In episode nine Jake inducts Sheila to Wentworth after she is brought in on murder charges. Jake asks Will if he's going to go tell the cops, Will then asks him if he did, 'would he admit it'. S4 E5 Vera's nice attitude won't last. Finally, after much agonising, Vera is unable to deny to herself the truth about Ferguson. Is told to get the hurry on by Linda about Ruby not returning. Jake Stewart is a Senior Officer and former Deputy Governor at Wentworth Correctional Centre. Ferguson is rattled when she discovers that Bea will be supporting Jesper's evidence in court. Later Jake is on kitchen duty when he is attacked by Eve to get to Joan. Ferguson, having found protection in Kaz's crew, cunningly blames Will for her brutal ganging, a move which only strengthens Kaz's support for her. Rita faces an impossible dilemma, while Kaz gets the better of Marie and Vera learns the gender of her baby, casting doubt over her mothering skills. S7 E9 Jake with the help of the prisons drug dealers Tina Mercado and her crew manage to flood the prison with gear. Jake later asks Will what they are going to do about Ferguson. Stewart before his time at Wentworth served as a warder at Long Bay Prison and Walford Prison, in which his time at Walford he had a sexual relationship with Sean Brody. Jake later watches Lou's visit and catches Lou out and almost slots Lou as a result but Reb stops Jake from doing so. Meanwhile, Doreen sets up a greenhouse project for the garden, and meets male prisoner, Nash, with whom she shares an immediate attraction. Vera later speaks with Rita to tell her she's sorry about her dads death. Vera asks Reb if he knows about what happened with Rattray, Reb denies knowledge and walks away, Vera tells Marie that she will be charged with assault on Rattray, which forces Reb to tell Vera the truth. Vera tells Allie that the prison will keep up with her physio and health team. S6 E7 Fractured. An overwhelmed Vera turns to Jake for . ", this prompts Vera to investigate the security footage. Agendas and conspiracies clash as several life-and-death struggles reach their dramatic conclusion. S6 E3 Divide And Conquer. Any video suggestion. Vera talks with Will about Miller and how she knows everything. With her supply cut and her powerbase decimated, she's on her own when prisoners come after her to claim what they're owed. Vera asks if Jake was assaulted, and he says no. S1 E9 In the end, the goodies won, and that's only to be expected. Vera doesn't say anything. Vera was astonished to discover Ann in her office, rummaging . Vera Bennett is the former Governor of Wentworth Correctional Centre. What episode does Jake have a baby? Later when the riot takes hold Vera runs to the creche where a traumatised Linda is and takes her baton to end the creche side of the riot. If you seek to know the whereabouts of the ninth installment of the series, let us help you out! Ferguson returns from the burns unit and is placed in a medical hold under the supervision of Jake. Does Joan Ferguson kidnap Vera's baby? S3 E5 Vera is later asked by Linda to go to the governors office as the police wish to speak with her. Vera maintained a friendship with fellow officer Will Jackson and had a relationship with officer Jake Stewart, the later would result in Vera carrying Jake's baby named Baby Grace. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Allie makes a pact with Vera and Will which has devastating personal consequences while a crucial step in Boomer's quest for motherhood is achieved. Poor Vera (Kate Atkinson). Vera talks with Marie and says that no one in the prison is the same since the siege. As Ruby undergoes surgery for the ruptured brain aneurysm, Rita makes a desperate appeal to Vera to be with her sister in hospital. Vera and Allie conspire against Ferguson. When the door is open Lou is pepper sprayed and taken away by Jake and another guard. Jake is found by Vera when he is reported missing by another officer. Vera later talks with Will about Ruby and Marie, and says that she did it for Rita and what Rita did was for Ruby, Vera learns that Danny's death was an accident, and makes sure she takes the paperwork when Ann asks where it is. She is currently the Industry Manager. With Vera under Jake's spell, Ferguson performs an ultimate act of terror to dethrone Kaz and rule Wentworth. In episode 9 Vera listens to Marie and Will have sex in her office during the night, and in the morning confronts him about it, Will tries to justify his actions but Vera tells him "At least I didn't bury a prisoner alive." The three unlikely allies devise a plan in which Bridget attempts to entrap Ferguson into exposing her psychopathy. Jake originally worked at Walford until he feared he was going to lose his job