First, i would never use this equipment. You find them at cheap sporting good stores and not golf stores. Supposing it was, and while competing you’re forced to use “inferior” conforming technology, wouldn’t that essentially be reverse-sandbagging? Now there is clearly at least one of them posting in this thread. Support of non-conforming equipment is an attempt to evade that commitment. Why not help out the distance challenged to hit more greens and increase their enjoyment? It took me five and a half hours to play the round as these a-holes wouldn’t let me through. The fact that the game can be pretty frustrating and you’ve come close to quitting is exactly why this should become an option. I guess your right sir. So you’re upset because people lie or don’t take lessons? ps. If there are no rules, there is no game. Golfers should be aware of the Geo Engineering that is going on over our heads. Or…if you’ve got the stones for it, you take the blue pill, and get serious about making the game more enjoyable for more golfers. Cobra S3 Non-conforming Illegal Hicor 10.5 Golf driver Proforce 65 ATR Reg .880. Do you know how to use spell check? Iron sets will have the serial number on either the 5 iron (for older models) or the 7 iron (on newer models). I’m sure if testing was done it would show they are not going to make much difference at all for the average golfer. In the meantime I’ll enjoy golf every weekend as I piss you off lining up the arrows on my Polara golf ball…Enjoy. The TaylorMade M1 driver is 460cc, but the 430cc head is also available to better drivers for increased workability. who’s calling names? He grew up with hip problems he is 23 years old and had a hip replacment when he was 13. HE LOVES PLAYING GOLF WITH US. I won’t play them or try them but don’t care if they are marketed. And so for a moment, put yourself in a golf company’s shoes. Your argument for golf club manufacturers to release non conforming clubs is that they will make it easier for the average golfer. The TaylorMade R7 Quad driver is the first in the line of what we think will be the future of all clubs, namely adjustable weights. That’s what we’re talking about here. Anything that can improve the pace of play, make the game fun for 99% of the people who are the ones who really drive the golf industry is for the best of the game, let the pros scale back the balls, etc. The other is not. But the thing is if I were to use them, for me, it would take away the feeling of that one sweet swing. Played with my non conforming Polara golf balls today – what a fun day of golf. Your vote tally matches my experience with my customers at Clubmaker Online, especially the older guys. An enjoy the game we do. Have a read of Roger Blitz’s recent Financial Times article or this HSBC report If it proves true, I don’t think it’s overstating to say that TaylorMade would be poised to flip the entire equipment industry ass-end-up, while setting up what could be a very tense showdown with the USGA over its governance of the recreational game. I wouldn’t care about the non-conforming equiping for recreational rounds – heck use whatever you want. Golf is a game of integrity. Who knows, right? What drives sales in industry and particularly the golf industry is the promise of something better. Cobra: SS Unlimited Series I play the NC Polara ball. The numbers say there are roughly 15 million golfers. This will be worth it, just you wait and see…. Maybe this would make them think about Armature standards and Tour Standards- like in many other sports. Look at the result: absurdly predictable failure. When he was my age (20) he had a swing speed of 120+ mph his avg drive was 290-310. Testing of water samples taken after heavy spraying have shown extremely high concentrations of these substances. The capabilities of the equipment won’t change that. I quit watching baseball because steroids changed the game into a station to station bore fest. Instead of making non conforming clubs and super balls to hit, why don’t they write a book on how to be happy with what you shoot, even if its +30. How is that any different from a recreational golfer who plays non-conforming clubs? If people read all my posts instead of just a couple of lines, they would realise that I love the game as much as anyone. I personally do not care if companies start introducing non-conforming clubs to the public. The M5 has two movable 10-gram weights and a 12-setting hosel (the socket on the club’s head where the shaft inserts). Feel free to have your own. I’ve heard the arguments against bucking the USGA. Not taking a poke at that, just not golfers. Why not make basketball hoops only 6′ high, or home run fences only 150′ away. All the power to him! Yet another great write-up. As it is in nearly any other industry, imagination, not regulation, becomes the limiting factor. It’s about time someone allowed the majority to show the gifted few, what can be achieved while having some FUN. I would be fine if people used a golf ball gun if it speeded up play. Before you form your opinion (assuming you haven’t done so already), I’d like you to take a moment to consider a few things. If and when available, golfers will try the new equipment and judge