I really feel his presence during sex, and I never had that with anyone before. Theyre a waste of time. We just have a special connection. I love my pisces, and he is good to me, as in he puts in the minimum effort to keep me satisfied and doesnt betray me, but I still feel I want more. It would crush my connection I have for her if she was having casual sex. 11. We finally divorced and he remarried, and then after 9.5 yrs. A strange thing sometimes happens to him when he cares for someone, though. Making a Pisces male angry is like witnessing a very different and stern side of him, but this rarely happens. I am older now but I am still Aquarius, just an older version hahaha. To woo a Pisces woman, be funny 4. so instead saying candle lit dinner, your bulb blew, i got some candles, i might even cook you some food Not hot or cold. Love compatibility between Woman of the Aquarius sign and Man of the Pisces sign. An Aquarius woman collects friends. He has to connect mentally with me b/c of who I am. SO, hope you take care of it somehow so you can learn from my mistakes. Criteria. You can have a shower afterwards to wash off. Many women have stayed with abusive men and been killed by those very men. 19. Including her by sharing your dreams and thoughts would make her feel you value her opinion and trust her in your vulnerability.Aquarius appreciates honesty no matter how brutal it is so never worry about offending her even if it means telling her that you dont love her.Aquarius believes in hurt me with the truth but dont comfort me with the lies.Only an evolved and mature Pisces man can walk alongside a mature and evolved Aquarius woman. Ive asked him what is it you need in a woman? That what I need in a man is a friend at times, a lover for always, and someone who can be paitent and understanding. This article definitely reassured me that I made the right choice. And just see if this makes her act uncomfortable or if she reacts in a positive way, or maybe she will be mad again about the distrust. Yes on both accounts. In fact, a simple romantic gesture gets her every time. Just cause she seems cold doesnt mean she doesnt love you, it just means you got to step it up and switch it up. Sorry. You could use this as a way to open up more conversation. They can form a bond that could possibly last but it will be work on both of their parts and whether or not they want to do it is up in the air. The Aquarius woman can cause some ripples or even waves in the Pisces normally tranquil waters. He is the most generous lover I have ever been with and the sex between us is breayhtakingly incredible. When a Pisces man has a crush on you, he will show it by trying to get close to you physically. Maybe. It is one of the most dominant aspects in my natal chart.It makes me an ultimate romantic, feminine, sensitive and nurturing. SO YOU are the one who is making the choice to stay with this idiot abuserHe doesnt seem like (from what you are writing here) that he gives a damn about anybody in life but himself and he sounds totally screwed up And violent when pushed. But quarreling is sometimes a funny thing when it occurs between two people who love each other, especially when it is Aquarius woman and Pisces man. Are you starting to see how these two support each other? None of them has ego problems and they both are ready to submit to each other both emotionally and physically with such a romance that is even envied by the angels of heaven. I have been so tolerant and patient. You care about their happiness, and in return, they care about yours. Suspicion might arise if youve been caught in a lie and the act follows not to long after. to Vietnam. While this makes him a kind and caring guy, it also makes him extremely indecisive. Share your thoughts and experiences in a comment below. Aquarius is very gentle and she gives up on her romantic ideas in life. When you want to attract a Pisces guy, dont be afraid to open up emotionally. Aquarius woman is a waste of time for Pisces man. They don't just pray for the good things because they know how to work for them. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Pisces Man & Aries Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? I feel like my light is being smothered out. I know it is up to him. The trust is gone and the relationship is dead. Remodeling our house turned out to be one of the most difficult things we ever did since there were so many decisions to make together. She needs to be intellectually stimulated before she can feel a physical attraction to someone. He married the woman that was the 3rd affair. I am NOT interested anymore in ANY PISCES. i worry a lot of emotional cheating with pisces man. Maybe I am in love with who he used to be. She wants to get to know him further and see if there is a possibility between them and find out if hes worth giving up her free time a bit for. Ive been friends with a picese