Ygolonacs earthly manifestations present the entity as human-like in appearance (although possessing no head), giving rise to speculation that this deity is greatly connected to this planet and, according to some, imprisoned here within a walled-off chamber connected to a subterranean network of tunnels, possibly somewhere in England. See Nyarlathotep: Avatar Profiles table for both humanoid and machine forms. Use, ignore, or change entries as fits your own campaigns and adventures. Fighting Grab (mnvr) Stomp Xada-Hgla, the cradle of chaos 100% (50/20), damage 7D6 crushing 100% (50/20), held then pulled to body to be dissolved (see above) 70% (35/14), damage 14D6 Sanity Loss: 1D10/5D10 Sanity points. Obviously, heat and flame are the primary tools of all of Cthughas servants. Summons: may be summoned by touching a relatively accurate image or idol of Byatis. A huge, floating mass of dark cancerous flesh on which grew countless boil-like growths, some of which formed into eyes, while others parted to reveal mouths of shark-like teeth. THE MALLEUS MONSTRORUM - Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary is out now in PDF! A sense of dark nature, of things cruel and uncaring, pervades areas touched by this avatar. Perhaps, upon Earth, one of the most worshipped deities of all the cosmic pantheon, Shub-Nigguraths connections to our planet are wide and varied. Humanity is one such species with the capacity to (knowingly or unknowingly) unlock the doors of Elder prisons, and this may be the real reason for Nyarlathoteps ongoing manipulation of us. 75% (37/15), damage 4D6 Urafty Sanity Loss: 1/1D10 Sanity points. It seems likely (Great Old One) A gross heap of yellow-brown flesh, somewhat humanoid in shape, from which sprouts four thick and long tentacle-like limbs where hands and feet should be. MEDALLIONS OF ITHAQUA Certain lore suggests there are a number of potent artifacts created by Ithaqua in times past. At times, unions occur and produce monstrous spawn that may one day develop in a new god. Zoth-Ommog, scion of Cthulhu Sanity Loss: 1D6/2D10 Sanity points to encounter ZothOmmog. Some of his favorite games include first-person shooters like Left 4 Dead and Titanfall, though narrative games like Life is Strange are held near and dear. Ancient secrets, whispered lore, and collected facts concerning the alien and otherworldly horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. Within the text, Ossadagowah is described as the Star Demon that falls to the earth when called by evildoers to do their bidding and said to offer pacts in return for worship and blood. Nodens appears to some as a jailer, tasked with limiting the power and reach of the Old Ones, or else interfering with the machinations of the Outer Gods. Amber Elder, revealer of secrets Sanity Loss: no Sanity loss; 1D3/1D10 Sanity points if the avatar reveals its face and withered body. Speculation rises as to who caused this migration and imprisonment, with some citing the mi-go, while others speak of the Spawn of Yuggoth, an older and more powerful race of beings, who cast down this god. Such contact drains the Sanity of the connected person, producing a deranged outlook that may incite the affected person to murder. As such, doorways in and out may shift and appear randomly or may, according to some, be controlled solely by the deitys whim. Of course, as mentioned, not all agree, and a few argue that the Old Ones call can always be heard on this planet. Mysterious are they, the lesser-known and unnamed Elder Ones whose time is not yet come. Thus, the possibility of the interconnectivity of this entity to others makes discerning the truth difficult and chaotic at best. Those who behold Cymaeghi become enthralled by its weeping eye, with many of its cultists staring TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: CYMAEGHI STR 250 CON 350 SIZ 400 FROM THE JOURNALS OF SIR HANSEN POPLAN: OLD ONE PACTS DEX 70 Hit Points: 75 Damage Bonus (DB): +7D6 Build: 8 Move: 12 floating According to the lore, the ancient gods, the Old Ones, are imprisoned and unable to affect the world except through their thoughts and dreams; however, some believe there are rites, which when correctly performed, can summon or allow communication between a human and these undying beings. Much like the Lady of the Woods, the Great God Pan is a conduit for reckless desire, yet a far less subtle one. Those affected suffer 2D10 years worth of rapid aging, and in addition, lose 2D10 points of APP, CON, and/or POW roll if they fail to roll equal to or