I’ve fiddled with a few things and have a couple of thoughts, suggestions, and questions. First, you need some flat added cold and fire damage to spells, to get Arc to also chill and ignite enemies. For players who have no time to grind but still want to enjoy the game, this is a great way. I try to work with my witch and get her to atleast +94 level in attempt to see light in end of the tunnel. An Arc Witch, in particular, makes use of a particular spell called – you guessed it – Arc. While it's impossible to say exactly how much damage this mechanic adds, your overall efficiency will skyrocket and gameplay will feel much smoother. List of item upgrades their prices and their effect on your current state of gear: 2x Wand – 1ex each – 2x TriggerCrafts open : Link Auls Uprising : 2.5 Exalts I wouldn’t have ever imagined telling someone that my Golems gave me 400 Life per second, 14% Physical Damage Reduction and 20% more Damage. Requires Level 12 PoE Arc Build 1. Next gem in this setup is "Flame Dash", the build's movement skill. Do note that PoE Planner does not support Cluster Jewels and some specific unique jewels and it is highly recommended you install Path of Building to follow builds most optimally. You double down on this by linking your 4 golems to "Minion Life" support which massively increases their HP. 1. Running a really strong aura while not reserving half of your mana pool is ideal for a Mind over Matter build. A cheaper, close second, option is "Heart of the Warrior", for a huge amount of extra life. I've said earlier that, with Beacon of Ruin passive, any amount of cold damage you deal to enemies will chill them, and this in turn enables Hypothermia's spell damage bonus against chilled targets. This build packs around 3 Million boss damage in a Solo Self-Found environment, or 8 Million on a min-maxed trade league build while having over 10.000 Effective Health, combined with incredible mitigation. Thanks for the most fun build I’ve played all season! However, in return this character beats the assassin in different aspects of the game and has incredible recovery. If you’re looking to scale it further, which is a thing a lot of builds will do, you can easily turn this notable into a 40% More damage multiplier. Mid-tier ones should have at least 25% movement speed, 60+ maximum life, and elemental resistances, along with some much needed dexterity. Amulets can also be anointed using oils dropped from Blight encounters to add a notable passive to them, without changing the item in any other way. Spell Echo helps your regular Arc. As you progress towards level 90, try to get some decent medium and small cluster jewels. Just something I noticed as I was reviewing things. It provides 3 "transfiguration" passives which are normally hidden on the passive tree. {{shareLink}}. Placing your Storm Brand setup into gloves like these will really increase its efficiency. A basic one should come with about 90+ life, elemental resistances and some maximum mana. I fixed tree and switched poachers mark (my mistake) to correct assassin’s mark. This creates some amazing chain reactions which quickly clear entire screens worth of mobs. Generally this mod is found on shaper base gloves, and it's paired with "Socketed gems are supported by level 16 faster casting". With this passive and all that investment into mana, your effective HP can go over 10,000, turning you into a really beefy witch. I’m not sure it’s really necessary for the build, I seem to sustain mana just find with full end game gear. Don't forget you can also use catalysts on ring, amulet, and belt to increase certain stats even further. Either "% increased elemental damage" or "% increased lightning damage" will do the trick. Is this build good enough to learning AND to play the endgame? You mention “Other builds with 5ex investment” so I’d like you to put your money where your mouth is and show me “those builds” you are referencing. Jewels are an excellent source of DPS, life, and utility. If I have somehow missed your question, you can try reaching me on our Discord. Generally speaking, prices increase significantly with each tier, but so do the benefits that the items bring. I generally cast it against tough rares or bosses, or whenever I encounter a large group of targets, to trigger a quick Elemental Overload buff. One of the best ways to do that is simply by leveling up their gems. Welcome to our list of Witch builds for the Ritual league of Path of Exile (3.13). It’s appreciated that you edited your initial message, but I want you to know anyway that there are no hard feelings or anything :). I also will go to optimize my gear for another 8-15% net dps increase with 1-3 ex cost. Pick up an Explosive Trap from the vendor to start your journey and go to kill Hailrake and clear Mud Flats. Finally, grab a cluster jewel socket, setting up the stage for the cluster jewels part of the build. This, in combination with the Shaper of Winter’s reduced action speed will make the build feel a lot more