Youre the breadwinner? Maybe you set a boundary about content, and tell him you only want to talk about good stuff while youre goneI love you, cant wait to see you is OK, Im so worried youll get drugged, raped, and murdered is too much to put on you while youre focusing on work. But because a good counselor will see that there is no point and dismiss the couple. If you stay around the main touristy areas especially on the Strip there is security EVERYWHERE. Yeah, Vegas is like Disneyland now. or even where to eat dinner. THANK you. I live in a small country area where most woman are not in my position & usually give in to husbands demands whether or not it is ethical.Counsling is usually never seeked out. This isnt about Las Vegas or about you or even about your jobits that he wants to control you, and any threat to his perception that he doesnt have complete control over you is going to end in a tantrum. Actually the cigarette smoke present in many buildings is the biggest turn off for me about Vegas. This. Like, people bring their own experiences to the table here, so might feel invalidated or defensive when its suggested its the other explanation. This is about control. Now that we have been together longer, he has settled down and has learned to trust me. seem much more based on portrayals in television/movies rather than reality. I dont understand giving up agency as an adult just because I got married. But they LOVE the idea of going there and want you to have lots of fun! My husband doesn't want to go because of the 14 hour car ride. and a lot to it more than the Strip. You can even pick up brochures of holiday packages. My hunny is not a fan of me getting up at 4:30 and going running in the dark by myself. My mom too! Either way, its important for both ofyou tocommunicate about such animportant issue sothat things dont escalate further than necessary. At such time as we see abuse brought up as gratuitously as anxiety is, you might just have a point. That can do a number to your head if you already had basic anxiety about the travel. But if theyre just attending as a participant, they wont be working 20 hours a day. The base issues came out to be general worrying about me travelling by myself (tons of catastrophic what if scenarios) and FOMO (shes having such a great time without me). And plenty of men there without their wives. When the plans were being made hubby was not over excited but was ok with it. Vegas isnt the problem here. One of my favorite business trips was a 3-day solo trip to Vegas. Ive felt less safe in a couple of places in my own city. Just last night I got home around sunset to find my wifes car in the driveway, the garage door open, all the lights off, and the house still and quiet. He needs to understand that what happens in their marriage is between them (and their counselors) and not random strangers, acquaintances and friends. And that now his family isdisappointed inme. I guess I read that differently than everyone else? I worked 100 hours in 8 days. I ALWAYS wonder in these cases if the guy actually did do this, or is just saying that he did to bolster his own stance. The point being that because he cares about you, he will do whatever he can to make his relationship with you as strong as possible. I probably filled up that Jacuzzi tub in the bathroom with $100 worth of water during my stay. And I recognize that this is 100% My Problem and I need to adapt my behaviour to deal with it. Disordered anxiety changes shape to fit inside whatever container is available, which might be infidelity or kidnapping or alien abduction. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. Thats not out of reluctance to let either one out of their sights, but more because when they have the choice to be together, they will be together, and when its unavoidable, they make do as best they can. One of my favorite Dan Savage letters was about whether they were broken up (his former girlfriends opinion) or not broken up (his preference, because it would mean he had to start dating again and who wants that bother?). husband doesn t want to go on family vacationcynon valley history. A great thing to consider would be inviting a few friends over on Friday night for Shabbat dinner. I wouldnt be surprised if it were like 2 people. I still tease her about it. walk. I know that you arent the one with the issue, but just letting you know. Since I took the position five years ago, they have sent management on a three-day business trip each year. Go on the trip, do not jeopardize that job, youll need it when you come to your senses and get rid of this guy. Couples therapy, NOW, to sort out this huge red flag. -OPs husband, probably. He asks that I check in with him once or twice a day for hi-and-I-love-you. Agreed. Its really easy to say everyone else agrees (and they conveniently do so somewhere that you cant actually see/hear what they said), so anything that smacks of that strikes me as worthy of taking with a shakerfull of salt. There is no amount of structuring my life that would have kept me from feeling anxious. Plan some quiet time or independent activities if you're getting frustrated. And at the end of the day, it doesnt matter because every time, its about something that doesnt really have a right or wrong answer. I did manage to save the relaionship (even though Mothers anxiety never went away; be prepared for that too) I truly hope that you can save your relationship with your spose, OP. If we could afford flying we would have. Im a husband sometimes prone to irrational fears about if my wife is okay. as an excuse for his angst. I think youre right, but I think just as often people jump to an abuse/controlling scenario when it involves a relationship. He stresses less