under those characteristics on a combined roll (i.e. 121 CHAPTER 2 m a l Powers Elemental Rage: causes devastating storms with hurricaneforce winds, driving rain, enormous hailstones, searing lightning, and so on. Its globular head extended and retracted on a thick neck. Beneath the desert sands, and lurking within the hig, The Mythos Society Guide to New England is an expansive universal sourcebook by veteran game designer Clint Staples that, You are holding in your hand the second volume of The Source Book of Magic. ) 211 Wailing Writher (Nyarlathotep) 162 Xada-Hgla (Azathoth) 37 Yolanda (Yidhra) 228 Bast 40 Elder Gods, Lesser 80 Hypnos 110 Nodens 137 Vorvadoss 213 UNIQUE ENTITIES Dagon & Hydra 71 Fthaggua 82 Mguleloc (? Encounters OTHER GODS, LESSER Effigies and icons relevant to Ossadagowah may sometimes be discovered within shrines, temples, and sites sacred to Tsathoggua, as well as those solely dedicated to Ossadagowah (although these will be fewer). Fire Vampires of Fthagghua, Fthagghua, and Ktynga copyright 2020 the Estate of Donald Wandrei. Water causes 2 damage per gallon, a bucket of sand inflicts 1D3 damage, and a handheld fire extinguisher deals 1D6+1 damage. Indeed, there are some in the Cult of Cthulhu who hold that it was and is Cthulhus will that binds Nctosa and Nctolhu in this manner. once per month). The account tells of the wizard being sent to a dismal plain where cities of bone rise and ghastly inhabitants work and fashion strange Tulu metals. One may suppose that this place is but one of millions where such unhappy travelers could find themselves if they venture too close to Daoloth. The details and mechanics of the Mythos Deities presented in this book were based upon the initial Call of Cthulhu game creations of the following authors: Scott David Aniolowski: Aforgomon, Ahtu, Aphoom-Zhah, Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg, Cthylla, Cxaxukluth, Death-Walker, The Dweller in Darkness, Lesser Elder Gods, Fthagghua, Ghizguth, Ghroth, Gnophkehs, The Great God Pan, The Green Man, Groth-golka, Han, Hziulquoigmnzhah, Iod, Kassogtha, The Keeper of the Moon-Lens, The Kruschtya Equation, Madam Yi, Mordiggian, Ossadagowah, Pharol, Qyth-az, Rhan-Tegoth, Rlim Shaikorth, Saaitii, Tawil atUmr, The Tick Tock Man, Trunembra, Ubbo-Sathla, Utulls-Hrher, Vorvadoss, Vulthoom, The Wailing Writher, Xada-Hgla, Yegg-ha, Yibb-Tstll, Yolanda, Zathog, Zoth Syra & Yoth Kala. Alternatively, may use its hands to crush an opponents head. The hairless head rose from the body on a skeletally thin neck that looked as though it would sever in the slightest breeze, while the face was featureless except for it being a mass of reticulated wrinkles. With over 250 entries to inspire countless adventures. The heavens are rent by its passing. Again, common to all is a pair of long and narrow wings rising from the back. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: IOD Iod, hunter of souls Sanity Loss: 1D6/3D10 Sanity points. Possibly, the use of the Elder Sign may ward or protect a person from the deitys wrath. Other names: Masters of the Abyss, Ones Below. If I were to guess, my list of favourite games is almost 400 gbs 1 tb. Erfahren Sie, wie wir und unser Anzeigenpartner Google Daten sammeln und verwenden. Certainly, some scholars have come to the same conclusion, citing the mi-gos worship of the entity some humans have termed the Haunter of the Dark or Sand Bat, which is not at all human and distinctly alien in appearance. Of course, most members of the Cthulhu Cult are not aware they are part of an organization spanning the world. DEITIES BY TYPE A question mark in parentheses signifies the entity may or may not be a member of this category. Magic POW: 125 Magic Points: 25 Spells: Fist of Yog-Sothoth, Shrivelling, Wrack. Such a boon tends only to be awarded to particular high priests and priestesses. Human-Seeming Avatar Forms Aku-Shin Kage Black Pharaoh (also Set, Tezcatlipoca,Thoth) Bloated Woman Green Man (also Jack OLantern) Horned One (also Dark One, Devil, Pazzuzu) Queen in Red (also Nefertiti*) Shugoran Skinless One Tick Tock Man Powers Hunting Horrors: the Black Pharaoh is always accompanied by two (normally invisible) hunting horrors. Possible Blessings Varied: as each Lesser Other God is unique, so too are its powersthe Keeper should determine what gifts a particular entity may provide to its worshippers. Cult The worship of Dagon and Hydra by humanity appears to be ancient, with many cults flourishing and dying out throughout history. Cult Much remains to be learned concerning this little-known entity, with conflicting theories as to its nature, origin, and status. char. Despite such common factors, Ithaqua is clearly not a wendigo in this sense, leading some to suggest that the wendigo lore was, in fact, derived from early contact with the Old One, while others retort that the two are separate things and that the Algonquian wendigo is just what they say it is: a malicious spirit creature that preys upon humans. This guide includes Mythos beasts, Gods, independent races, servitor races and unique entities as well as a few creatures of mythology that could find themselves in a CoC game and a . 8. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: LESSER ELDER GODS STR 130 Cult CON 170 SIZ 200 DEX 100 Hit Points: 37 Damage Bonus (DB): +3D6 Build: 4 Move: 10 / 30 flying Combat Attacks per round: 5 (force lash) or 1 (cast away) May lash out with shafts of flame or light at up to five opponents, or can target a single opponent to cast them away through the air. Colleagues able to somehow provide help with the puzzle (perhaps gaining some level of insight from another Mythos deity) may try to implant this new knowledge into the victim with a successful Psychoanalysis or Hard Psychology roll (or via magic), which may raise the level of success for the puzzles solution beyond one percent at the Keepers discretion. 158 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS The Church of Starry Wisdom was founded in Providence, RI, (circa 1844) and grew to a membership of around 200 people, operating in plain sight within a church building. so you don't have to wait. Its flesh was like rock, dark gray and pitted, its form a hybrid nightmare of worm-snake-squid. 125 CHAPTER 2 m a l TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: LILLITH Human Guise STR 100 CON 250 SIZ 65 DEX 100 APP 100 Hit Points: 31 Damage Bonus (DB): +1D6 Build: 2 Move: 10 Combat Attacks per round: 1 (nails, bite, kiss) May use claw-like fingernails to rake and strike, or may bite with fanged teeth. I saw its enormous cloak open to reveal its glistening body, pulsating and rippling with strange life force, its gigantic wings spread wide. Thus, it takes an imposing human form (said to 10 feet/3 m tall) when appearing to humans, and most likely takes a different form when manifesting to alien races. May take on a form that somewhat resembles the viewer, incorporating aspects but massively twisting and distorting them for horrific effect (thus, if seen by a human, the Old One may appear with an ugly skull-like face, or become a massive boneless humanoid writhing about on the ground). Further physical changes may take place at the Keepers discretion, in addition to the general moral decline of the host. Some go so far as to claim that Nyarlathotep is simply a living manifestation of Azathoths subconsciousness, although certain cults devoted to the Crawling Chaos may beg to differ. Magic POW: 175 Magic Points: 35 Spells: Bait Human (variant), Circle of Nausea, Deaths Breath, Drain Youth, Grasp of Cthulhu, Wrack; others as the Keeper desires. The Amber Elder appears to function in ways not dissimilar to the King in Yellow, although it does not seem to have any particular connection to Lost Carcosa or the Lake of Hali. Nightmare, Send Dream, Stupefying Blast, Summon Ghouls, Transfer Organ; others as the Keeper desires. Each entry provides a list of possible spells that the entity may cast. Despair and/or contempt may stir within those who are touched by the entity or who witness its cult ceremonies. Cyegha, Freihausgarten, Nagae, and The Vaeyen (Black Light, Green Moon, Red Fire, White Fire, and Winged One) copyright 2020 the Estate of Eddy C. Bertin. In some cases, the devolution continues, until what was once human is nothing more than a sickening liquid draining into the ground. A few write that this being is an avatar of another god, with the names Cthulhu and Rhan-Tegoth sometimes mentioned in this regard. Inevitable destruction. Fighting Swallow (mnvr) Crush (mnvr) 90% (45/18), damage 3D6 90% (45/18), swallowed (see above) 90% (45/18), damage 7D6 Armor None. Each deity or unique being in this volume is described in the following format. All entries have been updated for the Call of Cthulhu 7th edition game and greatly expand on previous versions. Change Form: able to instantly change form, and may fashion a form taken from the mind/memory of the viewer(s). While particularly powerful magic may stop this effect, no known magic can heal the damage it causes, potentially leaving rare survivors