There are five quotations that are used by the author in his novel The Catcher in the Ray: Game, my ass. Another example was Salingers use of imitation of spoken English in written. All mentioned above features about translation difficulties single out that it can be concluded: there are three main types of translation difficulties: grammatical, lexical and stylistical difficulties in translation. Need urgent help with your paper? The second point that would be investigated in this work is the translation difficulties which are presented through various types that would be in details discuss in this reseach paper. Holden dated her until her father made them stop seeing each other. In literature and writing, a stylistic device is the use of any of a variety of techniques to give an auxiliary meaning, idea, or feeling to the literal or written. Also after such investigations was pointed out all the types of lexical peculiarities in J. D. Salingers The Catcher in the Ray.. Transposition is required when the English sentence contains a large group of nouns with indefinite article and then it is natural that they, being the center of informative message are placed at the end of the sentence. It should be mentioned that word combinability is possible if words point to similar objects they denote. Because of this fact, a translation based on a one-to-one substitution of words is seldom acceptable. . Gradation of epithets, that is a sequence of synonymous epithets, is constructed on a different basis in English and in Romanian. There is another problem while translating the English text into Romanian. Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. I have also tried to briefly present the reception of the novel, the translations and solutions offered to the problems raised by Salingers use of colloquial language in other countries. For identification of the translation difficulties and all the types that are presented in the novel are taken two parts of Salingers The Catcher in the Rye one in English and one in Romanian for better understanding of the basic elements of the investigation. The examples for this type of translation difficulties could be seen from the first page of the novel where the author uses all the meanings of the word hell such as: This word is one of the first words that is used with a lot of meanings and that is one of the type of translation difficulties in The Catcher in the Rye. Stylistic (translational) equivalence, where there is `functional equivalence of elements in both original and translation aiming at an expressive identity with an invariant of identical meaning'. the absence of the categories in one of the comparing languages; Even assuming monolingual disambiguation . In English language such unexpected word combinations are formed very easily. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. In this Research Paper we have investigated various translation difficulties of from English into Russian. The real thing, with the curtain of language somehow made transparent. From the investigated material can be concluded that in the well-known novel The Catcher in the Rye by Salinger can be single out the important features of the translation difficulties which are in a great number in this novel. He wrote this terrific book of short stories, []. In Modernism the object is; the language doesn't mean it is. The fact that he keeps the mitt with poems inside, tells the reader that Holden has not let go of his past nor of innocence. Attempting to remedy this, Bethany K. Dumas and Jonathan Lighter argue that an expression should be considered "true slang" if it meets at least two of the following criteria: Holden realizes that society has become bad, and wants no part in this terrible life. The example for this wrd with its meanings could be like I left the goddam foils andstuff on the subway (J. D. Salinger: p.170 in English and Am uitat blestmatele aleade florete ?i tot echipamentul in metrou. and throughthis example ispinted out that the author used not only the main meaning of the word. Its possible that Salingers character in this case, Holden- is expressed in his own works: some literary critics insist that the author is very controversial, and his novels are not simple. Following the idea of transferring the jargon, its adopted an idiomatic translation: A translation strategy that consists of producing a target text that conforms to the conventions established in the target language and to the spontaneous form of expression commonly used by native speakers., This novel is one of the most famous American novels in the 20th century and is strongly bound to American society. There are two cases in which an idiom can be easily misinterpreted if one is not already familiar with it: Apart from being alert to the way speakers and writers manipulate certain features of idioms and to the possible confusion which could arise from similarities in form between source and target expressions, a translator must also consider the collocational environment which surrounds any expression whose meaning is not readily accessible. Holden has to be in the mood to do anything. An idiom or fixed expression may have a similar counterpart in the target language, but its context of use may be different; the two expressions may have different connotations, for instance, or they may not be pragmatically transferable. Through the use of lucky symbols their life is changed to what will make them happy. Every statement made about the work by a reader of the translation should also be true of the original text. . Richard Yates wrote at The New York Times in 1977 that Salinger is a man who used language as if it were pure energy beautifully controlled, and who knew exactly what he was doing in every silence as well as in every word. Holden is scared of growing up, and also scared of the unknown. A large number of idioms in English, and probably all languages, have both a literal and an idiomatic meaning. They think that society is harmful and they dont like to be in it. The conclusion is that the Romanian translation played an innovatory role and an influential one in the literary system of the native country by breaking the norms of the TL, in order to render the stylistic qualities of the ST, and by introducing the use of slang language into Romanian, as a new and alternative means of expression. Very often these grammatical changes are mixed so that they have lexical-grammatical character. This can be done