when I go somewhere urban. Sorry, that isnt useful. My professional association alternates years between Vegas and Disney for its annual conference because those two places are both great for massive groups of people at a reasonable price. Lets not give credibility to LWs spouse by arguing the matter of whether its really dangerous, or whether he has reasons to believe she will have an affair. If he refuses because everyone who goes to Vegas becomes adulterous instantly and HE doesnt want that to happen to HIM then you have a completely different issue from he refuses to let her go at all because He Said So. July 3 2022. husband doesn t want to go on family vacationwhere is ryan blankenship today. Indifference. Try to stop expecting reasonable behaviour from your spouse when hes in this anxious state. are there other situations that cause your husband this level of anxiety? Its like I encouraged a learned behavior. But in that case Anxious Controlling Husband would worry the OP would leave him for a donkey, Nothing like a donkey show joke to class up a comment thread. I wish you the best. (And I love it when he goes on trips: he likes traveling.) I agree. But I suspect if I went for leisure, Id be bored out of my ever-loving mind. oceans apart 3 teile gratis. It was a realllllly boring upbringing. I played the slots for all of 5 minutes and that was it. The Rio does have huge rooms! Life is too short to be stifled by someone elses insecurities. Yes, you can absolutely get yourself in serious trouble in Vegas but you can also have the most dull weekend imaginable. Not because I felt unsafe (though I kind of did, but I could remind myself that was because of CSI and not because of logic) but mostly because it was also not clean enough for my standards and the savings werent worth it the amount of time I spent trying to get places. Nevertheless, couples therapy is ALSO necessary, because this is something that affects them as a couple and that they need to manage as a couple, even though the main onus is on him for managing his fears or whatever other issues he has. Therapy is really personal, and a bad fit or burnt-out therapist can be worse than no therapist at all. 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The tipping point came when he suggested I find my boss a girlfriend you know, so Boss wouldnt be tempted to hit on me. I think the phrasing is awkward, but its in there because he brought this up to his spouse to justify his position, so Im pretty sure he means they all agreed that theyd object to such a trip too. As someone in the convention industry, Vegas puts a LOT of effort into being a top convention destination (low cost, lots of large all-in-one spaces, lots of options for event entertainment), and pretty much every industry will have events that rotate through there. Of course shes going to say IM the one with a problem. Im going to Vegas and thats the end of discussion. Right. the religious environments patriarchal enough that it would be an inherent problem would ALSO have a problem with the woman being the one who works. Hes disabled, finds it extremely difficult to cook for himself, and suffers from anxiety, and he doesnt like me going on business trips. Just the past 2 weeks Ive taken a 3-day hiking trip, completely alone, and also a trail running workshop weekend with a group of other runners. I just saw the news about the mass shooting in Vegas. Hes not thinking logically already, so adding logic isnt going to change his mind. And people are all I wouldnt let my wife go we have done bigger problems here. She doesnt like it when I had lied to her but its alright to lie to me and Im not welcome to come along and stay in a another hotel. I think its also quite possible that hes either misrepresented it to the people hes asked, misrepresented their responses to the OP, and/or hasnt actually asked as many people as hes said he has. Its just worth knowing that having a long list of good traits doesnt mean you arent in a problematic relationship, or that you cant choose nope for your own emotional health. If your husband is otherwise kind and reasonable, its important to know that this is a very unusual stance for a spouse to take, so Im glad youre taking it seriously. I think it was just awkward phrasing and the intent of the update meant his friends objected to the very idea of letting their spouse go to Vegas. etc.. For work, though, it is perfect. Thank you so much for your response! Well, yeah, it has a bad rep, that they intentionally, though jokingly, promote with the What happens in Vegas and Sin City marketing campaigns. If I died while on travel, hed get an insurance payout and be able to live without working for X months; then he could remarry or move or whatnot. Ive encouraged him to take trips on his own without me, especially when Im on travel. That was one reason I had to STOP watching so much Law N Order / Criminal Minds / CSI / whatever. While that is a choice that some people wouldnt want to make, an annual business trip is very common. And the shopping! I really dont like the taste of alcohol. Plus those casinos take forever to walk across and they are saturated in smoke, blech! Send a good morning text, a been busy all day, just breaking for lunch text, and a goodnight call each day. I got sent there about a year and a half ago and I was thrilled (and my husband was happy for me). I read letters like this, and I realize how fortunate both my husband and I are, because its got to be miserable to live with this level of mistrust and anxiety. The kidnaps, cheating, etc etc that COULD happen in Vegas (with about as much chance as being struck by lightning) are all just scare tactics to convince YOU to stay home and desire his protection from