improve functionality and performance. Her perceptions of reality are challenged and she begins to realise how the material world is impacted by the consciousness of individuals and groups. and What the #$*! He points out that Gallo et al anounced that AIDS is caused by HIV at a press conference, without there being a single paper published in a scientific journal substantiating this. Joe Dispenza, former Ramtha School of Enlightenment teacher, This page was last edited on 13 February 2023, at 23:23. But quantum mechanics, for better or worse, doesn't bring any more spiritual benefits than gravity does. based on this subject nature contained, I hold these 2 films in a very high regard. We must shake off the "ugly, superstitious, backwater concept of God" we learned as children, chides JZ Knight--uh, Ramtha. You can't bring good things to you by thinking about them. Nobody does.". While the (probabilistic) predictions of quantum mechanics are, as far . This is one reason physicists studying a subatomic particle create large numbers of them in particle accelerators. The main weird thing about them was they were printed on pink paper instead of white. We're not using either superconductivity or superfluidity yet on the scale that I think people thought we might. Some credible researchers appear, including neurologist Andrew Newberg and physicist David Albert (Albert has since disassociated himself from the film, saying his views were misrepresented). Adapted from "Ask the Everyday Scientist" with permission of the writer. "Your mind can't tell the difference between what it sees and what it remembers" Dr Joseph Dispenza (Chiropractor ) in What the Bleep Do We Know? Directors William Arntz, Betsy Chasse Starring Marlee Matlin, Elaine Hendrix, John Ross Bowie Genres Science Fiction, Comedy, Drama, Documentary, Fantasy, Special Interest We all know most parts of the ocean are still undiscovered but there's plenty of theories. But when animated, jive-talkin' human cells start dancing around in what appears to be the heroine's frontal lobe, all questions of spirituality pale before the sheer dreadfulness of this movie. If I didnt know any better, I would have thought it was something straight out of a Cheech and Chong movie. The sub-atomic particles that make up the atoms that make up the rock are there too." But no scientific discovery has proved so ripe for spiritual projection as the theories of quantum physics, replete with their quixotic qualities of uncertainty, simultaneity and parallelism." It's certainly not. There was some sort of plot involving a woman photographer (played by Marlee Matlin), who wanders around and has anxiety attacks. [an error occurred while processing this directive]. People tend to believe that the fact that a certain kind of research is pursued by sizable numbers of people with very good credentials is enough to mean it must be good research. what the bleep do we know watch online free, what the bleep do we know trailer, what the bleep do we know movie, what the bleep do we know debunked, what the bleep do . VISiT http://docsubtitles.blogspot.comsubscribe to watch full moviecheck also short trailer "But that's two leaps beyond what scientists believe to be true.". But whenever one is dealing with highly speculative ideas that have no connection with experiment, theres a danger of becoming delusional and thinking that youre doing real science when youre not. You may or may not believe that there's an external reality beyond what your brain creates; the topic will be a perennial and fertile source of discussion. kazakore (kazakore) January 14, 2010, 6:30pm #10 To date, there has been no response as to where the information which lead to the story about the indians not being able to see the ships of Columbus originated from. If you have questions about your account, please That's what makes the world so interesting. Its true that Hagelin stopped doing physics in the mid-nineties to concentrate on his other nonsense, but I can vouch for the fact that as early as 1978-9 he was heavily involved in TM and thought it had a lot to do with QFT. and published a study guide.,, Not Even Wrong Blog Archive Down the Rabbit Hole. It comes from the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and it's about the limitations of trying to measure the position and momentum of subatomic particles this only applies to sub-atomic particlesa rock doesn't need you to bump into it to exist. Next factoid: Crime in Washington, D.C. was reduced 25 percent by prayer--and made believers of the D.C. cops! But is reality really in the eye of the quantum observer? or call us at 1-617-450-2300. You are free to comment as you wish. If it's true, no one's been able to measure it or see the effects. Amit Goswami (PhD) in What the Bleep Do We Know?. is a 2004 American pseudo-scientific film that posits a spiritual connection between quantum physics and consciousness. The question is, how far down the rabbit hole, do you wanna go? He even called in to a radio program the director was on to discuss this and was cut off. That's why we experience a classical world. What was new? Certainly, our attitudes and brain chemistry affect how we see the world and get through life. . The film's central point--that reality is a construct of our own brains--seems rife with intriguing cinematic possibilities. Intercut with these metaphysical ponderings is a soapy fictional narrative starring Marlee Matlin as a broken-hearted photographer. extended versions of What the BLEEP Do We Know! What could be worse than being aware of every tiny detail that your brain handles from phosphate levels to heart rate and hair growth. Neither of them convincingly achieve this. subscription yet. asks nothing but . Unfortunately hes written no papers after 1995, see, DVD (2005) Marlee Matlin, Arntz (DIR) cert 12 at the best online prices at eBay! You are free to comment as you wish. My main objection is to the "blessed water" segment which was utter bull****, but the rest of the movie is ok and is designed to start people . Hambling says it is likely that both the Hughes account and the story told by Pert were exaggerations of the records left by Captain Cook and the botanist Joseph Banks. [6], The Institute of Noetic Sciences, a New Age research organization that "explores phenomena that do not necessarily fit conventional scientific models", has supported What the Bleep Do We Know!? But above a tiny size range, quantum properties collapse, and particles start to behave in the way described by classical physics - more like bowling balls than fuzzy clouds of "wave functions. This will be revisited if anyone else tries to circumvent a channel ban in future.