if your in school maybe a schoolcounselor and get the ball rolling for you but you need to be checked out for this gets out of hand but if its a real issue the pray. I scored 64. I’ll see things out the corner of my eye like black demons coming to kill me. If I don’t sit in a corner, I go do something weird like locking myself in the bathroom and crying. If you cannot get parental consent, try to convince an adult who is trustworthy to go with you to be the guardian/whatever it is they typically require. But people that I knew!! Heed the call of duty. It’s either him or a song I used to listen to. I feel like they are trying to tell me something important. He or she can lead you in the direction you need to go from there. Victoria is a china doll i got for Christmas that is able to display her spirit and follow me around, even though shes in my room. This year,the summer before my sophomore year, I took it again, answered without my friends and decided that maybe the joking around and lying to myself might have been something more. It might not be schizophrenia, it could be your imagination becse what you might be seeing is causing you to belive it is schizophrenia when all it is, is satan deceiving you. That’s why when I read things like ‘go to your parents and talk to them’ I just ignore it because I know I can’t. I feel its only a matter of time wear either me or someone else is going to get badly hurt. I see people everywhere I’m not telling anyone I’m not going to a psychiatrist I’m not crazy I’m not crazy please someone do something I’m not crazy I’m fine I am don’t do anything I dont wanna be any more of a freak than I already am. You act normal for someone who scored a 91 . To keep the body from acting on these impulses, the brain sends out a signal that paralyses the body. And the worst part is I heard that the rest of my symptoms will commonly come when you’re a fully-grown adult. That I will have the life I’ve always wanted. I absolutely hate talking to people unless its needed. It started up slowly, and in 3 grade, I was ABUSED by my TEACHER! I just want help and im not getting it. I cannot concentrate in school, and I threw a scissors at a girls head today without even knowing what I was gunna do- I just went mad, like I was possessed. I am stalked by black figures and have two gaurdians a month after I started to see them. And i have a psychiatric evaluation set up for tomorrow afternoon. But when combined with other symptoms, it leads to strange beliefs. I’m out of psych Just proceed with caution when taking this “quiz” as it is entirely inaccurate and may heavily influence someone none the wiser. It happened to me with my family! However I believe that the voices and people I see are from the spirit world. i’ve also noticed it has gotten worse and worse. I got mild schizophrenic symptoms after a trauma, because I’ve the genes for that. just know your safe but i, on the other hand, have come to a different conclusion. Most of the time I don’t know what she’s screaming about. I hope this helps at least a bit. I don’t even know how others express themselves. And I don’t think I could resist it. I’m independent so I don’t know how difficult it may be for those underage and dependent on people who don’t have the means to hear a cry for help. I see things that no one else can, some good some bad, Shadow is my favourite, he is a wolf about twice the size of a normal one and he is black with red tipped paws, ears, tail and muzzle, others like 63 who is a mongoose arent so nice. Your email address will not be published. fear. But still, I feel as though I am always being monitored somehow. I don’t see blood, but the rest of it, just… I don’t know anymore. These religious peoples always make claims of various things but are absolutely unable to provide any proof as such. slowly i’ve been going insane and that’s ok. sometimes tho i just wish i was completely insane, so that i could think about deranged thoughts…and other times ofcourse i wish i wasn’t. Jim.t. I finally came up with my decision to ask our school psychologists to refer me to psychiatrist. Listen! I scored 75, my dad is a schizophrenic, and im really trying my best to gain the confidence to tell him what’s going on. Once they made me slap my brother. I scored a 75, I’m freaking out a bit, I mean i hear things on occasions so normally when I’m alone and when i’m aware. It’s a scary feeling to have. I’ve got some friends who care about me, But I’m too old for them to be imaginary. There’s tests don’t help, we’re special and we can’t help it. A new blood test known as ‘veriPsych’ has been developed by the Cambridge university research center which helps in early diagnosis of Schizophrenia. This lead me to talking to a shrink; and eventually to being diagnosed with disorganized schizophrenia. Who is the main character? And now, to see if this comes back to bite me in the ass. yeah. I scored a 79. I found scars on my arm that I don’t know how they happend but blaze ( he is a red/golden dragon ) and me had an argument and he threatened to slash me with his claws if I didnt do what he wanted and now I have these slash/scars on my left arm. I also have depression, and sometimes when I try to go to bed and I have this wave of depression come over me, I try my hardest to go to bed, but then I hear these voices, some familiar, some not, and the only thing they’re doing is chanting my name, over and over again. I scored 87. I know how you feel I have the same symptoms although I scored a 100. For me, the weirdest part of my experience towards accepting that I am probably schizophrenic has been the revelation that it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re “crazy.” In fact, I think it’s likely that a lot of us have written off our symptoms as “sure, I’m weird.” There’s also the fact that schizophrenia and genius are suspected to be related, so I’m guessing that others like me may have thought “well, I’ve always been better at most things than others, I’ve never struggled in school or other performance metrics (not including social..), therefore I don’t ‘deserve’ a mental illness diagnosis.” But remember that you can still be high-functioning and schizophrenic. I used to be in this huge “I’m totally schizophrenic there’s no doubt about it” phase, almost like I wanted to be. That’s why I always sit in the back of the classroom. I haven’t told anyone and I am afraid to tell anyone. It says things like “No one likes