The result can be a chipped vertebra, a slipped … Having extensive experience in personal injury cases, Melinda Helbock knows how traumatizing these events can be. There are many ways a person can suffer back or spinal injuries in Slip and Fall Accidents. While falls are the leading cause of both brain injuries and hip fractures, the effects of a fall are also devastating on the spine.Running from the base of the skull down into the hips, the spine is what supports the body and enables its movements. Come down really hard, they could hit their hip and break it or dislocate it, or they create what's called a compression fracture in the back, where basically you take all this force, you push … Soft tissue encompasses all of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves of the body. Direct impact to the bone during a fall can bruise, fracture, or dislocate it, causing inflammation, pain and tenderness, and even pain or strain when using the bathroom. I was wearing a school bag and that protected my head and back. Every year, millions of people are injured in Slip and Fall Accidents that result in back and spinal injuries. The abrupt trauma of a slip and fall can be powerful enough to impact the spinal cord, which is housed within the spine. im 15 and male. These accidents can happen at any location, including at home. 5 Common Slip And Fall Ankle Injuries. Motor vehicle accidents account for most spinal cord injuries. Elderly people over 65 years form the most vulnerable group with children coming in second. Main points to consider with liability issues is whether or not the accident was reasonably foreseeable, if the property owner knew about the condition and failed to fix it, or if the condition was evident for a length of time in which the owner should have seen the problem. Then, rest, recuperate, and recover. Slip and fall ends in more than a simple muscle strain Mr. B, a 51-year-old construction worker, presented to the clinic complaining of low back pain that began after a slip and fall in the … Slip and Fall Accidents can occur anywhere you are likely to be: The effects of this type of accident can result in a variety of problems, with varying symptoms. Slip and fall … This happens when an injury to the neck, such as a dislocation or fracture, … DO YOU HAVE A CASE? When someone is injured and suffers back or spinal injuries, medical attention, work loss, incapacity and other physical damages may be compensable with a Personal Injury lawsuit. Sponsored by Melinda J Helbock A.P.CAttorney Advertising, 10 Common Back/Spinal Injuries from Slip and Fall Accidents. The views expressed here are the author's own. He had two skin graft surgeries to his leg. at the time, you were concerned with the pain your back and your head, and not too happy with Dad, so you weren't thinking about your abdomen/groin. If someone is injured on their own property, there still may be a course of action available when liability can be assessed upon an equipment manufacturer if failure of that equipment is the cause of the accident. Liability generally rests with the owner or lessee of property where the accident occurred. Falls rate second worldwide as the … Went to... View answer. When you think of slip and fall injuries, you probably imagine broken bones, sprained ankles, and strained tendons.But some falls can cause serious head injuries, ranging from mild concussions to more life-altering brain injuries.Slip and fall … Back and neck injuries like whiplash, ruptured discs, and spinal cord injuries are potentially disabling. I slipped and fell on a sheet of ice in my parents’ driveway. If, on the other hand, you had informed your landlord about the leak, and he/she failed to fix it, and then you slipped and fell, your landlord is probably going to be liable for your injuries. The spinal column encases the spinal cord, a main nerve conduit that runs from the brain to other areas of the body. In the Home – People are injured at home on stairways or by tripping on loose rugs or mats. I took some pain killers and put an ice pack on my … According to the National Security Council, falls are the third leading cause of unintentional death here in the United States. Placement of items you use frequently in convenient places that are easy to reach will help you avoid the need to use ladders or step stools. Injury Claims Against the Government. In 2014, over 31,000 people died from a fall … Commercial property owners and those who rent facilities for gatherings should purchase premises liability insurance coverage to address liability issues. It’s not uncommon to take a nasty trip off of a street curb and end up with a few bruises on your back or sides from where you landed harshly. Each year, more than one million people visit the emergency room for a slip and fall accident. I fell a couple weeks ago and hit my back right rib and the front area under my breast bone ... in the back … Our team of experts will analyze your case and determine whether or not we feel confident we can win for you. Catching up on sleep - you can't heal if you're not rested. Instead, a chiropractor takes a holistic and hands-on approach to actively identifying the source of your back pain and effectively working to remove it, not just mask your symptoms.While actively treating your injuries, a chiropractor may also administer soothing therapies including: Once you've had your injuries properly diagnosed, there are home remedies that can help treat the pain. The spine also protects the spinal cord, a key component of our body's central nervous system. Spinal cord injury (SCI). Older people may fall getting in or out of a tub or shower. All will result in pain and suffering, including possible paralysis. Favorite Answer When it comes to body organs, the kidneys are situated the closest to the surface of the lower back. This can result in neck pain after falling down the stairs or a similar accident. The unique location of kidneys in the flank (deep inside the back of the upper abdomen) provides them with adequate protection from external forces.In that area, they get protection form not only the abdomen itself but also from the strong back muscles, the spine, and lower rib cages.There is a good reason for this: kidneys have a particularly large supply of blood and injury to them can cause significant bleeding. When the tendons and ligaments of the body are stretched and torn, we refer to this damage as a sprain. He stated that he was able to initiate and maintain an erection, and that he had experienced no change in his sexual function. These types of accidents are a leading cause of injury across all age groups. About one third of that population falls, although most of these people do not report their fall to their doctor. Slipped disc symptoms Slipped disc symptoms include sharp lower back pain, especially when bending and often sitting.