for providing drugs to the prisoners. In episode nine, Vera is first seen in court watching Joan's trial continue, she watches on as Greg Miller lies through his teeth. Into The Night. When the prison explodes Jake is frantic as he is trying to find Vera when he asks Will where Vera was going he says 'the exec level' where Will says there is no more exec level. Vera tells us Kath Maxwell, the homeless woman The Freak stole the identity of, was the corpse they saw when they dug up the grave to check Joan was definitely in . Hell Bent. Someone discovers Liz's secret, but are they friend or foe? Do Doreen and Nash stay together? Wentworth Prison Quiz. Jake is apart of the officer squad that breaks up the inmates after Rita Connors (Wentworth) beats Zara Dragovich to death, and Vera is taken to hospital after being knocked out. Jake is also present when Ann announces the closure of the protection unit. Scars. Meanwhile Bridget struggles to force Franky to accept that she has an emotional block. Meanwhile, Franky is preparing for her release. S5 E4 This causes friction between Erica and Vera. Franky's trapped by her past, Vera takes desperate measures to foil Ferguson's self defence plea, Liz starts to regret her decision to testify . S5 E10 Meanwhile, Liz summons the courage to meet with her estranged son. Vera later goes to check the brawler but doesn't see anything wrong with it. While Vera has to set up a member of staff to take the heat away from herself. S6 E1 The Bitch Is Back. She is painted as a 'screw-lover', and rapidly begins to lose the support of the women. In episode six, Jake is first seen in a meeting where the officers learn of the changes to the roster and he asks when Jenkins is coming out of the slot, after that he attempts to speak with Ann, but she says to stick it in an email. Season 5. Judy makes an enemy of Ann Reynolds, but enables Ruby to finally get in touch with Rita. Eve tells him boiled onion water. Love And Hate. Vera comes in and asks Jake to take her for the night. . After the tense cliffhanger ending of the eighth season, fans must be eager to see the characters back on the screen. Allie returns to Wentworth seeking vengeance against Ferguson. S5 E5 Is there a part 2 to Wentworth? Jake later takes care of Grace when Vera goes on a night out with Ann. when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. Vera learns off Linda that Ferguson got taken to the psych unit for another 'breakdown' but finds out she is remembering again. Vera later is seen taking Liz to strip search when she asks Sean and the other officers for their IDs, when Vera goes into the room, she is taken hostage and an officer is knocked out, during the struggle to keep Liz quiet, Vera manages to press the panic button and all hell breaks loose. Vera in her office watches Linda spray Judy on Ann's orders and reports her for it. He says to Vera later she hasn't broken character and it might be the real deal. Kate Atkinson, who plays Wentworth's Vera Bennett, says after wearing a fake baby belly for the drama she was glad she decided not to have children in real life. 9. Who is the father of Vera's baby? Vera later bumps into Rita and tells her something about Ruby, and seen with her again telling Vera that he is seeing Marie go with him all the time, Vera fluffs it off as it happens because she's top dog, but Rita says "during the night though? The Unknown Terrorist. What season is Vera pregnant on Wentworth? S5 E1 Rogue. Vera, the Industries Manager at Wentworth Correctional Centre, was brought to life by renowned Aussie actress Kate Atkinson. The Reckoning. Brody takes the drugs, but decides to keep his most valuable hostage, Vera, as leverage. Jacs realises she has to make a final play to break Bea. The trio go back to the hospital to learn Joan doesn't recognise them. Wentworth Season 9 Release Date 'Wentworth' season 8 premiered in its entirety on September 30, 2020, on Netflix. Jake is jealous of the bond forming between Vera and a new colleague. Liz, back inside, clings to the hope that Don will get her perjury charge dropped. Lovers And Fighters. Vera later tells Marie that she will not let her destroy Will. Vera then makes a plan with Allie to get Joan to tell the truth, which results in Joan's LSD trip. Vera returns to work after her mothers funeral with an entirely new personality. Portrayed By: Kate Atkinson. Doreen shocks everyone by turning her back on Bea and Liz is assigned to look after a new inmate. Later Vera returns to court with a folder full of notes she would be ready to show the court until Ferguson reveals she has had her memory back for a while. The Edge. Nearing the point of stepping down as top dog, she is thrown a lifeline from an unlikely ally. Wentworth