[1a], Faced with imminent war, the princes of Ulthuan swiftly chose their new king. He was no longer the prince of Nagarythe; he would forever more be known as the Witch King. Caradryel, Prince of Yvresse, was elected as the most stable of the candidates, and his first decree was to recall all loyal Elves to defend Ulthuan. Many of the raiders who travelled back from across the ocean first put in to Hag Graef, to unload a portion of their slaves and spoils before Malekith took his share. [1a], As Elves from across the globe returned at Caradryel’s call, the Phoenix King instituted a system of rotating garrisons that ensured that the gates across the Annulii Mountains were always defended at full strength. The Sacred Flame of Asuryan denies Malekith's right to rule. Thus ended the reign of Caledor I, but his death did not end the war. At sea, the burgeoning High Elf fleet grew bolder and reinforcements and supplies from Naggarond were often intercepted, further weakening Malekith’s grip. At one unfortunate port, the Dark Elves encircled the town and barred all escape, before the Witch Elves were unleashed to wreak havoc within the walls. Morathi is a figure from the World-that-Was and even in that world she was ancient, a devious queen who played a critical role in the Sunderingwhich in turn shaped the entire history of the elven race in that world. Then, for about two decades, the surged out of hiding and sent the Naggarothi army into paroxysms of conflict forcing Malekith to take shelter with Bel Shaanar in Tor Anroc. The Sorceresses that had survived were brought before Malekith; he had them thrown into chains and sent to the sacrificial altars for their failure to foretell the Chaos attack. When news reached Malekith of this development, he scorned these new troops, dubbing them cowardly bakers and farmers. The magical weapon pierced the brain of the Black Dragon. Only in Athel Loren did their honeyed words fall upon deaf ears. When Bel-Korhadris had built the White Tower of Hoeth he founded a company of mystical guardians to protect it - the Swordmasters. Instantly realising the peril about to engulf Ulthuan, they added their own incantations to that of the Phoenix King’s wizards, and with a colossal release of magical energy they dragged the vortex into place once more. Outright aggression would only stir them from their introverted decline, while the Witch King could use more subtle means to defeat his foes from within. From amongst the ranks of these fervent worshippers, the Witch King selected the most intelligent and devoted, and they were sent to learn the arts of subterfuge and spying from the Assassins of Khaine. With the threat of the Daemons gone, many of the lessons of hard war were forgotten. For years they had contested their strength against each other with the might of their armies, and at Maledor they would pit their skills face-to-face. Malekith said that Bel Shanaar had taken the coward’s route rather than be brought forth before the princes, and had poisoned himself before he could be rightfully tried. With her dark oracles to aid her, the paths of the future were laid out before Morathi like an insane map, and with this knowledge she charted the course of destiny for her son. The gods, or fate, would decide who reached Imrik first. [1a], There was betrayal all across Ulthuan. The first few levies fared badly against the vicious and battle-hardened warriors of Naggaroth, but their presence ensured that Griffon Gate was always defended over the next thirteen years. Once a mortal Dark Elf of the World That Was named Malekith, Malerion is as old as any being who roams the … [1a], As the Dark Elf Armada crossed the Sea of Chill, ships from the east brought news that might bode well or ill for Malekith’s invasion. Gone was the raging anger, replaced now by a harsh coldness that pierces the soul of any who looked upon the Witch King. Gamefever. [1a], Over the following decades, sporadic fighting between the Dark Elves and High Elves erupted across the Shadowlands. Kaledor Maglen, famed lord of the Shades and greatest explorer of the Underworld, had discovered a passage to the west, into the Boiling Sea. Playing as Morathi we will conquer the entire... well ok, a large section, of the Warhammer world in the name of Malekith! What made Girathon’s death all the more remarkable was its utter falsehood. When he was discovered, Hotek fled and sought sanctuary within Nagarythe. 