You come to know what Allah requires of you and what you are doing at the moment. Also, the verses of the Holy Quran have to be understood in their true context. When you decide to memorize the Quran, you will not feel bored or feel anxious, stressed and afraid. Get in the habit of reading the Quran daily. Quran is one of the biggest blessings bestowed upon Muslims. A decline in memory and brain function is a side effect of aging, but regular reading may help slow the process. Whoever reads the Quran knows that he is merciful and even forgives the sins of his servants with one tear of repentance. Allahs Prophet (SAW) says that the best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it. He said: I am more energetic to complete it in a period less than this. Quran guides explain the reality of life and death, with the recitation of Quran you shape your brain to follow the right path putting aside all irrelevant things from your life. benefits of the medication Quran and how disease can be cured by reading verses of the Quran. The recitation causes relaxation and this helps to keep the memory alive. Quran recitation has a special healing power and a positive effect on our bodies, both physically and mentally. One of the benefits of reciting the Holy Quran is to heal your body and soul. Everybody has to start somewhere. This leads to being enveloped by the mercy of Allah, and other benefits. It has been sent down to all mankind, not only as guidance and mercy but also as a cure and prevention from any disease. The Quran covers all aspects of life that one needs to know about. The amazing and beautifully designed App, which provides exciting reading and learning features to Muslims all over the world. 7 Benefits of learning and reading the Quran. The Quran also guides you to your self-accountability. Health Benefits of Dates: 1 No Cholesterol Dates are free from cholesterol and contain very low fat. Learning the Quran is a lifelong journey, never stop learning and keep improving yourself as a Muslim! Reading combats mental decline and Alzheimer's with old age. Every word of the Quran is filled with rewards. To clarify, abandonment of the Quran has many ways; abandonment of recitation, listening, reflecting, memorizing, or application. Reading Qur'aan together, giving good deeds to the dead, and al-Mawlid al-Nabawi (celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)) 21-01-2013. views : 153040. 2) Sit in a respectful place and in a respectful manner. Promotes Mental Health As you have read above, listening to Quran can help you to achieve best health results including for the mental health. These health benefits are all tried and genuine. This makes some Muslims choose to do some good deeds such as reading the Quran before starting the day. A Muslim Hafiz gains immeasurable blessings both in this world and in the hereafter. Benefits and Virtues of Reciting the Quran, Let us look some of the benefits of reciting the Quran on daily basis with understanding so that we can get closer to the majestic words of Almighty Allah. 9 Benefits: Importance of Reciting the Holy Quran Daily? 5: The Quran will be an intercessor on day of resurrection. Recitation of the Quran is considered great worship for which the person is rewarded. Reading the Quran protects you on the Day of Resurrection. It's the 2nd Chapter (Surah) of the Quran, consists of 286 Ayah, and lies in the Mushaf from page 2 to 49. 2022 Quran For Kids. But the answer is when you feel comfortable and feel satisfied, you feel secure, you feel better and better and better you can feel that after reciting Quran. Your email address will not be published. The main advantage of reciting the Holy Quran is that it increases one's knowledge. This makes it clear that these small Surahs from the Quran come with amazing benefits for your health. The Holy Quran is not only the book of blessing and virtues but also has many psychological effects on the person who recites this great book. If you want the answers to all these important questions, keep reading this article to the end. Theme of Surah Al-Baqarah. The Health Benefits of Reading We already know that reading is a key to success for some of today's top business leaders and entrepreneurs. The Quran was revealed to our beloved Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. In fact, there are numerous benefits of reciting Quran surahs daily. 6) Serenity of Heart. is All-Knowing, Most Merciful. You read it correctly, not a single surah, not a single verse, not a single word, will give you the reward for reciting each letter of the Quran. By internal manners, we mean the matters of the heart whilst external manners are those that affect our deeds and all the members of the body. This single verse is full of motives, and this is the virtue of the Quran! Therefore, if we love the Quran, we will be in the accompany of the righteous and the people of the Quran. 3- Teaches us how to overcome our lives problems. He serves as our intercessor on the Day of Judgment when even our parents will not recognize us. Learning Quran is obligatory on every Muslim man and woman. Also, some Muslims choose to read the Quran at night or at dawn in the morning. A Book We have sent down to you so that you may bring forth mankind from the darkness into the light Reading Quran in Ramadan is one such deed that brings about the pleasure of Allah SWT because Allah AWJ sees that his servants is not only reading His words but also understanding and adhering them without the interruption and barrier of the Satan, which is locked up during the holy month of Ramadan. The Prophet s.a.w replied, ". 