has been . In episode 8 Jake returns to work and immediately notices Linda upset after losing on a bet, and when Sean laughs at it Jake gives him a feral look, Jake also gives Liz a letter from Artie, and learns from Liz that the medication is working when he thinks it didn't. The Living And The Dead. she looked around, seeing Jane resting on the couch eyes closed and glanced at the kitchen area, seeing Ferguson seemingly making herself a cuppa. In episode five Jake is with Vera and Will when they learn of Ferguson's "total memory loss" and is later present at the presentation that Ann is giving, Jake laughs at it and later lets Ruby out on day release and has a shift in the laundry. Meanwhile, Boomer's gutted when Channing demands Sonia's "Green Wall" project is shut down after a disastrous presentation, further fuelling tensions between Sonia and Liz. It has prisoners who weren't involved in the siege..". In Season 9 of Wentworth, Ann Reynolds died in a way that was much more appropriate for the villain she turned out to be than Judy Bryant, who was discovered dead in the wreckage after being pierced through the chest by falling debris. The arrival of new inmate Kelly provides Fletch with hope of unmasking Ferguson for what she is. Seeing Red. Payback. Later Vera taunts Joan and says that she could've walked free and what her "end game was.". Will discovers something about Meg that sends him on a downward spiral, pushing him dangerously close to the edge. 10. He was introduced as correctional officer, and husband of Governor Meg Jackson up until her death. And it could be fatal. Vera served as Deputy Governor under several governors before serving under Meg Jackson, Erica Davidson and Joan Ferguson before receiving the promotion to Governor after the Wentworth fire. But thanks to Will Jackson (Wentworth) finding out what he did. In episode one, Jake is first seen telling Ferguson that she has an appointment with Dr Miller, while he takes her to the appointment Joan fantasizes about snapping his neck. Mere Anarchy. Tina refuses, citing Bea's weakening power-base, and her alliance with the RRH. Allie plans her revenge against Lou while a former nemesis of Ferguson enters Wentworth. Jake gets another officer to escort Eve back to the unit. Vera then has a argument with Jake after he finds out from Miller that she is having a girl, she tells Jake he can't play the victim card and Jake storms out, as Vera later has words with Miller, she later gives Jake an ultrasound pic and receives apology flowers from Miller, and allows Kaz to stay with Liz in medical after she has an episode. Main Menu Since wrapping up filming of the cult prison drama in 2020, Kate has . Vera finds herself under added pressure at work when the press criticise her reopening of the workshop. american airlines special assistance desk phone number; bust your knee caps roblox id. Following the riot, Bea must balance an uneasy peace with Ferguson with the needs and expectations of the women. when does vera find out about jake on wentworth when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. S2 E10 Lombard then asks if Vera actually did drown the kid. Bea faces down an assassination attempt from the Holt clan. Vera later tells Will that she is so worried about Ferguson she tells him to ring the courthouse, where they learn Ferguson has been committed to stand trial and that she is coming back in the prison in the brawler. Meanwhile, Kaz faces her toughest challenge when she warns Hutch to stop fight club. Boomer, Liz, Vera and Will are the only characters to appear in every episode with Linda following close behind only missing one episode the pilot. With Wentworth into its sixth season and still riding a wave of success, Jake unlike many of the show's characters is still breathing, proving Curry's move has proved a winner. Vera stops Ann from hitting Judy anymore and orders Linda to take Judy to medical as a result. when does vera find out about jake on wentworth FREE COVID TEST anime characters named levi Book Appointment Now. Fly Me Away. pediag > Blog > Uncategorized > when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. S4 E8 Allie learns that Marie is getting surveillance photographs smuggled in that shows the attack on her son and Ruby panics. Vera makes her way to safety and is hugged by Jake. In episode nine Vera talks with Greg about him going to Joan's committal hearing and she connects the dots between the guy who bashed her and the money he took, Vera and Joan then have words in the kitchen storeroom. Vera saves Joan from being lynched by the other prisoners. The Pink Dragon. Vera served as Deputy Governor under several governors before serving under Meg Jackson, Erica Davidson and Joan Ferguson