man for about 5-6 years, we have spoken pretty much every day since then. These two have a lot to learn from each other in the bedroom, but eventually, they will have each taken everything they can from the relationship and will need to move on to partners who better fulfill their disparate needs. We earn from qualifying purchases. Dyed his hair from gray to brown, traded in his truck on a nice white car, got himself new clothes, cufflinks, and new cologne as well. No need to harp on about it. Also, the sweet feminine demeanor of a Pisces woman and her tendency to be flighty about practical matters can mask her intelligence. An Aquarius woman will never be as emotionally available as a Pisces man needs, and she will have to learn to be more in touch with her feelings and sensitive towards her partner. And we havent even dated we just been toxic with each other for almost 4 years now and Im not understanding why he even keeps coming back . 15) hell no She is not at all materialistic in any way. Assuming the relationship just easily sparks? Aquarius. Ive been in relationships that were all smiles, but even though this one can be almost harrowing at times, I wouldnt trade it for the world because I love with her every unit of my infinite soul and I always will. The article is true, I feel connected to him in every way during sex, mind body and soul. 11. He was only 64 at that time. When the money is in the account theres very little thought given to budget. I wonder if he will text me or call again. 2. I think this love can absolutely work and be amazing as long as they are both working on it, kind of like I am doing! 12. While Aquarius-Scorpio relationships can become mired in stubbornness, Aquarius-Pisces relationships are often much more peaceful. I have never met someone like him. Pisces man can be cheaters and sneaky. If its going well then immediately. 6) depends on our mood but for the most part no. My suggestion to you aqua ladies is learn how to be more consistent and reliable. If you are just looking to be reassured that she is being loyal, you cant approach the topic by being suspicious. 18. It reminded me of my short lived love affair with a Pisces Sun/Taurus Moon man 8 years back. Its also in my mind a process of elimination. Give her a little breathing room and she may come back. I feel like I am always waiting for more love and affection and sexual closeness from him but I never get it. This match up could be rather chaotic or it could work out. However, they are both dreamers and tend to think outside of the box. WKR. To read your description is like night and day in what we have..I do hope you find happiness, you deserve nothing less. This man can completely become spellbound by your electrifying aura and a very, very direct approach. When things are good, theyre the most beautiful moments in the universe. Aquarius man will adore her for this, and her love will lift him up without feeling smotheringthis is very important for an Aquarius man, because if he feels cornered in a relationship, he will start to get itchy feet. Pisces craves romancethe hidden lilies behind the facts of life. I want the man that best suits my personality and needs. A Pisces man is loyal and devoted to a partner, and an Aquarius woman is remarkably stable. As a Pisces woman, you love friends and tend to be quite skilled at making them. Although they can both gain a lot from their sexual relationship, they are better off taking the lessons learned and applying them to other partners who are better matches for them. I have a lot of rage and anger towards society, so Im also not the final word on the matter. Aquarian women can be distant but when she finds the one, shes all in. Being consistent will take you much farther than a few huge love gestures. She attentively listens to all of the advices that has to be given by the Pisces man, though she ends up doing things her way anyway. Many Aquarius women dont want to be married. If its something trivial then logic dictates that forgiveness should be an easy enough thing to do. When you feel good about yourself, it shows in the ways you present and carry yourself. Even if a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman have a job or a project that requires mutual cooperation, it is unlikely that they will actually work together. Are Pisces men ok with experiments in the bedroom and period sex? I spent 34 yrs. The answer isnt a particular body type or facial feature, but rather a womans inner confidence. Yet, you lasted 20 years with one & 8 years with the other one lol. I should know. The typical Aquarius and Pisces compatibility in friendship is not the strongest bond, although these two can learn a lot from one another and may enjoy each others company. Once a Pisces man discovers what his partner likes in the bedroom, he tends to fall into a dull routine. I would go with lots of caution and watch for red