you” “You’re an idiot” and “Kill yourself”. My parents refuse to get me a therapist. Tell them don’t wait like I did I started to hear them when I was nearly 14 it was one of the worst things I ever did I had one voice in my head then now I have seven other voices in my head. My biggest issue is how Im seeing everything. My guess is these voices are your own irrational fears that have literally developed a mind of their own separate from your conscious mind. And hear voices. I am thinking about death more frequently every day. Your not alone. I feel that colours such as blue and white calm me and feel pure, whereas red makes me feel depressed and angry. Hopefully, one day your parents will realize that you have been honest this entire time and let you see a therapist and get medication. I want to say more, but I don’t want to reveal anything else. I don’t know how to tell my Mom about my suspicions, though I am planning to get in contact with my biological father, who has Bipolar Disorder, and who I have never met, and possibly tell him. Most are just too stupid and the others would actively work against me if they knew. Ice just taken fifteen of these tests…On every one on varying scales ive scored well above the normal esponce patter and this (pattern) frightens me….. It’s hard to explain, maybe its just because I know that the singer is sad too…(the singer is supposed to be Angelica but there are different versions). i may be a exterme sadist or like sinms and cry for no reson but i am not alone~ we are ok. i will go first tho my unknowm dicovery we will leave now. I have no Idea still if I have schizophrenia or not as my counselor’s have always laughed at me about the things I used to see everyday when I was little. We are all gods. This world is so strange so it’s people. I said, “no, I can’t today but will be happy to get it tomorrow. Sometimes, I see a man; full army combat gear, he looks at me and then a shot will happen and hell go down. I just got a 96 and I want help but my parents won’t believe me. For various reasons, I decided I needed to talk to someone who wasn’t allowed to judge me to my face. . I feel almost numb I don’t feel a lot pain. I don’t tell anyone about what I can do anymore because I know they won’t believe me. Untill one time I was walking to get home completly tripped out on cubensis I felt like the inside me the me the spirit me thats in my body was pulled down and I It felt like it was the first time experiencing being inside my own body kind of paniced I’m not even comfortable in my own body anymore it feels empty inside I go to bed hoping it will be all over tomorrow but its not and it still havent I still fell differnet inside my body it made me deressed dropped out school have been at home for like a month now. Everyone needs someone who can say, “I’ve been there. I will just disappear soon and nevet ever come back to this godforsaken continent. Somethi once told me ” when you get home, you’re gonna take your razor and slit it weight down your arm. Nothing serious. God Bless you and Good Luck…, I scored a 46. But word of advise, I had been mis diagnosed with Bipolar for a very long time. I was looking through it once, some of the questions looked really off and i scored a 64. And one time I turned around and there stood a wall all of the sudden so I embarassed myself in front of a friend of my brother by falling on the floor bc of it. I have a friend named Amya. I guys and gals. And I never had more than two to three friends and the rest would be acquaintances and we would never talk again. I’m 19, and might be delluded, but these are a couple of many things I experience. She does not like me or want me anywhere near her. Dear Ivy, I am the same age as you and I am going through similar things right now. Before knowing what Schizophrenia was I’d put the blame of the voices in my head on ghosts and they were behind other minor things like cold water on my shower. I used to hear him all the time, but about one year ago, he said he was leaving, but promised to be back. The locals started rumors prooved wrong but the hostility remains, they even shoot at my house on occassion forcing me to return warning shots. Good luck to you as well. I got a 69 but I’m amazed at how low that score is. Nobody understands or loves me, I’m a joke to the world. It will not give me a score. But I’m so much worried and afraid what my family would think and say about me. My handwriting/ grammar is horrible and so is my speech. I scored a 94, My psychiatrist is setting me up with an EEG and CAT scan to make sure there is no tumours or anything else causing my symptoms. I said that the man in the suit, obviously and they told me there was no one there. I told my bf that my schizophrenia was worsening and he was claiming “i doubt you have it” but i told him theres different levels of it.. the one person he was saying tht had it was pretty bad yes… but i know i have it. I find violence extremely hilarious, though I don’t know why. I scored 10 i dont think i have schizophrenia but im really socially awkard at school and i have a habit of touching wood when i think of something bad or just dont want bad luck i not the kind of person that believes everything about good luck and bad luck when i touch wood i tap it fast more then 10 times when i do it, because i think that if you touch it twice or something like that each time you touch it is like on and then off so i touch it fast and more than ten times so that i dont know the number of times of touch it other whys i count the times and get worried but then after i touch wood in my mind it only lasts for 10 secs and have ten secs to touch wood so i do this frequently and its really annoying because i cant help it !!! Spread love to everyone so that we can all be happy and treated equally even though we all are unique in our own ways. I usually imagine that people in black cars shoot me, and that girls laugh at me, but it’s extremely quiet. PRAY PSALM 91 outloud and with all your heart often. Oh that girl I told you about is now married to the district attorney and wont let the sherriff office harrass me anymore without cause. They’ve lost me mostly on the first day I met them. Sometimes, my life feels like its a dream. Maybe you could try the same, if you want to. I think I know whats hapening…. I started off with having horrible nightmares of a man, who was coming out to get me, 88. I don’t know what to do and I’m very scared.