before receiving . In Season 6 Vera is Pregnant to Jake and threatens to expose him after that murder of Nils Jesper and the escape of both Joan and Franky. Vera later tells Judy she can't let her call her dad. Jake almost slots May as a result of her being drunk in her unit. Jake tells Ann that he will tell the officers to be on guard for it. When word gets out that Franky is to be released back into the compound, Jacs plans a brutal attack. As Bea and Allie take their illicit affair further, Bea finds herself uncharacteristically tentative and vulnerable. Has Franky sacrificed the love of her life? Its success is largely due to the relatability of the prisoner and prison guard characters, who deal with real-life issues in a more controlled setting. Jake later leaving the prison, runs into Ann and says that he'll take her home because she's running at night, later the two are at the abandoned train station having sex in the car. S1 E10 Conspiracy to Attempted Murder, Corruption, Illegal Euthanasia, Blackmail, Conspiracy to Evidence Tampering, Assault, Interference with a Corpse, Conspiracy to Perjury, Evidence Tampering, Conspiracy to incite a Riot. S5 E7 S4 E6 Grace was born during the Siege of Wentworth. As Bea and Franky go to war for control of the prison, Bea makes a daring bid for freedom. His behaviour was exposed to Will, Kaz and eventually Vera. Set in the present day, it is a modern adaptation of Prisoner contemporising legendary characters and their stories for today's audience. Much later Vera and several guards learn of the death of Marie Winter. Lombard responds that he doesn't believe in the supernatural. Vera later goes on a night out with Ann and leaves Grace with Jake. Ferguson is losing control, and the walls are closing in. Liz makes a risky play to get Sonia put into Protection. when does vera find out about jake on wentworthsouthwest cargo phone number. Resurrection. S3 E3 Vera and trio later go to the hospital to find Joan awake when asked if she knows any of them, Joan says no. There are ten episodes included in Season 9. Duncan Lindsay Wednesday 2 Sep 2020 10:55 pm. S6 E12 Franky is on the run. S5 E3 when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. Here's a guide to when you can watch season 9 on Netflix including a confirmed Netflix US date and predicted release dates for other regions around the globe. S8 E10 After the shocking death of Bea Smith (Danielle Cormack), inmates and staff of Wentworth Correctional center have come a long way. Jake leads Marie back into general. Here is my quiz dedicated to the Wentworth TV Series it features questions about characters and plot from series 1-8. In episode 5, Jake sides with Vera and says that the memorial is a bad idea and during the memorial he talks with Linda who holds a fire extinguisher who tells him that the prison "isn't burning down on her watch." In episode seven Vera sits in on a meeting where Ann says Ferguson is able to be released into general, when the argument goes on outside Will quits, and Vera tells Ann that if Will leaves so will half the staff. Shallow Grave. When Vera throws him out of the office he bumps into Joan. Ferguson psychologically manipulates Vera and she crosses a point of no return whilst Maxine orchestrates a desperate bid to see her spurned lover. Vera is determined to prove that Jake helped Ferguson break out. Jake continues his jealously when Vera starts to become more attached to Dr Miller, but gets his nose out of joint when Linda receives the promotion to Acting Deputy as Will tells him he can't trust him and he at first thinks its a joke Linda would even go for acting deputy. Meanwhile, Fletch is on a downward spiral of self-destructive behaviour as his final day at Wentworth looms. S1 E1 But Ferguson has a surprise planned, and just when it seems parole might be possible. An isolated and paranoid Franky tries to uncover which inmate is leaking vital information to Ferguson. Last Appeared Later when the riot happens Jake forces prisoners to the wall and helps stop the riot beside Vera and Linda. Jake later takes Marie to see Rita. Franky has commenced her sessions with Bridget, and in a candid moment admits to a desire for revenge against Bea. Meanwhile, Vera is forced to choose between professionalism and her love for Jake. S3 E9 S9 E5 Vera and Rita go back to Wentworth and Rita tells her to get some sleep, Will is standing in the entrance to the slot furious. Jake decides to empty the syringe in the sink. Neither is aware that Ferguson is tracking them carefully. Marie's efforts to have her conviction overturned backfire when her protector attempts to silence her permanently. Thank you. But there is still unfinished business to attend to which doesn't go to plan. "Bea fans won't agree with that, but to ensure the standard remained where it is now, Bea needed to go . Sonia's trial is underway, and Liz is brought in as the prosecution's star witness - but who is playing who? Feeling betrayed, Vera takes steps to have Bridget dismissed and expose her relationship with Franky, but is forced to backtrack and enlist Bridget's help instead, when Ferguson makes a bid to be released into the general prison population. Jake makes a run for it and tells Vera that Ferguson is awake. A Higher Court. 