The ark was the most precious possession Israel had. The last time this name appears is in 2 Chronicles 25:24 but by then, this was several generations after him. You see, no one can die in Gods presence, even Jesus. You're already in our mailing list. If this obededom had been a jew, what would have been diferent in the typological perspective of this account? God cursed the Philistines and they were struck with disease and ultimately, before they got the Ark back into the hands of Israel, 50,070 men died as recorded in I Samuel 6:19. Im on Facebook. 6:12 says "so David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-edom into the city of David with gladness". This coming week, may the blessings of God begin to manifest in an accelerated way, in the name of Jesus. Without Jesus shed blood, there is no remission of sins (Heb. This demonstrates that David this time around had a greater revelation and appreciation of the blood of Jesus. Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. The people, understandably, were overjoyed to see the Ark returned to them at last! Church, youd better know with absolute certainty thatRighteousness is a gift you receive,not an action you perform. Its not that the Israelites werent sincere, but they didnt realize how sinful they were in their flesh. Thirdly, even if Obed Edom in 2 Sam 6:10-12 was not a Jew, it could not have been the same person in 1 Chronicles 15. What difference are you making this year? Moreover, the sons of Obededom The same at whose house the ark was, before it was brought by David to Zion; his sons were porters also, as himself, ( 1 Chronicles 15:24) ( 16:38) , mention is made of eight sons of his, according to their birth: Shemaiah, Jehozabad, Joah, Sacar, Nethaneel, Ammiel, Issachar, Peulthai; for God blessed him; )After the death of Uzzah, the ark, which was being conducted from the house of Abinadab in Gibeah to the city of David, was carried aside into the house of Obed edom, where . Already he started out differently. Join me as we look at the Old Testament Biblical story of Obed-edom and glean insights from his life to equip the stander.----- STANDING SUPERNATURALLY -----. As usual The Holy Spirit, our Master Storyteller, is at it again, painting pictures of Jesus for us and explaining spiritual truths. This seems to invalidate some of the observations the preacher made. Credits, Gift a GP They were going along OK, until they reached the threshing floor of Nachon. As a result, they were struck dead (1 Sam. James, who was pastoring the Jerusalem church at that time, agreed with Peter that the Gentiles should not be made to keep the law, for it is in line with what God said through Amos. From the moment He heard about where it was,he purposed in his heartto bring the Ark of the LORD back to Jerusalem; BACK TO THE CENTER OF WORSHIP! You did things His way..or else. 78:68). It wasnt until many years later, when David was King of Israel, however, that he was able to accomplish his life-long dream. This depicts many Churches today who, though they and their people are believers, dont have Jesus at the center. The ark is no longer needed to experience the presence and power of God. The Ark In Obed-Edom's House "The ark of the LORD remained in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite three months. , The opening scripture is one of the most puzzling passages in the entire Bible for more than just a few, my self included. The truth is well taken and received. . Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me (1 Cor. God bless you so much for this write-up. Edit par Yorkshire Pub (2008) ISBN 10 : . However, this passage reveals unchanging truth regarding our attitude before the Lord, the means by which we enter His presence, and the blessings associated with the presence of our Lord. There are at least two such individuals referred to (1Ch 15:21, 24; 16:38), but beyond this it is impossible to determine whether the several other texts refer to either of these, or to still other contemporary individuals. Yet Jesus is hardly even mentioned in their midst, except in a harsh or judgmental way. Suscrbete a mi canal aqu: comentarios son importantes, as que tmate un segundo y escribe "Yo cre. Abinadab was both a Jew AND a priest. Obedience and faith are essential to our Christian lives and witness before others. Not too long ago I heard on the news about a man who was going about the city . This year, may these family blessings manifest so evidently in your familys lives that people will talk about it. Needless to say, God was greatly displeased! God spoke to me about this and as I researched and saw this I knew the answer. Scriptures: lessons within the text as we consider: The Obedience of Obed-edom. When you believe that by grace, you have this righteous identity in Christ, you will start walking in practical