tanky than it did before. If you're willing to spend even more PoE currency on this slot, then look for an additional mod such as "% increased cast speed during any flask effect" or "% increased spell damage during any flask effect". New players and veterans alike can pick up this build and crush pretty much all the content in Path of Exile. Need help with my Arc Witch build 3.13! (XX/YY) = (Level/Quality) (Some gems are kept at lower level/Zero quality). This very simple support will decrease the cooldown of both spells, and add an extra charge to Flame Dash. A lot of this is explained more in depth in the Gear Page, however we will provide you with a basic idea of what gear you’re looking for in this short summary. If you're willing to spend even more. Such a wand relies on the bench craft “Triggers a socketed spell when you use a Skill” which basically means that it’ll alternate casting the socketed skills on an internal cooldown. I think I’ll give that a whirl! Bramble Fingers. But apart from the basic benefit of these ailments, their simple presence on your targets really expands your arsenal with a lot of fancy tools. Search for keyword or character class (Marauder, Duelist, Ranger, Shadow, Witch, Templar, Scion) and find the information you need for your build. Get better prefixes on your Quicksilver and Diamond Flasks (Ample, Chemists, Experimenters) – On bossfights outside of maps, run a sulphur instead of a Quicksilver like suggested for more Regen. 4) As far as I know there’s only 3 empty sockets in the build? If I was to only write a guide for builds that did 20million damage on 5 chaos budgets, then I’d be done in 1 day cause there’d only be a spectre guide and everyone would play spectres. Going through acts 7 and 8, stack up some life, strength and chaos resistance through "Purity of Flesh" and "Devotion". High level Heists are difficult on any build, and a lot of people have lost significant amounts of loot to it. 4) Thanks for the recommendations! As you approach the end of story mode and act 10, the game starts throwing more dangerous stuff at you, so, it's definitely a good time to boost your defenses. If that's not possible, then you need to at least ensure that lightning resistance has the highest uncapped value of all, so the damage bonus applies to lightning damage. As such, having level 21 golem gems will really make a difference when it comes to their survivability. As such, the explosions are capable of clearing entire screens with a single Arc cast, in a very satisfying chain reaction. As such it has a very high performance ceiling and the build is great for a long-term project. There's probably no other ascendancy class in the game that would better match a Lightning archetype than the Elementalist. Again, this comes down to “how tanky is this build really” when comparing it to others. If you’re looking for a good lightning-based build, Enki’s Arc Witch might be just what you’re looking for. The rest were a mix between ring and amulet, with jewels and cluster jewels filling in the gaps. Finally, you have "Wrath" aura which greatly boosts your lightning spell damage. Acts 3 and 4 are a balanced mix of offense and defense, as you start working your way through the top part of the tree. It's quite important to get this gem to level 21 through corruption, as the extra level provides an additional chain to your Arc, increasing both your area of effect and single target damage. With the introduction of Shaper of Chill and Shaper of Winter, we’re now anointing Storm Weaver because it gives you a baseline of stats you do like. First curse you'll be using is "Conductivity" which drastically lowers enemies lightning resistance and increases your chance to shock them. Refund Policy As for the cluster jewels, I've already talked about the passives you're looking for in the passive tree section, so check that out if you've skipped it. Personally, I got the bulk of my resistances on boots and belt, as these slots don't have that many easily obtainable DPS mods. Finally, add 3 excellent passives, "Retribution", "Holy Dominion" and "Light of Divinity". Then you have a Catalysed Divine Mana Flask of Warding. In preparation of the release for the 3.13 Patch, the Ritual Challenge League, and of course, t... Two Toned Boots with high Life, Movement speed and Resistances, 2x Rare Wand with +1 to Lightning Skills – Spell Damage / Crit Multiplier and Trigger a Socketed Spell when you use a Skill. My problem is that when Im combining vaal arc with spell echo support there is no dps increase whatsoever – there is no second cast. The game's difficulty starts ramping up a bit, and, at about this stage, you'll likely go through your first labyrinth as well. It provides equal parts of offensive and defensive tools, and along with its focus on boosting elemental ailments, it fits great with the overall approach for the build. I could technically write a complete new guide for “Spark elementalist” cause aside from making sure your Spark forks or pierces