2. Rendering of Malekith in Total War: Warhammer II. Panic swept through Ulthuan as these crimes grew in boldness and horror, until Aethis finally acted. [1a], Malekith watched with grim pleasure as the tendrils of Dark Elf influence spread across the globe. Though they numbered fewer than those wizards who were loyal to the Phoenix Throne, their spells were enhanced by a new, darker sorcery that was more powerful than the ‘safe’ magic employed by the mages. With the incompetent Caledor II ruling Ulthuan, Malekith had been confident of overwhelming his kinfolk in a lightning campaign. Units:Cult of Pleasure uses Dark Elves units. When the impish, bat-winged creature arrived in the camp of Malekith, the Witch King revealed his masterstroke. Outraged by the actions of Malekith’s agents, Morvael gathered a war fleet and sent it to Naggaroth to exact revenge for the murder of Aethis. Only one of his disciples, Urathion of Ullar, saw the madness of Malekith's ploy and escaped Nagarythe to bring word to Caledor. Feeling that his creature had been banished, Malekith howled with frustration. Guided by Dark Elf steersmen, this flotilla crossed the Sea of Malice to await its human cargo. Yet, whispered rumours persist to this day that the Witch King’s killers were slain by the White lions who guarded Tethlis, and that it was the bodyguards themselves who slew the Phoenix King when he tried to take the Sword of Khaine; an act that would have plunged all of the Elves into a new age of darkness and bloodshed to rival the times of Aenarion. Gathering his most fell warriors - Assassins of Khaine, Sorceresses of the Convent and battle-hardened Corsairs - Malekith marched out to meet the host of Tethlis. Playing as Morathi we will conquer the entire... well ok, a large section, of the Warhammer world in the name of Malekith! No ordinary spell, the magical blast awakened the vengeance of Asuryan that still lingered within Malekith’s soul and had burnt within the breast of Malekith for nearly five thousand years. Named the Black Way for its miles of lightless tunnels, this new route would allow the fleets of Naggaroth to pass into the west and avoid the armada of Ulthuan. Patrols from the fortifications swept the lands clear of the primitive human tribes that came south intent on pillaging; all that they found was a grisly death or the chains of the slavemasters. Seven Phoenix Kings had now died, and Malekith had seen them all pass, his life sustained by the dark energies of Chaos. [1a], Enraged that Alarielle still lived, Malekith turned all of his fury upon the High Elves. [1b], For many, the natural successor to Aenarion was his son, Malekith. The High Elves, for the most part, would fight to the death rather than be taken in battle, and so Malekith’s labour force did not grow quickly. Anyo e who played lizardmen knows blue viper always attacks mazdamundi. From the ancient temples of Nagarythe they had risen; cults of luxury, pleasure and excess that grew within the cities and spread across the kingdoms. An armada of hundreds of ships left the shores of the Elven isle to face a dozen Black Arks under the command of Menreith Fellheart, grandson to the lord of the Palace of Joyous Oblivion that had been sunk so many centuries earlier. The mage-king built a great edifice to his own glory and the study of the magical arts, raising the White Tower of Hoeth to rival the soaring spires of Ghrond. [1a], With the daemonic invasion defeated, the Elves looked to explore the world that had been left changed by Chaos. He has never spoken of what he endured, not even to his mother, but eventually Malekith clawed and fought his way back to the world of mortals and was found not far from the northern watch towers, his body broken, his armoured skin rent with savage gashes and dents. With the dead choking the red waters, the High Elves battled their way onto the land. For thirty years Malekith probed and assaulted the outposts in the mountains, but Caledor’s armies were well organised and disciplined and every attack was beaten back after vicious fighting. The Witch King led his army from his black chariot, and the fighting raged for the better part of three weeks. The shifting ice had ruptured an ancient vault, and within it Malekith found an artefact older even than the Elves. [1a], This centuries-long infiltration reached fruition when Girathon, one of Malekith's most trusted agents, acquired the position of chancellor to the Phoenix King. Here the Elves met the Dwarfs and soon the two races were fighting side-by-side, their armies waging war against the fierce Orcs of the mountains and the hideous Chaos beasts