In the 20th century, poets John Frederick Nims and Willis Barnstone translated the poetry of St. John of the Cross into English. In the dark night of the soul, bright flows the river of God. After a meeting with St. Teresa of Avila, he joined her attempts at reforming the order and pledged himself to a more stringently monastic and studious life than Carmelites then practiced. ", 23. "In sorrow and suffering, go straight to God with confidence, and you will be strengthened, enlightened and instructed. St. John of the Cross points out that the divine music can best be heard in solitude and silence. ", 60. "The endurance of darkness is the preparation for great light. In darkness, and secure,by the secret ladder, disguised, ah, the sheer grace! He was fed only bread and water, and occasional scraps of salt fish. His wonderful love of the cross appeared in all his actions, and it was by meditating continually on the sufferings of Christ that it increased daily in his soul; for love made him desire to resemble his crucified Redeemer in all manner of humiliations and sufferings. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. Hold on. I abandoned and forgot myself,laying my face on my Beloved;all things ceased; I went out from myself,leaving my caresforgotten among the lilies. con ansias en amores imflamada, "There is nothing better or more necessary than love. Check your inbox for your latest news from us. The 42-year-old former athlete was pronounced dead on . "Do not ask for anything other than the cross, and precisely without consolation, because this is perfect. Omissions? Want to see fewer ads on Aleteia? The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross, Volume II: The Dark Night of the Soul, Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the Bridegroom Christ, the LIV, p.482, Cosimo, Inc. St. John of the Cross (1991). a escuras y enelada, As I parted his locks; You were living in continual expectation of the rising of the Star of Jacob, by G.K. Chesterton | Dec 23, 2022 | Advent and Christmas. But the darkest nights are followed by the most radiant dawns and the soul, perfect at last, enters into complete, constant and inseparable communion with the Spirit, so that to use the bold statement employed by St John of the Cross "it seems to be God himself and has the same characteristics as him". His works are considered divine and among the best pieces of Spanish poetry. The "dark night" does not refer to the difficulties of life in general,[3] although the phrase has been taken to refer to such trials. A person of distinction was one day so moved with the sight of it, perceiving the heavenly light of his face to dazzle his eyes and pierce his heart with divine love, that on the spot he took a resolution to renounce the world and embraced the Order of St. Dominic. "In order to come to union with the wisdom of God, the soul has to proceed rather by unknowing than by knowing", 12. Both works were left uncompleted. The time or place of composition are not certain. Saint John of the Cross, in spanish: San Juan de la Cruz (1542 - 1591), was spanish mystic, a roman catholic saint, a carmelite friar and a priest who was born at Fontiveros, Old Castile. A hollow board, something like a grave, was his bed. It will transform them from Contemplative Prayer to Unitive Prayer, which is actual union with God. ", 10. "Abide in peace, banish cares, take no account of all that happens, and you will serve God according to his good pleasure and rest in him. "To love God is, therefore, to be transformed into God.". You brought light to the darkness. "In the twilight of life, God will not judge us on our earthly possessions and human successes, but on how well we have loved. "Desolation is a file, and the endurance of darkness is preparation for great light. August 4, 2021. La noche oscura del alma A history of his revelations and many miracles, with an exact account of his writings, and mystical theology may be read in his life by F. Dositheus of Alexis. God, in the sensible visits of his grace, draws a soul by his charms to run in the sweet paths of his love; but her virtue is chiefly perfected by tribulations. "Jesus Christ lived in the midst of his enemies. The little drawing shows Christ on the cross, looking down on him from above. Thank you! First Station: Jesus is condemned to death, Saint of the Day for Saturday, March 4th, 2023. Shortly following his burial, there was a dispute over where he should be buried. ", 38. "The soul that journey's to God, but doesn't shake off its cares and quiet its appetites, is like someone who drags a cart of dirt uphill. ", 90. Juan de Yepes y lvarez was born in Spain and entered the Carmelite Order as a young man. "Faith is like the feet wherewith the soul journeys to God, and love is the guide that directs it. "The road is narrow. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. As for the saint himself, we cannot give a better description of the situation of his holy soul in his last moments than in his own words, where he speaks of the death of a saint," Perfect love of God makes death welcome, and most sweet to a soul. If you are depressed at Christmas, think of God as the Christmas star or string of lights whose light is out there whether you see it now or not. ", 72. In 1591 the chapter of his Order met at Madrid, in which St. John opposed too severe measures used in the punishment of disobedience against Father Gratian, who had been a great assistant to St. Teresa; and likewise strenuously spoke against a motion supported by some of the chiefs, for casting off the direction of the Teresain nuns. ", 22. the deprivation of the senses you feel in depression can be offered to God, fruitfully. Waiting in Loneliness. y todos mis sentidos suspendia. In the twilight of life, God will not judge us on our earthly possessions and human success, but rather on how much we have loved. To pass the time he wrote poems on paper that was smuggled to him by the friar charged with guarding his cell. If you have trouble praying, dont worry. by Catholic Saint | Feb 23, 2023 | Prayer. "If a man wishes to be sure of the road he's traveling on, then he must close his eyes and travel in the dark. ", 32. While there, he had a vision of Christ and made a drawing that remains to this day called, "Christ from Above." ", 97. "[11] Joseph Campbell states "The dark night of the soul comes just before revelation. por la secreta escala disfraada, ", 18. ", 56. What I am looking for is an immobile movement, something which would be the equivalent of what is called the eloquence of silence, or what St. John of the Cross, I think it was, described with the term 'mute music'. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). The wisdom of the great Spanish Carmelite mystic St. John of the Cross, whose feast is celebrated December 14, can help you cope. I interpret that as a direction for us to trust in the guidance we receive from our invisible self. Every day we present the best quotes! ", The dark night of the soul is a stage of final and complete purification, and is marked by confusion, helplessness, stagnation of the will, and a sense of the withdrawal of God's presence. heart. In secret, when none saw me, St. John of the Cross, Spanish San Juan de la Cruz, original name Juan de Yepes y lvarez, (born June 24, 1542, Fontiveros, Spaindied December 14, 1591, Ubeda; canonized 1726; feast day December 14), one of the greatest Christian mystics and Spanish poets, doctor of the church, reformer of Spanish monasticism, and cofounder of the contemplative - with thousands of pages of magisterial content. [13], "This," says St. John of the Cross again, "is one of the most bitter sufferings of this purgation. Never give up prayer, and should you find dryness and difficulty, persevere in it for this very reason. Johns schematization combines a poetic sensitivity for the nuances of mystical experience with a theological and philosophical precision guided by his study of St. Thomas Aquinas. By virtue of his intense poemsCntico espiritual (The Spiritual Canticle), Noche oscura del alma (The Dark Night of the Soul), and Llama de amor viva (The Living Flame of Love)he achieves preeminence in Spanish mystical literature, expressing the experience of the mystical union between the soul and Christ. "If you do not learn to deny yourself, you can make no progress in perfection. ", 96. Jesus merited all the graces we receive by suffering for us; and it is by suffering with him that we are best prepared to be enriched with them. "If it were given to a man to see virtue's reward in the next world, he would occupy his intellect, memory and will in nothing but good works, careless of danger or fatigue. The treatises Ascent of Mount Carmel (1581-1585) and Dark Night (the Declaracin, 1584-1586) are commentaries on the poem, explaining its meaning line by line. Never listen to accounts of the frailty of others; and if anyone should complain to you of another, humbly ask him not to speak about him at all. 40. The endurance of darkness is the preparation for great light.. "Oh, night that guided me, Oh, night more lovely than the dawn,Oh, night that joined Beloved with lover, Lover transformed in the Beloved! en parte donde nadie parecia. en mi cuello heria, [6], At the beginning of the commentary Dark Night, John wrote: "In this first verse, the soul tells the mode and manner in which it departs, as to its affection, from itself and from all things, dying through a true mortification to all of them and to itself, to arrive at a sweet and delicious life with God. "Deny your desires and you will find what your heart longs for. Votes: 4 Wayne Dyer St. John of the Cross points out that the divine music can best be heard in solitude and silence. "He who interrupts the course of his spiritual exercises and prayer is like a man who allows a bird to escape from his hand; he can hardly catch it again. You brought hope to the downcast. My house being now at rest. St. Teresa made use of him to impart the spirit of her reform to the religious in all the houses which she established. Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. To the place where he (well I knew who!) However softly we speak, God is so close to us that he can hear us; nor do we need wings to go in search of him, but merely to seek solitude and contemplate him within ourselves, without being surprised to find such a good Guest there. The sonorous music is not a physical sound that vibrates the eardrum but something transcending the senses. ", 87. He answered, "Lord, I ask no other recompense than to suffer and be condemned for thy love." If you are single by choice or by circumstances and Christmas is hard, remember what St. John says here. The poem of St. John of the Cross, in eight stanzas of five lines each, narrates the journey of the soul to the mystical union with God. In the dark night of the soul, bright flows the river of God.. "The eternal tide flows hid in Living Bread. Otherwise it is just wanting. Reform, however, caused friction within the order and led to his imprisonment, first in 1576 and again in 1577 at Toledo, where he wrote some of his finest poetry. "My spirit has become dry because it forgets to feed on You. He was canonized a saint in 1726. ", 68. "In the inner stillness where meditation leads, the Spirit secretly anoints the soul and heals our deepest wounds. 