As Fuller listened, he suddenly recognized his own spiritual blindness. Eph 3:20+ Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us (speaking of the power of the Spirit that continually energizes us - see Php 2:13+, cp the prayer in Eph 3:16+!). And so inspired by the Spirit, Paul emphasizes that God has even more blessings to bestow on His children, the blessing of "resurrection power" so that saved sinners so that we might be enabled to live a supernatural life! Luke (Eerdmans Publishing- usedby permission), It is difficult to give a clear distinction between the 3 Greek words that expand on the meaning of "the surpassing greatness of His power (dunamis)", but in simple terms it pictures the piling up of similar terms in an attempt to convey the magnitude and capability of God's incomprehensible, infinite power. No, because hes after the treasure. Help Them To Achieve (Ephesians 1:15-23) - Newspaper columnist Jean Calmen once wrote about a teacher she called Miss K. In her youth, Calmen had been a student of Miss K's, so she sent the teacher a copy of a column she was especially proud of. Figuratively, as used in this verse, photizo means to make clear, to cause to fully know or to cause to understand and is used of God's enlightenment through revelation. Our society has been enamored with the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment, especially since the influx of Eastern thought into the West during the 1960s. (See The Oneness of Covenant), Harold Hoehner -Paul then used three additional words to describe Gods power. Both views are theologically sound, but the second seems more consistent with Pauls emphasis in Eph 1:11 and Eph 1:14. Year after year the process is repeated, until, perhaps when twenty years have come and gone, the fences are needed no longer, because the extent of occupation is commensurate with the extent of the original purchase. It is used in doxologies to extol the power or dominion of God (1 Pet 5:11; Jude 25; Rev 5:13) and of Christ (1 Tim 6:16; 1 Pet 4:11; Rev 1:6; 5:13), which has victory over all contrary powers. Paul writes (Rom. BGT [] , , Amplified: By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones), (Amplified Bible - Lockman). Love will only give itself to love. On the other hand Alexander Maclaren asks Is that heaping together of synonyms or all but synonyms, mere tautology? Knowing that, we should live as His special people. Believe (4100) (pisteuo) refers not just to an intellectual assent to the truths of the gospel but to a saving belief that effects the heart, resulting in a transformed, supernaturally directed conduct based on the truth believed. It always has the meaning of an effective power which does things and which any man can recognize." The ESV also picks up the perfecttense rendering it "having the eyes of your hearts enlightened," which also describes a past completed action. Eido/oida is distinguished from ginosko(epiginosko, epignosis - the other major NT word group for knowing) because ginosko generally refers to knowledge obtained by experience or "experiential knowledge". ", Philippians 1:6 says, "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. The eyes of your heart will be enlightened! Because God's resurrection power continues to work in us, it helps us (ED: MORE ACCURATELY IT ENABLES US! 1:51; Acts 19:20; Eph. We as His followers, can best imitate our Lord by learning to relinquish self reliance and instead relying on God's power which is manifest and effective through His Spirit in us, as we seek to continually be filled with Him (Eph 5:18+) and to walk by Him (Gal 5:16+). Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. which is the true and proper fountain of man's salvation. NLT (revised)I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called-- his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance. On the way home, the father asked the boy why he didn't reach his own hand into the jar. Paul previously prays that the Ephesians would understand the hope, or certainty, of their calling and future inheritance (Ephesians 1:18). 11.14; 4 Ezra 14:22; 1QS 2:3; 4:2). God called the entire nation of Israel to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation (Exodus 19:6). Read the Bible, discover plans, and seek God every day. Hope in Scripture is the absolute certainty of future good. So the dynamo of Christian living is within the believer because God is within the believer. (The Bible Knowledge Commentary), John MacArthur has an excellent discussion of this verse - Paul uses four different Greek synonyms to emphasize the greatness of that power. The Message (MSG). The orphans are helped, and God is glorified. Who by the power of God are guarded through faith. It would seemingly be enough to mention the power of God, who is omnipotent. Practice these truths enabled by the Holy Spirit. WHAT ARE THE RICHES OF THE GLORY OF HIS INHERITANCE IN THE SAINTS: tis o ploutos tes doxes tes kleronomias autou en tois hagiois: There are two ways to interpret "the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints" (1) The saints are His inheritance He considers a treasure of incomparable worth! The ultimate hope for Christians is to be with their Lord (Rom 5:45; 8:20, 2425; 12:12; 15:13; Gal 5:5; Col 1:5; Titus 1:2) and they eagerly wait for his coming, unlike the heathen who have no hope (Eph 2:12; 1 Thess 4:1318; 5:8; Titus 2:13; 1 John 3:3). The power of God in our lives is the result of being Spirit filled and we are commanded to be filled with the Spirit. Now I have resurrection power living on the inside What Does It Really Mean That Your Body Is a Temple? How could they have more than what they had? Well, if you're in Christ, and Christ is at the right hand of God, where are you? Ephesians 1:18. 