of the deep woods. North and west they travelled, across the churning seas to the desolate wilderness of Naggaroth - the Land of Chill. In battle against brutal Greenskins and warped monsters, Malekith perfected his fighting skills and rose to become a great leader. [1a], To Ghrond came this Chaotic horde, and they fell upon the city in a headlong assault, crashing against the black walls like a frenzied tide. They were within a few days' march of the Shrine of Asuryan but their attack could go no further. Such was the surprise that Tethlis had no time to mobilise his armies, especially in the depths of winter. As the Dark Elves pushed further into the mountains, they found a network of half-flooded caverns and tunnels that stretched the length of the mountain chain. The Dark Elves swept through Phoenix Gate and Dragon Gate. The Dark Elves were ready for the attack and the High Elf host was soundly defeated as it landed its troops. I struggle so much with getting things off the ground. Misshapen Spawn and bloated beasts of Chaos ran and scuttled alongside them, while in the skies above winged creatures with iron skins and the heads of snakes soared amongst the unnatural storm clouds. Sulekh was her name and she was a fearsome beast, much scarred by fighting, the sole survivor of a brood of eight. Their confidence shattered by this blow, the raiders of Naggaroth were more reluctant to dare the High Elf patrols over the coming years. Chaos Corruption: In campaign, Morathi's Cult of Pleasure faction spreads chaos corruption, but other Dark Elf factions do not. As furious conflict consumes the Mortal Realms, the shadow-wreathed empire of Hagg Nar makes its formidable play for power. The altar and the earth beneath it, saturated with the blood of so many sacrifices, were dug from the ground and taken out to sea, where they were dropped into an undersea chasm. Some rode in other chariots, others upon the backs of yet more Cold Ones. He was born and raised in Nagarythe, and many believe that his childhood traumatised him as his father's court was a bitter and savage place. [1a], Fleeing retribution, Girathon swapped places with an innocent servant of the court, casting a glamour upon his victim to give him the appearance of the spymaster. While the northmen fought ignorantly against the resurgent High Elves, over the following years the Naggarothi slipped away with their spoils, back to their chill cities in the north. Me likey actually having tech upgrades for something aside from diplomacy, the economy, and the dirtiest of the peasantry. With a final shriek of agony, Malekith hurled himself back from the burning judgment of Asuryan and his charred body lay smoking upon the ground. ... Morathi (Cult of Pleasure) - she is a powerful witch that wields a wide array of powerful spells and abilities. For his part, Malekith knew his armies were broken, their fighting spirit spent upon a thousand fields of battle, and the Dark Elves returned to Naggaroth to rebuild their strength. Every Black Ark returned to the Sea of Malice and an army the likes of which had not been seen for five centuries prepared for invasion. They came closest to success when they caught Tethlis travelling north from the Phoenix Gate. [1a], The construction of the northern watchtowers was completed, and not too soon, for Chaos warbands began to gather in the Chaos Wastes and foray into the lands of Naggaroth. The Witch King of Naggaroth possesses a complex and tormented spirit. Knowing that to retreat would be to give the Dark Elves an opportunity to counter¬attack, Caledor pushed onwards, fighting for every hillock, valley, and isle. [1a], Over the two hundred and fifty years since his ascension to the Phoenix Throne, Tethlis had waged war upon his dark cousins, and now the army of the High Elves was ready for the final push. After assaulting Anlec with the aid of Prince Finudel and Princess Athielle—co-rulers of Ellyrion, Prince Thyriol—Mage-Prince of Saphery and one of the last remaining pupils of the Dragontamer, Prince Bathanair of Yvresse, and Prince Charill—along with his son Lorichar—of Chrace, he took his mother back to Tor Anroc after she had accepted his deal of clemency in exchange for the leadership of the cults. Iron discipline, backed by fear of their leaders, drove the legions of Nagarythe ever onward. It was a masterful stroke, for the Dark Elf nobles of Hag Graef were soon gathering their power and took to fighting amongst themselves. When he awoke from his fever, Malekith’s eyes burnt with a new