Maisie grew up learning about how these dinosaurian facsimiles had been engineered into existence, and spent her days playing in the mansions library and diorama room. In Fallen Kingdom, the dark truth emerged that Maisie was a clone of Benjamin's daughter, Charlotte. Earlier, Maisie witnessed Claire Dearing speaking to her grandfather about saving the dinosaurs from the volcanic eruption in Isla Nublar. From within, a creature reached out and gently touched her hair, causing her to whirl around in alarm. Recognizing the pair, and realizing that they did not work for Biosyn, the three decided to escape together. Dearing was wounded, but Maisie escaped and her screams lured the Indoraptor away from her friends. Grady, Dearing and Maisie returned to the Sierra Nevadas, to a spot where Blue had last been sighted. Lockwoods wife does not appear to have been alive for much of Maisies life, probably passing away in her infancy or very early childhood (that is, if she was still alive at the time Maisie was born). The day after this, she met Grady in person while fleeing from Mills after discovering that her grandfather had died. As a child, Maisie already showed a fairly comprehensive understanding of prehistoric life, the geologic time periods of the Mesozoic era, and the basics of ecology (such as the fact that most animals throughout history were herbivores, with carnivores in the minority). The four of them would resolve to escape in Malcolms stolen Biosyn vehicle. Also, through Ellie's help and being told as to why her biological mother created her, Maisie realized how badly she had treated Claire and Owen, as she comes to the realization that her adoptive parents did consider her their daughter. Through those events, Maisie felt closer with her parents and comes to appreciate what she has. It means pearl, denoting something precious and deserving of protection. When Blue shows up at the family's cabin with a hatchling, Maisie names its Beta and forms a bond with it. On one such trip, Maisie would encounter a pair of Apatosaurus in a nearby mill adjacent to the town, and be able to advise the workers on how to safely lead them away. They were then joined by Blue, who leapt into defense of her father figure. Once she approaches the Indoraptor cell, the hybrid tries to grab Maisie with his arm, scaring the girl and making Mills discover her. Maisie Lockwood (2007 present) is the daughter of Charlotte Lockwood, and the granddaughter of Sir Benjamin Lockwood. Other manor staff who knew Maisie was a clone were taught that Charlotte had died in a vehicle accident in 2008, and that, in an act of grief, Sir Benjamin had turned to InGens technology to recreate her. Maisie learned all of the hidden ways through Lockwood Manors interior, including the maintenance corridors and dumbwaiters; by the summer of 2018, the only area that remained unknown to her was the sub-basement laboratory, which was protected by security access codes and separated from the rest of the house. Since Grady trusted Dearing, Maisie chose to trust her as well. He appeared conflicted about the morality of releasing them, like Rodriguez. Irvine is a city in Orange County, California. When Maisie was investigating Eli Mills to find evidence of his betrayal, she overheard him talking with Henry Wu about a mysterious prototype. She would soon discover a bizarre creature lurking in a dark cage within the sub-basement when she hid from Mills and Wu, backing too close to the cage and drawing the creatures attention. To her horror, the monster from the basement was brought out: it was introduced as the Indoraptor, and its purpose was finally revealed. Charlotte Lockwood is a scientist in Jurassic World Dominion and the daughter of Sir Benjamin Lockwood, John Hammond's business partner in co-founding InGen, the company behind the original. After finding Beta, Maisie used what her father taught her about handling raptors to help Owen knock her out in order to bring her back to Blue. Lockwood did not so much as allow Maisie to look at photographs of her mother for fear that she might discover her identity before she was ready. Thus Maisie and Sir Benjamin are very close (Eli deliberately hiding the truth of Maisie's origin). [18], Referring to her role in Dominion, Nick Bartlett of /Film wrote: "As the person who released the dinosaurs into the world, you would think she would have an interesting arc in this film, potentially grappling with her conscience over the consequences of her actions or coming to terms with her new identity. Their combined weight broke the metal supports of the sun roof and they both fell through, the Indoraptor landing on a fossil display where it sustained devastating injuries and quickly died from them. In addition, Maisie would go out of her way to help her father in anyway she can and learned survivals skills through him. Maisie was a spirited child and far from obedient, taking