flag warnings Can you tell me about your relationship? Leo Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? He didnt look for bars then or male friends to be with but went flirting with women and found 3 to have affairs with and he did that very thing. I honestly am a loving caring person and will always give it my all and make partner my priority and shower her with love. Since we broke up, he has lost and is losing everything he got when he was with me. Its nice adventuring once in a while. We're in this together! So why bother. It makes sense that you'd find yourself attracted to the visionary, idealistic Aquarius man. I think an Aquarius who keeps running into this problem might find more peace with a Pisces. They will not fight with each other per se, but there will be many opportunities for miscommunication. He would be with me but giving every other women his attention by staring at her, trying to get her attention, that's why he is by himself and no one wants him because he's a hoe! Its not a fetish, but Im sure as hell not squeamish. I wish you well and hope you make the RIGHT decision This is a problem with him not me because in the past I have been very sexually fulfilled with men that are not pisces! After the kids grew up we separated. I do want to make clarification regarding period sex topic and sorry if I am being too descriptive here. Cancer woman dating an aquarius man Your differences they are not compatible enough for the cancer women pick up on a cancer woman. So we have this automatic guard up. Thats an issue thats dependent on trust and past experience. If he isnt able b/c hes busy to write an email then he needs to text, if no text, thats not good. Our passion was HOT in the beginning. They give each other the benefit of the doubt and keep trying to forge a bond that will be strong. Ok Im a younger aquarius woman with an older Pisces man. And to be able to attract her, you should be talkative, but deep, mysterious, and practical at the same time. Trust is a long hard road and once people before have destroyed that, its hard to trust people in any capacity. Im a pieces man and I was married to one Aquarian woman for 20 years and had a long time relationship with another for 8 years. I give my all when I am deeply in love.I dont do casual sex.And thats the reason why love making experience is extremely intense with the man I love,as I am not afraid of his sweat,tears and other fluids.Aquarius women are very kinky as well.We know the art of seduction and can be very persuasive so we can convince our men to try things in bedroom he thought he could never enjoy,lol. How on earth you live with him is beyond me. Good-decent. You should remember that flattery works in case of nearly all Pisces women. One of the men I am now dating online text tonite around 6:40 to say I am in the hospital ER. Ever since I was exposed to emotions during sex, this is what I want all the time. Ive had three children while we were separated and crazy part is Ive always craved him. Thanks. The relationship works fine till the time the Aquarius displays cold and detached attitude, which can hurt Pisces very much. I know pisces likes to have his privacy and alone time, but just remember to reach out to her. There can be fireworks, but ultimately, the spark will fizzle. Its not about how much money you spend, but about how much thought and effort you put into reciprocating his generosity. Aquarius women are used to more passion and intensity from the man. I tend to overthink, I dive into logic way too much sometimes, and he helps me to go and feel more with my heart, and a little less with my mind. That depends how its done. She is not one to rush into anything. They will show them the importance of dreaming, working, being an upstanding human being, and learning how to work well with others. what do you mean by when the energy changes between us? He is sick in his head. He is emotional and intuitive, and she is rational and intellectual. This will allow you both to explore your individual interests, giving you more to talk about when you get together again. An Aquarius can learn a lot from Pisces in this association and the Pisces always feels very compassionate and concerned towards Aquarius. Yes but cant say a massive fan of bloodsport but were kinky She likes to do things her own way, without having to listen to orders or cooperate with anyone. This can catch a partner off-guard if she is not aware of it. Now I am looking for a good companion, best friend, soulmate, partner and lover and at my age thats not easy to find. It didnt make it justified but he was away, I was young and I lived close to the beach which seem to make it even worse. Im an Aquarius woman and she is right..conversation, honesty, and joking. Im so close to giving up on my Pisces man. I hate this Pisces man I dont know why I stay with him. They need attention and some of them need it