it really doesn’t changed much :D, Direct link: Since the build has so much recovery, avoidance, and damage, most fights will not take long enough for anything to ever hurt you. Would you recommend an alternative? It basically translates in extra time you get to kill enemies before they get a chance to reach you. Besides, by taking "Elemental Overload" passive, your crit multiplier is non-existent, making critical strike chance almost worthless as well. For this particular case, here are my recommendations: For the major god, "Soul of the Brine King". Set up the following links after Mud Flats: After killing Brutus, you will be adding an Added Lightning Damage Support to your Frost Bomb. It grants you 15% more damage (assuming you don’t have another source of increased damage taken, so in our case it is more like 11%) and reduces enemies’ movement speed by 30%. For those of you who play trade league, or have played a significant amount of Solo Self-Found, we’ve also included a Glorious Vanity in the build. I recommend u/wolfie_poe's Scourge Arrow / Toxic Arrow Poison Pathfinder builds, which are terrific and what I started with. Cold Snap/Vortex Occultist. Hello I followed your improvements towards my gear and talents and I now have around 4,3 million dps with potions and charges. This ability creates a large area of chilling ground, slowing any enemy it touches. This jewel, with the Doryani’s sacrificed, grants you the Corrupted Soul Notable which allows you to pick up almost 2,000 Energy Shield for 4 nodes at the cost of dividing all incoming damage between Life & Energy Shield. From this point onward, focus on getting "Whispers of Doom" wheel, allowing you to cast a 2nd curse on your enemies. Then you’ve arrived at the perfect spot! PoE 3.10 Builds - Arc Mines Saboteur Build, Top 5 Best Conqueror Influenced Items to Craft for PoE Currency, About Us So your build has been somewhat a culture shock for me, I am not that experienced at late game PoE so I have not memorized every boss pattern, let alone map bosses resulting taking avoidable damage, however my assassin thanks to dodge rarely took more than two concecutive hits and with my chieftain I could place totems on bosses at max range both sitting around 5-6k hp both. There’s also an argument to be made that the fact that your Golems now get re-summoned 4 seconds after being killed frees up one of your wands not to be a trigger wand, therefore getting you another extra affix on the wand without making it impossible to acquire as you now no longer need to “trigger” your Golems to keep them up & alive. Moving on to next gem setup, this is the build's Swiss army knife. You just need to ensure you have at least 1 point of added cold and fire damage to spells, somewhere on your gear. However, the 2nd passive will also increase your spell damage for every 100 maximum mana, allowing you to double dip this stat. on November 17th, 2020. Aspect of the Spider still is incredibly underrated by a vast majority of the playerbase. With a few ascendancy and passive points, those buffs are drastically improved, and you also become immune to elemental ailments while at least 3 golems are alive. At no point should you feel pressured to contribute, but if you do, your support means more to me than you will ever imagine. Movement speed, elemental resistances, chance to block, and a big chunk of mana. This build has been adjusted accordingly to the starter, and it can work well without any unique. Each time the main beam chains it will also chain to a second enemy, but that secondary arc cannot chain further. Even a shitty 2-mod jewel is still better than an empty socket. They really add up. With up to 3 of them out at the same time, really high activation rate, and decent area of effect, Storm Brand will consistently proc Elemental Overload buff, even if its crit. In Acts 5 and 6, path through the first jewel socket of the build and then grab "Mystic Bulwark" and "Prodigal Perfection" for more mana. They really add up. Even a shitty 2-mod jewel is still better than an empty socket. With that out of the way, as usual, I'll start off with the main skill, Arc and its supports. However, "Pledge of Hands" is a really common unique item, always cheap, and easily obtainable through divination cards or prophecies. Both the shield and the buff are proportional to how much mana was used. The Path of Building numbers do not lie. Third in line is "Shaper of desolation", a passive which helps you more consistently shock, chill and ignite enemies. Moving on to your weapon, as hinted earlier, the build normally uses a 2-handed staff. The Witch is Path of Exile's pure intelligence class, making her an unmatched master of the elemental and dark arts. Posted by 1 year ago. Surprising to many, including myself when I first played this, these little dudes are actually really solid buffs when they are buffed by Elementalist and the recently added node in the tree! There's a lot more resting on their shoulders than their own DPS. This might