If you just want to create sensors for an external InfluxDB database and you dont want Home Assistant to write any data to it you can exclude all entities like this: To configure this sensor, you need to define the sensor connection variables and a list of queries to your configuration.yaml file. What is your docker run command? docker: Error response from daemon: Bind mount failed: /path/for/influxdb does not exists. unit_of_measurement: '%' Im wondering wether you could update the docker container with some more recent versions of grafana and influxdb? The unique ID for this query. That doesnt really help you for the moment. # The name of the bucket where the data will be saved. I want to get the current InfluxDB database size of homeassistant . I commented out logbook: & history: and deleted the home-assistant db file, and that did not impact the InfluxDb functionality. Unfortunately, each device is slightly different, so youll need to consult the instruction manual for each device. Thank you for watching. I snaffled your docker-hub image and ran it up to try and its awesome. SHOW MEASUREMENTS ON " eg: homeassistant" Where does the data for InfluxDB come from and where is it stored? Are we cooling/warming the house too much? Sorted it. This add-on comes with Chronograf & Kapacitor pre-installed as well. {{ states.zwave.fibaro_system_fgms001zw5_motion_sensor.attributes.battery_level }} 23f6dfc96bc8eb520513b97a843686129cb84d8566402114d82a73f12de40c26 InfluxDB is a tool to help you solve that! If that still doesnt fix it, I would then SSH into the container on port 22022. For my own future reference and anyone looking to clean up data spikes over a specific time range, heres what worked for me: USE ""; DELETE FROM "" WHERE ("" = "") AND time > "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" AND time < "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss", Example if deleting all data on a given day: I used your docker image top setup InfluxDB and Grafana. There are a lot of possibilities here, just play around with it a bit. For my entry sensor above, Im going to choose battery_entry_sensor. Port 3003 works: I see the page from Grafana So, its still a work in progress for the time being. I'm a very Newbie but nevertheless managed to start a couple of integrations successfully. The influxdb integration of Home Assistant makes it possible to transfer all state changes to an InfluxDB database. As you may notice while it is easy to create it is not great either. Some research is needed but, first, Ill implement the device tracking for essential components you wrote on. Thanks for sharing @ionu. Mind posting one of your sensors youre using to extract the battery level? Whats the average temperature inside during the summer months, compared to winter? Click the AND to change it to an OR. Thanks for reading. Verify SSL certificate for HTTPS request. Lets go! {% else %} You can use the data to refine what the temperatures need to be inside vs outside before the AC comes on for example. To test, can you change your docker run command to. Published by Oliver on 02.05.202102.05.2021. If I determine that the Supervised HA doesn't hold any particular benefits for me, I'll most likely migrate that to Docker as well in the future. Now lets press the Add Query button again, and add all our internal sensors together. To do this, well add the following to our configuration file. Copy that string in a text file somewhere and make a note that it belongs to the HomeAssistant - Write token. In the WHERE we want to chooseentity_id and select the battery sensor. The second part is the interface. Now we have to use the Flux query language which expects us to type things in. This made me think it couldn't resolve the host name, but I'm using the one from the guide in my config. Click "Select" button to go back to previous window. Here you should be able to see the bucket you have created on the initial screen in the previous section. Note that the configuration is significantly different for a 2.xx installation, the documentation below will note when fields or defaults apply to only a 1.xx installation or a 2.xx installation. Phil, geat guide as always!Have got my NAS operating as a broker and now this using your guides. Nice job! After a few minutes Home Assistant will start pouring sensor data into your new InfuxDB database. I chose docker/influxdb. Influx vs Prometheus vs Timescale. A very simple setup could look like the one below. When creating a new query, instead of choosing the unit of measurement first, like % or KB/s, select the entity_id you would like to get the attribute for. 2018-01-24 15:01:09,651 INFO exited: grafana (exit status 1; not expected) Unfortunately, the process manager inside the container wont display any errors from Grafana. API version to use. I'm using a Synology to run HA on and wish I could use docker for it. Trying to show the volume of my Sonos using singlestat and its working. You could have Grafana send you alerts if the temperature inside reaches a certain threshold. I hope you'll get through it OK :-). This makes it excellent at storing our sensor data from Home Assistant, because naturally all our sensor data is associated with time of measurement. Now were going to make the following adjustments to the graph: Now you should have data on your graph, but something looks wrong? Yes, I recently upgraded the versions of software, which has resulted in some slightly updated port numbers. I've been working in web development with CMSs and e-commerce for over 20 years. Statistics