everyday. Be straight so we can set our minds on how to deal with stuff Welcome to my blog about the Pisces man. Things just work between us and the love that is growing feels very natural and it feels like all the wounds of my past cant hold me back and I am a kid falling in love for the first time again. Anyways like they say in Canada peace oooot!. Ill be blunt, and some of the answers may stem from my own personal deep-seated issues and psychological problems, because at the end of the day people do have varying upbringings and disorders. I am assuming you two are in a serious relationship with real commitment. Hope this helps! When she matures, she begins to realize she prefers an actual companion. Pisces man will take a little longer because hes a dreamer and holds out hope. I need my man to be with me, if not then I need to know that I am on his mind. Show her that you are genuinely interested 2. Maybe look at your approach to a pisces to see if that is throwing them off their normal selflessness and caring gentle nature. Likewise, he also feels utmost comfort in sharing his dreams with her, who patiently listens to him and give all of hers to help in make them come true. A Pisces man and an Aquarius woman are an unlikely couple. Wow! I like to know where we stand sooner than later. 16. I like your comment Roszie. 13. Nothing wrong with that! I am deeply in love with They could find a deeper connection if they were willing to sacrifice a little bit and learn to truly open up. @Eddie. Did I cheat, unfortunately several times, why b/c he was away, I was ALL alone and a very young military wife to boot. He remarried and that lasted 9.5 yrs. He definitely has things that I lack, and viceversa. Dont use sex as a weapon because it might backfire. Therefore tread lightly with her so you dont lose her. 5. Even if life forces us apart, I will make sure I am always in his life. Pisces is going to be attracted to Aquarius for this reason. Then the scorpio asks if someone I know well were to ask for my hand in marriage, would I accept it? If a Pisces Man Aquarius Woman relationship is going to work out then he will be the one to put in all the effort. His otherworldly nature causes him to do things that are often surprising, and she makes it a point to regularly confound expectations. So yes. For this reason, he may not discuss his feelings and expect her to just know what he wants and needs. I really feel as if we are connected the most in that moment. His grace and mercy are sufficient. Are there any solutions? This one might be a product of my upbringing, but: Extremely. She does not even like having to give orders if she can avoid it. For Aquarius woman you need to show consistency and undying devotion. and he passed away in May of 2011 SO trust issues followed and you can understand why. I really love a pisces man and hes my favourite person on the earth now. It may take a while to convince an Aquarius woman to do so, however. If you are wondering if you have what it takes to lure a Pisces guy, you need to know what kind of woman attracts a Pisces man. He emotionally tortures me if I even dont do the dishes. We can really read each others minds, which is a blessing and a curse. Even though this sign has a reputation for independence, when an Aquarius woman gets into a relationship, she is very stable. A Pisces is attracted to learning, knowledge, and a higher level of spiritual awareness. In an Aquarius woman, he sees his own strengths in self sacrificing himself for her without a hesitation. We cant pretend. 17. If youre ready to understand more about how compatible are Pisces man and Aquarius woman, check out my brand new Pisces Man and Aquarius Woman Love Compatibility Guide, and if you want to catch him and keep him click here to learn more about Pisces Man Secrets. But this would be totally us if it works out. the brunt of my temper. As of today ive noticed she has backed off. Aquarius isn't usually quick to anger, but if they feel you're being fake with them, that can change in a hurry. This is attractive to the Capricorn man who's looking for a woman with inner strength, but also for a woman who's stable. Obviously this man isnt in touch with reality. I so feel for you fellow aquarius woman, I broke up with the love of my life, a Pisces man 30 years ago, who was my best friend and soul mate, I hang my head in shame and married an angry and violent Capricorn just to move as far away on the other side of the planet to not have to bear seeing him marry someone else I had it all- the most romantic, selfless, caring and loyal Pisces boyfriend and I made the worst mistake in my life when I left him out of my own insecurity.I hope one day he can forgive me, my heart belongs to him forever. I just need to stop showing how much love im able to give and become a rock. A month at the very longest. A Pisces woman is empathetic, intuitive, and dreamy, while an Aquarius man is known for his intelligence, independence, and rebellious nature. Its best to store excess money in a locked up investment. cell number, but has never contacted me. Join and search! Ignoring the red flags and just choosing to love and care for him. He loves that shes so independent but at the same time he can be a bit fearful of it. I hope I find my Pisces man soon. Pisces men have many love languages, and one of them is physical touch. 