8x20 Legacy In S7 its confirmed that Jake was ex-lovers with Walford officer Sean Brody. However, this attitude to the prisoners didn't go unnoticed, as Meg Jackson observed. 8. Vera and the officers go on the hunt and Vera finds him out the back and releases Jake from the cuffs and says that he was hit in the head with something. Marie discovers that Ruby killed her son, Danny and Boomer's day release is short-lived. Fugitive. Bea questions whether she has the stamina or desire to be Top Dog for the next forty years of her sentence. Jake tries in season 6 to help Will with his guilt and he doesn't realise his actions gets Nurse Radcliffe fired after drugs go missing from medical as Jake was the one who acquired drugs for Will to get some sleep. Bridget laughs, "A little.". When they have another meeting Jake tells the officers Marie will be in H5 as it had "no prisoners from the siege" Linda retorts back saying "it wasn't just prisoners in the siege". Ferguson is blindsided by Jodie's complaint to the ombudsman. Will Jackson is a Correctional Officer of Wentworth Correctional Facility and was a main character of the Foxtel series Wentworth. and she says that the only people who know are Will, Rita and herself. Vera was sent home to 'take care of her mother', which she does by overdosing her on pain medication. Vera who's just happy to get out of the house, even if she has to bring little Grace along. Wentworth actor Robbie Magasiva says Bea's death 'opened up the door to other characters'. Bea sees this as a possible chink in her armour and tasks Doreen with uncovering the truth behind the name. Born Again. Start-up Hub; Incubation centre; Funding your idea; Maker space; Trading Lab. Wentworth. Vera finally tells Jake that Ferguson had a passport with Grace in it. S2 E11 In episode 8 Will is still angry at Vera, but he understands in the end why she did what she had to. Franky and Bridget's relationship implodes as Franky insists on Ferguson's involvement in her murder charge. Jake learns that Vera knows that he killed Jesper and he threatens Will that he will go down with him, so they later dig up Ferguson. Meanwhile, Franky pursues Shayne in the hope of exposing Ferguson's plan to undermine her trial and secure her release from Wentworth. Playing a dangerous game of her own, Allie claims responsibility for the accident to convince Tina of her allegiance. kisha e shen palit en rochester. But when Jess makes a sudden, drastic move, all plans are thrown out the window and the stage is set for a dramatic showdown. Vera earns the nickname 'Vinegar Tits' after a cruel prank meant for Matthew Fletcher backfired. Liz has a daunting favour to ask of Kaz S7 E1 Vera sleuths on the prison computer the results of her drug test. Winter Is Here. When Bea is sentenced to life without parole for the killing of Brayden Holt, Ferguson makes it very clear - she owns Bea now. Jake is later asked by Vera to look after Grace for the night, Jake agrees and then asks Eve again to give him some more ideas to get rid of colic. An increasingly guilt-ridden Jake defies Ferguson by encouraging Vera to leave Wentworth with him. Failing Upwards. S9 E7 Let's have a quick recap before looking into the final season of Wentworth. The final season of the award-winning series begins three weeks after the shivving of Allie. Played by Vera later talks with Greg and says she is worried for Linda and it might be related to the siege. "Hi, Franky," Vera says, pushing Grace in a pram. Later seen checking the cells and Joan says to Marie "sometimes you have the kill the monster you create.". Franky smirks at her, "Does it still hurt when you have to call me Franky and not Doyle?". S9 E3 Wentworth isn't Ferguson's prison - it's Bea's. But when it becomes clear that Ferguson wants Franky's head for it, Bea must wonder if, rather than help her cement her position as Top Dog, it may indeed be a ruse to undermine it. S2 E12 Vera undermines Ferguson's "self-defence" plea in Bea Smith's slaying but her victory will come at a cost. Joan ultimately saves Vera during the prison explosion and goes on the run again. Jake eventually cuts ties with Turk. S3 E8 Wentworth is a dynamic, often confronting, drama series that