light. Through their union came a son, Malekith, destined to become the Witch King. [1a], The most notable successes were by Laithikir Fellheart, latest in a long line of Black Ark commanders and as cunning a she-Elf as was ever born. In the Boiling Sea, the Black Arks found monstrous creatures, and Beastmasters from Karond Kar shackled these titanic monsters and broke them to the will of the Dark Elves. Laithikir had learnt to follow the High Elf ships, her Black Ark swathed in shadow and storm, tracking their ever-increasing journeys to the lands of the orient. Divided, the Elven realms were on the verge of being conquered within weeks. Most of the ships survived the battering wind and waves, but the fleet was scattered and Caledor’s vessel was sent far off course. [1b], Long ago, this mighty lord of the Elven race sought to claim the Isles of Ulthuan by sheer force of will, cruelty and bloodshed, but the Flames of Asuryan denied his right to rule as his father's heir and left him scarred by fire and twisted with hatred.[1b]. Indeed, so much cruel delight did these manipulations elicit, that Malekith could well have continued upon this path for many centuries more, had his spies not brought unwelcome tidings: despite their woes, the High Elves had not lost heart. So great was his reputation that Bel Shanaar appointed Malekith to be his ambassador to the High King of the Dwarfs, Snorri Whitebeard. The earth heaved and cracked, and so great was the magical explosion that it was noted in the halls of the Dwarfs, thousands of miles to the east. If anything, Finubar the Seafarer, the newly crowned Phoenix King, succeeded in uniting his people to a degree unseen since the days of Aenarion. [1a], Such bitter fighting came to a head at the Siege of Tor Lehan. Many Elves became indolent and selfish, indulging their heightened senses with ceremonies dedicated to exotic, forbidden gods. As news spread across Ulthuan, the High Elves rallied to the call while the Dark Elves melted away into the shadows and returned to their vessels. Competition amongst the noble families of Naggaroth fuelled a massive expansion of the raiding fleets. He stationed three Black Arks in the Dire Straits, the perilous stretch of water that led from the Great Ocean to the Sea of Chill, to protect against any High Elf incursion. Beastmasters goaded gigantic War Hydras into the battle line, while Witch Elves screamed obscene oaths to Khaine. He rescued the beautiful seeress from a Slaaneshi host. This time the cults were insidious and subtle, daring none of the flamboyant rituals that had exposed them in the time of Bel Shanaar. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1398970182, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1533113917. Malekith is the son of the legendary Aenarion and his second wife Morathi. Some of these mages had been tempted by the power of dark sorcery and subverted to the cause of Nagarythe. Bitterness and anger had fuelled Malekith’s will, sustaining him through the long years of agony that he had endured. All rights reserved. Malekith gloried in the destruction and carnage and mercilessly crushed every army raised against him. The Black Ark Citadel of Desolation sank untold fleets of unsuspecting nations and its raiders sacked entire cities. With so many warriors lost in the attack on Naggaroth, Morvael was forced to institute a system of militia levies on the people of Ulthuan, insisting that all Elves be trained for military service. [1a], Many of the princes were not swayed by Malekith’s speech and denounced him as a murderer and a traitor. Within a decade, the High Elves came again, launching attacks from the Annulii Gates to strike into the heart of the Shadowlands. They constantly assailed the High Elf settlement of Arnheim on the eastern coast of the New World and the city is now in a state of almost constant war. [1a], Over the course of centuries, many realms experienced both the cold embrace and the wicked betrayal of Dark Elf diplomacy. [1a], Knowing that his people needed time to revive their spirits, and wary of any threat that might prove the fatal blow to their wounded pride and lead to uprising, the Witch King turned all his resources to rebuilding the strength of Naggaroth and its six cities. Though the Witch King’s forces stormed through Averlorn and surrounded the camp of the Everqueen, she escaped with the aid of Prince Tyrion, who cut his way through the Dark Elves and fled with the Everqueen into the deep forests. Hatred of their kin and fear of their king had driven the Dark Elves this far, but it could drive them no further. A great number of warlocks and witches followed them, drawing directly' on the power of Chaos. If fate would have acted differently, this future might have come to pass. She has been defiant of Morathi ever since, but ultimately it is Morathi who controls the fate of the Hag Queens, not Hellebron.