5. HI, heartbreakers. Are there any long sucessful stories of pisces man and aquarius woman relationships? And I Am is dying without her. Aquarius being the 11th house and Pisces being the 12th, they have a unique position in astrology, and the two are often considered the strangest of the Zodiac signs. That the only advise I can think of certain things and the way you say them makes everything feel really intense and maybe just, keep everything light hearted. I have been the suspicious one before and I really choked out all the easy happy feelings in the relationship. Ive never really gone this far to keep a relationship before nor have I been this close to an Aquarian. Anyways, as much as I have experienced and read about Pisces men, I am still clueless about some things and would like to know more as they seem to suit what I am searching for in my man. Trust is another thing between them that may work well. But every time he breaks my heart it feels easier to hate him and even my memories of him are becoming tainted. My husband was Navy. Pisces are flirts and are capable of having affairsHe was NOT necessarily cold. I found this information quite interesting. While these two may have a few things in common, they really dont share too many of the same interests. Aquarius woman rather likes being social and having fun by herself. Is your Pisces man not communicating with you? This man is actually evil, and I have never said this about something in my entire life. I am sorry but as another Aquarius woman I can NOT sympathize with you. Find a woman in my area! I always try to have a bit more hope as I know nothing is impossible. Does a Pisces man like a woman who is bold and assertive, or meek and submissive? With such a mental bond between the two, they reach new levels in their lovemaking, much more so than the ordinary couple in love. That is what it takes. This will be a great connection for them if they have developed their minds, studied hard, and applied themselves in many challenging intellectual arenas. For me having sex with another deepens our connection in a love based sense. Pisces wants love and feels that learning to love is the most important lesson in life. Pisces is one of the most artistic and expressive signs of the entire zodiac. The Sagittarius man is never this understanding with other women! I actually saw a comment on another website where a Pisces man was asking if Aquarius women want sex as much as Pisces men which only made me chuckle. Apparently he had a bad bad migraine and had to go to the ER, but he texted me so I would know. Not too much that it seems fake, just let her know in genuine moments. Her loneliness will force her to go with other one. Personally sex is about intimacy and if the intimacy isnt there, then its not worth it. A. Do Scorpio and Aquarius Match? I really dont like saying it but these two have a high likelihood of ending anything that theyve started. i really believe any probelm can be worked from good communication as long as both people are willing to listen and change. Im an Aquarius woman and I was with a Pisces male for almost 2 years. Ive felt like the relationship has been stagnant for a while and sometimes he is so cold towards me I start to feel insecure about his feelings for me and if we will last. 16. She too has great fantasies and dreams but he can see how she actually goes after what she wants. Thats highly dependent on the situation. 10. Pisces man wont understand this about her and will start looking elsewhere to find someone else who fits his desires in life. 6. If trust is broken, it is almost impossible to fix. This is because Pisces is the most intuitive sign of the zodiac. Hey thats a tough oneNot knowing her I really dont know. Am now in touch with my emotions fully and seriously. He often seems a bit unusual in some way. You wanna get your rocks off, have a wank. But I asked her one time about if she is having sex or messaging other guys ( I made a mistake and said I didnt trust her, also I got a bit angry when I didnt believe her, which looking back, didnt help). She doesnt try hard to contact me every day, but when I contact her first I can tell she has been waiting all day to hear my voice. The typical Pisces compatibility with Aquarius in the bedroom is an odd match. They don't want to put up with inauthenticity either, but since they are unconditional in their love, they will accept things that are bad for them. I love having my