About Gopher Tortoises What is their size? Gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) State threatened species Lifespan 40 to 60 years Reproductive maturity at 9 to 21 years Low reproductive rate (1 clutch per year) Only native land turtle in Florida. Defenders works in western deserts and Florida to protect imperiled species of Gopher Tortoise. With shells that can reach up to 12 inches high, and an average length of 13 inches long they're not hard to miss. History and distribution: Gopher tortoises descended from a species of land tortoise that occupied western North America about 60 million years ago. Texas Tortoise (Gopherus berlandieri)Texas Status Threatened Description The Texas tortoise has yellowish-orange, "horned" scutes (plates) on its shell and cylindrical and columnar hind legs, like those of an elephant. The gopher tortoise is the only land tortoise native to the Southeast, living in longleaf pine savannahs of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. Some of them may get aggressive and can even bite you if threatened. The Gopher tortoise … Some consider Adwaita, an Aldabra giant tortoise, to be the longest living tortoise, being aged about 250 years at the time of its death in 2006, though verification is needed to confirm this age. The gopher tortoise became a threatened species in Florida in 2007. What is their lifespan? OUR DATA: We use the most recent data from these primary sources: AnAge, UMICH, Max Planck, PanTHERIA, Arkive, UKC, AKC. The tortoise shell is a collection of scutes that make up the top of the shell called the carapace. Their longevity in the wild likely exceeds 25 years . Be alert to fresh gopher holes and treat them quickly.Use latex gloves to handle anything you put into the gopher hole. “It’s a true keystone species,” he says—protecting the gopher tortoise aids hundreds of other species as well. Discover How Long Tortoise Lives. Gopher tortoise Synonyms Testudo polyphemus, Testudo depressa, Testudo gopher, Gopherus praecedens Lifespan, ageing, and relevant traits Maximum longevity Not yet established Observations. We're definitely into … The average lifespan of a gopher tortoise is 80 years when it is in the wild. Where do they live? Gopher Tortoises have lived in the American wilderness for so long that we might as well name these little fellas the original lone rangers. They weigh between 10-12 pounds. Males have a concave plastron while females have a flat plastron. The Tillman preserve is 576 ha (1,422 acres) in size, approximately 400 acres of which currently contain suitable tortoise habitat. About one and 11/2 inches long (and wide) at hatching, this turtle will normally grow to have a shell length of about 81/2 inches. Females are larger than males. The width of the gopher tortoise burrow is just a bit wider than the length of the tortoise that dug it (so it can turn around). Identification Stumpy back legs Shovel like front feet Broad head with non-projecting snout. The carapace is dome-shaped and can grow as long as 15 inches from front to back. The female lays three to fifteen eggs, which hatch in 80 to 100 days. Gopher Tortoises spend a lot … Gopher Tortoise Read More » Gopher Tortoise Heritage Preserve, are owned and managed by SCDNR. The shell of the gopher tortoises acts as armor. Anecdotal evidence suggests these animals may live over 100 years. The average lifespan of a gopher tortoise is 40 to 60 years, although they have been reported to live 100 or more years. The gopher tortoise is one of the oldest living species, originating in North America over 60 million years ago. A female radiated tortoise Tu’i Malila, who died in 1965 at the age of 188, is the longest living tortoise whose age has been verified. The gopher tortoise burrow can be more than 50 feet long, but most are 15 to 18 feet long. Description: The Gopher Tortoise is the only tortoise in the Southeast and can easily be distinguished from the box turtle (our only other fully terrestrial turtle) by its large size, rigid, unhinged plastron (bottom of shell) and its stumpy, unwebbed feet.Adult Gopher Tortoises are large 9-15 in (24 - 38 cm) and are tan or brown above with a yellowish plastron. Today their range includes many parts of Florida, southern areas of Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, and the tip of Eastern Louisiana. Miscellaneous : Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) Recovery Plan. The gopher tortoise, also called, gopher, gopher turtle, or hoover chicken, is a large land turtle that burrows dens underground. The gopher tortoise dwells in pine forests with deep, well drained soils and an open understory that provides food and nesting sites. So, if you find a tortoise in your yard hole or near the road of your house, its … In Alabama, they can be found in the southern portion of the state throughout the Coastal Plain region in upland habitats. Gopher Tortoise Gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) are medium-sized, terrestrial reptiles found from Louisiana to Florida and no farther north than South Carolina. GOPHER TORTOISE GOPHER TORTOISEGopherus polyphemus Conservation Status: Vulnerable Habitat loss, road mortality, predation, disease CLASS Reptilia ORDER Testudines FAMILY Testudinidae See More Learn More General Characteristics: Color: Brown in color Size: Up to 19 inches Weight: Approximately 12 lbs Average Lifespan: 8.5 years Captive Lifespan: … Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) By Sara Green, SCWF Director of Education. The Aiken preserve is 565 ha (1,395 acres) in size, most of which is suitable tortoise habitat. The gopher tortoise ranks as one of the most important animals in the longleaf ecosystem, contends Dr. Christopher Jenkins, CEO of the Georgia-based Orianne Society, a reptile and amphibian conservation group. 1990 pp.35 pp. The lifespan of the gopher tortoises is believed to be around 60 years though there are states that have reported gophers that have lived up to 78 years. They can live 40-60yrs. "I haven't tried anything yet. ... • Grow native gopher-tortoise-friendly plants on your property such as wiregrass, broadleaf grasses, wild peas, blueberries, and prickly pear. Gopher tortoise preservation spurs profitable cottage industry Please see the bibliographic details to the right. Today, only five tortoise species remain in North America and the gopher tortoise is the only one that occurs east of the Mississippi River. Abstract : This is a title only record which contains no abstract. Life history traits (averages) LIFESPAN 40–80 years and possibly older in the wild, up to 100 years in captivity. Human activities and loss of habitat have eliminated the gopher tortoise … • State law protects gopher … Currently, gopher tortoises are federally listed as a threatened … Adults are 8-15in in length and 8-15lbs. Gopher tortoise is an animal that can get stressed very soon if tried to moved.

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