on diachronic level: Chaucers text is translated into modern English. In The Catcher in the Rye, what do Holden and Stradlater fight over? TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. It was tried to achieve this aim by centering on the case study of comparing and analyzing in detail the differences and similarities, the gains and the losses that have occurred both in the English and in the Romanian versions. From the investigated material was defined that: A translation difficulty is a problem that could be met in the process of translation because a translation is the same text in a different language. Nevertheless the translators have tried to compensate this loss through distinctive methods. Lexical peculiarities that characterise this novel and the style of the author are Themes, Motifs and Symbols which are one of the major and that could be easily identified in the novel The Catcher in the Ray by J. D. Salinger. Holden's isolation is expressed in the fact that while Stradlater goes out on a date,Holden is all alone in his dorm room, doing homework for his roommate. Holdens jargon is very important, because it emphasizes how this teenager was, how he talked We can see that Salinger has the tendency to use the second person pronoun you and the irony Its easy to see Holdens thoughts: the author reproduces the teenagers mind quite well. In the end can be concluded that the main Lexical translation problems are: Practically, stylistic devices in almost all languages are similar still though their functions in speech vary. They also include expressions which seem ill-formed because they do not follow the grammatical rules of the language. Franny and Zooey, NY, Bantam1964: Goodman, Anne. Id just be the catcher in the rye and all(Salinger 98). Afterwards, he smokes a cigarette in the room just to annoy Stradlater." He later gets into a fight with Stradlater over a crush . The first chapter deals with J. D. Salingers place in world literature, the most important influences on his writing style, the cultural and historical background behind his literary works and how they influenced and were reflected in his literary creations. This cognitive approach perfectly applies to the transfer process of ideas from one language to another, which obviously implies a lot more than the simple reproduction model. Holden was very fond of his brother and discusses his reaction to Allies death. There are also expressions that are used in American English only, such as most of the slangy utterances mentioned above.[13]. This type of code switching is translation proper, the object of Translation Studies. Not with poetry, and not even with prose, where the difficulty is generally assumed to be less. Transposition, thats, change of structure of the sentence may be caused by several reasons. Salinger later explains that Holden will become free as these ducks. New York: Harper & Row, 1989.; It is obvious from the start that Holden uses the hat as a mark of individuality and independence. For example, Holden's use of qualifiers such as "if you want to know the truth," "I know what I'm talking about," or "I'm not kidding" serve to emphasize how unsure Holden is of what he's saying or how well he'll be received. 125, No. 2009, In this case the translator will face many difficulties. The mitt is representive of all these things. Essay. . This chapter has also centered on presenting the major themes from Salingers literary highpoint, his novel and his Nine Stories collection. It is an implicit comparison of two unlike objects. Through his lying and deception, Holden proves that he is just as guilty of phoniness as the people he criticizes. J. D. Salinger also uses another comparison with the worst place that could exist as hell because the author pointed out through the comparison like sad as hell (J.D.Salinger:13) that he used this word also with another meaning like that the person that made the worst thing in this life because through this words the author showed to the reader that Holdens feelings were compared with a hell. Statements which are justifications of some action take the form of arguments. answer choices He had been expelled because he failed four of five subjects. Joe has made an argument that the cat has fleas. Both the conversation and Mr. Antolini's head-rubbing serve a similar purpose: they upset Holden's view of the way things are or the way he believes they ought to be. how does this poem differ from traditional sonnets interflora; airmessage vs blue bubbles; southside legend strain effects; abd insurance and financial services; valenzuela city ordinance violation fines; my summer car cheatbox; vfs global japan visa nepal contact number; beaver owl fox dolphin personality test; Community It wouldnt come off. Holden tears the composition up and throws it away angrily. Stradlater insists, however, that Holden not write it too well, for the teacher knows that Holden is a hot-shot in English. Besides, a short, compared with the noun predicate can not bear the emphatic sense of a large group of nouns. The ducks are in context to a scripture in the Bible, which tells of how the ducks are Free. Here, we see how deeply his desire for independence is connected to his feeling of alienation, to the bitterness he has for the rest of the world. Because Holden depends on his isolation to preserve his detachment from the world and to maintain a level of self-protection, he often sabotages his own attempts to end his loneliness. The conclusion is that the major themes, patterns and motifs that recur in Salingers fiction and develop into major and instantly recognizable archetypes, his trademarks, and at the same time a very clear indication of the very evolution of his writing technique, mainly refer to: The research has also led to the conclusion that the recurrent pattern of the letter or of the note plays a very well defined role in J. D. Salingers fiction and it is usually manifested through the characters repeated reading or memorizing of them in different (mostly difficult) situations. Throughout the novel, it becomes increasingly clear that Allies death was one of the most traumatic experiences of Holdens life and may play a major role in his current psychological breakdown. Holden himself realizes this to a degree when he acknowledges that his idea is crazy, yet he cannot come up with anything more pragmatic; he has trouble seeing the world in any other way.
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