refers to symbols that represent fast objects and ideas. SWTPC introduces many computer kits based on the Motorola 6800, and later, the 6809. A year later, it steered Apollo 11 to the lunar surface. After the war, Herzstarks Curta made history as the smallest all-mechanical, four-function calculator ever built. What is the best statement about your choice of a microcontroller for the project? Cuthbert Hurd (standing) and Thomas Watson, Sr. at IBM 701 console. For easy replacement, designers placed each transistor circuit inside a "bottle," similar to a vacuum tube. A driver education teacher might use this kind of software to let students "practice" driving before actually getting in a car. It was also repeatedly expanded and improved throughout its 13-year lifespan. Wi-Fi A cassette tape interface provided supplementary storage for text. Commodore even used Star Trek television star William Shatner in advertisements. Started by a group of engineers that left Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), Data General designs the Nova minicomputer. What type of web-based creation is produced when a teacher has art students sketchnoting about a visiting artist's lecture? The device was considered the earliest non-kit personal computer. What can be accomplished by using the Quality Matters standards and the Rubric for Assessing Interactive Quality? The 470V/6 was the companys first product and ran the same software as IBM System/370 computers but cost less and was smaller and faster. Apps, games, and accessories helped spur the popularity of the iPad and led to its adoption in thousands of different applications from movie making, creating art, making music, inventory control and point-of-sale systems, to name but a few. MADDIDA was flown across the country for a demonstration to John von Neumann, who was impressed. The 486 chips remained similar in structure to their predecessors, the 386 chips. They did. What do research studies tend to confirm about online learning? Virginia Tech used more than a thousand PowerMac G5s to create the System X cluster supercomputer, rated #3 in November of that year on the worlds TOP500 fastest computers. The EDSAC project was led by Cambridge professor and director of the Cambridge Computation Laboratory, Maurice Wilkes. Its price was $2,500. Both faced strong competition from the Apple II, Commodore PET, and TRS-80 computers. What is the function of an IEP generator? Apple Stores display of newly introduced Apple Watches. Working under Tom Kilburn at Englands Manchester University, Richard Grimsdale and Douglas Webb demonstrate a prototype transistorized computer, the "Manchester TC", on November 16, 1953. In 2012, Apple introduced the Retina display for the MacBook Pro laptop and iPad tablet. The Retina display became standard on most of the iPad, iPhone, MacBook, and Apple Watch product lines. In 1987, the year after Microsoft went public, 31-year-old Gates became the world's youngest billionaire. The Pentium introduced several advances that made programs run faster such as the ability to execute several instructions at the same time and support for graphics and music. The machine was designed and built by Atanasoff and graduate student Clifford Berry between 1939 and 1942. The company was incorporated by three 26-year-old Stanford alumni: Bechtolsheim, Vinod Khosla and Scott McNealy. Which kind of software tool would a teacher choose in order to develop a test item bank? To reduce its size, the traditional hard drive was replaced with a solid-state disk, the first mass-market computer to do so. Term. Powerful microcomputers developed for use by commercial, educational and government enterprises are called ____. The PC Jr. is marketed as a home computer but is too expensive and limited in performance to compete with many of the other machines in that market. Daniel Hillis of Thinking Machines Corporation moves artificial intelligence a step forward when he develops the controversial concept of massive parallelism in the Connection Machine CM-1. (C) The Regent Corporation's microcomputer can be used in conjunction with higher-priced microcomputers manufactured by other companies. The NeXT had three Motorola microprocessors and 8 MB of RAM. This printing programmable calculator was made from discrete transistors and an acoustic delay-line memory. Oddly, the company doesn't use the term in its marketing, preferring instead to refer to the microcomputer (which it calls a "Micom") that implements the fuzzy logic. Which of the following is not a file format in which audio-video files can be imported from a source and stored in a computer? Only about thirty NEACs were sold. The Altair had no keyboard and could not be connected to a television screen. The function of an output device is to: Selected Answer: Convert electronic information produced by the computer system into human-intelligible form for presentation to end-users. Definition. MOS 