seem somewhat inconsequential, but trust me, Flame Dash will save your life many times when used defensively. On basic amulets look for a good amount of life, some elemental resistances and some form of increased lightning spell damage. Sorry about that. Pretty solid for anoint that is incredibly cheap! Fixed a small error in conflicting rings - Added an optional Cast when Damage Taken & Steelskin Setup in the Gem Links. Everything else is fair game. I have no clue where you get that statement whatsoever. For the small cluster jewels, the best option is "Fettle", stacking up a huge amount of life. + Can be incredibly fun to push a character further while it is already powerful The large one should have maximum 8 passives: 3 significant ones, 2 jewels sockets and 3 minor. PS4. This build guide is split over multiple pages, both to prevent it from getting too long, as well as to help you better find the information you are looking for. a non endurance charge belt : 15c You start off as a Witch and up to level 12, when Arc becomes available, you can use Freezing Pulse, Spark, or even Stormblast Mine to level up through the first few zones. This build probably struggles more at doing that than a max dodge character. Delivery Times ... A subreddit dedicated to Path of Exile, an ARPG made by Grinding Gear Games. Terms of Services In its current state, however, it does a lot of things excellently and is incredibly fun to play. It can be divined with a bit of luck but IMO it’s worth picking up if you can spare the divines, it is quite the juicy buff. I hope it becomes clearer now why there's so much emphasis on mana in this build. Thanks for taking time to point at my faults and sorry for being rude. You can find PoB’s Fork, by LocalIdentity, here. 2 comments. You can go with a damage oriented one, such as "Elemental Weakness", further chipping away at your targets resistances. They can also specialize in elemental ailments, elemental Herald skills, and golems. You can effectively phase a shaper fight in seconds. While I don't really recommend going with an offensive passive, if you already feel very tanky, then "Divine Judgement" is a strong DPS alternative. Your hideout, Torment Leash. Dragon Idol. I don’t know how much you’re saying that because it sounds fancy or anything, but you realize that even builds with incredible mitigation and 6000 Health only take up to 10-11K hits at most, right? The Elementalist is one of the strongest ascendancy class choices if you want to play a Cold, Lightning, or Fire caster. Golems are another staple of elementalist builds, and this one is no exception. random jewels 20×3 : 60c, Total Cost without counting fusings : 10-12 exalts. POE Synthesis Witch ARC Elementalist Build - Safe, Cheap, Immune Reflect. After being broken for a couple of leagues, it was heavily nerfed way back in 1.1 and 1.2, after which it was revamped and reworked completely in 3.3, and buffed again in 3.6. Phoenix Snare. Particularly the “golems are aggressive” jewel to help make them tank mobs after kicking down a heist door. There are a few key things you want to get on jewels, and you should really focus on having 1 affix for each of the following: To wrap up the gearing section, here are some excellent leveling unique, How to Make Good Use of PoE Builds, Gems in the Breach League, Path of Exile: Types of Ancestral Warchief Build, Do You Want to Know the Top 3 Least Gear Dependent Builds in PoE, How to Make Primer Build in Path of Exile. You can either go with a Chemist's Quicksilver flask of Adrenaline, for some extra movement speed, or with a "Cinderswallow Urn", for some extra life and mana recovery, as well as Onslaught buff. Arc Witch. On the other hand, the spell damage bonus provided by Controlled Destruction is some of the highest you can get on a support gem. Finally, with your last ascendancy points grab "Beacon of Ruin", yet another very confusing passive, at least at a first glance. All. From level 12, after killing Merveil, you’ll be setting up for your road to maps. More so even, the #% increased Damage you get per summoned golem got a little buff, netting us another bit of DPS to make up for the loss of the Herald Penetration. So honestly, what build do you think we should compare it to? The only mod you cannot run is "elemental reflect". So yeah, sorry but .. Impactful gear progression: each gear upgrade will be a significant buff, generally proportional with the investment. This is an excellent league starter which can afterwards transition into a full blown, min-maxed build to carry you through an entire league. In this section, for each gear slot, I will outline three tiers: basic, mid-tier and best-in-slot. New players and veterans alike can pick up this build and crush pretty much all the content in Path of Exile. As hinted a few times until now, this build sports 4 different golems: lightning, flame, stone, and chaos. In addition to that, it had its numbers reworked to fit the current state of the game better and put it in line