for themselves if the performance justifies the outlay. The rules for USGA play aren’t being changed. Some add just a few yards, some break, maybe just a couple actually make a difference. All this requires is a change in mindset. Everything is incrementally better, but the increments are getting smaller. TaylorMade drivers are consistently #1 on Tour, and our drivers can be found in the bags of the best players in the world. If you were a 15 using regular clubs, but now get to a 10 playing non-conforming clubs, that’s just fine. Local committees have enough on their plates managing this level of competition without having to police equipment as well. The timing of this week’s Golf Digest STX article is particularly curious. Watch them pick up 3-footers. Based on some of what I’ve heard from insiders, you may not believe what they’re capable of manufacturing. Some competitions could be arranged for conforming equipment and others for non-conforming ones. This is a joke. TaylorMade's Launch Control (TLC) technology includes 4 movable weights (28g total) that allow players to re-position the clubs CG to optimize performance and … I love that Taylor Made is going to introduce nonconforming drivers. We will be sticklers to the rules. Hell, we felt the backlash after we published an article about spin reducing lube. There was a new version of the TaylorMade M2 driver released at the start of 2017 which we saw Sergio Garcia win the Masters with.. Waaaa what is the difference if you lower your handicap 7 strokes by taking lessons that others cannot afford, or you play a nonconforming ball which lowers your handicap 7 strokes. But if the only standard is fun, then does it matter? Rather people who happen to play golf. How many rounds of golf played today are by the book, most people play for fun, not competition, and huge sums of money. Every weekend and a little bit more during the golf season, which is not as long as I’d like up here in Northern Ontario. It’s time to start thinking outside the box. Is there a better name for a non-conforming club than Noodle? As long as you can hit your putt inside the 5 foot spread of the V, the rails will guide the ball into the cup! When used with a lightweight shaft between 45-55 grams the club is significantly lighter than most drivers on … He wants to roll in the stuff integrity and rules are merely obstacles to his greed. I could care less personally what someone else uses. “We start off with a driver that goes beyond the rules of golf. When I do play with the odd dill hole who objects to my long putter (when I play it) or my “hot” driver I offer it to them and say use it. We manage that with conforming equipment. All you have to do is set the rules of competition beforehand and everyone will play by the same rules it’s not rocket science. I can remember calling him a cheater and being pissed of. Non-conforming Cobra Bio Cell Illegal Hicor Golf Driver Loft 7*/10* Aldila Reg. The business man in me is asking, “why should a random organization tell a company what type of equipment they are allowed to make?” I think that most people that don’t like the idea of non-conforming equipment are probably the reason that the game is not growing. If they do spend, it is really a one time purchase. But the pro’s would have to make a pro handicap with the USGA rules on course conditions and equipment. Voted Yes but do have a few issues with the non conforming stuff. Every driver is scanned, the data is run through a proprietary algorithm on the cloud, and then resin is injected into two red ports to make the tweak. It’s all about money, and TM want to fundamentally obliterate the “rules” that have lived with the game for uhhh…ever? Non-Conforming would mean I could still use my CG14’s and Niblicks with Zip Groves. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m not sure a NC club will really help a casual player all that much. Yes, US and UK golf has struggled to a certain extent during the recession, but globally the game continues to grow. Tony is the Editor of MyGolfSpy where his job is to bring fresh and innovative content to the site. It’s just a matter of time. you will play faster, and for this I and everyone else on the course will be grateful. He loved to play golf but hadn’t for 2 years because he was caring for his wife. You were wrong on one point. We found a hand me down Wilson metal raquet that looked like it was the size of a desert plate. Great article Could not agree more. According to the rules, COR could not exceed 0.822 with a tolerance of 0.08, meaning any driver measuring over 0.830 was deemed illegal. Lets just give children the answer sheet to the math test they have today, they’ll feel better about themselves! Holier Than Thou–you’re making our argument for us. Away from football, Johnson is more boss than role player as a co-founder and the chief athlete officer of the Ultimate Game League. I’m excited to see what they have up their sleeve, it would truly open the door to some groundbreaking possibilities. The best thing would just be for the USGA to just make the rules of play and forget about equipment. You sir, are an ignorant pompous fool. In that that video (also from the PGA show) Toulon further suggests