lightning Genasi often take this investigating to its logical conclusion by actually visiting the realms of the Powers and asking their questions directly of the Proxies themselves. Most Lightning Genasi were raised in or near these shrines and temples, usually by a conclave of extremely devout worshippers dedicated to the shrine's patron deity. This could be anything from hair that's constantly standing on end (as from static electricity), to tiny, harmless sparks that dance around their body and hair as they move. Water genasi look human except for one distinguishing feature related to their elemental ancestor. Lightning Genasi who are rigid and closed-minded in their beliefs almost always head back to the Plane of Lightning so as not to be exposed to any uncomfortable challenges to those beliefs. AndRead More Genasi D&D 5th Edition (5E) A creature that touches the elemental or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 5 (1d10) lightning damage. Gena… Soul Searching (Ex): Lightning Genasi get the Knowledge (Religion) skill as a class-based skill. Your email address will not be published. Genasi are an intrinsic conflict. I'll be drawing reference to the fire genasi, which this is most similar to. Elementals (Genasi): Beings of raw, elemental power, Genasi are the reincarnations of the natural forces that exist between nature and civilization. The lightning ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried Planewalking Lightning Genasi often take this investigating to its logical conclusion by actually visiting the realms of the Powers and asking their questions directly of the Proxies themselves. More than any other Inner Plane, the Plane of Lightning gets lots of visits from Powers. Genasi displays one of these surfaces of their basic soul at all times. See the README or the wiki for help. The elemental can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. Lightning Form. In addition, the elemental can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. Lightning Genasi are also immune to any deafening, stunning, or other effects that result from loud, booming noises (magical or otherwise). As an action, you can reduce your flying speed to 30 feet for 1 hour and choose a number of creatures within 30 feet of you equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. The end result of this introspection and soul-searching is that Lightning Genasi found off of their native Plane tend to be driven to investigate differing belief systems and differing deities. As such (and depending on how respectful the Lightning Genasi is), the life of a Planewalking Lightning Genasi can be either very rewarding, or very short. +1 racial bonus to their saving throws vs. Air-based and Electricity-based spells and effects. Between 130 and 225 lbs on average genasi are also a fair bit heavier, though not significantly. [ FRPG:10]. Blue or green skin is common, and most have somewhat overlarge eyes, blue-black in color. Some just require slight alterations, and I will be noting those Basic Storm Genasi Ability Score Increase. Design Note: This race uses the Elemental Evil, Players Companion's Genasi as the base race and then builds from there. The chosen creatures gain a magical flying speed of 30 feet for 1 hour. Clerical Focus: Due to their fascination with Deities, Lightning Genasi are not restricted to any particular deity. Additionally, you can download the source at get.5e.tools. Air Genasi are often children of djinn or sylphs. At first, their fascination tends to revolve around storm-related Powers which are different from the specific Power they were raised to revere; the similarity to their own belief system provides them with the comfort of familiarity. Hi! advanced rules in the Player’s Handbook concerning the topic of multiclassing. And for some Lightning Genasi, this is as far as they go in their explorations of the soul. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. There is no penalty for this, although the Lightning Genasi's former religion may frown upon heretical turncoats. In short, the genasi are natural spellcasters. A target must make a Dexterity saving throw Components – V S M (a bit of fur: a piece of amber, crystal rod, glass: and three silver pins) Stormsoul genasi, are one of five most common subraces or "manifestations" within the genasi race. A copy of the source is available on GitHub. As adventurers, they tend towards the structured arcane arts as wizards or artificers, applying their knowledge and … However, it also makes them immune to spells which specifically target humanoids, such as Charm Person, Hold Person, etc. Lightning Genasi (5e Subrace) From D&D Wiki. At 18th level, you gain immunity to lightning and thunder damage. A target can be a creature or an object and can be targeted by only one of the bolts. SPELLS Clerical Flexibility: Since Lightning Genasi make a point of examining different belief systems, they have the option of changing their patron deity whenever they gain a new Cleric level. However, Lightning Genasi clerics must follow a specific deity and cannot be a generic, non-deity-specific cleric. You also gain a magical flying speed of 60 feet. The Lightning Genasi simply picks a new patron deity, and picks two domains from that deity as his new clerical domains. Obviously these sorts of things even out by level 3-5, and some of the official Genasi do get level 2 spells, but those are always utility/movement options, not damage or buffs. Additionally, there is no Elemental Plane of Lightning and thus origins from the elemental plane of air or the elemental choas. Sometimes it seems like you can't swing a dead wererat without it passing through some god's divine aura. Bonus Languages: Any (except secret languages such as Druidic). Browser and device support? As for the other Inner Planes, they occasionally get a divine visitor from time-to-time, but it's soddin' rare (and they visit the Plane of Ooze least of all -- a fact that really torques the Ooze Genasi). Oh sure, the four major Inner Planes see their share of visiting Powers, and the Plane of Ice gets a few now and again. https://realmofadventure.fandom.com/wiki/Lightning_genasi?oldid=10469. I'm about to start a game playing a homebrew "Lightning Genasi" Druid and wanted some thoughts on my concepts. As such, it usually comes as quite a shock to Lightning Genasi to discover that not only are there other Powers in the Multiverse, there are a great many other Powers in the Multiverse. I'm trying to convert every genasi type from 4th edition to 5th. A creature takes 8d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. They also possess some physical characteristic that identifies them as a native of the Plane of Lightning. D&D 5e. https://www.brandesstoddard.com/2016/12/dd-5e-alternate-threat-tracks/. Firstly, I'd change the asi from Dex to Cha. This means that they are vulnerable to any spell or weapon that affects extraplanar creatures (such as Banishment or a Sword of the Planes). In all other ways though genasi are very distinctive from their human kin. But the Plane of Lightning gets 'em on a fairly regular, fairly frequent basis. Genasi were first introduced as a PC race in the Planescape sourcebook "The Planewalker's Handbook", alongside their Aasimarcousins. Their fascination with the divine stems from one of two goals: They either seek to reaffirm that their own beliefs are the correct beliefs, or they seek to find the belief which is correct. . It always bothered me that the genasi didn't seem to be balanced amongst themselves, the earth and fire genasi, (to me) are clearly better than the air and water genasi. So, to fix that, I have applied the same template to all of them, to bring them all in line with each other in terms of power - and I threw in a couple of new genasi subraces (feywild, legacy, and lightning). But for the more open-minded Lightning Genasi, the revelation that the Multiverse is filled with a vast array of pantheons, deities, and differing belief systems usually leads to a great deal of soul-searching and introspection. Overlarge eyes, blue-black in color more » Lightning Bolt D & D.. 4Th Edition to 5th Dexterity saving throw Lightning Genasi look a lot like Genasi... Specific deity and can not be a creature takes 8d6 Lightning damage on a regular... And effects other common races Genasi ( 5e Subrace ) from D D... Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat a direction you choose soul at times! Or half as much damage on a fairly regular, fairly frequent basis targeted by only one of most. Your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat to Lightning and damage. And 225 lbs on average Genasi are completely immune to non-magical electricity ( including Lightning ) quite a shrines... A few shrines and temples in the Plane of Lightning the order of earth and.. 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