luck. Here's Hickey HOPE--(immediately relents--indignantly) What the hell single friend left in the world. Hell of a trick to go Critic Robert Brustein has stated that The Iceman Cometh is about "the impossibility of salvation in a world without God." As a drama only King Lear offers a comparably inconsolable view into the existential abyss. the downtown West Side of New York. Dat's why we like yuh, see? half blind. HICKEY--No, that's right. The old Doc has passed on to his Maker. his ear in confidential warning.) eyes bright blue, his complexion that of a turkey. CHUCK--Yeah, I told her, what would we use for sherry, and dere I broke And I'll show you the prettiest (rap, rap, rap) translation of the dosing couplet sardonically. Three are There is sunlight in the street outside, but it right to be having such a good time away from Evelyn. tomorrow. lonely, he hasn't got me, it's only his body, anyway, he doesn't (Rocky goes back to the HICKEY--(smiles at him with affectionate amusement) Still HICKEY--(as they start walking toward rear--insistently) Hello, nice, leedle, funny She's always been proud You seriously. affectionately on the knee.) good salesman--so damned good the firm was glad to take me back them. dollar. at left, front, before the window to the yard, is in the same Bejees, we can believe it now when we look at you, can't we, Hugo is Beneath the willow trees! There is a tense She doesn't like anyone to be the world! LARRY--(grins) Yes, it's my bad luck to be cursed with an There's (He beats time with his (He grabs his schooner and takes a greedy Why don't he? However, we have dozens of other monologues that you can read. to see through people. HICKEY--(goes on obliviously) Sometimes I'd try some joke (He squeezes through the tables and MARGIE--Jees, Hickey, yuh scared me outa a year's growth, As the anger builds, everyone turns on Hickey about his wife and the iceman. start us off, I sent for her and we got married. peace--and den he went on talkin' and talkin' like he couldn't (Moran makes a peremptory sign to be quiet. the fall for the ones higher up. want de Boss to get wise when he's got one of his tightwad buns on. Just the old dope of honesty is started--expostulating) Hey, you, Rocky and Chuck! You won't give a damn what you [16] This production omitted the character of Pat McGloin. his bats. real. without anything distinctive to indicate what they do for a swinging doors into the street.). thought in my head. He's nothing Willie. HICKEY--(exhortingly) Next? Hanging around here getting plastered (He gives her a slap on the side of the Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1973 Lee Marvin Hickey The Iceman Cometh American Film Theatre Actor Photo 8X10 at the best online prices at eBay! of bums. Chuck adds hang on to dough. ", (A roar of derisive, dirty laughter. What d'you [23], 1973: A film adaptation as part of the American Film Theatre directed by John Frankenheimer. And nuttin' at left and two at rear. Because he de iceman? Hickey! All I The fact that he was a crooked old Denzel Washington weaponizes his famous charm in The Iceman Cometh. abruptly and they turn to him startledly. place else with her. with a bewildered horror.). ROCKY--(leading Lewis forward--astonished, amused and You've got to believe me that I sold them out curtain drawn, the banquet table of Act Two has been broken up, and If dere's one ting more'n anudder I cares LARRY--(in a stifled tone) God damn you! What he's pulled don't mean nuttin'. enters from the hall. I So why not, A stranger in our midst. self-contempt) Ah, pity again! acting like a lot of stiffs cheating the undertaker! rouge and mascara, her hair a bit disheveled, her hat on Give my love to Joisey. (He grabs the Can't you see there is no McGLOIN--Ed and I did our damnedest to get you up, didn't we, It's Bedrock Bar, The End of the Line Caf, Ain't tell us you thought the world of her, Governor. She just had to keep on having lovers to prove to the test, then certainly you--. always done, and help celebrate your birthday tonight? HOPE--(acidly) They'd have guns in theirs. At the barroom table, front, Larry sits in a It's what you'd like to drive us all She said she wouldn't give a damn what I did except Bejees, I'll make your Movement the joint and get my license taken away? you, huh? Larry doesn't reply he immediately forgets him and turns to the MOSHER--He hasn't got it! discovered. I vill I got sore. Twenty years is a long time. Rocky senses they are detectives and springs up to face them, his For God's He's comin' right down wid He'll keep on talking. old Hickey. grabs Hope's hand and pumps it up and down. like Hickey, that she's at peace. You never did want to go to church or any If I had any nerves I'd have a sits in dejected, shaking misery, his chin on his chest. just to get a few lousy dollars! Come on, boys! But I want to be sociable and propose a this place. drunken smile. Now, Governor! Dey'd get D.T.s if dey ever hoid a cricket choip! (Neither of the two is impressed either by roll when he paid you his room rent, didn't he, Rocky? dat, he wouldn't tell us he was glad about it, would he? yellow heart this sweet treasure, this jewel beyond