Because of this, bentonite clay is a common ingredient in detox and cleansing products. More research is still needed on the topic, but results of studies so far appear to be promising in terms of how the clay can be used as a treatment for these gut-relatedillnesses. Cabbage Juice Cabbage is a popular natural ulcer remedy. Hello Megan, Im so glad I came across your article. Is Lamb Healthy? Thanks for the informative article! Does it contain Kalium? Then, add one teaspoon to an eight-ounce glass of water or freshly squeezed juice. The pH of the stomach can be amended by using Betaine HCl (with Pepsin) or digestive bitters. Im hoping this will help. The clay is feed at the rate of . If you can do that before bed, there is not a problem with sleeping after drinking it. Hi Nick, thank you. Hi Frank, I do have a suggestion that may help, and thats to add mineral drops to the water, which helps your body to assimilate the hydration. I buy the three-pack to save money, and the company recommends doing the spray for 6 months minimum to see various effects from the beginning and then as you continue. Isnt the whole idea to flush the body of toxins quickly? I heard from Pharmacist Ben on the radio that fried foods can be a culprit in itching. When ingested into the body, either in a drink form or by eating the clay, its vitamins and minerals are absorbed similarly to how a supplement would be. . (Ideally, use Betaine HCl or Digestive Bitters to create the optimum pH for digestion directly before eating. Would 6 ounces a day (following your bulk recipe) be too much to start for the first week? Today the clay is harvested mostly in the U.S., France and Italy. Bentonite clay works to clean up internal toxins, and those are certainly still present in the situation you describe. Bentonite Clay has been found to excrete histamine from the bowel, a chemical found in some cells in the body and a key cause of the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Based on my own ingestion of bentonite clay and reading extensively on the topic, psyllium husk may be unnecessary. It is new to me. Its commonly mined in the state of Wyoming. Thank you! Best wishes! You can find bentonite clay in powder, capsule, or gel form. HORSE ULCER RELIEF: Buffer excess stomach acid and relieve painful symptoms caused by equine ulcers. Your liver absorbs the medication, which is a natural function because its role is to absorb toxins. Bentonite clay is quite useful for sequestering mycotoxins. Re the taste, its chalky, a bit powdery, not completely pleasant, takes some getting use to. Thank you for commenting, and Im so glad it was helpful. Ive never heard of doing that, but who knows? The most common peptic ulcer symptom is burning stomach pain. The participants, overall, also saw improvement in total cholesterol. Consult your functional or naturopathic physician. Never heard of the benefits of Bentonite clay before so I appreciate the education for sure, thank you. I cant say for sure, but based on your description, yes, the clay will help to expel internal toxins. Try this 7-day cleansing program 7. Another question I have relates to the lead content in bentonite clay. 12. For example, your doctor may change the type of NSAIDs you take, lower . Its ability to expand in water and to ionically attract toxins and metallic ions has made . Its used to treat many different conditions affecting the skin to the digestive system. It absorbs dirt and oil, like sebum. After doing so it popped in my head that I have metal fillings. This approach helps to eliminate the unknown factors and any concerns in regard to past treatments or exposures. Thank you very much for this AWESOME article! Would it be okay to take the clay together with the colostrum and glutamine, or should they ideally be taken separately? Quantity Clear Add to cart SKU: N/A Categories: Digestion, Wound care Tag: Bentonite Description Additional information Reviews (0) You consider many sources. How would I get around this? Bentonites negative ions allow it to strengthen and awaken that body. Ive been using and drinking bentonite for about 30 years, not on a daily regimen but as needed, learning about it when I was director of a wholistic health spa. I am eager to use the BClay but more afraid of stopping my meds. Daily Gold powder is safe and effective for everyday gut support. I use high-quality bentonite clay, which consists largely of montmorillonite. On a related note, one of the MOST important steps in my healing process is practicing grounding, or earthing. Best! But Im super sensitive, so Im sure not everyone will feel that. Externally, it can be used as a poultice on cuts, wounds, damaged skin and tired legs. Combine about cup bentonite clay with 6 tablespoons apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon. This Dr. Axe content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure factually accurate information. I have a question about #4 Cautions & Tips that you listed: Do not take clay baths mixed with magnesium in bathwater. What does that mean, exactly? Thanks! I'm truly flattered! Our bodies can handle a certain toxic load; and our bodies are wired, if given the right dietary advantages, as well as low-stress, and good supplements, to be able to usher those toxins out of the body. Place 2 ounces bentonite clay in 16 ounce jar. This is absolutely fascinating Megan! As part of a healthy diet containing plenty ofalkaline foods, naturaldetox drinks andprobiotics/prebiotics, bentonite clay has been found in certain studies to contribute to weight loss in healthy men over a 21-day period. For many conditions it is an excellent natural alternative, and relatively safe to experiment. Internally, you can take 1/2 to 1 teaspoon once per day, as many days of the week as youd like. The researchers explained that the cell formations and swelling of bentonite clay is the reason for this, and that it could potentially be effective against specific types of cancers (like glioblastomas), but not others. The clay water is also effective in a douche, and can stop a UTI in many cases. Polyphenols in green tea may calm inflammation and help to strengthen the tissue that lines the stomach. Heartburn. I did a lot of research the past week and I have started Castor Oil Packs, Marshmellow Tea and I just ordered Sonne Benonite clayI am so hoping and praying this regime will get rid of the pain and spasms! For some people, bentonite clay can stir up toxins in a way that does increase certain symptoms. When bentonite passes through the intestines, the clay molecules absorb the toxin molecules and expels them on the way out. I take Sonne Detoxificant, it is the best. So tonight I drank about 10 ounces and only feel a little in my right stomach area, nothing overwhelming though. Clay baths help to keep your body cleansed by pulling toxins through the pores. I was a bit scared too to drink more than a sip at first, but Ill try more next time! Would MagnaWave therapy be about the same? Thanks for the great question. Use code BEAUTIFUL10 at checkout for 10% off your order.) Some (including myself) even use it internally. Both pathogens and plastics, like toxins and heavy metals, are positively charged. And to the heat or cold or does it not matter at all? When consumed, bentonite clay and the toxins it binds to move through the intestines. Bentonite will also help to remove parasites from your bowel and is a very powerful bowel cleanser. Comfort . I am going to be starting a detox/cleanse soon for candidia, sugar cravings, bloating and difficulty loosing weight. The slightly more expensive, better sourced brands of bentonite clay are also more palatable, and starting with less helps you get used to the texture and milky chalky clay flavor. While generally safe when used correctly, some caution needs to be exercised if using BC in terms of both quantity as well as the chosen type. For those readers who arent familiar with PFAS: Certainly bentonite clay has the ability to bind to chemicals and help detox them from the body, but there hasnt been enough testing on PFAS specifically to say for sure the details of what that would look like and to what extent. Thank you so much for writing this article. By removing toxins, digestive-distress causing chemicals and heavy metals from the gut, bentonite clay helps to promote digestion. Hope. I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, had bilateral mastectomy and radiation, no chemo thankfully. Beside its huge list of benefits, Bentonite clay is not a holistic cure. He has written a book which I am unable to find unfortunately. Thanks so much for such a fab article Megan. Do you think this practice of taking bentonite could potentially help correct my gut imbalance?? Make sure if you are taking it internally, the kind you purchase specifies that the clay is safe for internal use. In one study using cows, scientists found that bentonite clay molecules bound to bovine rotavirus and bovine coronavirus, two major viruses that contribute to gastroenteritis (referred to asstomach flu in people). I purchased 100 pounds 30 years ago and still have about 30 pounds left. Somebentonite clay products contains trace amounts of lead and other heavy metals and may not be appropriate for consumption, especially by by children and pregnant women. What Bentonite clay is excellent in removing are the increasingly present Fukushima fallout particles that so many are in obvious denial about. It crosses the blood brain barrier so could be a good choice for gadolinium. From the baths youd be detoxing out from your skin. Don't get left behind! This article lists 9 scientifically backed natural ulcer remedies. Clay has been reported to eliminate food