with horrific black marks and scars that may reduce APP (suggest 3D10 point loss or more) and other characteristics at the Keepers discretion. Serious scholars recognize the taint of wishful thinking within these texts, which fails to capture the truth behind this enigmatic Elder being; however, within such fantastical descriptions, there does lie the seed of truth. CON 200 SIZ 400 DEX 100 Hit Points: 60 Damage Bonus (DB): n/a Build: 10 Move: 10 Combat Attacks per round: 1 (striking or vampiric) May throw out pseudopods to strike all opponents within 10 yards/meters with numerous small wounds (amounting to 1D10 damage), or may instead send forth a single pseudopod to latch on and vampirically drain a persons lifeforce. With this, the Keeper retreats and disappears, presumably to its subterranean lair. Malleus Monstrorum is a two-volume bestiary for the Call of Cthulhu RPG, published by Chaosium. All hearing the sound should make a Sanity roll, with varying losses based on the distance: Contradictory accounts suggest this entity originated within the light of Xoth, was spawned upon the cosmic winds, or heralded from a planet named Kithonil (sometimes Kytani or Kythanol) near to the red star Arcturus. Assistance gratefully received from James Lowder and Matt Sanderson in identifying original sources and appropriate copyrights. 0099379020023. From what can be pieced together, Tulzscha seems to feed upon or be invigorated by death and decay. Volume I contains descriptions and illustrations of all the published monsters. Indeed, most become ensnared and remain in Carcosa, perhaps to mutate and change, or are commanded to pledge their allegiance to the King and devote their lives to extending his domain by working to realize Carcosa on Earth. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: NYOGTHA STR 425 NYOGTHA (Great Old One) The painting showed a glistening, gelatinous blob of living darkness within what appeared to be a vast cavern deep underground. A cavalcade of monsters and god-like alien intelligences beyond human understanding, all vividly detailed and portrayed. Aura The senses are liable to be assaulted by a heady mix of organic smells and sounds. With over 110 entries concerning Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, Elder Gods, Avatars, and Unique Beings, this tome supplies a plethora of ideas to immerse your campaigns and scenarios deep in the heart of Cthulhu Mythos lore. I love the art in these books. For, if Yog-Sothoth is coterminous with all things, seeing everything and everywhen, then Yibb-Tstll is like the recorder, gathering this data within itself as though a living library. The information provided in this book is purposely contradictory and vague, with competing interpretations cited. The thin neck pulsed with sickening regularity, revealing what looked like gill slits, while the body seemed to be covered in a dense 180 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Cult Whether any remnants of Rhan Tegoths pre- or non-human worshippers remain is uncertain, and, if they do, they are likely well hidden among the wilds of Alaska and possibly Greenland. Likewise, it is assumed that Mythos gods rarely (if ever) use Contact or Summon Deity spells for the same reason, plus things just get messy if Cthulhu can summon Hastur, who then summons Tsathoggua, and so on Spells listed are considered powers and are not cast like a spell. CLASSIFICATIONS GREAT AND LESSER OLD ONES The Great Old Ones appear to be immensely powerful alien beings with supernatural-seeming abilities but are apparently not as powerful, as old, nor all-consuming as the Outer Gods. Charles Dunwoody, ENWorld,Malleus Monstrorum Unboxing. Whereupon the light shall broaden and be cone-like and shall remain grounded. Other names: He Who Waits Dreaming, Ku-Thu-loo, Ooloo, the Sleeper, Thu-Thu, Tulu. Chaugnar Faugn, horror from the hills Sanity Loss: 0/1D6 Sanity points to encounter Chaugnar Faugn when inert and statue-like; 1D4/2D6+2 Sanity points when encountering the living god. Other names: Angels, Those from Afar, Waiting Ones. I was hoping that since it was so "Definitive" that it would have images of every monster. Reports suggest that a certain viol player, Erich Zann (possibly of German extraction), was one such individual, as well as an unnamed musician believed to be living in seclusion in Kingsport, MA. Cult: Bloody Tongue Once a year, the Cult of the Bloody Tongue in Africa calls upon Nyarlathotep to unleash the Black Wind, with Nyarlathotep (usually) first appearing in Bloody Tongue