They all affirmed that they needed to learn to establish boundaries in their relationships with others. Astrological contemplation and patience are my tools of choice currently. It really helped me get through those days. To find your current transits go to the Extended Chart Selection and select transits from the Chart type dropdown menu. Now you have a mutual reception: Jup in Pisces (7th house) and Nept in Sag (4th house). I was aware that my hearing was worse but this forced me to really listen to what others were saying. If I lost my focus, I could have a nervous breakdown in a heartbeat. I felt like I was in a fog with no place solid to stand. You must let go of any personality traits that stand in the way of a spiritual union. Many who only had a tenuous grip on reality lost that grip with Neptune in Pisces. Failing to realize that love is always flawed, fairy tales and harsh reality mix and mingle on an everyday basis. The Immune System will then work against this cell and at the same time can reduce the strength of the physical body. It gave me a purpose for being on this planet because I needed to feel useful (Virgo). When Saturn was transiting my 5th it was in conjunction with Jupiter in 2020 and I had a lot of fun and creative projects at home and in the garden (I guess Jupiter influence) but wasnt able to have fun anywhere else due to lockdown and travel restrictions (Saturn?). *Please Like, Comment, Subscribe, Share. 1 Other applicable addictions that I have observed are Alcoholic, Workaholic, Shopaholic, Obsessions with Neatness and many Phobias based upon a need to be in control. When The Angles Conjunct the North Node. Its mark of someone who falls in love and pines for a heinous criminal on death row. When Neptune transits your natal ascendant, it sensitizes you, producing a lot of new sensory impressions. A loving marriage can become more romantic and spiritual. She immediately lifted up her blouse to show me her new hooters!. Soul friends. England is now her home. The first time was asked to write a series of commercial articles for a Sun Sign magazine. The conjunctions and oppositions of the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Descendant, MC or IC of one of the partners with the Vertex of the other indicate that very important events in the life of both partners will occur in connection with their relationship. She was overly protective. This interpretation of Neptune in aspect to the Descendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. When Pluto entered Sagittarius, I discovered a significant technique for defining boundaries directness in relating, putting your cards on the table, being honest about how you really feel and what you really want or expect. Neptune is still in my 6th house (cusp of 7th is 26th degree), but in the previous years it has squared my Sun (19 Gemini), conjuncted my Moon (20 Pisces) and Vertex (22 Pisces), squared my Mercury (23 Gemini) and MC/IC (25 Gemini/Sag). Neptune Aspects. Love your site. I experienced panic attacks. My trip to Europe in November 1996 was very different from my previous trips. First, Neptune in Pisces is hitting the planets in Mutable signs. Letting go can hurt, but you will only lose things now that dont serve the purpose of your lifes spiritual path. Perfection is also like the sea a moving, variable element, that is at times calm and still; at other times rolling and flowing; and at other times still, crashing and powerful. Having a partner whose standing in the relationship is never truly recognized by society or your family. Brainstorm: Mercury/Neptune Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between Mercury and Neptune. On its transit to my Descendant 42 years later, I find myself in India once again.) 5HTP is the source for this. In her personal life, the dissolving effect stimulated by the Aquarian energies caused a breakdown in her own polarized views, although she is not abandoning her values because she is more secure in her basic beliefs and priorities. Thanks to Neptune sextile Ascendant, you likely only want to think the best of people, especially those in closest proximity to . Thoughtful friends, concerned with my plight, called periodically to connect with me. This became an important factor in the workshops I participated in people would lock into the imagery given in the tape and become confused when their own imagery was different. The boundary between you and the world is blurred now, and this can drain your energy. Your email address will not be published. Your best choices are TRADER JOES POUND PLUS 72% all other TJ dark chocolates are high in cadmium. You may attract a nurse, doctor, musician or another entertainer. I have always said that the people in Germany are my best friends but the people in Prague are family. Venus in Pisces and Venus in hard aspect to Neptune is similar. She just didnt see intimate relationships clearly. You may sacrifice your own interests for the benefit of other people and the world at large. These one-of-a-lifetime encounters can mean a turning point . You will not be very assertive at protecting your own interests, so you might attract people who take advantage of your vulnerability. In extreme cases, this can lead to degenerative diseases. TESTIMONIALS ON NEPTUNE TRANSITING THE 7TH HOUSE: When Neptune transited my 7th house and, during this time period, I lost my ex-husband/best friend, a guy that I almost married back in the 70s, my grandmother, nephew committed suicide, and my boss currently in need of a liver transplant, sister developed cancer and went through chemo, good friend developed cancer and going through chemo, so I have had death and serious illness all around me. Have you seen the Sabine Symbol for 12Virgo? This can be interpreted as friendliness but it could get me into trouble if I am too open and connect unwisely. The Bethesda doctor is now recommending