holiness. R. iv. Its a position of honor, you understand. Check out the piece called, Theres room at the cross for you, and the article on the Gospel of Matthew in my Gospel series. His fear had come because of the great tragedy experienced while moving the ark. I write because I also was blessed and hoped others would be too. Instead of saying, You should do this . His name is interpreted thus: "Obed" = "the servant who honors God in the right way"; "Edom" (lit. What is the secret of his amazing success? They figured that if these new mothers did not turn around and run back to nurse their young, which would have been instinctive, then all of their troubles must indeed have been caused by the God of Israel. They could tell by all hisMATERIAL BLESSINGS.Cant see blessings that are only spiritual, can you? Is He the center of attraction in your home, school, business, career? NRSV document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); AND THE LORD BLESSED OBED EDOM AND ALL HIS HOUSEHOLD.. Are you a family man? I looked up the article on Rahab that explains quite a lot and here is the link to it: (1) The Gittite to whose house the *Ark of the Lord was transferred after the death of Uzzah ( II Sam. There are also three other Obed-Edoms, one of them a porter at the house of God (a temporary setup during David's time). I am by no means a bible scholar at all or might have known who Obed Edom was. Bible Verses About Love. Though He suffered much because of His wounds, however, they didnt bring about His death. AND THE LORD BLESSED OBED EDOM AND ALL HIS HOUSEHOLD., Obed Edom was a Gittite. He was a man of influence. Divine breakthroughs do not come from doing nothing. Remember Obed Edom? 10:27). Who knows. Yep! The answer to the question is that Obed-Edom was courageous and willing to take the ark of the covenant to his home even after seeing the gruesome killing of Uzzah because, after this incident, everyone was terrified and unsure of whom they were supposed to give it to. Obed-Edom is a picture of believers who are conscious of Jesus finished work and shed blood. TWELVE MILES! Two Obed-edoms in one verse is clear proof that the name was not unique! Comparing The Two Attempts To Return The Ark. This is the protagonist I want to examine. Butwhy in the world did he follow their example? In the Old Testament days, the Ark of the Covenant was understood to be the presence of God among His people. He said to them, You are the heads of the fathers houses of the Levites;sanctify yourselves, you and your brethren, that you may bring up the ark of the Lord God of Israel to the place I have prepared for it. 12:13). Hey Steve!! David Leaves the Ark of the Covenant With. The effect of Gods grace is amazing because well see results we never thought possible. For more on that topic, you may follow the link below: You see, the greater your appreciation of the blood of Jesus, the bigger revelation of Him, THE GREATER YOUR BLESSINGS!!! NLT The Ark of the Lord remained there in Obed-edom's house for three months, and the Lord blessed Obed-edom and his entire household. This is why God called him A man after His own heart. Abba, too, desires that Jesus, His beloved Son, be THE CENTER OF WORSHIP..ALWAYS! Lets follow the account in 1 Chronicles which, as I said, has details not included in 2 Samuel. When a death sentence was pronounced on him, it did not stop him from doing what was right. Happy to be of service and glad you are blessed! 2. Thank You! Baptist. You can say he is a minor character who made a major impact in the Bible. Under no circumstance was the ark to be placed on a cart and moved by animals. That is why God ordained for the law to be put under the mercy seat inside the ark and for the blood of the animal sacrifice to be applied on the mercy seat, covering the symbols of mans sin underneath it. All self effort gone Jesus I depend on you alone for everything. After that whole fiasco, the men of Beth Shemesh were terrified..understandably! Hmmm..what gives? "red")= "one who causes to blush." He made David blush for shame because the latter was at first afraid to receive the Ark, whereas Obededom took it into his house without hesitation (Num. Obed-Edom wasnt just any man; he was the man who made the difference. But, Jesus is the center, you say. However, Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life (John 11:25), and raised Lazarus from the dead. The Ark demonstrates that Jesus is 100% Man (wood) and 100% God (gold.). Nevertheless, due to the lack of data point, it may be different persons as well. They made a foolish, HUGE mistake and pushed aside the Mercy Seat. Sin will not have dominion over you. Blessed by God? He had to stand there and wait there for a few minutes until they were able to get back on their feet and compose themselves, probably because Jesus did not allow them to get up. I receive Him. When David learns that Obed-Edom is being blessed with the "dangerous" ark at his house, David realizes that the ark itself is not the problem. Surely He is showing us His grace through the pictures. You dont need a pastor or a deacon present to have communion. 