poisoning, colitis, food allergies, viral infections, and parasites. I can actually feel the sensation of new energy inside me and a happy stomach when I take sodium bentonite clay; so although calcium may be superior, its important to note that any well-sourced bentonite clay has the potential to offer great health benefits. Hi Lilu, I dont recommend either, because Im not a doctor, but I would ask your vet to be safe. Leave the mask in for 20 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with a small amount of shampoo plus water. Is there any differance among Sodium Bentonite and Calcium or Sodium clay. Hello Jade, May I ask how taking Glutathione has helped you? Will taking the bentonite clay help clean this out of our system? It isnt really an issue of logic because clay is a naturally occurring substance that helps our bodies by drawing toxins to itself and then exiting the body. I am taking Omega-3 supplement along with MultiV. As a Mineral Supplement Polyphenols are a type of antioxidant found in many plant foods that can be used to manage peptic ulcers. Just overnight can be kept on the counter and at room temperature. A clay paste is applied on the face and armpits; clay is dissolved in full body baths and for detox foot baths. I take a tsp of Sole (salt water) in my first glass of water in the morning. And yet we try so hard to live clean and stay healthy. For the best results, do not not take bentonite within an hour of food. It can be a long process but its encouraging when we find tools that help us actually feel better! Ive read a lot about it. Be cautious about trying any bentonite clay detox or diet products, since BC should not be ingested in large quantities because of the way it expands in the body. In some skin complaints, internal use of clay may also be of benefit. Best option aside from glass bottles (not practical for hiking with)? I have been doing research for awhile and the main cause of UTI is actually parasites. I was thinking 6 weeks on 4 weeks off. However, though the hit I wonder if it become a powerful detox?.. This plant material is effective for many as a laxative. Hi Megan, May I ask how you got off your thyroid meds? Bentonite clay can bind to paraquat and is routinely used in intensive care units for poisoning [23, 24 . Heres one foot bath recipe that includes bentonite clay. Bentonite clay also re-mineralizes cells and tissues, alkalizes the body and is very effective in . BUY ME A COFFEE allows you to make a sin. Great question. Best. Mix the clay with water, preferably in a jar with a lid where you can shake the clay and make it dissolve. For scrapes or bug bites, apply a concentrated amount of the clay directly to the trouble area and coverwith a bandage or gauze, then let it sit for about two hours, thenrinse it off. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); By clicking Subscribe, you are accepting to receive the Eat Beautiful newsletter each week. One study found that compared to calendula, bentonite had faster healing effects and is more effective at improving infantile diaper dermatitis. It attracts pathogens and plastics to itself and ushers them out of the body. Mineral-rich and volcanic in origin, bentonite clay could be considered a panacea amidst the worlds deluge of toxins. I still have flair ups. Eventually, they are both eliminated from the body. Apply to wet hair from root to tip, then roll up your hair and put on a shower cap. Ive just started to drink the bentonite solution. Ill be showing your article to my whole family and most of us will probably be trying this. Im assuming that I shouldnt be taking this. However, if it is ingested or breathed in, it can cause many a disease called Paraquat lung. Thank you . To prepare a clay bath, scatter about 2 cups of Bentonite. You can also look for BC capsules sold in supplement/health food stores. Our diet should be free of processed foods and sugar. With strict editorial sourcing guidelines, we only link to academic research institutions, reputable media sites and, when research is available, medically peer-reviewed studies. Easy to use . The recipe below starts with just half a teaspoon daily. It looks similar with some similar benefits! Another lab experiment observed bentonite clay caused cell death ofCaco-2 cells, a colorectal cancer line. Love your website and writing / info . To reap the digestive benefits of bentonite clay it must be taken internally. Your doctor will not tell you or even do any research. I really appreciate your informative article (and all the comments and answers!). I just realized that I was supposed to drink the whole thing each time! Therapeutic and essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, clove, oregano or tea tree can be blended into the poultice to further enhance healing. BC has been found to be effective at killing harmful bacteria. Please