delight in teasing Carroll and hiding from her as a game. They would witness the flaming hoarde of Locusts flying through the sky, setting the forest ablaze. It was here that Lockwood and John Hammond would extract their first DNA sample from Fossilised Amber paving the way for De-Extinction and Jurassic Park . She discovered that she carried a genetic flaw, a rare health condition that was invariably fatal. A fan of dinosaurs, whose skeletons and imagery are very present in the mansion, she at times pretends to be one ambushing Iris. This made Dearing one of very few outsiders to know of Maisies existence, though Eli Mills covered up her origins with the usual explanation. It was distracted by Dearing, who used a gun it had been trained to obey; she instructed it to leap in Gradys direction, causing it to land on the glass as he dodged it. Presumably, the lab equipment would have had to be installed by outside employees as well. In their conversation about dinosaurs and Maisie's sense of humor (in it being similar to her mother's), Maisie asks if she looks like her. ], 2008) was the daughter of Sir Benjamin Lockwood and the mother of Maisie Lockwood, Jr. She passed away due to a car accident at the age of twenty-four. Grady took Maisie out of the way of the ensuing fight, though the Indoraptor kept making efforts to reach her. Maisie Lockwood is portrayed by Isabella Sermon, except for scenes of her as a baby where she is instead portrayed by an uncredited baby. Project and the four Velociraptors it yielded, including a particularly empathic individual named Blue. While she was watching the videos, distracted from her mission, she overheard Mills approaching with another man. When Isla Nublars dinosaurs were on the verge of death in a cloud of toxic gas, she took the initiative to release them into the wild to save them. 30,000 persons visit it each day. Instead, to defeat Mills, Maisie ended up finding help in the form of Owen Grady and Claire Dearing. Bayona said that "telling the story of Maisie was like a way of trying to find out what Michael Crichton would think about the moment we live in right now". She was created by and born to Charlotte Lockwood. She hid, sneaking away through the lab as Mills and Wu walked through arguing about their work. 1985 - InGen moves to Palo Alto. Releasing Beta, Maisie took her chance to run as well, escaping down a vent, even as Dodgson would sound the alarm. She made the executive decision to release the frightened animals, allowing them to escape extinction and flee into the wild. She once lived with the scientists on Isla Sorna, and later became a geneticist and colleague of Wu's. They, and the equipment they brought, disappeared into the sub-basement; most of them did not work in the manor itself. [21] Saim Cheeda, also of Screen Rant, ranked Maisie's character arc as the second-best in the film series, writing that she "developed from being a scared child to set herself on the path of continuing her biological mother's legacy, ultimately providing Wu with the means to reverse the effects of the locusts". While at Biosyn, Maisie learns she is not only cloned from Charlotte but that the latter also gave birth to her asexually, making them daughter and mother. The pair would attempt to encourage her to accept her circumstances, but Maisie reacted with hostility due to her recent kidnapping. Mills reveals that Maisie is actually a clone herself because Benjamin Lockwood wanted his daughter back, which horrifies Maisie. Unfortunately, this is barely touched upon, and her storyline is ultimately frustrating". After the death of Maisie's grandfather, Benjamin Lockwood, she was heartbroken that she lost the only family she had and Eli dismissed Iris. Mills, angered over them ruining his plans, demands that Maisie comes with him, but they refuse. Charlotte had no hesitation of giving it to Maisie. Despite this, Maisie and some others in the group were caught under a piece of rubble in the courtyard, as the Rex had been pinned down by the Giganotosaurus during their fight.Seeing that the group was pinned down with no escape, Watts distracted the large carnivore with a flare, distracting its attention long enough to allow Grady and the others to escape on the chopper. Later, she and Beta are kidnapped by Biosyn for research purposes, prompting Owen and Claire to embark on a rescue mission. After being rescued by Claire Dearing and Owen Grady during the 2018 incident, Maisie became acquainted with two of Dearings coworkers including paleoveterinarian Zia Rodriguez. The first promotional image for, Although no major news outlet announced it, Sermon was always intended to return in. Sure, there are dinosaurs running around, but there's also this other scientist who's apparently been cloning actual human beings for years". She develops an attachment to Owen as he and Claire protected her from the Indoraptor and Mills mercenaries. Maisie