[1a]. They sent word to sympathisers and agents in Saphery, a realm renowned for its mages. For the most part leaderless, the other kingdoms knew nothing of the danger until the hosts of Nagarythe besieged their castles. Though Malekith could make no inroads towards the Inner Kingdoms, his armies remained poised on the far side of the Annulii mountains, ever ready for a moment of weakness. In the end, these doubters prevailed and, with good grace, Malekith accepted the princes’ choice of Bel Shanaar as the next Phoenix King. [1a], Malekith now turned his gaze from Ulthuan, and set his sights on the wider world. They knew that to stay in the Inner Kingdoms was to risk their enemies surrounding them. The prince of Nagarythe travelled the world, where small colonies were growing upon the shores of the forest-swathed lands across the ocean. Cities were washed away and tens of thousands of Elves perished. Black Arks beached across Nagarythe and the armies of darkness smashed through Phoenix Gate and Unicorn Gate. Morathi the Shadow Queen is one of the handful of survivors from the World That Was, an inveterate schemer and betrayer who has served countless masters and hatched countless schemes. Morathi nursed her son for a year, pouring all of her vile magic and malice into his soul to revive him. Advantage was also sought in subtler ways: Dark Elf ships shadowed Ulthuan’s merchant vessels as they plied their trade, learning the location of the High Elves’ closest allies. While there, the horrifically burned Malekith was encased in a suit of magical, black full plate armour, the plates of the suit fusing themselves to Malekith's own tortured flesh. But not for him would those bitter conflicts be forgotten, for Malekith was now so steeped in Dark Magic he did not age, and his people were forever reminded of their duty to their lord and the wrongs that had been done to them. They held families hostage and allowed the rulers to remain in power only to enact the will of Malekith. Malekith unleashed his own sorceries, driving the mystics insane and boiling the blood in their veins. For more than two hundred years, the Witch King revelled in this new method of war. Ever-eager to show off their wealth and power, the Dark Elves prized these stolen wares highly and their value soared. Malekith had chosen his landing site well, amongst the overgrown fortifications of ancient Anlec. The Dark Elves fought savagely and the massacre is celebrated as the Day of Blood. The Witch King sensed a growing weakness in the heart of the High Elves, a softening of their souls as generations passed and the bloody battles of the Scouring slipped from living memory. The broken domes of shrines and the walled steps of the great pyramid temple still break the waves at low tide, an ominous reminder of the Witch King’s power. Too great were the perils for Morathi to venture there herself, and so she commanded a great tower to be built in the north of Naggaroth, from which she could personally look upon the energy of the gods. Their orders were simple: take the Inner Kingdoms or die at the hands of the Witch King and his torturers. A funny rhing did happen after though. Welcome to Mortal Empires! While their armies held back the sporadic raids and attacks of the Naggarothi, the High Elves completed the first of their citadels - Griffon Gate, which historians would later call the Unconquered Fortress. With a bellow of hatred N’kari attacked, but a great coruscation of energy engulfed Teclis. Etched into their skin with scars and tattoos were symbols of the Dark Gods and pictograms of many-headed beasts. [1a], Elsewhere, the armies of Naggaroth advanced without pause, Malekith’s generals eager to outdo their rivals. Her son (aka WFB’s Malekith) who was given power over shadows and immortality. His personal joy was acts of sabotage, always carried out in such a way that they left evidence pointing to an innocent Elf, who would then be executed for the treacherous acts. The day is fast approaching where old debts and insults will finally be paid, and Malekith will do anything within his power to hasten its arrival. 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