that TaylorMade might consider releasing non-conforming clubs. Ban all rules. … and then show up to the Amateur Open with all new better equipment, ProV1, etc. We hear complaints all the time about how the golf companies haven’t done anything truly innovative in years. They’re not charitable organizations! What’s the number one rule in sales? I understand wanting to make the game easier for the casual player, but maybe it’s really not an easy came, no matter what they do. While it is true that there are very few golfers who are competitive as in playing in tournaments regularly, I do think that most golfers bet with one another on the course. I’m sure the industries can come up with an inexpensive chip or the equivalent. To them USGA is just a random assortment of letters. As a rec golfer, have fun, enjoy the day, hopefully shoot as low as you can. We paly 8 -10 outings a year some 4 man best ball some scrambles in them we play by all the rules of the USGA & here is where I would have a problem with non conforming stuff. Everything non-conforming, needs to be labeled so, and noted not for tournament use. I have never even tried non-conforming clubs and will probably hold on to the clubs I have for as long as my neck/back holds out. That’s what we’re talking about here – having clubs that make the game more fun. Cobra S3 Non-conforming Illegal Hicor 10.5 Golf driver Proforce 65 ATR Reg .880. I say bring it on, I’ll give him 2 a side any day…. Looking forward to playing golf again next Sunday and admiring the pros on the highlight reals later that same afternoon…, In your blog you keep saying, if and when a company introducing game changing technology – where have you been since 2010 when Polara Golf introduced the Ultimate Straight golf ball that cuts hooks & slices by 75% and then in 2012 when they introduced a ball with more distance than the ProV1 and it still reduces hooks & slices by 50%. We want clubs that make the game easier and more fun. On many of the newer Taylormade drivers and fairway woods, the real serial number will be very light colored gray writing. I can’t use a wood bat in a pro competition. The illegal Taylor Made R510 drivers have no etched score marks in the center of its club face. However golf club manufacturers are doing the exact opposite by selling clubs with shafts that are longer than what the pros use because the marketing department have said so. Just think, no more 3- putts! Just set up two handicap systems for both types of clubs, simple isn’t it? The fourball was made up of two close-to-scratch golfers a 14 handicap and a 20 handicap. With its new M5 and M6 line of metalwoods, TaylorMade aimed just beyond that limit, and then adjusted each club back down into the legal range. If there are no rules, there is no game. Non-Conforming Illegal Taylormade Sldr 9.5* Driver Fujikura PRO 60 Graphite Stif. That leaves an awfully large percentage of the golfing market as candidates for non-conforming (i.e. (Photo by Andrew Redington/Getty Images). Quite frankly, I doubt TM will come out with NC clubs. This is what is wrong with the world today, too many people are trying to inflict their views on others. “Dear Golf Church Lady” That’s to funny. Is my integrity somehow compromised? When competitive play isn’t happening, I can walk on that same court. The point isn’t to emasculate, it’s to give more folks an equitable shot at par. If you are reading this article and commenting on it you are most likely NOT the target market for non-conforming clubs. Good point Rickles, It see what you are saying. PJ, do you get mad when you pass polara golf balls? Granted this isn’t the point of the program, but it is evidence that there has been some success in changing the “Lady’s tee” perception. Actually, it’s mostly you two who think they rules should get thrown out the window. What I am seeing though, are several people making some very solid points, and a few who think hurling an online insult gets you one up. Around here, we’re fond of saying “It’s bullshit until it’s not”, and so until a manufacturer of repute actually releases a non-conforming club, no matter how good our source, we can’t be completely certain that anybody in the golf industry has the stomach to actually take on the USGA, but nevertheless, it’s a fascinating proposition. If you don’t feel that some products aren’t for you, don’t buy them. But a better player on the other hand, who already plays decently, as a 15-25 capper, will they play better? Green’s name hardly seems a coincidence. There are more than 21,000 possible permutations in all, meaning the driver can be almost as fine-tuned every week as a stock car on the NASCAR circuit. No losers here baby! This makes perfect sense. ‘The existence of non-conforming clubs should be fundamentally disconnected from any supposition that it will lead to widespread cheating. It’s not the equipment that makes golf fun, it’s the camaraderie and gamesmanship that does. That means I can concentrate on improving my swing and my strategy. Golfers have long memories. Sure he shoots in the 110s but you know what if he could get in the fairway 260-270 out there and keep up with us im more than sure he would play alot more. It’s never been more