with other spells. Aura gems socketed in it won't reserve any mana and get 2 extra levels, so it's the perfect place for your Wrath aura. The conclusion is that I think the build’s damage at most got diminished by 3-5% at very high-end levels of gear, but gained so much defenses that it’s almost criminal to argue it didn’t get stronger. By default, each of the four golems you summon provides a really solid damage or defensive buff. Its only downside is a total lack of resistances, but you can get those on other items, without sacrificing much. The fact that you for some reason were not able to do so can hardly be addressed as being my fault. I’m not sure it’s really necessary for the build, I seem to sustain mana just fine with full end game gear. I had immortal call and CWDT there, but portal instead of steel skin. To summarize, guaranteed chills and much stronger shocks greatly increasing any damage your enemies take. Good mid-tier amulets should have some additional cast speed on top of the affixes I've mentioned for basic tier. share. The second thing you need to keep in mind is Shaper of Desolation does not disable the ability to cause other ailments during the conflux of a different element. No Regeneration hurts the build too much, so I would definitely roll over it anyway. Some chaos resistance here and there wouldn't hurt either. Lastly, it's time to pick up two very important keystones for the build: "Elemental Overload" and "Mind over Matter". But since it is in this build I suppose it does work out somehow. And that's about it for the passive tree and leveling. It provides a similar minimum baseline effect for shock as well, which you are then increasing even further through passives and gear. If you look at your Arc spell tooltip, you'll notice its damage is always displayed as range, for example 400 to 600 damage. The Witch is a pure intelligence based class, which uses wands and sceptres, and her armour pieces grant an energy shield which protects them from damage. Greater spell echo will repeat each Arc you cast, two additional times, without spending any mana. I’m sorry but the comment you made here is anything but fair. 3.) Ideally, look for Onyx, Jade, Turquoise or Citrine base, so you can squeeze out some extra dex or strength from the implicit. T hat also gives you more time to leech, press flasks and what not. – Really likes Awakened Gems For mid-tier and best-in-slot, you should already aim for 6 links, and the absolute best candidate is "Inpulsa's Broken Heart" unique. Since you didn’t link you character here whatsoever I expect that, even though you state “you are 85% matching my gear”, you’re most likely missing fundamental aspects of the build and its potential. User account menu. Obviously, you can Divine to get it, which is undoubtedly nice but I don’t think this is in any way shape or form guaranteed? If we take a look at what this build loses from the changes, we’re in the clear overall. What's important to take from it, is that during a certain conflux, let's take for example chilling, so during chilling conflux, any damage from hits, be it fire, chaos, lightning, even physical damage, will apply a chill ailment on your targets. on November 17th, 2020. Soul Knuckle. This is an amazing defensive tool for such a tiny investment. An arc of lightning stretches from the caster to a targeted enemy and chains on to other nearby enemies. Welcome to Navandis Gaming's Arc Witch Elementalist build. Personally, I think the current state of Elementalist is incredibly broken as it allows you access to certain things no other Ascendancy will ever be able to compete with. I have lot of playing to do and see if there is good deals in poetrade or try some crafting myself. With Arcane Cloak constantly consuming more than half your total mana, you need a reliable way to quickly restore it back to full. Boasting decent damage, good AOE, and affordability to boot, it’s definitely worth trying if you’re looking for a new way to experience Path of Exile’s gameplay. Second curse is more flexible. Close. 4.) Having covered the Pantheon choices, we can now focus on one of the most important aspects of any build: gems and links. Potentially create a Scion to grab an Onslaught Support and store it in your stash. This might seem like a bit of an odd choice for a lightning focused build, but this support has great synergy with your ascendancy. Otherwise put, you're basically triple-dipping all the mana you've kept piling up, gaining even more value from this stat. the 11K + Maximum hits taken is PLENTY to take a hit left and right. They're basically buff bots for yourself, so your main goal is to keep them alive. So, for example, you can still shock normally with Arc during chilling or igniting conflux. Finally, you have a few more tricks up your sleeve to further boost your damage and defenses, such as double-cursing, Mind-over-Matter, Elemental Overload, Arcane Cloak, and so on. So, make sure you keep your golems alive and re-summon them as