As the movements to end mass incarceration and police violence gain momentum, the U.S. government must overhaul its approach to funding criminal justice reform and public safety. The Bureau's drug abuse treatment strategy has grown and changed as advances have occurred in substance treatment programs. Staff members have maintained their expertise in treatment programming by monitoring and incorporating improvements in the treatment and correctional programs literature, research, and effective evidence-based practices. This year, Canada’s correctional investigator announced his office is launching a series of in-depth investigations looking at Indigenous programming in Canada’s prisons — specifically around access to culture and community support. As the Deputy Commissioner and General Counsel, Ms. Grossman is the Chief Legal Officer of the Department of Correction and provides legal advice and counsel to the Commissioner, agency officials, and staff. In these cases, local, state and federal governments will contract with a private, for-profit firm to operate a prison on their behalf. The factors of unsuitability include the inmate’s (1) commitment offense, (2) previous record of violence, (3) unstable social history, (4) prior sadistic sexual offenses, (5) psychological factors, including the prisoner’s history of mental problems related to the crime, and (6) institutional misconduct in prison or jail. Heidi Grossman was appointed Deputy Commissioner of Legal Matters/General Counsel in 2014. The charges sought to define the potential level of knowledge and complicity Rodgers shared with his former law firm partner, Jason Boudrot, in the latter’s defrauding of … Remember, if an officer uses discretion and does not arrest a person, even if a crime was committed, this does not get reported. Official statistics are gathered from various criminal justice agencies, such as the police and courts, and represent the total number of crimes reported to the police or the number of arrests made by that agency. WOMEN ARE: 7% of the total prison population It goes without saying that the biggest challenge for residents is still the Covid-19 pandemic, which has mercilessly pummeled the public and the economy. New York City has finally closed the book on an abysmal year. Private correctional institutions. 66% of incidents of sexual misconduct by prison staff involve sexual relationships with inmates who “appeared to be willing,” according to authorities. “We want to hear from Indigenous inmates to learn from their experiences,” Dr. Ivan Zinger writes in his 2019-2020 annual report. GUYSBOROUGH – It has been three months since the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society hearing regarding charges against Adam Rodgers, former partner in the Port Hawkesbury law firm Boudrot Rodgers, concluded. The uptick will be New York City’s most difficult challenge this year. The officer's attorney, Mark Collins, said the white officer and Hill, a Black man, had the interactions before police body camera footage shows Coy shooting the 47-year-old as he emerged from a garage holding a cellphone with his left hand and his right hand not visible. On July 3, 2015, Arizona HB 2300 took effect which designates a person who was a municipal, county or state prosecutor as a Peace Officer, and allows an National Rifle Association Certified Firearms Instructor to administer the Arizona Peace Officer Firearms Standard Course (R13-4-116(E)), pursuant to ARS 38-1113(G)(2). (Cal. Sometimes more prison capacity is needed than what the government can offer.