also grew up with Eli Mills - a businessman entrusted in safeguarding the Lockwood Fortune - as a supervising figure. In her early childhood, Maisies primary caretaker (along with her grandfather) was Iris Carroll, who had cared for her mother a generation ago. As she continued to try and evade them, she strayed into a dark corner of the sub-basement and crossed a safety line near a cage. Maisie Lockwood, Sr. (August 15, 1983 - June 31[? The Lockwood Estate was the home of Benjamin and Maisie Lockwood in Northern California. After reuniting with her mother, Maisie reconciled with Claire and was happy that she came for her. It established that Lockwood's daughter died in a car accident. Finding the way guarded, she tried a riskier method and climbed across the exterior wall of the house to her grandfathers room. Maisie seems close with her adoptive father and looks up to him. What happened to the little girl in Jurassic Park 2? Later on, after scaring Iris in Lockwood's Museum Parlor, Maisie is brought to Sir Benjamin's room to talk to him. According to Colin Trevorrow, Maisie was born 10 years before the events of, It was revealed by writer and producer Colin Trevorrow that Maisie Lockwood's mother died years before Maisie was cloned. The character of Maisie Lockwood appears to have been at least partially inspired by the youth and child climate activists who rose to prominence in the late 2010s. The name Maisie is of Scottish origin, dating back to the sixteenth century. Maisie Lockwood is a young girl who lives in Lockwood Manor, owned by her grandfather Benjamin Lockwood, an old business partner of John Hammond. There she found the laboratory; the staff was not there yet, with the place practically empty. She's not just a science experiment. When Eli Mills apologizes for kidnapping Maisie in the film, he appears . Dearing and Grady immediately protected Maisie, though Mills assured them that they could never understand her needs the way he did. That night, she joined with DPG activists to disrupt the black-market auction happening within the estate. After reuniting with her parents, Maisie helps Owen and Alan to retrieve Beta from within the Biosyn facility. A terrified Maisie asks Mills what that animal is only for Mills to lock her in her bedroom and warning Iris to keep her there so as to not interfere with his plans. Although he hid information from her, Lockwood was still the person Maisie trusted most. This second original hardcover novel tells the all-new adventures of Maisie Lockwood as she navigates a world filled with dinosaurs both ferocious and friendly. Maisie was also able to keep Beta under control by using some of her father's raptor training with Blue. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Jurassic World Dominion Maisie & Velociraptor Beta Action Figure New Sealed UK at the best online prices at eBay! Maisie Lockwood is a young girl who lives with Owen Grady and Claire Dearing as their adoptive daughter. The dinosaurs were delivered to the Lockwood estate on June 24. According to early reports, Maisies name may originally have been planned to be Lucy. Since human cloning is illegal in Charlottes home state of California, where her familys manor is located near the town of Orick, she had to do this in secret. Mills, however, was more concerned with making money than being a father figure to Maisie. [9], Maisie's role as Charlotte's daughter had always been planned by Trevorrow,[10] who said it was "very important to understand that Maisie wasn't made by some man who missed her". Grady would travel with Dearing and Maisie, evading the authorities and other interested parties, until finally settling down in a cabin in the Sierra Nevadas. He and Dearing would set rules for Maisie, that she could not leave the immediate vicinity of the cabin. She is one of the three main protagonists in the Jurassic World trilogy, along with her adoptive parents, Owen Grady (portrayed by Chris Pratt) and Claire Dearing (portrayed by Bryce Dallas Howard). The island/theme park is well known for housing and exhibiting real living, breathing dinosaurs, and the sight of these creatures once thought lost to time is truly one to behold. However, Maisie began to find out Elis true colors as she overheard him talking to someone about selling the dinosaurs instead of rescuing and tried to tell her grandfather but he didn't believe her. After hiding in a nearby dumbwaiter to avoid Mills, Maisie got all the way down to the lab, where she witness Claire and Owen breaking out of the cage they were trap in. While her allies succeeded in preventing it from being taken out of the estate, it was released at some point during the night. This scene came to me after I watched the extended version of Dominion. The rescue mission departed the following morning, on June 23. After the events of the Jurassic Park incident , she divorced Ian and remarried John Hammond, the