6502 ad from IEEE Computer, Sept. 1975. Columbia Supercomputer system made up of SGI Altix. The device's success led to the creation of MIT Lincoln Laboratory in 1951. In all, about 200 of the boards were sold before Apple announced the follow-on Apple II a year later as a ready-to-use computer for consumers, a model which sold in the millions for nearly two decades. Hungarian-born von Neumann demonstrated prodigious expertise in hydrodynamics, ballistics, meteorology, game theory, statistics, and the use of mechanical devices for computation. When was the word "computer" first used? It used $120 worth of electronics components, as outlined in the September 1973 issue of hobbyist magazine Radio Electronics. Colligan, Dubinsky, Hawkins (left to right). Developed for Busicom, a Japanese calculator maker, the 4004 had 2250 transistors and could perform up to 90,000 operations per second in four-bit chunks. Nine of the computers, which featured dozens of advanced design innovations, were sold, mainly to national laboratories and major scientific users. The display also used In Plane Switching (IPS) technology, which allowed for a wider viewing angle and improved color accuracy. Scientific and defense applications included studies of human electrophysiology, nuclear weapon simulation, human genome mapping, and global climate change. Incorporating a version of Apple's iOS operating system, as well as sensors for environmental and health monitoring, the Apple Watch was designed to be incorporated into the Apple environment with compatibility with iPhones and Mac Books. In October 2013, the one millionth Raspberry Pi was shipped. The Micral N was the first in the series and was produced by the company R2E. The IBM PC revolutionized business computing by becoming the first PC to gain widespread adoption by industry. Airline reservation agents working with SABRE. any combo of hardware or software designed to provide services to us. What kind of software tool are Notebook and ActivInspire examples of? The Treo sold well, and the line continued until Handspring was purchased by Palm in 2003. Reaching 32 gigaflops (32 billion floating point operations per second), Intels Touchstone Delta has 512 processors operating independently, arranged in a two-dimensional communications mesh. Caltech researchers used this supercomputer prototype for projects such as real-time processing of satellite images, and for simulating molecular models in AIDS research. As Apples first new product under the leadership of a returning Steve Jobs, many consider this the most significant step in Apple's return from near-bankruptcy in the middle 1990s. Microcomputers for Twenty-First Century Educators (Paperback, 4th ed) / Author: Lockard / Author: Abrams / Author: "Many ; 9780673524560 ; Educational resources & technology, Education, Social sciences, Books Its price was especially attractive as the computer included very useful productivity software worth about $1,500 alone. Updates called _____ contain fixes and enhancements to the operating system. Apple enters the handheld computer market with the Newton. T/F False Storage on a mobile device is usually an SSD (Solid-state drive). The AGC was one of the earliest uses of integrated circuits, and used core memory, as well as read-only magnetic rope memory. Plans for the Mark-8 cost $5 and the blank circuit boards were available for $50. . Within weeks of its appearance, customers inundated its maker, MITS, with orders. The Roadrunner is the first computer to reach a sustained performance of 1 petaflop (one thousand trillion floating point operations per second). In a widely circulated paper, mathematician John von Neumann outlines the architecture of a stored-program computer, including electronic storage of programming information and data -- which eliminates the need for more clumsy methods of programming such as plugboards, punched cards and paper. The University of Michigan Micro Mote (M3) is the smallest computer in the world at the time of its completion. The Tandem-16 eventually led to the Non-Stop series of systems, which were used for early ATMs and to monitor stock trades. Sun Microsystems grows out of this prototype. Typical applications included US national defense work, including the design and simulation of nuclear weapons, and weather forecasting. The primary distinguishing characteristic of modern computers is ____. The most ambitious massively parallel computer at the time, the ILLIAC IV was plagued with design and production problems. A British government contract spurred its initial development but a change in government led to loss of funding and the second and only other Mark I was sold at a major loss to the University of Toronto, where it was re-christened FERUT. The Zilog Z-80 could run any program written for the 8080 and included twice as many built-in machine instructions. The first IBM PC, formally known as the IBM Model 