needed. So, yeah, I guess there’s nothing more to say about that part of your comment. A higher "Cast when Damage Taken" gem will be able to cast a higher linked gem, but it would also require a lot more damage to be triggered. To make sure the build does well versus the very endgame bosses, though, it invests significantly into Life and Energy Shield to make sure it will almost never get one-shot. Your current chest piece probably 3 exalts at most + whatever it took you to link it Survivablity has improved and I will try immortal call/cwdt tomorrow to reduce those random deaths. The only reason you run a Vaal Arc is because if you Vaal Arc (outside of it doing okay damage) it gives you a buff for when you’re casting Arc, significantly increasing you DPS. This PoE 3.12 Witch Necromancer Raise Spectre build is a good starter build for player. This Arc build has been creating Path of Exile by storm, because of the higher degree of HP, and the cheapness with regards to Path of Exile Things, and ease of playability even on Solo runs. In order of their importance, these are the passives you're looking for: "Supercharge" for lucky non-crit lightning damage, "Overshock", greatly boosting your shocks effectiveness, and the third can be "Disorienting Display", "Doryani's Lesson", or "Widespread Destruction" - these are all pretty similar in terms of added damage. You want to have it readily available as often as possible to make sure you can dodge boss abilities or move out of harmful stuff. You then link this spell to "Curse on Hit" support, along with two curses. Not only do you get an extra golem and more damage, but you also become immune to elemental ailments while you have at least 3 golems alive. POE 3.5 Betrayal Witch Popular Starter Builds(PC, Xbox, PS4) - Necromancer, Elementalist, Occultist . _ If you feel like your golems are fine without being triggered, you can obviously get another Damage stat there, as you currently only have one trigger wand_, Get a regen Cinderswallow instead of a Rarity one for 3% Life Regen, Drop the Vitality, as that was never included in the build in the first place to end up with more Regeneration. If we’re looking at Path of Building, which as you know has correct numbers on everything, this build has an effective Health Pool over over 12000 versus Physical Damage (which beats about 95% of builds that do any Damage) and 45000 Elemental Damage. This means that we eventually are going to drop the Herald of Thunder in favor of Flesh and Stone to add another layer of tankiness to the build. Elemental Overload provides an insane amount of elemental damage for 8 seconds after you've dealt a critical strike. Path of Exile Builds or POE Builds indexes builds from the web and provides structured build data and resources for Ssf builds. I took it using my annointment and it feels quite good. Nothing really complicated. I upvoted this build and I will edit my unfair harsh tone in my first message. By clicking Buy Now, you agree to our TOS and Privacy Policy. It also doesn’t have any particularly useful seeming watcher’s eye synergies. Before I begin, I just need to remind you there are Awakened versions for a few of the gems used in this build. The Witch can ascend and choose one of three paths. All in all, this item will almost double your DPS output, so try to get it as soon as possible. The only builds you’re effectively allowed to play in this case are Physical Mitigation Stackers that do 0 Damage but allow you to make obvious mistakes like those. on November 16th, 2020. Posted by 5 days ago. :) At this point, save up to execute stuff that is close to the gear i posted (like a double influenced mod helmet), While Im really enjoying it I have to admit that Im having trouble using the vaal arc with spell echo support…. Trust me when I say : This build is not more susceptible to oneshots than most builds and is not squishier than mappers who achieve the same clearspeed. – Can feel a little squishy at earlier stages of gear / levels. Next support gem is "Lightning Penetration". Elementalist got a huge overhaul in PoE’s 3.13 Echoes of the Atlas / Ritual League update. Replacing Spirit Prism with a useful jewel (cause it literally does NOTHING besides 6% hp) – 20 chaos – 5% More DPS. Rune Eye. Poachers Mark is not included in the build even whatsoever, so again, no idea what you’re on about. A random Malachai slam in a map which would generally be almost instant will now take 5 seconds to complete, which makes the game so much easier to play that this is one of the most broken things you could ever get in the game. Again, this comes down to the Maximum Amount of Hit a build can take & the amount of recovery a build has. Cast speed, cast speed with lightning skills, attack and cast speed, lightning damage, spell damage, are a few examples of excellent DPS affixes you can find on jewels. In comparison with other builds, you can see mobs sizzle really rapid and your grinding sessions go quickly for those who decide on to try out this construct.