owner of Jurassic Park. Having lost her grandfather and parental figures, the family house keeper and a man she once treated like a father figure until his betrayal, Maisie was left with nowhere to go. Maisie, however, had just experienced the worst day of her life, and was not willing to watch her beloved dinosaurs die. She fled from the unknown creature, running into Mills. Charlotte "Maisie" Lockwood was the late daughter of Sir Benjamin Lockwood and the mother of Maisie Lockwood. Despite Carrolls strict attitude, she allowed Maisie to call her by her first name. [19], Michael John Petty of Collider praised Sermon's performance and wrote that Maisie's inclusion "into the greater Jurassic mythology is something to be celebrated and explored, as there are so many potential scientific, societal, and social implications of such a person's existence". Claire then distracted it from them and tries to get to fall off the glass roof as Blue finally kills the Indoraptor. However, Maisie regretted for saying that to her adoptive mother, especially when she got kidnapped by Biosyn. Blue, la femelle vlociraptor . She looked through the lab for evidence. During 2017 and 2018, the dinosaurs lives were put under threat as Isla Nublar experienced an increase in volcanic activity. Due to the ensuing events, Maisie did not see Dearing again until the night of June 24 after she discovered her grandfather had died and the black-market auction was well underway. Grady attempted to convince Blue to come with them to safety, but Blue chose to depart and live in the wild instead. However, after the hyperloop stopped, Maisie, Ellie and Alan decided to leave instead of waiting for it to run again, as they found themselves in a large mine. This made Carroll more than a maternal figure, but a guardian, protecting Maisie from the danger of being discovered by outsiders. Mills openly discussed Maisies origin in front of two security guards during the 2018 incident, and they did not show signs of surprise; this suggests that Millss employees knew about her origin. The group began to head to the Outpost ladder, just as the ground shook beneath their feet. Charlotte had long wanted a child, and as she studied human cloning for medical purposes, she also began to consider it for reproduction. However, Blue arrives at the room and confronts the Indoraptor while Owen and Maisie escape. The Dimetrodon eventually would corner the group, as they had no other way out of the caves other than a locked iron gate. He noted that dinosaurs are the focal point of the films, and argued that by taking "the cloning focus away from the dinosaurs even just for one character, as part of a shock reveal it changes what the entire series is about". She viewed a photo of her mother from when she was the same age, noticing their striking similarity. She hid and observed the two speak about selling the dinosaurs from Nublar rather than take them to a sanctuary as Sir Benjamin intended. They made their way to the Hyperloop station, and Maisie would hide behind a pile of crates as Ramsay Cole approached. She informed the pair that Grant, Sattler, and Malcolm had rescued her from Biosyn. Since the events of 2018, Dearing has become a surrogate mother figure for Maisie, taking on the role of keeping her safe from the world as she grows and matures. Maisie would exit the crashed vehicle first, recognizing Claire and Owen Grady as her parents at last and running into their arms. Along with Dearings colleague Zia Rodriguez, former Masrani Global IT worker Franklin Webb alerted Dearing, Grady, and Maisie about the threat to the dinosaurs beneath the mansion. Some, a convoy of huge trucks carrying dinosaurs in crates, went to a loading dock to send the captured creatures into the sub-basements lowest level. Grady had educated Maisie in some training from his IBRIS days, which heavily assisted the group when Beta came out, pausing for precious seconds as first Maisie, then Grant performed the all too familiar hand signals. Maisie Lockwood (genetic daughter) Born Early-1970s Died 2009 Charlotte Lockwood was the daughter of Benjamin Lockwood, the former partner of John Hammond in creation of Jurassic Park and company InGen and the genetic mother of Maisie Lockwood who she created with her own DNA. Ellie reveals that she knew Charlotte; they met when Charlotte came to Ellie's university as a guest lecturer, during which Ellie had met Maisie years before as a baby. Maisies existence could not be explained to outsiders, and so she was kept a secret within the walls of the Lockwood mansion. Unfortunately, Maisie's depressed state became worse when she found out that she was clone of her deceased mother and Eli never cared about her as a person, only someone who can be use for experiments and money. Looking exactly like her mother, Maisie Lockwood is a Caucasian young girl, currently standing 4'10", with reddish-brown hair and blue eyes.