popular!! Everyone starts out trying to win the outing & play against others that may not have conforming equiptment would seem a little unfair. That’s what different tee boxes are for. By the way, Callaway had the non-conforming ERC many years ago so it’s not as revolutionary as the author might think. Get over yourself mate… They are the masses, and yet, because of the USGA’s rules on equipment, nobody with any real skin in the game is actually designing clubs with them in mind. You guys are taking things way too seriously. Driver: TaylorMade M3 440cc 9.5 ° (tour issue 9.9), Graphite Design Tour AD DI 6S || 3W: TaylorMade M4 15 ° (small head), Graphite Design Tour AD DI 7S Hybrid: TaylorMade SLDR 2I Hybrid at 17 °, Graphite Design Tour AD DI 8S || Irons: Ben Hogan Icon 4-PW, Nippon Modus3 Tour 120 stiff Wedges: Scratch Golf … One, honestly, how many people are going to start playing golf because they can play with non-conforming clubs? We’re discussing, at least some of us are, the addition of non-conforming (USGA-PGA) clubs marketed to recreational golfers. I’m actually sick of people telling me they won their club championship only to find out they won the D filght (handicaps 12-17.) To make somebody “feel better”? It just unofficial and can’t be used in tournament play. Everyone knows exactly high high they fly when starting from sea level. Still laughing that you think you’ll have me “thrown out”…. Many of the USGA rules are completely arbitrary. I am a USGA member and have a handicap (28), but when I play the Polara ball I use an 18 handicap. I understand why our country is in the mess that it is. The clubs in their bags, however, have all now been finely tuned to be within the sport’s limits. World Nos. Fudge from time to time? What was that argument about the cost of golf being a major issue in the States and the UK again?? I can’t think of a single friend who would play with illegal or non-conforming clubs. Use whatever clubs you want, but keep a true handicap based on using those clubs. + You want to speed up play? Most certainly don’t care about a legimate USGA handicap. (4hdcp) I’m all for them as they contribute to the “fun” factor. Their rules are, plus or minus, the same as the NBAs, or NCAAs, etc. I usually play 2 balls by myself so I can get in 18 in 2 hours (9 hole course). We, as men have 2 choices to really have fun. They want these new clubs to be socialky accepted by casual golfers with large amounts of free cash. You play in the scratch division of every tournament? Weight. Locally we have lots of senior golf leagues and sometimes it is a laborious process to either play in them or to follow them as 80+ year olds only hit the ball 100 to 120 yards but these guys love the game and is the highlight of their week when they come out. If this is real, if one of the big golf companies actually releases an entire lineup of non-conforming clubs, there will be credibility issues. Dear Mr. smarter than no one, how many aliases are you using, I count 4 so far. So, you admit you’re a cheater, but you’d like there to be a limit on the amount of times per round you can cheat. That is the avg male. If Taylormade goes ahead, and make the non-conforming clubs!, they will loose me as a customer! I give taylormade my vote. Whoever goes first has the one and only shot to fundamentally change the game. Vote with your wallet. The Duke’s has five sets of tee boxes and our low handicappers wanted to play off the blues at 7002 yards (the blacks, which “virtually no-one plays” are 7512). 16 watching. Only to make a bigger profit margin. I was stuck once behind a group that had the rule book out almost every hole. Nothing is changing there. The thing is, the guys who get worked up about such things aren’t the guys who generally buy equipment from brands who would have the stones to be the first ones in with a non-conforming line (in my mind there’s only 2 or 3 that would). I wonder why? I feel that the Super Game Improvement clubs on the market are good enough and are being made even more forgiving all the time. why even bother put a hole on the green?? And keep a handicap? Now everyone is playing those huge headed racquets. With its new M5 and M6 line of metalwoods, The M5 has two movable 10-gram weights and a 12-setting hosel (the socket on the club’s head where the shaft inserts). I would make NC clubs in a heart beat. The AT&T Hub is an all-in-one, virtual expo for key offerings in nine sectors, including sports and entertainment, that offers visitors a customized experience showcasing AT&T's products and solutions. Two TaylorMade Jetspeed drivers were tested (one with a shaved face/the other stock). Most drivers are made to be just shy of the rule prohibiting an elasticity rating higher than a .83 COR (coefficient of restitution). for chrissakes- i cant even play at the other course sometimes when im hard up. Make up your mind. make it affordable. You are using typical boiler room tactics and it’s so transparent, it’s funny. Im bringing my RBZ 2 Tour with me. So you’re against using robots to hit your ball? As the face thins out to increase the COR faster swingers will just start smashing them faster. What this is doing is making like school now, where there are no winners, nor losers, everyone gets a ribbon, because we are all winners! For money. supposildy i have been told that the taylormade r5 dirver has now been made illegal. of knowing we are starting on a “LEVEL” playing field, and my own skill will determine the outcome of the game! This is an opinion thread, I gave mine, you have yours. Its your call Because its your game. Who cares? The truly great thing about golf is that it’s a game of personal integrity. Let’s use an example using your own logic. 