form, which then dissipates into the Black Wind. This also includes many of the games I used to hate. Fire vampires do appear to be the entitys progeny and sometimes appear instead when the deity is summoned. One suspects that beneath all is some hidden meaning or goal relevant to Yig or the Old Ones in general. Anything touching Daoloth is transported to another place, world, or dimension (e.g. 92 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS GOL-GOROTH enough blood has been spilled in its name. One awful side effect of studying this text is that the reader may eventually be transformed into a ghoul. Powers Minions: when manifesting, this avatar is usually accompanied by a pair of servitors of the Outer Gods. Those contacted via a crystal may (correctly) assume a great intellect beyond our world is speaking to them (Sanity loss 0/1D6, with further loss for repeated communication). Some suggest that Yog-Sothoths involvement with humanity, in the begetting of a child, is the means to create the key that shall one day call down its father and thereby bring these elements together. Many aspects can it take, but most well-known is the clovenhoofed one, the man-goat wreathed in green, whose devil eyes are those of the ram upon the field. Amidst the lower torso were clumps of teats surrounded by small fish-like fins. Magic POW: 140 Magic Points: 28 Spells: Alter Weather, Blight/Bless Crop, Contact Chthonian, Deflect Harm, Dominate, Enthrall Victim, Send Dream, Sense Life, Wrack; others as the Keeper desires. Aura Coming from a distant dimension fundamentally different to our own, Pharols aura may be not only disquieting for humans but also produce physical reactions, such as nausea or hot and cold shivers. Shinjh: a writhing mass of long, flat, cactus-like tendrils, each spiked with long, metallic spines that emerge from a curving trunk. A vast and amorphous thing, it possesses a cone-like head that rises out of its fluid mass but has no face. From the slits between the shells came fleshy cylinders tipped with polypous appendages, while in the interior darkness was the suggestion of a horrific face. From the spawn of Abhoth to yuggs, the monsters of the Mythos are herein described, their lore and statistics updated and revised for the Call of Cthulhu 7th edition game. 222 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Possible Blessings The Black Milk: a tiny portion of Yibb-Tstlls blood is given to the worshipper, which when ingested allows direct communication and the sharing of thoughts. Fighting Claw Face-tentacle 85% (42/17), damage 1D6+10D6 85% (42/17), damage 3D6+10D6 85% (42/17), damage 10D6 The Bloody Tongue Armor None. The Gharne Fragments of Sir Amery Wendy-Smith (privately published, London, 1931) reports that this entity stretches over a mile in length but otherwise is more or less of similar aspect to a chthonian, possessing more eyes and exuding toxic and corrosive chemicals from its thick hide, producing an acidic fume capable of boring through rock as easily as butter under a blowtorch. Similar access may be afforded elsewhere on Earth and beyond. DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Great Wisdom: Yibb-Tstll knows many things and may grant insight to a worshipper or another who offers something in return. As they form from unknowable alien and cosmic minds, it is possible for one beings avatars to conflict or work in opposition, as each is self-governing to some degree, although rarely do one beings avatars interact or meet. How you portray the actions of any Mythos god is important, but such considerations must be part of the story and plot of the game you are running. These leaders are, in the main, disconnected from the active cult members, and only deign to make an appearance or (more likely) send word to a cult leader when absolutely necessary. All parts bursting and renewing, dripping, joining, melting, and reshaping. It is said that this dire music calls outward to touch the dead and sleeping Old Ones, who, upon hearing these curious notes, rise to consciousness and some kind of rebirth. Cult A lesser number of Hastur cults place the Amber Elder at the core of their devotion, with such groups tending to be seekers of cosmic wisdom with a more insular outlook than others. Texts, notably the Necronomicon, describe Yog-Sothoth as being coterminous with all space and time, able to comprehend all things at once. Hypnotic Song: sings a hauntingly-beautiful melody used to entice and hypnotize victims, who are overcome if failing an opposed POW roll.