do not worry about me for that is not my intention. ( Added to that, it alkalises your system and also lines your stomach with a slimy protective coating while remineralising your body. People have completed the Gut Health Assessment. Any recommendations? Im so glad its helpful. Best bet is to shake it hard with water, in a jar with a lid, and then to drink more water. Your tips on timing, etc have been very helpful. The benefits of Bentonite Clay is that they relieve ulcer symptoms and have a detox effect. I also am sweating out toxins in my far infrared sauna dome every night hoping this will help too. Bentonite clay stems back far in history as a traditional healing method for protecting the body from disease. My doctor restored my proper organ function through this practice. In total, this popular clay contains around 70 trace minerals. Daily Gold bentonite clay buffers acid and naturally soothes horse ulcers, diarrhea, and other common issues horses experience, such as lack of appetite, stomach upset, and stress. Best wishes! Hi there! Known for its amazing drawing properties, it will safely detoxify your horse of heavy metals and chemicals naturally. Here we discuss why and how to drink bentonite clay: Bentonite clay provides minerals to the body, even while it helps to repair the gut and detoxify the system. We will never sell your information. Baby Powder Asbestos Dangers: Should You Worry? His recipe was mixing 1/4 cup of clay, brought from Unity Church, to a gallon of water and drinking. Bentonite clay could be taken anytime its convenient on an empty stomach and about an hour before eating. After cancer treatments such as chemo and radiation therapy, a patients immune system is compromised. I broke my wrist earlier this spring, and HATED all the xray exposure I was exposed to I will have to try this! Is this clay something that could help even though all of these tests have long since been done? And, the process of binding to and removing bacterial overgrowth, toxins and parasites from your pet's body is also a great support in reducing or resolving allergies. Make sure to only ingest bentonite clay thats food grade. Thanks for sharing, Megan. Ive kind of forgotten about it since then except using it from time to time in baths or face masks. Keep in touch and best wishes!! We can also detox plastics with supplements like diatomaceous earth (DE) and activated charcoal (source). Bentonite clay is one good step in an overall detox protocol. Using bentonite clay during your detox is a great way to eliminate the toxins faster and reduce detox symptoms. Hi can BC reach the bladder? (Learn more about pelleted Daily Gold .) Bentonite clay has been researched as an effective way to remove some of the dangerousfluorideoften found in drinking water, which is linked to serious diseases such as diabetes, thyroid dysfunction and brain damage. I just started the clay regime and a food journal. I know the essential oil ingestion is not safe-but if I make some paste w/out it? Redmond Clay - more info available here. Heres another great clay company. Informative, clear and concise. To make a larger portion of Bentonite Clay water that you can drink daily, but only make once a week or so, follow this recipe: Your email address will not be published. To start you can take up to a tablespoon a day mixed with juice on an empty stomach or at least an hour before . The product is called Advanced TRS (I buy the 3-pack in glass bottles). As long as youre still having the same amount of bowel movements daily, you can pace your increase of BC. Thank you for writing the positives and the negatives. Ive had charcoal before, especially after food poisnoning and I hear its good for hangovers but not other clays. He mentioned in the interview that he gives this to himself and family including children and swears to its health benefits. I just completed a year of chemo cocktail and 6 weeks of radiation. A wolf rescue who sells holistic remedies for pets, suggested Bentonite Clay to detox the poison from these pills from my dogs. Im including here a link to my article about IC, which may be helpful: A lot of my clients are now taking nano-particle zeolite, too, because it restores gut function throughout the alimentary canal, including the bladder, detoxes the whole body (including the brain) and is gentle. Toxins are also absorbed before they get backed up in the colon. It may also help support hair growth, make hair shinier, reduce dandruff, and prevent infections that can affect the scalp. The difference between it and sodium-b clay means that the surface area of the calcium bentonite clay molecule is 20x that of a sodium-bentonite clay molecule. Is that fine? Clay more often and regularly is recommended over abandoning the practice (source). One question, since theres iron in the clay and I can tend to be iron deficient, would drinking the clay regularly help with that? are clickable links to these studies. Side effects of these are usually mild, but can include: headaches. What sort of immediate effects should I expect please? Once per day. They say for Adults: Add 1 tablespoon of Sonnes #7 liquid clay detox to a glass of water. Am I right, or is it ok to take both at the exact same time? Youre welcome, Darryl! Bentonite clay can not be digested, so it helps the body to excrete these waste products. Its somewhat like forgetting to plug your cell phone into a charger. Its especially beneficial for digestive health. Best wishes! But I am wondering if it will help them at this point even though it is now 11 days since they have been exposed. Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) They can, however, be taken separately. And finally, I take a thyroid med first thing in the morning and have to wait an hour before I can eat. Due to its properties, it soothes pain and absorbs gas and toxins. xo! I used to use Korum pure healng clay but the company no longer exsts. Those other forms of radiation listed are electromagnetic, and once the device is turned off the radiation stops, nothing to remove. Im not sure what other benefits youre hoping and watching for, so those will likely take longer. By ignorance after drinking clay 2 times per day, during 2 weeks, I decided to put the bentonite myself and my daughter for a couple of days on every body organ. If you smoke, quitting smoking can lower your risk for peptic ulcers. Its a natural product composed of ash taken from volcanoes. What color is real bentonite clay? Thank you so much for the info! I hope your new regime is going well! This approach is gentle, yet I still notice the benefit. I follow a clean whole foods paleo diet and do not take medications as I want to heal myself as naturally as possible! I also take meds at bedtime. Thanks again so much. Hi Kimberly, this is certainly a possibility. No currently accepted treatment method exists for these viral infections, but its possible bentonite clay could be a candidate for more research on the subject. Yellow pus or black areas are a sign of infection. I have been able with no problem at all the past 4-1/2 years to have sex with my fiance with no pain at all during or afterwards. Use apple cider vinegar to mix your mask instead of water. Hi Rita, You could make a batch and leave it at room temp, in a dark spot, like a cupboard, and then make a new batch, for up to a week. Best wishes!! Follow by drinking a full glass of water. Ill keep the TRS in mind following this experiment! Im so frustrated and angry about this. For digestive issues, I see there being different benefits from each approach, (the baths being indirect). Its best to start the first day with 1 spray, then increase each day, assuming no major detox symptoms, gradually by 1 spray each day until you reach 5 sprays daily, 2 in the morning, 3 at night. In a study published by theJournal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, results indicate that specific mineral products have intrinsic, heat-stable antibacterial properties, which could provide an inexpensive treatment against numerous human bacterial infections.. Neutralizes stomach ailments from ulcers and Acid Reflux Alkalizing agent in the body - balances pH Fixes free oxygen in the blood stream Often used to soothe stomach pain, bentonite clay is used as a stomach dressing. It will not increase exposure to metals; it should decrease it. HI, Ive just ordered some to help with what appears to be dermatitis. A nurse recommended it for my grandma when she was having recurring UTIs. As it moves through the intestinal tract, it collects toxins and can help move along and eliminate trapped waste found along the inner wall. Thanks! Any experience/tips for this? Or is it not that kind of substance? But in a very few patients, psyllium husk actually has the opposite effect; it can cause blockage or constipation. How long can the clay last once hydrated with water? problem isi cannot for the life of me find a good calcium bentonite clay to take internally!!! For beauty purposes: Looking closely at animal husbandry practices, bentonite clay actually increases wool production in sheep! Plus, it is very gentle and naturally cleansing. Get a small bottle of water put in a teaspoon of bentonite clay (PH is 9.1) shake hard so it disolves in the water and take some sips. Thanks so much! At 15 minutes after ingesting, I was startled to feel sudden energy Im starved for. Bentonite clay is a well-regarded natural remedy particularly favored as a detox agent. It has an innate electromagnetic negative charge, hearkening back to its volcanic origins. Its funny, Im the opposite. 2 tbsp. Personally, I would not rely on bentonite clay alone. You might find the information on this website: Sorry I cant help more.