Anyway, they did finally replace it by shipping me a new unit and asked me to mail my broken one within a week after I receive the new one. Ray – As the owner of a 2017 Gen-3 model (the one before this years) I was thinking of upgrading because of the lack of sound (my neighbours should probably chip in), but the amount of headaches don’t seem worth the pain and suffering. That’s a tricky spot to be in. Although that is a statement which doesn’t actually take into account the wattage level at which the Wahoo KICKR SNAP will actually hit it’s 3% limit – as these boundaries are normally reached at the outer reaches of a trainers power limit as demonstrated during my Tacx visit. I bought my Core from CT on Black Friday, received it 3 to 4 weeks later and it quit 2 weeks later over christmas holidays. I wouldn’t really want to call it an interview per se, as that’s not really my cup of tea. It developed the noise issue soon after. I sent the order details and the serial number looking forward to receiving a replacement so I could get on with my indoor sessions. A company like this gets one chance to perform service recovery in a warranty situation. Ha, was going to email you saying you should do something relating to failures (as I’m on my 3rd Flux). My Kickr Code 2018 started to make some weird noises recently. How about with gloves on? I also recreated the static buildup scenario with them, but was not able to cause the trainer to disconnect. Also the response this time is that they will put me in the queue to receive a replacement with no ship time promised. Even in today’s fast moving mass markets it has to be possible to ship products with an expected failure rate of 1% or less. My 2018 Kickr stopped picking up power and speed after 8 rides. I received 3 faulty units in a row with no power registering. This appears to simply be a case of don’t tell our customers not to buy more than one unit. I did find once it got cold and dry here in the NE, that is when my first Core failed. I was initially thinking the shock issue could only happen by touching the kickr core directly, and not from touching my bike. The trainer is on flat surface but tbe legs ar not flat to the ground…one side of the leg is a litle lifted… That is not ok… Basically the rubber cap feet are too loose and a poor design. But by and large, the vast majority of people on all these brands don’t have issues. Both required disassembly with their dedicated key and the issues did not return. When you buy cycling stuff in general you know that dealing with widespread issues, embrassing recalls or the like is something to be kept in consideration even when you are choosing the top notch. But every single product I have ever purchased from them (from cadence sensors, to footpods, to phone cases, to their apps) has been buggy and frustrating to use as a result. Could you please share a link to the pdf that describes the fix to the 2018 Kickr core noise issues. This polishing is further highlighted in the compatibility with the Wahoo KICKR CLIMB. Why doesn’t the Wahoo website CLEARLY indicate that this can happen and what to do when it happens? The third though is not considered a problem even though 2 of my 3 Kickr’s had the problem. I think in someways it almost warrants a follow up. I have reported the issue 3 days ago and so far not a single reply. I was pretty upset and when I filed a support comment, I got back a smart ass remark. They did note that this has actually been the same since the very original KICKR, it’s just that the KICKR sales volumes Wahoo has now are dramatically bigger (read: they’re selling way more units). The set up is great and I enjoyed the first couple of rides until the clunking started. ESD is a known design issue and there is plenty of design guidance online and in standards to prevent it. After which, I give some closing thoughts. (some words for the search algorithm (Kickr hot, heat, shutdown, resistance drop)) Notebook computers are handled constantly. It has worked just fine with no power or other issues. Virtual cycling – drafting. Just took apart my Core and no loctite on the set screw or the axle bolt so the set screw just fell out of the casing when I opened it. Me: Supplies it promptly. Wahoo have serious quality issues and I’m not going to order anything else from them until they really have resolved these. The problem is the charge the cyclist is carrying. It’s how the vendor treats you when you have issues, how they listen and how they make it right. Wahoo has provided a self-repair kit you can get from support. Given how easily this happened, it feels like it’s only a matter of time until the next one has the same problem. There was no braking. n=1 but they lost this sale and I few everything they make with suspicion. Notices Welcome to; here are some tips and tricks to help you get started. So I would not say an exceptionally dry day. $69.99. It would connect fine but send no data. Available at REI, 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. 3% defect rate is corporate suicide in most industries. But at the end of the day, you might just be wondering “What does Ray use when not testing new products?”. $9.99 . Cause I am about to throw an almost new Kickr Core out the window…. Doesn’t make noise on a concrete floor. I swim, bike and run. Hi, Does that mean that it is the new hw version with this key issue fixed? Search for Neo gumball to see what I mean or read the comments in Ray’s review of it. I am waiting for follow up from their support team which was very good so far. In the video, the CEO indicates that just taking the unit out of he box can cause a shock and failure to the sensor. I’m curious to know what the response is. Now that one is going back and they are sending me a “new” unit as well. Even the tone and body language in this video shows that they don’t understand. Thanks for reading, and I hope for those of you in a similar climate this is helpful. Not what I expects for a $1k+ product but it goes to show good service can make up for a lot. During my 8th or so ride, while taking off an outer layer after warming up, the trainer stopped transmitting speed and power. I aim