4- Reading Surah Rahman For Marriage. Little did he know that one of the days of his stay in the cave, that Angel Jibril a.s. would visit him. INDEED, to reflect on Allah's verses is a form of worship that will draw one close to Him. It was revealed on our beloved Prophet (SAW) who is the last Prophet of Allah Almighty. Thirteen studies assessed the effect of listening al-Quran on depression [13,15,18], mental health [20], quality of sleep [14], physiological parameters [8,16,19], anxiety [12,17], QoL [21,25]. The scientific benefits of reading the Quran help relieve anxiety, depression, high blood pressure and diabetes. The portion could vary according to the capacity of every Muslim. The first of these is. I do not say that Alif Lam Mim is a letter, but Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter and Mim is a letter. And when this duty is fulfilled, the Quran will become a witness to the One on the Day of Judgment. They affect Muslims and non-Muslims suffer equally. All rights reserved, For beginners: Quran reading with Tajweed, Basic Islamic education and Daily Supplications (duas). Other than the reward there is no health problem that the Holy Quran does not have a solution to. Imam al-Nawawi (rahimahullah) says, The best of recitations is that which is done in the prayer, as for what is outside of the prayer then the best is reciting by night and the last part of the night is better than the first. It dispels the clouds of darkness and bestows the light of faith on believers. Being a Muslim, it is our duty to read the Holy Quran on daily basis. Quran is the most unique and authentic devein book in the world. Allah {S.W.T} included the right choice for every issue in life in it. Recite Surah Al-Mulk to protect yourselves from the torment of the grave. We certainly need guidance from credible asatizah to explain the tafsir of the Quran. No, right? Indeed, the Quran helps Muslims to understand the secrets of the universe they live in. 4: The more you recite Quran, the higher the rank While making dua is one of the means to talk to Allah, you can also find answers while reading the Quran. I do not say that Alif-Lam-Mim is one letter, but Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter and Mim is a letter. [At- Tirmidhi]. Do want to know what is the benefits and importance of reading and reciting Quran daily? Reading improves memory and concentration. 6) Completion of the rules of intonation. The Holy Quran is Gods revered book that requires proper understanding and is a gift to all mankind. As Allah said in Surah el ESRAA And We send down of the Quran that is a healing and a mercy to the believers. 10) Glorifying God Almighty after completing the Quran. If reading Surah Yaseen forgives all sins, so it's undoubtful it eases the death of the Muslim by meeting Allah (SWT) with no sins or bad deeds. 6. Reading the Quran between Asr and Maghrib is not as forbidden as such. He is a source of Shafaah (Intercession) for his family. We are very blessed and proud to be serving thousands of Muslim families around the World through Quality, Dedication, and Innovation. Whoever reads the Quran is not returned to senile old age and that is the meaning of Allahs Statement, Then We reduced him to the lowest of the low, except those who believe he said those that recite the Quran., 12- Getting rid of depression and anxiety. 1- Reciting the Holy Quran entitles you to be among the rememberers, the obedient, the humble ones, the delivered, the jurisprudents, and not the unmindful. And We have spaced it distinctly. [Quran, 25: 32]. A love of reading can protect your brain from Alzheimer's disease, slash stress levels, encourage . You can join our classes for Quran interpretation to help you to reflect and ponder the meaning. To be close to Allah is our aim as Muslims, so as long as we are close to Allah, we recite Quran, we do everything Allah asks us to do, as long as we feel satisfied with life and with ourselves. God has given us all an opportunity to read it daily and act upon its teachings. While reading may help . Recitation of the Quran is a great blessing for those who understand its value. With continuous and regular memorisation, you will be able to strengthen your memory muscle even more. There are tremendous benefits of reading Quran for Muslims in the world, kids or adults, male or female. The Rights of Quran Upon Muslims The Quran encompasses all the knowledge Muslims could need to spend their lives in this world and about the, What are the Benefits of Learning Quran Online? You can find Quran online on the internet or in the form of Cds, listen to it and it will relax your mind and heart, this way it will lower down your stress levels. 1:It calms the heart an soul of reciters When a believer leaves everything to the Almighty, the supreme power then assists different sources. Allah Almighty said about Quran: This is the Book (the Quran), whereof there is no doubt, guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqoon [the pious](Quran, 2:2). If you want to find answers to all these important questions, keep reading to the end. And on that last day, we will all desire the proper accompany that will receive the mercy of God Almighty. The Quran will remove all the concerns, grief, and accumulations of the past, you will be reborn. Placing into heart the understanding that these words are not the words of man. 9- Reciting the Quran makes the heart softer. In Islam, fasting (known as Sawm, Arabic: ; Arabic pronunciation: .Or Siyam, Arabic: ; Arabic pronunciation: , also commonly known as Rzeh or Rzah, Persian: in non-Arab Muslim countries) is the practice of abstaining, usually from food, drink, smoking, and sexual activity. When you do zikir, you will attain inner peace and solace as mentioned in the Quran: , Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Because they carry the book of God Almighty, obey His commandments and teach it to others, a Muslim who memorizes the Quran is referred to as the person of Allah. According to research conducted at the University of Salford, United Kingdom. It is the sacred word of God intended to guide the believers to the straight path and to correct any mistakes in the previous Holy books. Also known to be the best among the voluntary prayers, one major benefit of performing Tahajjud is that it helps with everyday problems. In fact, Reading quran is one of the key factors to succeed in this life and hereafter. Each benefit acts as enough encouragement to Muslims that they should recite Quran daily with understanding. Reciting the Quran daily has a great reward for those who read it. As God Almighty mentioned in Surat Ibrahim, verse 1: (This is) a Book We have revealed to you so that may lead mankind from darkness to light by allowing their Lord to follow the path of God Almighty, the Owner of all praise.. In Hadith Prophet (SAW) stated that: Whoever recites ten Ayahs (verses) in qiyaam will not be recorded as one of the forgetful. It brings you true success in this world and the hereafter. In contrast, if the person abandons the Holy Quran he will be pessimistic, sad, confused, and always feel in trouble facing any life obstacles. Perceived stress level is defined as the level of a stress in person that is enough that a person is stressful. Quran is the last book of Allah and it is the most sacred book for Muslims of the whole world. (Read this article on Coronavirus COVID-19).