1243. Don't give up even when things look disappointing. London, Sheed and Ward, 1946. The love of suffering made St. John prefer this house of Ubeda. 1. ", 91. His body remains at Segovia. He has been cited as an influence to many poets, mystics, and artists, even Salvador Dali. God often desires to see what love your soul has, and love is not tried by ease and satisfaction. Ch. The Endurance Of Darkness Is Preparation | St. John of the Cross When You Can't Sleep At Night, Talk To God The Proclamation Of Easter | O Truly Blessed Night What Can Fasting Do For The Soul? Christ is coming! Yaron Steinbuch 1 day ago. "Take God for your spouse and friend and walk with him continually, and you will not sin and will learn to love. Both his poetry and his studies on the growth of the soul are considered the summit of mystical Spanish literature and one of the peaks of all Spanish literature. Votes: 4 2. "Among all created things, and things that can be apprehended by the understanding, there is no ladder whereby the understanding can attain to this high Lord. All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws, Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. The odour of their sanctity in their poor obscure house spread all over Spain; and St. Teresa soon after established a second convent at Pastrane, and in 1568 a third at Manreza, whither she translated that from Durvelle, and in 1577 a fourth at Alcala. "To be taken with love for a soul, God does not look on its greatness, but the greatness of its humility. He is a patron saint of mystics and contemplatives and of Spanish poets. Here the self has been permanently established on a transcendental level and liberated for a new purpose. The Novena To The Magi For The Ephiphany December 28O holy Magi! The graces which he received from the holy mysteries, inflamed him with a desire of greater retirement; for which purpose he deliberated with himself to enter the Order of the Carthusians. ", The phrase, "dark night of the soul" is often used informally to describe an extremely difficult and painful period in one's life, for example, after the death of a loved one; the break-up of a marriage; or the diagnosis of a life-threatening illness. "Whoever does not seek the cross of Christ doesn't seek the glory of Christ." -Saint John. It was his desire to be a lay-brother, but this was refused him. It is also known as Nasrani Menorah, Persian Cross, or Mar Thoma Sleeva. "God leads every soul by a separate path." -- John of the Cross #Soul #Path #Individual "In the inner stillness where meditation leads, the Spirit secretly anoints the soul and heals our deepest wounds." -- John of the Cross #Meditation #Soul #Spirit "Where there is no love, pour love in, and you will draw love out." -- John of the Cross "To saints, their very slumber is a prayer. The son of poor silk weavers of Toledo, John was born Juan de Yepes y Alvarez in Fontiveros. Product Description $23.95 The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross Includes The Ascent of Mount Carmel, The Dark Night, The Spiritual Canticle, The Living Flame of Love, Letters, and The Minor Works (paperback) Revised edition (1991) Translated by Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD and Otilio Rodriguez, OCD The below quotes will motivate you to work your way through the darkness. ", 59. His fever all this time allowed him no rest. ", 39. Copyright Aleteia SAS all rights reserved. This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain:Herbermann, Charles, ed. ", 36. ", 9. The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross Quotes Showing 1-29 of 29 "9. "An action done entirely and purely for God, with a pure heart, creates a whole kingdom for those who make it. "If you lose an opportunity you will be like one who lets the bird fly away; you will never get it back. His fasts and other mortifications were incredible. The devils, at the same time, assaulted him with violent temptations, and men persecuted him by calumnies. This one is true of both the Advent darkness everyone feels, and the specific darkness you feel in your depression. After nine months, John managed to pry his cell door from its hinges and escape. En la noche dichosa, The rivers of love in the heart, now swell almost beyond all bounds, being just going to enter the ocean of love. Oh, night more lovely than the dawn, He is also known for his writings. 43. By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. C.W.S.T.J.The Complete Works of Saint Teresa of Jesus, translated and edited by E. Allison Peers from the critical edition of P. Silverio de Santa Teresa, C.D. "More is gained in one hour from God's good things than in a whole lifetime from our own. "The soul of one who serves God," says the saint, "always swims in joy, always keeps holiday, is always in her palace of jubilation, ever singing with fresh ardour and fresh pleasure, a new song of joy and love.". John became known as a remarkable and influential poet, especially following his death. If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. A person of distinction was one day so moved with the sight of it, perceiving the heavenly light of his face to dazzle his eyes and pierce his heart with divine love, that on the spot he took a resolution to renounce the world and embraced the Order of St. Dominic. Author and Publisher - Catholic Online When children make mistakes, talk to them seriously and by Traditional Catholic Prayers | Feb 1, 2023 | Faith & Life, February, Prayer. ISBN978-1-78180-879-5. And caused all my senses to be suspended. Catholic Online YouTube - over 4,800 Catholic videos. "Where there is no love, pour love in, and you will draw love out. He remained in Avila until 1577. He at length cried out, "Glory be to God "; pressed the crucifix on his breast, and after some time said, "Lord, into thy hands I commend my soul"; with which words he calmly breathed forth his soul on the 14th of December, in 1591, being forty-nine years old, of which he had spent twenty-eight in a religious state. ", 84. ", 31. ", 46. oh dichosa uentura! He became an expert in the Bible and dared to translate the Song of Songs into Spanish, an act which was controversial since the Church forbade the translation of the Bible from Latin -a measure to protect the original meanings in the scripture. desire to be nothing. You must then study his life in order to know how to imitate him and behave in all events as he would." John of the Cross, The Ascent of Mount Carmel tags: imitation-of-christ 0 likes Like Daily Readings for Saturday, March 04, 2023, St. Casimir: Saint of the Day for Saturday, March 04, 2023, Lenten Prayer: Prayer of the Day for Monday, February 27, 2023. *Amazon Affiliate links help the ministry of Catholic-Link at no additional cost to you. While his body was succumbing to erysipelas, his heart and reputation were still being battered. The passive purgation of the spirit takes place between illumination and full union, when the presence of God has already been felt but is not stable. All love that does not take its origin from the Savior's passion is foolish and perilous. Christmas is a time to give gifts, time and love. [5] The active purgation of the senses comprises the first of the classical three stages of the mystical journey, followed by those of illumination and then union. ", 35. "It is best to learn to silence the faculties and to cause them to be still so that God may speak. Stop giving them advice unceasingly; rather, talk to them through prayer.Be examples for your children.Teach your children to ask for Gods help in every situation. St. John, after tasting the first sweets of holy contemplation, found himself deprived of all sensible devotion. desire the possession of nothing. Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. If you do not learn to deny yourself, you can make no progress in perfection. #11. y el ventalle de cedros ayre daua. The prior of the community of Ubeda where he had gone for treatment had a grudge against him and made his dying quite difficult. [note 2], This spiritual dryness may endure for a long time. When he is brought to nothing, the highest degree of humility, the spiritual union between his soul and God will be effected. Catholic Online Prayers - thousands of prayers. con su mano serena The saint said nothing all this while, only that he was ready to receive with joy any punishment. The Wise Men Step softly, under snow or rain,To find the place where men can pray;The way is all so very plainThat we may lose the way.Oh, we have learnt to peer and poreOn tortured puzzles from our youth,We know all the labyrinthine lore,We are the three by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI | Dec 2, 2022 | Advent and Christmas, "It is the beautiful task of Advent to awaken in all of us memories of goodness and thus to open the doors of hope." If you like such quotes, then check out St. Therese of Lisieux quotes and [St. Ignatius quotes]. The 42-year-old Cail was found unresponsive in . There is nothing wrong with these informal usages, and they have obvious links to the concepts of demoralization and despair, as we have defined them. "Have a great love for those who contradict and fail to love you", 82. I interpret that as a direction for us to trust in the guidance we receive from our invisible self. Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! John's mother eventually found work weaving which helped her to feed her family. It is likely that the poem was written between 1577 and 1579. ", 47. The Endurance Of Darkness Is Preparation | St. John of the Cross, When You Cant Sleep At Night, Talk To God, The Proclamation Of Easter | O Truly Blessed Night, Lord, My Soul Is In Love With Your Beauty, Lets Talk About How Great Medieval Europe Was: The Dark Ages, John the Baptist Preaches God From The Womb | St. JohnChrysostom, The Wonders Of Becoming Christs | St. Brendan Quote, How To Raise Holy Children: 8 Tips From A Saint, Pray And Get Others To Pray | St. Angela Merici Quote, O God, I Believe In You | St. Arnold Janssen. When he arrived at Salamanca, in order to commence his higher studies, the austerities which he practiced were excessive. He chose for his cell a little dark hole at the bottom of the dormitory. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. The soul is conscious of a profound emptiness in itself, a cruel destitution of the three kinds of goods, natural, temporal, and spiritual, which are ordained for its comfort. The first is a purification of the senses (titled "The Active Night of the Senses"). Your Catholic Voice Foundation has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The journey is called "dark night" in part because darkness represents the fact that the destination "God" is unknowable, as in the 14th-century mystical classic The Cloud of Unknowing; both pieces are derived from the works of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite in the 6th century. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. 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