5150, was based on a 4.77 MHz Intel 8088 microprocessor and used Microsofts MS-DOS operating system. most important part of computer. Select the power connector that is specified by the ATX Version 2.2 standard, which allows more power to the motherboard for PCI Express (PCIe) devices. Officially known as the Track Write, the automatically expanding full-sized keyboard used by the ThinkPad 701 is designed by inventor John Karidis. The Simon 1 used relay logic and cost about $600 to build. Japan's SoftBank introduces the first camera phone, the J-Phone J-SH04; a Sharp-manufactured digital phone with integrated camera. The original design included two memory boards and could generate and store 512 characters as 16 lines of 32 characters. The LINC is an early and important example of a personal computer, that is, a computer designed for only one user. 1945: Memex The Model 650 was also highly popular in universities, where a generation of students first learned programming. A large amount of software was created for the BBC Micro, including educational, productivity, and game programs. VisiCalc was released in 1979 and quickly became a must-have tool for business users. System control was provided through the Atlas Supervisor, which some consider to be the first true operating system. The Pi weighed only 45 grams and initially sold for only $25-$35 U.S. With an order for 50 assembled systems from Mountain View, California computer store The Byte Shop in hand, the pair started a new company, naming it Apple Computer, Inc. IBM Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator (SSEC). It offered increased performance and storage capacity over the original IBM PC and sold for about $4,000. Led by curator Doron Swade the team built Babbages machine in six years, using techniques that would have been available to Babbage at the time, proving that Babbages design was accurate and that it could have been built in his day. Foremost among its developments was Forresters perfection of magnetic core memory, which became the dominant form of high-speed random access memory for computers until the mid-1970s. assist teachers in preparing student IEPs. Conceived in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, this credit card-sized computer features ease of use and simplicity making it highly popular with students and hobbyists. Apple makes a splash with its Bondi Blue iMac, which sells for about $1,300. The title of first commercially available general-purpose computer probably goes to Britains Ferranti Mark I for its sale of its first Mark I computer to Manchester University. Conceived by Harvard physics professor Howard Aiken, and designed and built by IBM, the Harvard Mark 1 is a room-sized, relay-based calculator. The Z3, an early computer built by German engineer Konrad Zuse working in complete isolation from developments elsewhere, uses 2,300 relays, performs floating point binary arithmetic, and has a 22-bit word length. On April 7, IBM announced five models of System/360, spanning a 50-to-1 performance range. That means if you want to get started collecting microcomputers, knowing which system to go for first can be overwhelming. It was one of the first commercially available relational database management systems for microcomputers. A full-scale working replica of the ABC was completed in 1997, proving that the ABC machine functioned as Atanasoff had claimed. Microsoft Windows, also called Windows and Windows OS, computer operating system (OS) developed by Microsoft Corporation to run personal computers (PCs). Spinning at 12,500 rpm, the 650s magnetic data-storage drum allowed much faster access to stored information than other drum-based machines. spreadsheet program What have recent studies of online school performance compared with traditional school performance shown? The 501 is built on a 'building block' concept which allows it to be highly flexible for many different uses and could simultaneously control up to 63 tape drivesvery useful for large databases of information. It was also one of the first computers to use all-diode logic, a technology more reliable than vacuum tubes. The last one was decommissioned in 1979. It could also share files and print out documents on an advanced Xerox laser printer. [1] Raspberry Pi, a popular modern-class microcomputer A microcomputer is a small, relatively inexpensive computer having a central processing unit (CPU) made out of a microprocessor. Based on ideas from Alan Turing, Britains Pilot ACE computer is constructed at the National Physical Laboratory. Its base price was $6,500. (D) Most of those individuals and companies that could be expected to make up the potential market for the Regent microcomputer have already filled their microcomputer needs. Sales were weaker than projected, despite being widely praised by the press for its active matrix display, removable trackball, and high performance. Description. About 50,000 