1 0 obj It was heartfelt and sincere no doubt, but they relied on their own reasoning, their own efforts. Jesus is the God-man, completely God and completely man. People talking about Gods blessings in your life is another way of spreading the good news so that others will be drawn to the God you serve. Firstly, there is no apparent evidence that Obed Edom was appointed the gatekeeper because of his experience with the Ark. No, Noah was responsible to BUILD the ark. It could be that Obed-Edom moved his family to Jerusalem where the ark was because he noticed the difference that the presence of God made. Denomination: 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. He knew what was about to happen, yet He did not shrink from it but stepped forward with kingly grace. Thank You, Father God, that You raised Jesus from the dead. God's Timing is Not Our Timing Jesus was on his way to heal Jairus' daughter, but he takes time to talk to the woman who touches his robe. They will deliver the message of Grace, the pure gospel, to the previous generations, bringing about the death of the legalism and mixture of Law and Grace with which they have been beating the people, depicted by the surfeited and obese high priest, old Eli. However, the men of Beth Shemesh also did not follow the ordinances surrounding the ark, and they opened the ark and looked in at the law and the other symbols of mans rebellion. So what gives? . went to bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the house of Obed-edom with joy." 1 Chron. Here is a promise from God that was prophesied over the tribe of Asher: as thy days, so shall thy strength be (Deut. From here, we can make two observations first. This guy was a very worldly, very fleshly high priest who had two very wicked sons: Hophni and Phinehas. The name "Obed-edom" occurs 20 times in the ESV. Absolutely NOTHING! Thank you for the great article. We are justified and sanctified by His blood alone (Rom. Otherwise, battered and bruised though He was, His physical body would not have been able to die. When they found Jesus, He, of course, KNEW EVERYTHING. This is so good. The ark had been in Gibeah for over sixty years, and Saul had not sought or inquired of the Lord at the ark during all of his reign. Heres the problem with hat statement: Beth Shemesh was a very small town. But when we chase after Jesus, money will chase after us and we will be able to be a blessing to others. BRING THE ARK BACK TO THE CENTER OF WORSHIP! 15:16). Obed's mother, Ruth, was a Moabitess who immigrated to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law, Naomi. 5:6). xv. Difficult. When the Ark was present, the people knew God was with them. We found it in theFIELDS OF THE WOODS. {Kirjath Jearim}. As we consider the passage before us, it is important to remember that the ark of God represented His power and presence to the nation of Israel. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. It got so bad that the people began to despise the Lords offerings. When David came to retrieve the ark from Obed-Edoms house, Obed-Edom knew that the reason he was so blessed was the ark. David had a desire to bring the ark from a place where it was neglected and dishonored to the centrality of the heart of IsraelMount Zion, the place of grace. We must fight to get to Jesus through the crowds of people pointing us other directions, fall at his feet and implore him. When you try to justify yourself by the law (e.g. Fear () = Worship = Wisdom: Spiritual Warfare Part 7. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. The Ark is a picture of Jesus, of course..His presence, His Person, and His work! We're not sure who Obed-edom was. And the LORD blessed the household of Obed-edom and all that he had." (1 Chronicles 13:14). What a difference now that David understood why God had blessed Obed Edom. We are sons and daughters who have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but have received the Spirit of sonship through Jesus (Rom. Pronunciation of Obed-Edom with 4 audio pronunciations. So they did in Shiloh to all the Israelites who came there. Davids desire to bring the ark to Mount Zion is a message to the church today: bring Jesus back to the center of our lives (e.g. But the Lord began to prosper and enlarge him and his territories and bless him with every blessing. Yep, thats right: Goliath, Davids giant. David learned from his mistake! But we are children who are deeply loved by our Father, and that is why we want to please Him. Experts estimate that the total weight of the Ark was about 565 lbs!