significant other cook for me. Patience and high tollerance. I love him but have zero respect for him. It feels like ive known her all my life. Our community thrives when we help each other. If a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman have children, they will balance each other well. i believed she could never break up with me but here i am cant stop crying. Ability to be cold and not look after the needs of their pieces man is a definite issue. But there are also limits. While they connect naturally with certain zodiac signs, they will have a hard time being with other zodiacs. It is important for Aquarius to learn where their limits are and when enough is enough. not including friends, family or a lover! Join the leader in rapport services and find a date today. Appreciating any of her abilities and thoughts will be helpful. Once we are prepared as a result of our lives lived and the mighty angels who work diligently to prepare us, which is o accept that God is pure, real love infinite, then we are accepted into he fullness of his presence. These houses are extremely well-connected. From the moment we met I could sense something so different about him and that feeling certainly didnt stray me wrong. On a personal front, Im not one for committing first which is probably a product of insecurity caused by the fear of rejection. she doesnt even hate me she just doesnt care anymore and its driing me crazy. I am hoping to meet an intelligent,grounded, adaptable, romantic,loyal,committed and compassionate Pisces man(preferably an earth or water moon) in future. If the Aquarius man wants to attract the Pisces woman, he has to be as romantic as he can. I WISH my Pisces man would be jealous at times. I have never felt so loved by a person before and I feel as if I can not live without this woman. Dont let her feel neglected. Dont doubt her. Pisces Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match. Now, try the right place. On that note, on a scale of 1 to 10, I give this couple a 4. Stuff off.. Her heart cannot be pinned down to one location for too terribly long unless shes quite mature and ready to stay in one spot. Never put on airs or pretend to be something you aren't. All this makes is easy to be hurt while also not offering the other person enough space. We stayed together for 34.5 yrs. He wants a woman who is as empathetic as he is, but is so decisive that she can help him logically weigh the pros and cons and make a good choice. When I look in their eyes I see emptiness and blankness, like there is no soul inside. Even if you think he is too busy or upset, he wont reject your love. However as they age they actually do mellow out in a lot of ways I have noticed. It probably doesnt hurt that his mercury & venus are in Aquarius. You can prove how decisive you are to a Pisces guy by giving him the reasons behind your decisions and never wavering on your choices. But it is fading. I also read THE TEACHINGS OF THE BUDDHA, ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, AS A MAN THINKETH (James Allen), MANY LIVES, MANY MASTERS. xoxo. kissmanga. Aquarius and Pisces should put all their needs,desires and expectations on the table instead of being passive aggressive and complaining about each other. On the other side, Saturn makes the Aquarius woman well organized, which affects the messy Pisces man well. Us Aquarius women use that as a defensive mechanism sometimes. It isnt easy to expose your vulnerability to strangers and I appreciate your sincerity. These two are going to share a lot in common intellectually. Our community thrives when we help each other. They can compromise but honestly, they know there is probably someone else out there who is much better suited. Absolutely correct. Their problems are stacked up against them and unless theyre willing to put in the effort, they may fall short of a long lasting love. He tends to be too dreamy and sometimes I have to bring him down to the ground a little bit. the last time i looked in here eyes there was no love in them when before she looked at me like she was drunk with feelings. The chemistry was good. And i have this feeling something is wrong. I want to stop trying. Me and my hubby are in fights frequently. Do Pisces men like being told I love you first or are they old school about it? I just want the perfect amount, not too much that he feels drained out and not too less where I feel starved for affection and unsatisfied. Keep her guessing by doing what we do best! Venus in this forceful, yang sign (Aries), relates by being forceful with the self, in a relationship. Will Your Taurus Man Apologize (After Upsetting You)? Aquarius girls know how to chase a man without being obnoxious about it, and we also know when to withdraw. Wear subtle but musky cologne. Likewise, an Aquarius woman does not really want to have to explain herself, so she may not communicate with him either.