Doctrinal Statement Bridge Street Mission 2020-10-23T16:42:51+00:00 Our Statement of Faith As a local mission and parachurch (with specific ministry to serving all local churches in a specific area) we are dedicated to support the little “c” church and the big “C” church. Creemos que, totalmente aparte de los beneficios de la salvación otorgados por igual a todos los que creen, hay recompensas prometidas de acuerdo a la fidelidad de cada creyente en su servicio a Su Señor; y, que estas recompensas serán otorgadas en el tribunal de Cristo después de que Él venga a recibir a los Suyos hacia sí mismo (1 Cor 3:9–15; 9:18–27; 2 Cor 5:10). 10:10, 14;12:10). 3:6; 2 Pet. These ministries are the restraining of evil in the world to the measure of the divine will; the convicting of the world respecting sin, righteousness, and judgment; the regenerating of all believers; the indwelling and anointing of all who are saved, thereby sealing them unto the day of redemption; the baptizing into the one body of Christ of all who are saved; and the continued filling for power, teaching, and service of those among the saved who are yielded to Him and who are subject to His will (John 3:6; 16:7–11; Rom. Its members are constituted as such regardless of membership or nonmembership in the organized churches of earth. Creemos que el nuevo nacimiento del creyente solo es posible a través de la fe en Cristo y que el arrepentimiento es una parte vital de esa fe. But it is there in other ways too, pointing to the fact that doctrine had become part of the daily life of the early churches. No hay nada que pueda ayudar al pecador a entrar en el cielo ya sean grandes mejoras personales, logros morales, atractivos culturales, o algún tipo de bautismo u otras ordenanzas (o ceremonias) administradas. Most often, of course, we meet it in the doctrinal sections in the epistles (e.g., Romans 1–8; Ephesians 1–3). 26:28; John 3:7–18; Rom. 1:20–23; 4:3–10; Col. 3:14–15). We believe that at death the spirits and souls of those who have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation pass immediately into His presence and there remain in conscious bliss until the resurrection of the glorified body when Christ comes for His own, whereupon soul and body reunited shall be associated with Him forever in glory; but the spirits and souls of the unbelieving remain after death conscious of condemnation and in misery until the final judgment of the great white throne at the close of the millennium, when soul and body reunited shall be cast into the lake of fire, not to be annihilated, but to be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power (Luke 16:19–26; 23:42; 2 Cor. We believe that universal righteousness will not be realized previous to the second coming of Christ, but that the world is day by day ripening for judgment and that the age will end with a fearful apostasy. Creemos que el arrebatamiento de la iglesia será seguido por el cumplimiento de la septuagésima semana de Israel (Dan 9:27; Ap 6:1–19:21) durante la cual la iglesia, el cuerpo de Cristo, estará en el cielo. Creemos que, por el amor infinito hacia los perdidos, Él voluntariamente aceptó la voluntad de Su Padre siendo la divina provisión del Cordero sacrificado que quitó el pecado del mundo, soportando los juicios santos de Dios en contra del pecado que la justicia de Dios ha de imponer. 12:6; 1 Cor. Creemos que la verdad revelada se fundamenta en que “sin fe es imposible agradar” a Dios; y, que este principio de la fe, fue el predominante en las vidas de todos los santos en el Antiguo Testamento. 30:7), which our Lord called the great tribulation (Matt. We believe that the whole Bible in the originals is therefore without error. We believe that, owing to universal death through sin, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless born again; and that no degree of reformation however great, no attainments in morality however high, no culture however attractive, no baptism or other ordinance however administered, can help the sinner to take even one step toward heaven; but a new nature imparted from above, a new life implanted by the Holy Spirit through the Word, is absolutely essential to salvation, and only those thus saved are sons of God. 30:1–10; Isa. Una vez rechazado por la nación de Israel y, conforme al eterno consejo de Dios, Él entrego su vida en rescate por todos los seres humanos (Jn 1:11; Hch 2:22–24; 1 Tim 2:6). Creemos que los cambios, en la relación entre Dios y el ser humano en las dispensaciones, dependen de los cambios de condiciones o situaciones en las cuales el ser humano ha encontrado de manera sucesiva a Dios. We believe it is the privilege, not only of some, but of all who are born again by the Spirit through faith in Christ as revealed in the Scriptures, to be assured of their salvation from the very day they take Him to be their Savior and that this assurance is not founded upon any fancied discovery of their own worthiness or fitness, but wholly upon the testimony of God in His written Word, exciting within His children filial love, gratitude, and obedience (Luke 10:20; 22:32; 2 Cor. Su cuerpo resucitado es el modelo de cuerpo que, finalmente, todo creyente recibirá (Jn 