were sold in Britain, primarily to hobbyists, and initially there was a long waiting list for the system. An experiment conducted five months later on the MIT Whirlwind computer confirmed how useful and convenient a keyboard input device could be. false. Using this system, the machine could work faster than any other at the time on a problem that could be parceled out among the many processors. The first VAIO, a desktop computer, featured an additional 3D interface on top of the Windows 95 operating system as a way of attracting new users. Acorn spun off ARM as its own company to license microprocessor designs, which in turn has transformed mobile computing with ARMs low power, high-performance processors and systems-on-chip (SoC). It was named after John von Neumann, a world famous mathematician and computer pioneer of the day. Which is an acknowledged benefit of software with drill and practice functions? In 1975, Scelbi introduced the 8B version with 16 KB of memory for the business market. Compaq's success launched a market for IBM-compatible computers that by 1996 had achieved an 83-percent share of the personal computer market. Level. Almost a million units were ordered on the day of release. The definition of a computer remained the same until the end of the 19th century, when the industrial revolution gave rise to mechanical machines whose primary purpose was . Answer (1 of 14): There's a good argument that written mathematics or music is probably the first, a pre-specified structured set of instructions intended to transport and replicate a process. The first companies to produce a specific type of program had good sales even though they did little promotion and their programs were not "userfriendly." It seems that many of these "innovators . The Z3 was used for aerodynamic calculations but was destroyed in a bombing raid on Berlin in late 1943. Northrop was initially reluctant to make MADDIDA a commercial product, but by the end of 1952, six had sold. Its Williams-Kilburn tube memory system was later adopted by several other early computer systems around the world. Built as an electro-mechanical means of decrypting Nazi ENIGMA-based military communications during World War II, the British Bombe is conceived of by computer pioneer Alan Turing and Harold Keen of the British Tabulating Machine Company. The PowerBook 170 was the high-end model, featuring an active matrix display, faster processor, as well as a floating point unit. A later version of that machine became the PDP-8, the first commercially successful minicomputer. Called a complex instruction set computer, VAX systems were backward compatible and so preserved the investment owners of previous DEC computers had in software. It presents an approach to the technology and the implementation prOblem, documented with information about specific transit applica-tions. Computer Science. Dubbed a Personal Data Assistant by Apple President John Scully in 1992, the Newton featured many of the features that would define handheld computers in the following decades. What is a typical classroom application for instructional games? Designed by engineer Gardner Hendrie for Computer Control Corporation (CCC), the DDP-116 is announced at the 1965 Spring Joint Computer Conference. Which of the following is one strategy often used in online courses to ensure academic integrity? Graduation rates are lower in online schools. The most popular operating system for small microcomputers in the late 1970s was CP/M, written by Gary Kildall in about 1974 and marketed by the company he started, Digital Research, Inc. IBM visited Digital Research in August 1980 - some say at the suggestion of Bill Gates - to investigate using "CP/M-86, their upcoming version for . Most historians believe that the use of Colossus machines significantly shortened the war by providing evidence of enemy intentions and beliefs. Designed by scientists and engineers at MITs Instrumentation Laboratory, the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) is the culmination of years of work to reduce the size of the Apollo spacecraft computer from the size of seven refrigerators side-by-side to a compact unit weighing only 70 lbs. The line was discontinued less than two years later. These tools take over the task of doing arithmetic functions so that students can focus on higher level mathematics concepts Spreadsheet This software is sometimes credited with starting the "microcomputer revolution" in schools, since it was the first software package available for home computers. The success of the Portable inspired many other early IBM-compatible computers. False Drivers are used to communicate with peripheral devices such as monitors, printers, and keyboards. It performed 2 million instructions per second, but other RISC-based computers worked significantly faster. The world's first scanned image was made on SEAC by engineer Russell Kirsch in 1957. System/360 