5:13): shall not be able (Lk13:24): I can do all things (Phil4:13): availeth much (Jas. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints. Physically, we are here; but, in Christ, we have been raised. Ephesians 4:1 Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called. It is simply providing hope and certainty for the believer, who has assurance because of the power that raised Jesus from the dead. NET NOTE has an interesting comment that a paraphrase reads "Since you are enlightened by Gods Spirit, I pray that you may comprehend the hope to which he has called you, the spiritual riches that await the saints in glory, and the spiritual power that is available to the saints now. Thus, the prayer focuses on all three temporal aspects of our salvation as these are embedded in the genitivesthe past (calling), the future (inheritance), and the present (power toward us who believe). The context for this passage is important. Paul is praying "that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes . We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is. In the parallel prayer in Colossians 1:11-12, Paul prays that we would be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light. In other words, Gods glorious, mighty power enables us to endure trials steadfastly, patiently, and joyously, with a thankful heart to the Father. 10:16; 51:19; etc.). |, Is there any power in positive thinking? By it He speaks to the soul, grants saving faith, and ushers elect sinners into salvation (John 6:3744, 65; Acts 2:39). (See Ro 5:1, 2+). Ephesians 1:18 In-Context 16 I couldn't stop thanking God for you - every time I prayed, I'd think of you and give thanks. Ezra (seeEphesians Through Revelation), Complete Biblical Library - This power always operates "in Christ." Judges I go to prepare a place for you (John 14:12). TECHNICAL Note that it is somewhat difficult to give a crisp, succinct definition of eido, so keep that caveat in mind as you read these notes. Comment: Here they would see and they would know beyond a shadow of a doubt about Jesus' authority. It is these riches that we must seek, enjoy, and use to glorify their sourceour heavenly Father.Dave Branon (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. It does not matter how it hurts as long as it gives God the chance to manifest Himself in your mortal flesh. Its in Christ that you, once you heard the truth and believed it (this Message of your salvation), found yourselves home freesigned, sealed, and delivered by the Holy Spirit. 1:10). 4:7). The Greek word translated power is dunamis, from which we get dynamite and dynamo. There is the general call of the gospel that goes out to all people. Throughout Ephesians 1 Paul is clearly struck with the magnificence of our inheritance in Christ. Just before His ascension Jesus assured the disciples, You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you (Acts 1:8), an enduement every believer receives at the time he is saved. Thats why, when I heard of the solid trust you have in the Master Jesus and your outpouring of love to all the followers of Jesus, I couldnt stop thanking God for youevery time I prayed, Id think of you and give thanks. Freedom, You have given us freedom God glories in his saints. Strength (2904) (kratos) refers to manifested power or power that is put forth in action. This time, Jonah did. They will give us the strength to persevere in godliness. YouVersion uses cookies to personalize your experience. Inheritance (2817) (kleronomiafrom kleros = a lot + nemo = to distribute) (see study of related Kleronomos) (see second word study kleronomia) is originally a portion which one receives by lot in a general distribution. Amen. Why is it important to know what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe? Modern maps containing the results Of the explorations of Livingstone, Stanley, Burton, tell another story of river, Savannah, tableland, and of myriads of inhabitants. Note that all three clauses (hope, inheritance, power) are linked to the verb "will know". Enlightened (5461) (photizo from phos = light) means to cause light to shine upon some object, in the sense of illuminating it. The giant trees are cut down; and their roots burnt out, or extracted by a team of horses. Acts Calmen had expected her former teacher to say, "I knew you could do that.". Copyright 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. So that (1519) (eis) conveys the primary idea of motion into any place or thing figuratively as here speaks of the purpose for the Ephesian saints having been enlightened. This certainty is provided in Jesus Christ. Is it not in the resurrection of those who were dead in trespasses and sins from their spiritual stupor and separation from God, releasing them from the shackles of sin and subservience to Satan and