20:20; Fil 3:20–21). Todo el período de la semana setenta de Israel será un tiempo de juicio sobre toda la tierra, al final del cual los tiempos de los Gentiles serán llevados a su término. Firstly, marriage is a covenant designed by God (Matthew 19.4b). We also believe that all the Scriptures were designed for our practical instruction (Mark 12:26, 36; 13:11; Luke 24:27, 44; John 5:39; Acts 1:16; 17:2–3; 18:28; 26:22–23; 28:23; Rom. We believe that if man does trust in his own efforts to gain the favor of God or salvation under any dispensational test, because of inherent sin his failure to satisfy fully the just requirements of God is inevitable and his condemnation sure. Creemos que, en el principio, el hombre y la mujer fueron creados a imagen y semejanza de Dios; y, que el ser humano pecó trayendo como consecuencia su muerte espiritual y física a causa de sus transgresiones y pecados, quedando sujeto al poder del diablo. Each faculty member and employee (full-time and part-time) is required to sign initially, and annually thereafter, the following Doctrinal Statement as a condition of employment . All Content © 2021 Dallas Theological Seminary, the substitutionary atonement and bodily resurrection of Christ, salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. Creemos que es el mensaje explícito de nuestro Señor Jesucristo para aquellos a quienes Él ha salvado es que éstos sean enviados por Él al mundo, así como Él fue enviado por Su Padre al mundo. (b) It has a religious mission and a doctrinal propaganda—which has also been invariably denied. Como consecuencia, cuando sus hijos/hijas pequen constantemente, Él les doblegará (o humillará) y corregirá en Su infinito amor, ya que, se ha comprometido a salvarlos y guárdalos para siempre al margen de todo mérito humano. 5:23; Heb. Find more ways to say doctrinal statement, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the … We believe that the period of great tribulation in the earth will be climaxed by the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth as He went, in person on the clouds of heaven, and with power and great glory to introduce the millennial age, to bind Satan and place him in the abyss, to lift the curse which now rests upon the whole creation, to restore Israel to her own land and to give her the realization of God’s covenant promises, and to bring the whole world to the knowledge of God (Deut. We believe further that their faith thus manifested was counted unto them for righteousness (cf. Members of the board of directors, administrators, and faculty members of The Master’s Seminary recognize that any doctrinal statement is but a fallible human attempt to summarize and systematize the riches of an infallible divine revelation. Durante su vida terrenal, El Hijo de Dios actuó algunas veces dentro de la esfera humana y otras veces dentro de la divina (Lc 2:40; Jn 1:1-2; Fil 2:5-8). 5:6–9; 2 Cor. We believe that He never takes His departure from the church, nor from the feeblest of the saints, but is ever present to testify of Christ; seeking to occupy believers with Him and not with themselves nor with their experiences. We believe that this divine inspiration extends equally and fully to all parts of the writings—historical, poetical, doctrinal, and prophetical—as appeared in the original manuscripts. 8:29; 1 Cor. La segunda mitad de este período será el tiempo de angustia para Jacob (Jer 30:7), el cual nuestro Señor llamó la Gran Tribulación (Mt 24:15–21). 6:19; Heb. DOCTRINAL DIFFERENCES STATEMENT ACTION International Ministries seeks to present Jesus Christ, our Lord, to men, women, and children through the meeting of their life needs and sharing the Gospel. 10:22; 1 John 5:13). Si bien existe una diversidad de dones, cada creyente es capacitado por el mismo Espíritu, teniendo cada uno su propio llamamiento divino de acuerdo a la voluntad del Espíritu. 3:20–21). To this end He was born of the virgin, and received a human body and a sinless human nature (Luke 1:30–35; John 1:18; 3:16; Heb. Within the Body of Christ, there are core, or primary, doctrines. Doctrinal Statement of Faith & Practice. We believe that, as provided and purposed by God and as preannounced in the prophecies of the Scriptures, the eternal Son of God came into this world that He might manifest God to men, fulfill prophecy, and become the Redeemer of a lost world. Part I – Doctrinal Statement: As a Disciple of Jesus, a member of God’s Kingdom, a teacher of God’s Word, and a student of Scripture, I have come to believe that… I believe the Holy Spirit manifests God's active presence in the world, and especially the Church. Por lo tanto, existe la santificación progresiva por medio de la cual el cristiano debe de “crecer en la gracia” y de “ser transformado” sin obstáculos por el poder del Espíritu Santo. 