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:I'm citing \"Fair Use\" under US Copyright Act, Title 17 512 (g)(f), specifically those clauses covering Comment and Criticism, as well as the DMCA. \"Fair Dealing\" under UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 c.48, Part 1(Copyright) Section 79.4a is NOT a valid argument.This is the first part of my critical analysis of \"What The Bleep Do We Know?! But this only applies to sub-atomic particles a rock doesn't need you to bump into it to exist. ft. indoor riding arena once used for horse training which was refurbished and floored . "What the Bleep Do We Know?" is a trendy new movie that combines the worst elements of a snooze-worthy PBS documentary, a "change your mind, change your life" self-help book, and a Bugs. Do We Know!?) Initially, the film was released in only two theaters: one in Yelm, Washington (the home of the producers, which is also the home of Ramtha), and the other the Bagdad Theater in Portland, Oregon, where it was filmed. It's hard to say where Candace Pert got the low-down on what the Native American Indians did or didn't see when Columbus and the gang hit the horizon. The film surpassed all expectations; it was certainly the stupidest thing I can remember seeing in a movie theater, and thats saying quite a lot (I see a lot of movies). The brain wasn't born yesterday. Hard to get your head around What the Bleep Do We Know. Quantum physics tells us that reality isn't fixed subatomic particles only come into existence when they are observed and 2. The pity of it is that there are fascinating conversations going on in the science-and-religion sphere. You see my physics students don't understand it. That is because I don't understand it. So does classical physics. Is this a hoax to promote positivity? The Bleep in a Nutshell: 1. Suddenly people who were talking about subatomic particles are alluding to alternate universes and cosmic forces, all of which can be harnessed in the interest of making Ms. Matlin's character feel better about her thighs. That movie started its life as a small documentary about Spirit and Science, but grew in scope (and budget) and became What the BLEEP Do We Know!? We're such a shallow people. The 2004 theatrical release was succeeded by a substantially changed, extended home media version in 2006. You dont have a Christian Science Monitor Dr Emoto takes photos of crystals formed in freezing water. As the discussion moves from science to pop psychology, the film s endorsement of Ramtha s School Of Enlightenment and its simplistic self-improvement mantra becomes clear. Magician and skeptic James Randi, famous for debunking performers like Uri Geller, has offered his standard prize of $1 million cash money to Dr Emoto if he can get the same results when doing the water study this way. The main thing to know is that "observation" is a bad word for the process which goes on which we have inherited from the days when quantum mechanics was first discovered, and is unfortunately a bit easier to teach in introductory courses than decoherence. ", Critics offered mixed reviews as seen on the film review website Rotten Tomatoes, where it scored a "Rotten" 34% score with an average score of 4.6/10, based on 77 reviews. Awash in New Age theorizing, real world science and the intellectually unfathomable notion of quantum mechanics, What the 'Bleep' Do We Know!? Scientists in the physical realm also hypothesize that matter is solid (Wilson 5). One of the scientists interviewed is John Hagelin who, besides being part of the TM cult surrounding Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, presidential candidate of the Natural Law Party, and Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace is a rather prominent particle theorist. He also has been marketing several products within the school and its followers. Also, the movie suggests that the quantum idea of matter embracing all its possible states at once applies to the larger world of people and rocks. One other area where quantum mechanics works on a macroscopic scale is in superconductivity and superfluidity. According to his books, water exposed to loving words shows brilliant and attractive patterns, while water exposed to negative thoughts forms incomplete patterns. He has however just released his third book of pretty crystal pictures. Q: Some scientists, such as Sir Roger Penrose, have talked about neurons as quantum systems. Isnt that a bit like attacking algebra because of Serge Langs nutty ideas about HIV and AIDS? People latch onto their dreams, and they always try to match them to reality. Somehow the main character of the movie was learning these amazing facts about quantum physics, and this then helps her deal with her anxiety attacks, bad body image and sex addiction (the film really goes off the rails in a bizarre scene where she is the photographer at a wedding party that turns into a grotesque kind of orgy). (commonly referred to by its spoken title What the Bleep Do We Know) is a 2004 pseudoscientific film that supports the idea that consciousness and quantum mechanics are somehow related. You can be accurate in one or the other, but not in both. In the 1970s that abruptly stopped and moved to getting us off this planet. [14] Amongst the assertions in the film that have been challenged are that water molecules can be influenced by thought (as popularized by Masaru Emoto), that meditation can reduce violent crime rates of a city,[15] and that quantum physics implies that "consciousness is the ground of all being." Your session to The Christian "[3] It offers alternative spirituality views characteristic of New Age philosophy, including critiques of the competing claims of stewardship