begins with Bea's early days in prison. In episode nine, Jake says that he has seen the news reports of Joan saying that she could get off. Bea struggles to accept that she had a psychotic episode, despite the CCTV evidence. Marie enacts her plan to bust out of Wentworth while Liz spirals into a psychotic meltdown. Marie enlists Sheila's help to take out Lou, with tragic unforeseen consequences. Joan is returned to Wentworth where Will Jackson is now the Governor and Linda Miles is his deputy. S3 E12 I see a lot of people saying Jake was just caught up in a bad situation with Ferguson (and hence Vera should take him back) but imho what Brody implied is that Jake was in no way innocent before getting involved in all that. Bea struggles to recover in the wake of her attack. does chris hoy have a knighthood; portaventura live camera; when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. Poking Spiders. Bea is dealt another devastating blow but is buoyed by the inmate's support, while Jacs's power further diminishes. S7 E8 Joan ultimately saves Vera during the prison explosion and goes on the . Bad Blood. When Bea hears that Simmo's daughter is working for the Holts, she plants paranoia in Simmo's mind and fuels it to further her own plans. Battle Lines. Vera is asked to ID Ferguson as she had no family left Vera confirms her identity. Simmo's attempt to kill Bea ends in tragedy, while Liz faces her greatest dilemma to snitch or not to snitch. Jake is later seen talking with Boomer about a conjugal visit with Gavin Thompson. When she goes missing a search of the prison turns violent for Will and Fletch. S6 E8 Vera later finds out that Eve spent time at Blackmoore and tells Miller to ask. Under the pump and certain that Ferguson is planning to ambush her chances, Franky offends former lover Kim, who retaliates by planting drugs, in the form of heroin-filled balloons, in Franky's cell. Allie enacts a do-or-die plan to kill Ferguson and avenge Bea's death, but finds she has to sacrifice more than she bargained for. But realises this would implicate her to, so she keeps quiet.. Vera is 6 months pregnant and in the premiere is still governing the prison, she gets taken hostage by a junkie inmate and decides after that to step back from the governors duties, asking Will to take over as acting governor. She steps down from her governorship in favour of Will Jackson, opening a door for Marie Winter to manipulate the system. S8 E1 S9 E9 In episode seven Jake delivers the mail to Lou, and is present when Ann tells the guards Ferguson is going to be released back into General. As rumblings against Kaz increase, Ferguson manipulates Lucy to up the pressure on the top dog. Vera reveals to the women that Marie is working with Sean and its an escape. Battle lines are drawn. Jake is later in the kitchen when Eve and Joan are talking. With Bea in the slot, Ferguson intensifies her manipulation of Kaz. Franky finds her life unravelling when the man she assaulted, Mike Pennisi, reappears. Whatever it Takes. S6 E6 Meanwhile, Doreen faces an agonising choice. Rita's identity as cop is under threat of being exposed to the other inmates and Kaz embarks on a journey of self-discovery and atonement. Allie remembers his death occurring on the day Judy stabbed her, after stealing Reb's surgery funds, because it was on the television . Plan Bea. Vera Bennett has been positively glowing in the opening episode of Wentworth - new baby Grace has brought a smile to her face, she has secured Will Jackson's position and got herself a great . Vera tells Ann that Judy is dead and so are many people, "innocent people" are dead and several injured. The beginning of a new era: dangerous new prisoners threaten to turn a post-siege Wentworth upside-down. Jake later gives Eve wine and then talks with Vera about how well she has been sleeping because of Eve's tips. Jake returns to her later and said that it worked. Marie enlists Sheila's help to take out Lou, with tragic unforeseen consequences. Ferguson wants to stamp out drugs inside the prison and for obvious reasons Bea finds herself on common ground with the Governor. Vera is seen in episode 5 walking around the prison, until she spots the security cameras have been moved, Vera goes to check it out and she finds Kaz's body, Vera then turns detective and calls the memorial for Kaz a bad idea, while Vera is helping the detectives she finds that Marie had a jumper on at one stage and took it off and is shut down by Will, is seen with Greg when he says that Liz may have done it, later Vera speaks with Greg again and says that Liz should've stayed in medical. S6 E10 Channing attempts damage control, but Jodie's accusations of brutality promise to be very damaging for the Governor.