was aimed at both business and scientific customers and all models could run the same software, largely without modification. With a peak speed of over a petaflop (one thousand trillion calculations per second), the Tianhe 1 (translation: Milky Way 1) is developed by the Chinese National University of Defense Technology using Intel Xeon processors combined with AMD graphic processing units (GPUs). Only one month later, another one million Raspberry Pis were delivered. Gates and Allen started Microsoftoriginally called Micro-Soft, for microprocessors and. Programmer Arthur Samuels used the 701 to write the first computer program designed to play checkers. Mathematician George Stibitz recommends using a relay-based calculator for the project. With a screen resolution of up to 400 pixels-per-inch (PPI), Retina displays approached the limit of pixel visibility to the human eye. It also included more memory and accommodated high-density 1.2-megabyte 5 1/4-inch floppy disks. Initially designed for internal use by HP employees, co-founder Bill Hewlett issues a challenge to his engineers in 1971: fit all of the features of their desktop scientific calculator into a package small enough for his shirt pocket. Ross contended that a Flexowriter -- an electrically-controlled typewriter -- connected to an MIT computer could function as a keyboard input device due to its low cost and flexibility. Scelbi aimed the 8H, available both in kit form and fully assembled, at scientific, electronic, and biological applications. The Paragon at Caltech was named the fastest supercomputer in the world in 1992. It was transferred to the Department of Physics at the University of Melbourne in 1955 and remained in service until 1964. The replica is currently on display at the Computer History Museum. During the 1980s and early 1990s, ____ was the dominant operating system for microcomputers. Students included future computing pioneers such as Maurice Wilkes, Claude Shannon, David Rees, and Jay Forrester. Shortly after delivery of the Atari VCS game console, Atari designs two microcomputers with game capabilities: the Model 400 and Model 800. Southwest Technical Products is founded by Daniel Meyer as DEMCO in the 1960s to provide a source for kit versions of projects published in electronics hobbyist magazines. Which software was the first available for microcomputers? The British Broadcasting Corporations Computer Literacy Project hoped to introduce interested adults to the world of computers. Acorn produces a popular computer, the BBC Microcomputer System, so viewers at home could follow along on their own home computers as they watched the program. While larger than the previous G4 towers, the G5 had comparatively limited space for expansion. The LINC was later commercialized by DEC and sold as the LINC-8. The 6502 and its progeny are still used today, usually in embedded applications. Inside was a Z80 microprocessor and a built-in BASIC language interpreter. Tracks on the drum did the mathematical integration. An offshoot of the POWER XCell8i chip was used as the main processor in the Sony PlayStation 3 game console. answer choices True Fasle Question 3 30 seconds Q. Truong, founder and president of the French company R2E, created the Micral as a replacement for minicomputers in situations that did not require high performance, such as process control and highway toll collection. Later revisions used the Z80 processor, which is the model pictured above that [The Byte . The inside of the Amiga case is engraved with the signatures of the Amiga designers, including Jay Miner as well as the paw print of his dog Mitchy. It had two operating modes, one that mirrored the segmented memory of older x86 chips, allowing full backward compatibility, and one that took full advantage of its more advanced technology. For its January issue, hobbyist magazine Popular Electronics runs a cover story of a new computer kit the Altair 8800. Developed by the Japanese government to create global climate models, the Earth Simulator is a massively parallel, vector-based system that costs nearly 60 billion yen (roughly $600 million at the time). The basic idea for bombes came from Polish code-breaker Marian Rejewski's 1938 "Bomba.". Manipulate the data according to specific rules (process) 3. The Apple Mac computer running the Mac OS System 1 was the first commercially available computer with a graphical user interface. Xerox PARC physicist Gary Starkweather realizes in 1967 that exposing a copy machines light-sensitive drum to a paper original isnt the only way to create an image. Total Cards. Constructed at MITs Lincoln Laboratory, the TX-0 moved to the MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics, where it hosted some early imaginative tests of programming, including writing a Western movie shown on television, 3-D tic-tac-toe, and a maze in which a mouse found martinis and became increasingly inebriated.