setting them free in Christ? Nothing less than omnipotence can save a soul; and omnipotence at its very best in the glorification of Christ is none too great for the salvation of a sinner. But if we want our church to truly be the church, the things Paul prayed for here are vastly more important. What power! The hope that your effectual calling instills is grounded in Gods promises and in Christs accomplishments (1 Peter 1:3), and is characterized by confidently expecting and yet patiently waiting for those promises to be fulfilled. Im taking this message from this phrase in Ephesians 1:19: the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe. I know that the vast majority of you do not feel that power. But God waits to realize in us all that He has prepared for us; and the third item in the apostle's prayer for his converts is that they might know "the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe. (Revelation 5:12+), Vincent - The radical idea of ischus, might, is that of indwelling strength, especially as embodied: might which inheres in physical powers organized and working under individual direction, as an army: which appears in the resistance of physical organisms, as the earth, against which one dashes himself in vain: which dwells in persons or things, and gives them influence or value: which resides in laws or punishments to make them irresistible. God never has museums. Joel But they unravelled the mystery by telling me that they put in, in enriching manure, all that they took out in the days of golden harvest. 1 John Let this incomparable truth stir within your heart a passionate desire that He may be glorified in you more fully each day until that great day dawns for which both He and we look with such fervent expectation. If not, why not? J C Philpot -It is no great mystery that the Son of God should be exalted to the throne of power. 2 Corinthians 4:7 (But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power (dunamis) will be of God and not from ourselves; 2 Corinthians 12:9+ And He has said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for power (dunamai) is perfected in weakness. Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power (dunamai) of Christ may dwell in me. From kleronomos; heirship, i.e. Paul is still praying for them to "know" (a Spirit enabled, beyond a shadow of a doubt knowing) about their hope, the inheritance and the power. May God not find the whine in us any more, but may He find us full of spiritual pluck and athleticism, ready to face anything He brings. Rather, it is constantly to be praying as you study the Word, Lord, enlighten the eyes of my heart so that I may know, love, and obey You better!. ', Mark 12:33+ and to love Him with all the heart and with all the understanding and with all the strength, and to love one's neighbor as himself, is much more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices. Hither the Apostle Paul first went after he had been at Corinth, though he then made but a short stay; when he came thither again, he found twelve disciples, and was the instrument of making a great many more: here he continued two or three years and formed a Gospel church, very large and flourishing, to whom he writes this epistle; and which was written by him when he was a prisoner at Rome, as appears by several passages in it, \Eph 3:1 4:1 6:20\, and seems to have been written much about the same time as were the epistles to the Philippians, and to the Colossians, and to Philemon. (Hurley, V. Speaker's Sourcebook of New Illustrations Dallas: Word Publishers). When our hearts are set to obey the Lord, He confirms His call in a variety of ways: godly counsel, natural gifting, fruitful results, Scripture, and a sense of rightness that does not conflict with any of the other confirmations. Paul saw fit to teach simple believers, many of whom were slaves, the great doctrines of Romans and Ephesians and his other letters. (A Day's Journey: 365 Daily Meditations from the Word). Here is how this applies: As a believer, you are always in need of the Holy Spirit to enlighten the eyes of your heart to the great truths of the Bible. Eido/oida is a perception, a being aware of, an understanding, an intuitive knowledge which in the case of believers can only be given by the Holy Spirit. To give light to, to illuminate. Click for multiple Scriptures dealing with the other view (#2) that the inheritance refers to what believers will inherit one day by virtue of their position in Christ. When He is seated at the right hand of God, so are we, in Christ. In hours of weakness they drew on God's power; in those of suffering, on his patience; in those of misunderstanding and hatred, on his vindication; in those of apparent defeat and despair, on the promises that gleam over the smoke of the battle, as the Cross before the gaze of Constantine; in death itself, on the life and immortality which find their home in the being of Jehovah. And what did the greatness of His arm accomplish? In Ephesians 1:19 and Ephesians 6:10, ischus describes the strength of God bestowed upon believers. The owner put his hand into the jar, grabbed a handful of candy and handed it to the boy. Prior to start Adobe Premiere Pro 2023 Free Download, ensure the availability of the below listed system specifications.