among traditional religions [viz., institutional Judaism, Christianity, and Islam] of universally recognized and accepted moral values. Many people are dubious that Penrose's suggestions are reasonable, because the brain is not an isolated quantum-mechanical system. (Physicists should take part of the blame for this confusion. I don't know how many times I've heard people say, "Oh, I love quantum mechanics because I'm really into meditation, or I love the spiritual benefits that it brings me." "What The Bleep Do We Know? so much for no good or bad, that is unless it is convienent. This message will appear once per week 34 talking about this. Use these social-bookmarking links to share What the bleep are they on about?. "[20], Journalist John Gorenfeld, writing in Salon, notes that the film's three directors are students of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, which he says has been described as a cult. 3) Lots of people still hunger for a magical universe, and now hope that science can deliver it, after Nietsche's announcement of God's death. Skeptic James Randi described the film as "a fantasy docudrama" and "[a] rampant example of abuse by charlatans and cults". In a corrupt, greed-fueled world, a powerful alchemist leads a Christ-like character and seven materialistic figures to the Holy Mountain,. William Arntz has referred to the film as "WTFDWK" in a message to the film's street team. "The theory can't predict with precision what will happen, but it knows everything that can happen and it will tell you the probability of all these things happening.". So when you hear about quantum mechanics and devices, you can say, "OK, that sounds reasonable." The comments focus primarily on a single theme: "We create our own reality." Details in the video itself.EXTENDED REFERENCES:Revelation:[a] Michael Freze, 1993, Voices, Visions, and Apparitions, OSV Publishing ISBN 087973454X page 252[b][c][d][e][f] [17] Eric Scerri in a review for Committee for Skeptical Inquiry dismisses it as "a hodgepodge of all kinds of crackpot nonsense," where "science [is] distorted and sensationalized". One should take seriously the danger that hes not the only one deluding himself. Do we know" . The weirdness of quantum mechanics is reserved for either very specially prepared configurations in the laboratory, or scales that are so small that quantum-mechanical effects are significant. The movie gives two examples of experiments which have shown the power of the mind affecting reality. In fact, "you are God in the making," which explains why Shirley MacLaine is a Ramtha fan. Moreover, the movie proposes no plausible physical mechanism by which thoughts influence matter. In the letter, the authors write: "the movie illustrates the uncertainty principle with a bouncing basketball being in several places at once. Amanda is a photographer, who seems to be highly skilled but not very successful professionally. You can renew your subscription or [5] Foreign gross added another $5 million for a worldwide gross of nearly $16 million. Your subscription to We don't know which way it's going to go. Hidden Messages In Water Hidden Messages in . (It's all to do with photons of light from your measuring instrument hitting the poor electron and knocking it for six). A scientist debunks the claim that water reacts to human emotions. He is also the theologian in residence of RSE. He also invested over $10,000.00 in an infamous scam that infected RSE and was touted by Ramtha as a vehicle to gain fabulous wealth and many of the schools membership lost substantial sums of money. It's truly amazing that you can separate two elementary particles that were originally tied together, and often make a measurement of one particle that instantly affects the other, even if it's on Alpha Centauri. If you want to affect something in the external world, you have to do something to it. By 1984 he had moved to Maharishi University and started building up the physics department there. But when the ramblings about quantum physics start merging with fridge magnet philosophy, it's time for a little reality checking. The quantum world is intriguing, but unless you're a particle physicist it's got very little to do with the world's reality. That matter is not solid, and electrons are able to pop in and out of existence without it being known where they disappear to. Thanks to Pylon Sentinel for pointing this out.A link to his Wikipedia page is here: [2]. Is that last line The fact that someone who spouts such utter nonsense can get a Ph.D. from Harvard and be one of the most widely cited authors on supersymmetric models is pretty remarkable some sort of strange attack on SUSY models? continue to use the site without a But she is right about us not seeing things in front of our eyes if we're not looking for them. We're also connected to the universe by gravity, and we're connected to the planets by gravity. Featuring two (!) ?, never before seen DVD programming features, 20 minutes of new animation, new interviews, along with 5 hours of uncut interviews and a filmmakers Q&A, the Quantum Edition contains over 15 hours of material on 6 DVD sides. While Amanda waits for a commuter train, she (and we) are shown the work of Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, who has photographed water after exposing it to different emotions. Filmed to promote a new age philosophy based on a very, very broad interpretation of quantum physics, the movie was funded by J. What the Bleep Do We Know!? Bleep was conceived and its production funded by William Arntz, who co-directed the film along with Betsy Chasse and Mark Vicente; all three were students of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment. All those things can be attributed to quantum mechanics first of all, because it's so poorly understood by the public, and especially because it's so verifiably weird. 2) "What the Bleep Do We Know" has sure got a lot of people talking and thinking. "The movie is saying that somehow we can all get together and, with our collective thought processes, we can influence the outcome" of physical events - be they life experiences or scientific.
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