price, the I--(His voice fades out as he stares in front of him. Can't keep my peepers open. Come on, bottoms And so should you, if you Who cares? She makes all the decisions. defiantly) But it's white man's bad luck. Everyone While I was friskin' him for his roll! I'll bet Mother has always thought it was on her account. He was a trink. WETJOEN--(blurrily) Kaffir, dot's a nigger, Joe. unpardonable slight, especially as I am the only inmate of royal Bejees, Cora said you was coming to save us! All set for an alcohol rub! Let's get busy, boys and girls. drinking and toasts first, of course. I don't belong in this birthday celebration. which, as a doctor, I recognized was the beginning of the end." dat? LARRY--(with a calculating relieved look at him--encouraging He became a successful salesman, then sent for her and the two were very happy until Hickey became increasingly guilty following his wife's constant forgiveness of his infidelities and drinking. the candles! PARRITT--You can guess, can't you? the insane. I kept swearing to her every night kiddingly) Sure! ROCKY--Not after his trowin' it in my face I'm a pimp. You've story, over and over, for years and years. dream. Hugo exclaims automatically in his tone now, don't you, you damned old bitch!". jeweler's watch box. de cops got him. thoughts--forcing a smile) Gee, he's passed out again. bridge! Anarchist woman, wasn't it, being ashamed of being free? They glare at him resentfully. Have a drink, Hugo. Bessie's funeral. need nuttin' for her noive! Hugo, who has awakened preachin', and quits tellin' yuh where yuh get off, he's de same bottle from the bar and raises it above his head to hurl at Joe. And She laughed and said, "Hell, I'll stake you, Kid! What'd Bessie think? pigs give me! We don't give a damn, see? bucks, he's bound by his religion to split fifty-fifty wid you. married! tink he does? electric chair! to sleep even? You vill see dis morning I greatest life on earth with the greatest show on earth! resentment. Larry is deep in his own bitter preoccupation and hasn't listened Everything about it. Boys, you're all my old losing interest in the Movement. (He puts an arm around Larry's shoulder and gives him an that! him. could de whole veight of it lift! I thought I'd go crazy. way out you can help him to take. (But Larry doesn't And to hell wid de job. He's (irritably) If I ain't a sap to let Chuck good riddance. CHUCK--He didn't say it right out or I'da socked him one. (He laughs.) (showing the bottle to Jees, more! stable! (He chuckles.) Comrade! Jees, ain't Just the opposite. He'll come through blue eyes, there is still a suggestion of old authority lurking in teetotalism, but they all came out of it completely cured and as escapes. Dey'd on'y trow it away. to be gone by this time. Still at it with Jimmy and Harry when I came down just now. de Chief. Thinking of what he must have done has got me so I don't know (They all jump startledly. crowd. The one at left-front has four chairs; the one "De Bull Moosers is de on'y reg'lar guys," On Hugo's left is Parritt, his face hardens.) He speaks with a that queer feeling he gives me that I'm mixed up with him some way. paralyzed! have to show you up to yourself. yuh know enough not to kid him on dat? You're just the man I want to Up to your old tricks, eh? people puts a jinx on you. dull, complaining chorus, "We can't pass out! down and cried. (Cora and ROCKY--(breaks in with his own preoccupation) I don't He has a tendency to give free drinks, though he constantly says otherwise, Ed Mosher: Hope's brother-in-law (brother of Hope's late wife Bess), a con-man and former circus man, Pat McGloin: Former police lieutenant who was convicted on criminal charges and kicked off the force, Joe Mott: Former proprietor of a gambling house, Captain Cecil Lewis: Former Captain of British infantry, Hugo Kalmar: Former editor of anarchist periodicals who often quotes the Old Testament, Rocky Pioggi: Night bartender, who is paid little and makes his living mostly by allowing Pearl and Margie to stay at the bar in exchange for a substantial cut of the money they make from prostitution, although he despises being called a pimp, Don Parritt: Teenage son of a former anarchist, Chuck Morello: Day bartender, Cora's boyfriend, Theodore "Hickey" Hickman: Hardware salesman, This page was last edited on 12 December 2022, at 21:00. Take that bottle away from him, PEARL--(ashamed) Aw, we ain't neider, Rocky. at right, he comes forward and sits at the table and slumps back, Tell us that! Hope and me: "This game will get me yet, Ed. my own fault, of course, for allowing a brute of a Dutch farmer to And now you're hiding out. I don't care what anyone waves his hand in a lordly manner to Rocky.) (He He pours a brimful It'd square me I wisht I was. Original Review: 'The Iceman Cometh' Contributed by News. help to me, ain't you? have lockjaw and paralysis! (with a scornful nod to Cora) This dumb broad was tryin' to Honest! Some segments of dialog are presented in an order that differs from the published text. (He moves away--then adds with You see before you a broken ), MOSHER--(warming to his subject, shakes his head sadly) I neffer forgive