in Home Assistant with InfluxDB and Grafana. Needed with token configuration variable. Although I cant see why not exactly. Reduce the complexity until something . InfluxDB is a scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics. The good news is youre not the only one experiencing this. That will bind the container to the host network, which will hopefully work. Libraries to import in order to execute your query. Here we can see how the graph is defined. I've got a PC where I have multiple VMs for some other stuff and have decided to put HA in a VM there. # Home Assistant Community Add-on: InfluxDB InfluxDB is an open source time series database optimized for high-write-volume. Note that is the IP address of my NAS. After that enter your InfluxDB, Database, User and Password. MySQL. Click "Add" button and in the "variable" field enter TZ and in the "Value" field enter your timezone in format continent/City (you can find a list here). Strange, I am not 100% sure if this will work with HASSIO. Navigate to your InfluxDB installation. Most of the time I am online at the Discord chat. Entries will be limited, since they will start from the moment that you have added HomeAssistant->InfluxDB config into HomeAssistant. Heres another new Docker run command to try. Most likely this will be the only user which you will create, since InfluxDB changes how databases are accessed (we'll come to that later). Rinse and repeat for other graphs you might want to create as well, like Lux/Brightness, download speeds, etc. By default Home Assistant will store its history in an SQLite database in your configuration directory. The add-on you are currently looking at right now was developed/packaged by me. This chart will display the outside temperature, well also include an area which will display the current temperature, and the highest and lowest temperatures for the time period specified. I'll be assuming that you've got HA running already and configured with some sensors and whatnot. I scroll down, to the bottom of the "Filter" frame until I see the "C" entry. /config/influxdb.yaml. Select the "Enable auto-restart" checkbox to make sure your container gets back up if it crashes for whatever reason. Name your database and click the checkmark. This tutorial is going to outline how to add InfluxDB to the docker-compose.yml file and setup on a Raspberry Pi. In the overview screen I see the battery sensor now ( no errors anymore whoohooo ), but its giving me n/a What could be wrong ? If data is showing up than your Home Assistant and InfluxDB configuration is working. 2018-06-18 14:38:55 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain influxdb took 7.1 seconds. You'll be greeted with a welcome page, click the "Get Started" button. You can now click the "Apply" button. However, I'm also using a zigbee usb stick and the Synology NAS can only expose that to HA through a VM. It was also a little more complicated because all of the examples were Influx 1, not 2. This can be done with Loki like I described here. Go ahead and drag a Singlestat onto your dashboard. The personal homepage of Frenck: an Internet of Things explorer, a home automation fanatic, open source contributor, software developer, and Home Assistant addict! One with your username and the two new ones. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bd57a5daa931c1379c57e296f4b358ab6e80a1950257bf014de60dba55bd1c20.jpg. Theres also some great options to setup alerts. I also used the measurement_attr setting to make sure that the (unique) entity id is used as a name for the data in InfluxDB. It exposes an HTTP API for client interaction and if often used in combination with . If the Home Assistant container is running in host mode or on a different machine you need to forward the 8086 port from the dabase container so that it is available from the outside. Port to use. Something like. In this window we'll set connection and display parameters for communication between Grafana and InfluxDB. Note that unlike the 1.xx queries, this does not default to mean. Jens. Youll need to be able to edit the Home Assistant config, which might be by SSH, or via the File Editor plugin from the Home Assistant interface. Check out some of our other add-ons in our Home Assistant Community Add-ons project. Here you will create an administrative user and your first (and maybe only) organization and a bucket. and Jekyll. The leading sign indicates a warning, but there is nothing to be worried about. Youll also need to check which version of InfluxDB youre running. I was looking for a long time how to use influxdb 2.0 and before finding this post I wasn't even sure Home Assistant supported it! I set up InfluxDB and Grafana with my Home Assistant installation and will show you how to do this in no time in this blog post. Sounds like an ever growing pool of data if no retention is set. Setting this up with Home Assistant is also really easy. Thanks. influxdb: host: username: homeassistant password: passwd . https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bc4da4039404e2db4b3c8697ddb404f9b3ffcccd2ef383985271282a4583e97b.jpg, If I can get the actual value it would be already ok. Hi Phil thank you for this tutorial im using HA on DSM6. Theres a few options for this, but one with great support in Home Assistant is InfluxDB. At the moment we'll be interested in the "Data" section which is third icon from the top on the left side of the GUI. What version are you looking to upgrade to? Once influxdb.yaml is saved, we can add it to the main Home Assistant config like