to leave no stone unturned. During our holidy party, 8 of us were sat around a table and I was telling them about my COre issues. Trainer dead. Two questions :- Than they are letting on? The unit was excessively loud out of the box. I strongly suggest NOT buying a Kickr product at this point. Both died in the ESD manner that has been so often described. They have taken my $900, sold me a product that they KNEW was defective and, sure enough, was rendered completely useless with SIX WEEKS of ownership as a result of that defect. They might get fixed via patches (e.g. While both have been enormously popular, and certainly the vast majority of people haven’t had problems – those words haven’t been much comfort for those that have run into issues. I’m sorry Eli but your comments do not reflect my experience – with Wahoo customer support – which frankly has been awful. I would like to be upset… but the reality is the customer service has been fantastic each time including shipping a unit from Australia to NZ over night in one case. In my case, the old key came out easily, and the new key went in just as easily (no pliers needed). So while they don’t need to reinvent the wheel they can’t use the same mass produced part, they need something different. Any guidance is appreciated. Dropping from 5% to a sharp 3%, and a hair’s breadth from the bigger Wahoo KICKR at 2%. Thanks for all your work on this stuff. You can set up your unit to be controlled by the external PM – but only on the iOS devices. Don’t know if there’s a connection Or, they’ll swap your KICKR out for you. My 2018 had the power loss issue and was replaced shortly after the purchase and I haven’t had any problems since then.
I have been down the road of cleaning the optical sensor with denatured alcohol with no improvement. It is also important to look at the response the trainer gives as you pass through different terrain. KICKR Trainer Quick Release Skewer. My guesstimate prior to the discussion of the impacted % of people was pretty close to what they provided. And in any case, the price of these pieces of equipment is totally unreasonable compared to the technological value that the companies put in your hands, and this is true for anything that goes around the world of cycling. There are a few slight visual tells you can use to identify the 2017 model though if looking closely. Hey Wahoo! I’ve returned 2 Kickr18s. They bought them from a local REI and were able to take them back rather than deal with Wahoo direct, but they have sworn off Wahoo for now. I moved from the UK to Japan for work. They refuse to send a new unit back and are asking me to send my unit back to them first. Can you describe how the electronic braking works in ERG mode? Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Of course, someone will invariably recall the days of the CompuTrainer or some other product from years ago. If you’re having trouble with your trainer, please reach out to Wahoo Support at the link below and we’ll be happy to get you going again quickly and efficiently. I confirmed it had the improved power block (not really a fix for static coming from the rider) but had no way to know whether a ground had been added to the board (better solution in my opinion). Using their math, you’d have to assume that 1/4 of our club bought new Kickrs (which I highly doubt). Does anyone know precisely how to recognize a Kickr Core with the new grounded board? This should help most people. No compare that to training technology – not easy but surely several orders of magnitude smaller than the challenge of producing a commercial passenger plane. 1 for home fitness Trust our customers. And the good old days of emailing the ride files, then downloading the shadows for the ‘weekly’ races So 2005. They asked for a video of the Kickr in action which I provided. What lack of thru-axle compatibility? That, to me, sounds like the power brick is a bandaid on a broken arm. Some trainers have a slightly uncomfortable, or awkward to manipulate hand for controlling the roller height in order to get your wheel to contact  – I’m looking at you Elite Rampa! Wahoo support says it needs to be replaced. It states this is the latest version as of November 2020 Kickr Climb device with it. We also provide options for out-of-warranty units which are designed specifically to minimize any cost to customers. It doesn’t seem they are releasing a new version of the Kickr/Core for 2019. I really want to support Wahoo but this is getting old. I don’t believe the 3% faulty units is true otherwise I would be extremely unlucky. If you’re new around these parts, here’s the long version of my story. Add to Cart. Given the doubt that exists as to whether Wahoo will make an aftermarket modification to allow the CLIMB to safely work with older SNAPS if you are even remotely interested in the CLIMB, this might be enough to sway you to a 2017 Wahoo KICKR SNAP. They are definitely downplaying how widespread this issue is. I got this unit back September-ish, and it’s been used a bit here and there. It certainly works better but every time I have a drop out on Zwift I tend to blame the trainer -possibly unfairly – it could well be something else – largely because I lost a lot of trust with the brand over the issues I had with Snap units. I found it easier to hold the box between my legs, grab the clamps and HAUL! The root cause is tolerance buildup resulting is key and keyway loose fit in some units, even with the new keys. The force that causes the knocking is caused by torque between the flywheel and drive. Get all your awesome high quality DCR kit and gear here! Such an approach is not relevant to say a bike trainer. Below are the most popular. link to 32768 is 0x8000 in hex. In particular though, the death by ESD bit is heavily environmentally weighted. Can’t complain. Wahoo implemented this fix the week of Sept 24th, 2018 (units made after that), however, keep in mind that it takes about four weeks on the water (by ship) before units hit distribution centers. Zwift is pushing a subscriber base over 200K themselves, and TrainerRoad is probably half that. I bought this trainer as an upgrade from an old Wahoo Kickr. I just googled PM24. After a close look within the gap between the flying wheel and the plastic case I see a point of contact. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Also, I’m curious why people are focusing on the power brick. I bought a Kickr Core and Kickr Climb via REI in November 2020. They’re off happily Zwifting or FulGazing or what-not. Both on that noise coming out after less than two weeks on each unit. To make matters worse, we’ve even had issues with the replacement units they have sent. So Wahoo still hasn’t figured this out…. Realistically I think that is the reason the Wahoo KICKR SNAP 2017 exists at all. It is clear that the optical sensor was not damaged last night as I removed my jacket. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Blinkers by Velohub Review: Big, Bright and, Power Meter Accuracy – the Zwiftpower Resource – Watts Occurring Information, KOM Cycling – Indoor Media Display Stand – The Rolls Royce of virtual cycling tables, Zwift Launches the Black Celebration Series – Starting February. It is really helpful that the bike is able to rock back and forth slightly while on the trainer to simulate a more realistic feel. No problem, the product comparison data is constantly updated with new products and new features added to old products! I even opened a ticket with Wahoo about the power brick a little over a week ago and they said replacing the brick was not necessary because the problem is due to a chip on the board and only affects less than 5% of units sold. With some many posts I’ve seen on Zwift, DCR, Sufferfest, and the Wahoo Support Group FB page I thinks it’s much bigger than being made public. Official FIT ASSISTANCE for Canyon Speedmax CFR, CF SLX, and CF (disc & … I’ve had a few other Tacx products, no issues there. As a result I have been DQ'd in all my races since then. Have done about 10 rides and today NO speed NO power on the Bolt. The app is available for iOS from here and Google Play here, Crucially it is in the app where you find out if there are any firmware updates pending. Now thinking that this was an issue with the calibration, I went back and performed three other tests each after doing spin downs, but still saw the same higher readings on the peaks. Given the disaster of this year’s trainer, I’d be shocked if Wahoo doesn’t take all the learning from this process (including their choice of production partner) and put out a really solid 2019 gen-5 version. It also has a small effect on reducing vibrations… ish, On the other side is the bolt part of the dock, to work as a clamp and to push everything together, It must be said this part of the unit has been designed with a most delicious bolt action – so much, so I filmed – click the image to see. I pulled the trigger on the Core (thanks for the link). But then the otherside is just how groundbreaking it was. I got the self repair kit for the Kickr ’18 but couldn’t implement it. My refurbished replacement displayed the beginning of the same problem upon its first use. Take into account the infrequent users who just may not have had the problem yet or the correct conditions and I’m willing to bet almost every unit could fail due to static or ridden hard enough for the keyway failure. But what has Wahoo polished and improved on the new Wahoo Snap? For anyone who lived through that, and has got out of the secure asylum that they would have ended up in, then all these issues now are small fry. This is probably why trainers that wahoo has fixed and sent back to customers, end up getting noisy again. In that case, the company claims up to 2,2200w of resistance at 40KPH. I just posted about connection issues in the Kickr Core review. I credit this to our sub-par company rep who consistently downplayed the issues when we asked. On with their support during normal hours I get no help. I note that the original key was square on the ends, which is a bad design, and has been replaced by the new key which has rounded ends, which is the appropriate design for a key. I guess it’s still early days for the smart trainer. There’s currently 165 comments on the YT video, hardly all of them are universal. It’s really smooth and is easy to perform structured intervals… all I have to do is keep a steady cadence and erg mode does the rest, no switching gears. It’s a nice break from the day to day sports-tech talk, and I hope you get something out of it! 3% of the world, sure – but I think this is more than 3% of the biking community that uses a trainer made by wahoo…. Clicking on the wrench brings you to the Zwift spin down screen, The actual spin down is the same in all situations whether done from the app, Zwift or from the Wahoo Elemnt or Wahoo Bolt. Your point that people are more prone to complain herein is valid – but I smell something a bit more fishy afloat as every time I kill one of these suckers. It’s great that we’re hearing something, but it’s a bit worrisome that it all kicked off with 24hrs of DCR’s unit showing the issue, instead of during the wave of faulty initial units as far back as October. Support rep 1: Basic trouble shooting advice My 18 Kickr just began to make some suspicious noises (onset of the knocking), so I obtained a repair kit from my LBS, and proceeded to follow the instructions. But, if used correctly with the correct fitting key, will eliminate the root cause of the locking. I think just something happened with the circuit board. There are other modes too like slope and resistance mode which work good when tooling around in zwift and will simulate grades. It would be overkill and pointlessly increase costs. How are people going with their Kickr 2018 these days? I am in the market for a smart trainer and it seems other than in comment sections and online forums no one addresses the reliability issues these smart trainers have. Sticker on the third though is not considered a problem for Wahoo and Zwift apps support was great for as! Wahoo so hopefully they ’ re right Paul, this time is that ’... 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And potential ramp-up in production caused any quality issues 's likely to split opinion defence – Tacx...