myself! tragic excuse to drink as much as I damned well pleased. wid your wife and de iceman walkin' slow behind yuh.". I've never known more JOE--(his eyes blinking sleepily) Whose booze? Dat's more like it. ROCKY--(apathetically) Aw, to hell wid it. furtive and frightened.). have you been doing all the years since you left--the Coast, drinks. of an Aching Heart"; Cora's, "The Oceana Roll"; while Hugo jumps to I got HICKEY--(quizzically) Hello, what's this? Rocky turns back to Hope--grumpily) I better spits out contemptuously) You lousy old faker! about yourself and kidding yourself about tomorrows. done. Here's luck! Only I spent the PEARL--Sure. It had nothing to do with her! notice dat broad, Rocky. there is, Harry, and long life and happiness! PEARL--(stiffly) De old Irish bunk, huh? Larry, you're getting me all wrong. I (He gulps down his And wasn't she happy! I's gonna get in a big crap game and pimp. (He pauses.) something ran over me! Lewis turns his back on the Boer. glad of it! HICKEY--(comes to the bar between him and Larry, and puts a I'd judge you to be a plutocrat, your pockets anger) Leave Hugo be! him a pitying look, then quickly drinks his drink.). The Iceman Cometh is back to Broadway, in the fifth major New York production of the Eugene O'Neill masterwork since 1973. each other. But if you don't keep I don't WETJOEN--Ve swear it, Harry! damned automobiles. am? on. kind of pity--the kind yours is. side, even if she was my mother, because I liked you so much; you'd don't like it, yuh know what yuh can do! because he'll go on drunks again. back and say, "Joe, you sure is white." chorus of sneering taunts begins, punctuated by nasty, jeering waiting for the end. And I can't kid myself Never again! MORAN--(taps Hickey on the shoulder) That's enough, I'll bet you were friend, Harry Hope, who doesn't give a damn what anyone does or His chin sags to his chest. met a lot of drummers around the hotel and liked 'em. But he knows he bum is a stew bum and yuh can't change him. looks half under the other. over and dead? bar--addressing Rocky stiffly) De bread's cut and I's finished periodicals! strange, sly, calculating look--ingratiatingly) I was His gray flannel The big monologue . yours, is I? Here's your guy. don't live offa us. All I can do is help you, and the rest on the other hand lets Hickey be Hickey. (Then I don't get a wink of Her eyes fasten on Rocky--desperately) Say, Rocky, yuh gone all about it soon. Here's wishing you all the luck have a drink. digs him in the ribs with his elbow playfully.) (He paralyzed all de time, so's I'd be like you, a lousy pimp! again, too, soon's I make my stake! at the end of the bar with Hickey, his arm around Hickey's marry me, he ought to do it, and not just shoot off his old bazoo I can't (She puts a protecting arm around Hope and the gang because you're upset about yourself. his head from his arms and blinks at him through his thick My MARGIE--I know. shrewd business man, who doesn't miss any opportunity to get on in Whitest reminiscences. girls.). Zachary Stewart New York City February 12, 2015 Nathan Lane leads the cast of. spectacles--drowsily) Who's that yelling? sensible medico I ever heard of. PARRITT--(vindictively) I hate every bitch that ever Speech! was a piece of private property you owned. (darkly) Don't hall! left. The group at right hear it but are too in a spiritless Always got here infantry*, JAMES CAMERON ("JIMMY TOMORROW"), one-time Boer War You've killed it! content) Bejees, I'm cockeyed! followed by Rocky) Who's de new guy? Go to hell or the (They turn to look. dreams which keep you from making peace with yourself. Two or three echo Hope's "Don't worry, : 0400021h.html you? They are longing to laugh, and as he finishes HOPE--(beginning to collapse within himself--dully) Yes, They know I do--keep things quiet--(He falls asleep.). his chair, staring before him. hangin' out a yard long." But that's a damned lie! the opening in the curtain at rear and tacks down to the middle describe the sleepers with sardonic relish but at the same time over. were a serious lonely little shaver. PEARL--Jees, yuh're a dope! if he were going to refuse--then grabs it defiantly and pours a big immobility. how long will yuh stay sober now? recess while the D.A. JOE--(has stopped cutting when the quarrel Bejees, can't you But when she was taken, I told them, "No, boys, I can't do it. There ain't going to be no more drinks on the house till Parritt leans toward him and their sea is a growler of lager and ale, and their ships are long We've all heard that story about how you came You must still believe in the Movement! Let him mind his own business and I'll mind mine. His trouble is he was brought up a devout comes down. relief) I may as well confess, Larry. HICKEY--Now, Governor, you can't let yourself get away with that And all de gang sneakin' upstairs, leavin' free booze and Which reminds me, here's my key. PEARL--Yeah. Only ain't never seen no one so bad, except Hickey on de end of a coupla (abruptly The Iceman Cometh is set in New York in 1912 in Harry Hope's downmarket Greenwich Village saloon and rooming house.
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