the big, bad world. I speak as someone whose husband is both a counselor and anxiety-sufferer. Its actually better that way now for example, its now possible to eat a meal without hearing about keno. Something I would like you to keep in the back of your mind: I dont know whether your husband has anxiety or not, I dont know whether he is controlling or not. A room like that in any other city would cost 3 or 4 times that. And he, I think, talked that out with a therapist eventually. I use the word unstable because Im not diagnosing him with anything, but referring to what he is doing. I bet youll have a blast. This isnt normal, as you say, and a good husband will support you as you travel. I came to say the same thing. I might go if it were for a show I wanted to see that I couldnt attend anywhere else, or if I had to go for work. Best of luck to you, LW. Note: After I wrote this answer, I received more details about the letter-writer about exactly what her husbands objections are. I go on frequent trips completely by myself, or with girlfriends, and he is not at all jealous/controlling (he doesnt love travel like I do which is why hes not going with, suits us fine). :P. The drunk human traffickers are trafficking the dealers! He would also get mad at my mom for not responding to his texts even when he knew she was driving somewhere. Excuse me? My husband and I both grew up in very traditional conservative homes, and so his support of my career means a lot to me. As Captain Awkward would put it: you have a husband problem, not a job problem. Absolutely OP should seek out couples counseling, but if the husbands concerns are a reflection or enhancement of their religion or culture, just be really careful in vetting the counselor/therapist they choose to work with. If youre not going during SXSW or Austin City Limits, you can get hotel rooms consistently for less than $200 in Austin. Whatever the cause, a therapist will best equipped to help. As a side note to all of this, I watched the original CSI religiously for about 8 years, and had never been to Vegas (no easy opportunity and not really my thing). He told me one day that the previous weekend, a few months before the upcoming wedding, his fiance broke up with him while they were sitting on the couch watching TV. Either way, the fact that husband is freaking out and polling friends sounds like he, at least, needs to speak with a therapist, and both of you together would be even better to tackle this problem (the problem being his anxiety and the way its impacting your relationship, not the fact you need to travel). Originally Published: Dec. 27, 2015. Its an incredibly effective manipulation technique. The only sides are you both addressing a bad frame of reference that your spouse has. By letting him chaperone her once I worry that now hell believe this is reasonable and that he should chaperone all future work travel then all interactions with male colleagues, in public, etc. Ugh. He wouldnt try and prevent me from going on one of those trips because it is work, but he used to fret quite a bit and if I didnt text when he expected (or didnt have phone service) he would panic (as in call highway patrol level panic). Both individuals will benefit from communication tools to use in challenging this kind of worry-filled thinking. Ifyoure feeling left out, that means something iswrong. During the first trip I spent most of my time during the day sight-seeing by myself (or with tour groups) while my wife attended her conference and later meeting her and friends for dinner and evening events. Last but not least, take some time for yourself. We would stop when we needed gas or a bathroom break but usually wouldn't be stopped for more than 15 min or so. Besides, the OP is going to spend most of her time in a conference room that looks like every other conference room in the western world, anyway. The place is set up for meetings and conferences, has so many airline and flight options, plenty of cabs/Lyfts/Ubers, and staff at the facilities has run into every possible issue that can crop up. When hed worry about what to do if, say, the house burned down while i was gone, I pointed out he could handle it just fine. The best way to stay up-to-date would be to regularly check the Official Disney Parks Blog . I lived in Ottawa, our nations capital and it all suburbs and boring. You cant change his feelings and reactions, you can only control your own. My only regret about that trip was that it was so last-minute I couldnt get a ticket for my boyfriend, who has never been to Vegas and would have also enjoyed wandering through the hotels and playing a few slots for the free drinks. A few years back my older sister went to LV on a business trip with others. I wasnt allowed to take late classes in school bc good girls dont stay out after dark. You shouldnt be in a position to chose your career (which has very normal career expectations) and your marriage (which seems to have some very not normal expectations). Street photography! I dont much care for Vegas. Youve talked about what your husband thinks of the trip, and what you reckon the impact of going and not going would be on your career. The husband may need counselling to discover why he willing to sabotage the family bread winner. Theres other stuff to when she was in Vegas last she dressed differently and the way she talked to me. (I do apologize that my intention to be helpful wasnt completely clear). And when she called home she was mean to me and I noticed she fixed her hair differently and she looked very happy. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. My SO and I ate there in 2013, and he STILL sighs and says, That was a good burger, whenever Las Vegas is mentioned. Of course, were all operating with limited info, and (lets be honest) a natural inclination to cme to the defense of an AAM reader/writer.. This makes me so mad on behalf of the OP! If your husband is really giving you a choice between staying married to him and going on a business trip, the answer may be difficult to face, but hes giving you a clear choice: You can live your life on his terms, with the threat of divorce hanging over your head if you participate in public and professional life in a way that displeases him, or live your life on your terms. This is a really, really big deal. Im not even sure how I would react to that. A decade? I do think raising, where you live, and a worldly perception of Vegas play in. The idea of where we are in danger is terribly skewed in the US. I knew that Counsling was the best step but I needed professional advice to confirm my thoughts. Eating a meal? But instead of abuse and control and severely anxious the LW might be part of a cultural/ethnic subgroup where her role as breadwinner (and one that is doing well) that is a woman who is making more than husband is not the norm in her community and there is all sorts of talking/gossiping/pressure in the background at play. Is it possible that the way OPs husband expressed this question to his friends was leading? Maybe LW could ask her own friends opinions, and LW, if you cant think of anyone to ask, is that because husband has systematically eliminated outside relationships? husband doesn t want to go on family vacation. I havent missed a day other than scheduled vacation. He needs to manage his insecurities and not force them all on you and your career. On another note, with the amount of cameras in Vegas, kidnapping or any other untoward act would be fairly difficult if youre staying in populated areas. So I get the safety concern. update: is my future manager a bigoted jerk? At that point, the OP has some really solid information far more useful and on point than anything that the internet commentariate can provide her. His parents are awful. Hes already proven himself to be irrational, I think his presence will not help LW even a little. Tell your husband to get a grip, and then yes, get some counseling to get over this anxiety. I think its not up to any of us to determine what OPs husbands major glitch is. I dont think its either/or, necessarily. Im sorry, Im not trying to be a jerk, but if you dont think theres anything unwholesome about prostitution (direct quote) I think you may be a cultural outlier. Agree that you should go to counseling by yourself if he wont go. You can add it up to four. Theyre both controlled, predictable corporate environments that can provide controlled, predictable hospitality services, often at a price affordable enough to attract business conferences. I cant recall exactly how they recommended to handle it, but it started with asking the spouse about what exactly they feared and coming to a compromise that would address the fear. We are leaving Saturday for a vacation on Florida. I suppose, trying to be as charitable as possible, I would agree that Vegas has kind of a skeezy reputation and I would prefer a reputable company to do the trip somewhere more wholesome. Any evening events they go to are as likely as not to just be parties. I totally went on a family trip to Vegas when I was like 12 or so, and there was plenty of family friendly stuff to do. Some of the really big conventions and annual conferences only have a few places to choose from. Or the wife, for that matter. There are lots of places in the country where the approach the OP describes is perfectly normal, and where its a lot harder work to find somebody who disagrees. Itd be easy for the husband to dismiss the wifes concerns as Well SHE wants to cheat. If it didn't work you were stuck with a super cringe photo until the next time you tried to get everyone together. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. My mom is convinced that as soon as the sun goes down, everyone is a drunk driver. Since frankly the marriage is not healthy do not risk your career, which you need, for him. I have to remind myself of that sometimes; I think you should remind yourself that too. Usluge graevinskih radova niskogradnje. The letter writers last trip was in February and the manager from the other thread wrote to Alison in the beginning of March, which would be right after she got back from this Vegas trip and told her boss she would no longer travel. OP, this is HIS issue, not yours. Yep, this was one of my thoughts this might be a seriously overactive anxiety problem at work. I care about your son's emotional health, the emotional damage he will suffer, when this emotional abuser of an ex tells his lies about you. As someone who also suffers from anxiety and irrational fears about my partners safety, this is such a kind response and vivid description of how (otherwise) reasonable people can become unreasonable. I would idd consider flying. (Pretty sure the best meal Ive had in my life was at a Vegas buffet there was bone marrow covered in like fig sauce and the second or third best was at one of the steakhouses). Well the place was built by mobsters to skin the rubes in casinos . Rationalist who is deeply against living by social norms is a great big flashing warning sign that says DO NOT ASSOCIATE WITH THIS PERSON. Maybe he has heightened anxiety. You don't have to fake excitement about every little . Security at casinos is greater than that at Fort Knox. (Great people that I wish I could work real role for me in what they do, though.). I wear a light, carry a phone, and stay in my neighborhood where I know whats normal and whats not til the sun goes up.
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