2. Rock on, TM! They could put a “for recreational use only” emblem on the sole of the club so there wouldn’t be any confusion. While I get that, I don’t know why that causes so much anger unless you are playing in tournaments or professionally. Just need to find a new site that golfers frequent. That was the ONLY reason for creating the handicap system in the first place. The same shaft was used for both heads, swapping the heads out every three shots. The first company in…doesn’t matter if it’s TaylorMade or someone else, will absolutely be risking the credibility of their brand. Have all non-conforming items embedded with a chip. Why have any rules about anything? the hard tees dont even have to be longer than the easy tees. Would I recommend my 6 round/year brother-in-law buy them – Absolutely! The TaylorMade r540 driver has a 400cc head, which is a bit larger than many drivers on the market. And sure, hurl insults at people who think rules of a game are worth keeping. This situation flies in the face of the argument that this would help to grow the game. Your perception of why it won’t work is precisely why it is necessary to spend all of those advertising dollars. I believe non conforming golf clubs would make it easier for the newbies, and get them over the hump so they. + You want to attract new golfers? Nothing wrong with that, I suppose. Non-conforming equipment means better conforming equipment. In 2013 they introduced the Polara Advantage Drivers that exceed USGA limits. It makes you feel like your not so far from the pro’s after all. The USGA has effectively told the golf manufacturers that they must ignore a sizeable portion of the golfing population (and a sizeable population of their potential customer base) because it would cause an inconvenient problem with the same rulebook that the golfers in question ignore. Am I cheating? Reputable sources are telling us in no uncertain terms that TaylorMade is planning to launch a line of non-conforming golf clubs. Even under the most favorable of calculations (for instance we all assume all avid golfers agree with the USGA) the USGA represents the MINORITY of individual who step foot on the golf course each year. Every club in the bag has the same size sweet spot and it IS the size of a pin prick. There is a very clear history lesson here, “There is a very clear history lesson here.”. Why have any rules in society? Where are the stolen bases, doule steals, sacrafices and hit and runs? We asked the course marshall which boxes he recommended for the higher handicaps and the got the following very sensible reply. Proper custom fitting for all 13 key club fitting elements as explained here:, Taylor Made would rather have you buy a new, incorrectly fitted driver, every second year. Would I purchase a non-conforming club? We share some of the best photos from the worlds of sports and technology. Sure TM will most likely benefit. Why even bother using clubs at all? Do you play with wood shafts? They can then set about the next five years drip feeding(currently non-conforming) technology into the market with even more ludicrous claims about performance enhancements The r540 comes with 8.5 degrees of loft. if anyone is to measure ability it is by those two facts. $25.00 shipping. Would the weekend hackers and other strictly recreational golfers respond positively to mainstream equipment truly designed with them in mind? And in both cases you turn in scores and your handicap was established using the equipment or the swing that you bought? I can travel or double-dribble. Mainstream availability of non-conforming clubs won’t change that because the guys who will buy them will be guys who have no intention of competing with anyone. If there are no cor restraints or groove restraints then they can essentially claim what ever they want as there will be no bench mark by which to judge them I already hear guys calling guys with long and belly putters cheaters and not wanting to play them for money and the ban hasn’t even started yet. Enjoy your game positions yet you never make a NC club anyways and equipment you ask.! Why do you get mad when you play in tournaments where others are to. Governed handicaps and the word “ shill ” the non conforming equipment and judge for themselves if the game me. Of competition without having to police equipment as well some have an advantage in competition drivers. Believes in performance over hype and # PowerToThePlayer about 20 % of golfers the... Maybe just a random assortment of letters Twist face technology, our Y-Track sliding weight system and! $ $ we split into teams of one low handicapper and one high, or who got and. 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