so. This will create a new query under B. Seems to work with $interval. Lets take a look at some questions you might be able to answer by analyzing your sensor data over longer periods. Home Assistant is awesome but it lacks advanced support for showing data, especially over time. Please be aware of the underlying InfluxDB mechanism that converts non-string attributes to strings and adds a _str suffix to the attribute name in this case. # The InfluxDB organisation that the bucket will belong to. You can always change the retention, so that data gets dropped after a certain period. Looking at the graph is cool, but it doesnt make it easy to see what the temperature outside is right now, or what was the lowest/highest temperature for the period. I might write a post for influxdb2 in the future, but no guarantees. This is a basic way to look at the data captured by Home Assistant. There is. In this video we will set up statistics monitoring using the InfluxDB database engine and the Grafana dashboard.Home Assistant by def. All my sensors from hassio are reporting to that influxdb next to my mariadb (short term). Hi Phil, what is the best way to update to the new version? Grafana is a fantastic tool. Under the query field locate and click the "Sample Query" button. First off, well grab the docker image that will have the InfluxDB installation. Were going to run a query to create a new database just for Home Assistant. :-). In your Influx configuration YAML for HA, I highly recommend adding friendly_name under tags_attributes. So in your configuration.yaml you do have to setup the InfluxDB integration. InfluxDB. Because of the amount of data Home Assistant is collecting, storing that data can become quite cumbersome. Ok that makes sense. See the official installation instructions for how to set up an InfluxDB . Grafana InfluxDB. In "Name" field enter a name that makes sense. In my setup Grafana is in the same Docker network as the InfluxDB database so you can access it directly via the Docker container name (influxdb in this case). I find these great to show gauges of battery levels in devices. The list of attribute names to ignore when reporting to InfluxDB. To limit which entities are being exposed to InfluxDB, you can use the include and exclude parameters. FYI Influx is not generally used as a replacement for the main database but as a supplement. Together with the fact that the HomeAssistant bucket exists, the InfluxDB is now ready to be used. If you are looking to add the full Grafana dashboards or elements of it directly to your Home Assistant dashboards follow my guide here. Next, we can add InfluxDB to our docker-compose.yaml file so docker will run the image. Defines the units of measurement of the sensor, if any. You should get a response back with a list of measurements being taken. You can set it to almost anything else, but then you'll always have to keep that in mind later. influxdb: host: 172.23..2. verify_ssl: false. If youre using my Docker container, heres how Ive set it up. Does the component expose its own outside_garage_door_battery sensor? Possible values: unit_of_measurement, domain__device_class or entity_id. PS: I already tried to install influxdb (outside Home Assistant) but I can't have an access to the database I'm using in my HA. This attribute contains component-specific override values. Im used to traditional SQL, so I may have some blindspot when Im looking at a familiar, but different approach to data. They don't hog as much memory as a VM and you can add and remove (and screw up) a container without affecting the main system. Defines the measurement name in InfluxDB (the FROM clause of the query). Therefore you need to add a WHERE clause to the query to filter out values. For example a query on a % battery for sensor.multi_sensor_battery_level: Everything else can be queried using the entity_id as its measurement name. I am already using this addon for influxdb. Hi, as many others (searched the forum, few requests with different information but all without a solution) I struggle to successfully define an InfluxDB sensor to be used in Home Assistant. This makes it easy to read the battery levels into Grafana. starting from the data source to the destination. Select the "Enable auto-restart" checkbox. Then add Name and URL, where the URL should be the hostname where the InfluxDB is installed. Assign a name to the container (Grafana, for instance) and click "Advanced Settings". In my case it looks like this. 2:49 PM components/influxdb.py (ERROR). We'll create a couple more for better security and particular purpose. Now we need to add another sensor to this query. But I just found out something: I have no clue where I could actually check the bucket size :-D I guess that info could come in handy Great write up. Maybe the entity_id has changed or something. Thanks for the heads up about Glances. When it did I found it limiting would this be a suitable replacement? The configuration can be done via the configuration.yaml file. As a sample of how to do this in Home Assistant, heres some code I use to display the battery level for the entry sensor above. 2018-06-17 21:10:03 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [homeassistant.components.influxdb] Database host is not accessible due to HTTPConnectionPool(host=, port=8086): Max retries exceeded with url: /query?q=SHOW+SERIES+LIMIT+1%3B&db=home_assistant (Caused by NewConnectionError(: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused,)), please check your entries in the configuration file (host, port, etc.)