the supplements mentioned in this book. Yet, my family has taken care of me but I have taken care of many others. The Saturn influence does not deny joy at all. I think youll be blown away, to come to realize how profoundly that placement has affected your life. This lowers your defenses and makes you more susceptible to being taken advantage of. According to my friend, Astrid, Bach works on the physical body and FES works on the emotions. Sent 5 times a week. During this trip, I felt totally connected for 24/7 and it was a positive, reassuring, supporting connection. Web design & Development: ThinkWeb ThinkWeb I use Scharffenberger cocoa (not fat and not sugar) in my coffee. I have an Introduction to this on this website. The Lockness Monster. The same way you do any other time in life. She highly recommended this product. I feel the need to be by myself- writing and or reading- Also, I have been in therapy for the last 3 months to work with my inner child- It is comforting to have a professional to walk with me during this times where everything feels uncertain chronicles of a Neptune-moon transit deserve to become a book title- my sun in Virgo, analytical-practical is really confused with the moon being touched . A near-by Shoppers Food Warehouse is very multi-cultural and the people are naturally friendly. Yet, even in Slovenia, people were friendly and I met a wonderful gentleman at breakfast who spent the day showing me around Ljubljana. Beth lit up and her eyes brightened. T Saturn in the 5th is a time to take a hobby or interest and turn it into something practical something that you can use professionally. You may find that you were trying to hold on to something that was not worth it. Following is the preface to an article written in conjunction with a presentation given at The Monroe Institute: These tend to end in drama-filled watershed moments that reveal all the dirt that lay below the surface and their real intentions, which are very often unconscious to them but toxic for me. I was isolated by my environment because I lived on a farm. For example, you may believe that youre impressing someone, when thats not entirely true. There she found an entire spectrum of humanity and interests ranging from the conservatives who are anti-communist, the AFL-CIO representatives seeking to protect American jobs, the human rights activists, the Taiwanese and liberal congressional spokespersons. Old enemies. It may be that all you can do is focus on one thing, that is why it is important that we share reminder that while you are focusing on the one thing, a part of you remembers the many things and therefore, if the one thing seems not successful or not as you imaged it or leading to a different path, you will then give yourself permission to say, Perhaps there is a harmony here that I did not perceive. Scary. I began to re-connect with the world in my own back yard so to speak2. I could be intuitive, as well as technical. And what if it shows up in a Country Chart, or through Progressions? Its the idea of love rather than love itself. The physical crises seemed to connect me to the planet. Knowing this helps you to remember that there are many questions to ask; there are many things to explore when working with this responsive guardian. You must be careful when asking for advice or associating with people you dont know. My personal energies were shifting and expanding. Acceptance is simply an honoring of the complexity of life; honoring the idea that there is a spiritual arena that perhaps you do not fully understand, see or comprehend. Being in love allows you to let go of previous self-conceptions. Jamie is so good, keep it up man Neptune is only strong when it is aspecting planets in your chart. Jane wonders if this type of diffused relating is not transitional because she does want an eventual partnering. After contracting the Epstein-Barr Virus in 2004, I developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. Neptune conjunct the descendant (or in the 7th house) will impact every relationship you form, in one way or the other. Astrologer Pat Geisler advises: Make NO choices based on new ethics, but only on the standards you had used all your life., Follow the routines you had created for yourself, accept the responsibilities that are yours without whining about it and just keep on plugging. Again, the renovations have helped me to transform my home into a place that is mine. Empaths may serve as translators. It increases intuition and psychic sensitivity, and also helps to find ways to put them into practice. It is associated with dreams, inspiration, psychic receptivity and illusion. Im almost wishing the transit will not end, but I also miss the old me who had things to do and some kind of purpose. Your partner casts you under a spell. Friends came to my rescue at a time when I felt in crisis. Dear Lynn, If you want to simply get organized, wearing purple and listening to Mozart and Vivaldi helps stimulate the cerebellum of the brain (coordinating), Hi Lynn, transit Neptune has been in my 1st house since 2001 (since age 10) and in April 2022, the planet is going to be located in 2nd house. Wanting too badly to see past peoples flaws. Remember, Neptune dissolves all that is not real in our lives just let it go! The fantasy of love. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. All rights reserved. One does not need to only be struggling with a condition or an injury to the physical to want to engage in a dialogue with the guardian of the body. Most health issues are vague and undefined. Buy it now on here: htt. Relationships erode through neglect, lack of interest, or passivity. You have absorbed qualities from each and then feel torn between this or that. When Neptune entered Aquarius, I did not personally experience the need to use Clematis but I know others who have found it immensely helpful. There is an amino acid that repairs the lining but I cannot think of it. I began experiencing health crises every autumn and recovery from each crisis would take until the following spring. On a more personal level, during the Neptune transit to my 7th house, I am requiring more and more solitude for myself, being at home (my sanctuary) where I can re-vitalize myself. Thinking of the Immune System as a sea, gives you an image not of an even plane, but an element within yourself that is in motion and more so, this motion is natural, an expression of the natural way for the Immune System to be. It gave me a means of connection with others. The 4-times-a-day Saliva Test is the best test at this time. The danger is that this can distract you from reality, and you may avoid confronting real issues in your day-to-day life. In a way, the physical bodys limitations or, rather, requirements, [which are limited compared to what the energy or spirit of the Empath can do], in a way save you by short-circuiting and therefore, closing the situation. So cool! It is a point of transition wherein I must consciously establish this protection since I no longer have the weight or the psychological barrier to closeness. Hopeless love. The Empath does not receive through channels in the same way. Some marriage partners are well-matched in this area as was the case with Anthony Armstrong-Jones and Princess Margaret. In writing my monthly e-column, my interpretation was tailored to the requirements of the editor. This was also a deception/betrayal situation that always comes under hard aspects1to Neptune. Martin Luther King Jr. gave the famous "I Have a Dream" speech in August 1963, sharing his vision of racial equality with burning passion. She then developed a What do you do when you feel bad list. This type of openness can actually create an emotional arena for intimacy in relating. However, you can also find yourself mentally lazy and passive, finding it hard to concentrate on mundane matters. Often this lesson was learned only when the transit was ending, when the light switched on and they could see how others were taking advantage of them. Several things happened my dad had a very successful by-pass surgery. It may feel dangerously delicious, and there may be an almost Dracula-like, hypnotic, devouring quality to the relationship. Your self-perception expands in close unions. Thanks for that extra paragraph, Jamie. Some see it as a mechanism in the body that works with energizing the system, with maintaining the system, perhaps with defending the physical system against difficulty, stress, bacteria, assault and invasion to the body. I felt so betrayed but this allowed me to write my column the way that I wanted to write it. It is possible with Neptune opposite Ascendant to find a happy balance. We hope these words invoke your own knowingness of your alignments and your connections with yourself. Indeed, a spiritual guide may enter your life now and teach you something very valuable. It has been an ocean of tears, hypersensitivity and lack of clarity. I also gravitated to ordering some Bach remedies and Australian Bush Essences which I actually received yesterday. I will do anything, change anything, go anywhere but I want to know what I must do NOW! This is when I received that life-altering telephone call that informed me that it was only $295 round trip to fly to Germany! I have neptune transit my 6th house, trine my pluto in 2nd, square Mars in 9th and oppose my jupiter and venus in 12th house. The 12th House indicates repressions from adults. We probably did not look like we belonged but, when Vera Love walked in and called out, Hey Girls!, we were the most important people in the loungewe were friends of Vera Love, referred to as The Boss, who sings in Vienna during the tourist season. When ANY planet transits the 7th House, you experience changes because of the action and changes created by others. Perhaps Neptune manifests as someone with similar hopes and dreams or a very spiritual person. Give the posts you like a and join the ASTROFIX mailing list! Somehow, Neptune transits seemed a lot more fun in the mid-1980s with my studies in metaphysics and crystals. I started to regain some motivation this year when Neptune passed 25 but it then went retrograde! I feel like i need their help right now but none of the names you mention about. The modus is subtle, disarming and theatrical. I wildcraft and have a garden to grow medicinals. We feel it seeping into our bodies. Avoid food in the nightshade family. I am sharing my experience regarding the transit of Neptune so that others may understand their own Neptune transits. In its higher manifestations, Neptune opposite Ascendant transit can bring your soul mate and a spiritually enlightened romance. Thank you for writing this extensive article! I was on my own (or thats how it felt, anyway) with no lamp for the dark road. The partners problems continually erode your foundation. My lesson now is to define boundaries consciously, for myself and for others. A guardian element so sensitive, so sympatico, so in connection with the All of you. Can we do this? You should not use this time to dwell on your failures, but rather to improve yourself. After all, its about giving structure to the nebulous. Ive always been a dreamer with ideals and abilities, but they have been unrealized and intangible so far. We may feel that we do not know what is happening to us. The last thing he needs to worry about right now is if employees are there, doing their job, taking care of clients, etc. I have to give myself at least one day of each weekend where I dont open the front door and withdraw from the world., What I experienced with Neptune in my 7th, as far as clients and partnerships are concerned, is that I attracted clients right who were involved in things which are delusional, get rich quick schemes; one client who is extremely paranoid for starters and she also has many other personality disorders. You have read and agreed to our privacy policy, The 10 major planets paired with the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, and IC, Written in short, fragmented sentences, this eBook embraces a loose, brainstorm-style of writing, Entertaining read for newbies and experienced astrologers alike, FREE eBook! THE FULL TESTIMONIAL FROM THE LATE PAT GEISLER: I still shudder remembering Neptune on my ascendant. Now that Venus is conjunct Neptune on my descendant, I would guess, this week supports my effort in sharing the research. (My natal Neptune is in 12th house, also.). Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! With transiting Neptune conjunct her Descendant and square her natal Sun in the 4th house in Libra, she realized that marriage and family are everything to her, so she felt she could not leave her husband. I see that the Hemi-Sync approach and the Orion work is based on respect of the individuals who come to the work; a trusting in the innate wisdom available to each of us. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! At the same time, you may lose sight of your personal goals. Somewhere, nowhere, always, sometime, never etc. However, the interesting thing is that, before the transit was over, my original goal then suddenly did work out exactly as I had hoped at the time. Do I feel this way within myself or have I absorbed this from another?. If a close friend asked me, What do you want this person to know?, then that is what you tell the person. There is a danger that you will be more impressionable, and this could lead to deceit from others if you are not careful. Jim Morrison is your best friend. Neptune tunes out and no longer wants to work so hard. A hippy in bubble? Playing the savior or martyr role can leave you demoralized, broke, exhausted, and thinking you are unworthy of something better. The lessons of Neptune are to put us in touch with our creative skills, to learn to define boundaries for self and others (learning to say NO) and, with disappointment or betrayal, we embark upon a journey to discover our real Self. Neptune dissolves your boundaries and leaves the body vulnerable hence the weight gain so that the body can protect itself from pain and negative energy. Most Seratonin is stored in the stomach. Marrying the invisible man. At such times we are aware that it is clearly out of our hands what happens. Is this energy to be transmuted? I begin to slip out of my body, day-dream, I experience panic attacks and I feel a depression that I associate with disconnectednessand, for me, this can lead to compulsive eating. I knew the story that he told me was a lie but I gave him a check (he wanted cash). When Neptune was in my 5th house I picked all the wrong partners. If you are the partner that cheats and lies your way to a free meal then its time for a reality check. Like the diabetic who must watch certain dietary things, who must manage medication in a very concentrated and focused manner, if one goes off balance with these things, one can throw the Self into crisis. It takes 2 or 3 days to feel anchored but, if I miss a day, I start to disconnect quickly. Thanks for insights, it feels like being seen. During this time, there was a change in management and, because I did not have a contract, they refused to pay me several hundred dollars. Wearing deep, regal red also helps extrovert your energies. They experienced a shared awakening (Neptune conjunct Descendant). Transit Jupiter to Natal Neptune With transit Jupiter conjunct your natal Neptune, you're more generous, empathic, and helpful. If you play the martyr, someone will play the role of persecutor. Its the type of influence which, if you try to block it out, will infiltrate through the cracks like some sort of invisible gas leak. There is the tendency to idealize people, especially lovers, and to blind yourself to the truth about their failures. Connected not only with your environment within and without the physical form, connected not only with your emotions and the sensitivity of your personality and self but this dear friend, the Immune System, is also connected to further than the physical self. I have Neptune on DSC and I know exactly what you mean by saying being the one of those people who absorbs other peoples energy. Your relationships become more spiritual or romantic. With new relationships, you should ask yourself why they want to be your friend or partner. Ted needed to come to grips with his addictions and to find healthier expressions of his desire for ecstasy and expanded consciousness. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a5b1d62a9ce991b45a65c0ccbd01706b" );document.getElementById("i473ef2cd2").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. However, it can help you transcend mundane things and allow you to flow into higher, enlightening experiences. Build trust and keep the channels of communication open and free of interference like gossip and lies. Your body is, in its deepest intent, at one with you. TANSY (FES): An imbalance causes lethargy, procrastination, the inability to take straightforward action and forms habits and patterns that undermine or subvert the intention of the Self. The Empath essentially absorbs into itself all the fluid energy, all the contact, all the content of interaction with others. Neptune is natally in my 2nd House but ruling my 7th and 8th Houses. I am obsessed with astrology and have studied it for years, but its very complicated and I am always learning more. When I was in high school, I studied astrology and I discovered for the first time how to connect with people. Is Saturn also in your 5th house? I consider it the hardest of my life in some ways. Do the best you can, keep plugging and youll get through.
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