2:7). We believe, also, that our redemption has been accomplished solely by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was made to be sin and was made a curse for us, dying in our room and stead; and that no repentance, no feeling, no faith, no good resolutions, no sincere efforts, no submission to the rules and regulations of any church, nor all the churches that have existed since the days of the Apostles can add in the very least degree to the value of the blood, or to the merit of the finished work wrought for us by Him who united in His person true and proper deity with perfect and sinless humanity (Lev. There is, therefore, a progressive sanctification wherein the Christian is to “grow in grace,” and to “be changed” by the unhindered power of the Spirit. 1:3; Col. 2:10; 1 John 4:17; 5:11–12). 28:19; Luke 22:19–20; Acts 10:47–48; 16:32–33; 18:7–8; 1 Cor. 4:22–24; Col. 2:1–10; 1 Pet. 4:24; 5:25–27; 1 Thess. 8:19–23; 11:25–27; 1 Tim. Creemos que, cumpliendo la profecía, Él se acercó primeramente a Israel como Su Rey Mesiánico. didaskalia [didaskaliva]).Act of teaching or that which is taught. 24:15–25:46; Acts 15:16–17; Rom. Creemos que Él es la Cabeza de la Iglesia que es Su Cuerpo; y, Su ministerio es el de interceder y defender sin cesar a los salvos (Ef 1:22–23; Heb 7:25; 1 Jn 2:1). Information and translations of doctrinal in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Unabridged Creemos que un gran número de ángeles no caídos¬—que retuvieron su estado santo—están delante del trono de Dios desde el cual son enviados como espíritus ministradores para auxiliar a los herederos de la salvación (Lc 15:10; Ef 1:21; Heb1:14; Ap 7:12). In practice, however, many churches and their leadership operate outside their doctrinal statements. Pero la carne que está caída, la naturaleza Adámica que nunca será erradicada estando con nosotros hasta el final de nuestra peregrinación terrenal, necesita mantenerse constantemente, por el Espíritu, en sujeción a Cristo. 12:4–11; Eph. Uno de estos ángeles, que tenía el más alto rango entre ellos y cuyo nombre es “Lucero, hijo de la mañana”, cometió el pecado del orgullo convirtiéndose así en Satanás. 7:25; 1 John 2:1). 11:26). Estas dispensaciones son distintas e inconfundibles sin posibilidad de solaparse (o entremezclarse) porque han sucedido cronológicamente de manera sucesiva. Creemos también que hoy en día algunos hombres son especialmente llamados por Dios para ser evangelistas, pastores y maestros; y, que es para el cumplimiento de Su voluntad y para Su gloria eterna, que éstos deberán ser sostenidos y alentados en su servicio a Dios (Rom 12:6; 1 Cor 12:4–11; Ef 4:11). 5:6; 1 John 3:8). The Doctrinal Statement of Grace Community Church. We believe that the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the blessed Trinity, though omnipresent from all eternity, took up His abode in the world in a special sense on the day of Pentecost according to the divine promise, dwells in every believer, and by His baptism unites all to Christ in one body, and that He, as the Indwelling One, is the source of all power and all acceptable worship and service. Creemos que algunos dones del Espíritu Santo, como hablar en lenguas y curaciones milagrosas fueron temporales. Creemos que todos los creyentes en esta era son bautizados por el mismo Espíritu llegando a ser, por tanto, el Cuerpo de Cristo ya sean Judíos o Gentiles; y, habiéndose convertido en miembros unos de otros, están bajo la solemne obligación de guardar la unidad del Espíritu en el vínculo de la paz, superando todas las diferencias sectarias, y amándose los unos a otros fervientemente con un corazón puro (Mt 16:16–18; Hch 2:42–47; Rom 12:5; 1 Cor 12:12–27; Ef 1:20–23; 4:3–10; Col 3:14–15). We believe also that today some men are especially called of God to be evangelists, pastors and teachers, and that it is to the fulfilling of His will and to His eternal glory that these shall be sustained and encouraged in their service for God (Rom. This is the Divine Mystery as it pertains to my study. We believe that in fulfillment of prophecy He came first to Israel as her Messiah-King, and that, being rejected of that nation, He, according to the eternal counsels of God, gave His life as a ransom for all (John 1:11; Acts 2:22–24; 1 Tim. We believe that the new birth of the believer comes only through faith in Christ and that repentance is a vital part of believing, and is in no way, in itself, a separate and independent condition of salvation; nor are any other acts, such as confession, baptism, prayer, or faithful service, to be added to believing as a condition of salvation (John 1:12; 3:16, 18, 36; 5:24; 6:29; Acts 13:39; 16:31; Rom. Dios, El que nunca fracasa, presentará al final a cada uno de Sus hijos e hijas impecables delante de la presencia de Su Gloria y conformados en la imagen de Su Hijo (Jn 5:24; 10:28; 13:1; 14:16–17; 17:11; Rom 8:29; 1 Cor 6:19; Heb. 1:17; 2:11). 14:12–17; Ezek. De igual manera, Él nunca se despojó de Su Divinidad Absoluta siendo, al mismo tiempo, plena y verdaderamente hombre y plena y verdaderamente Dios. We teach that the Bible is God’s written revelation to man, and thus the 66 books of the Bible given to us by the Holy Spirit constitute the plenary (inspired equally in all parts) Word of God (1 Corinthians 2:7-14; 2 Peter 1:20-21). We believe that, after they are saved, they are divinely reckoned to be related to this world as strangers and pilgrims, ambassadors and witnesses, and that their primary purpose in life should be to make Christ known to the whole world (Matt. 12:5; 1 Cor. Creemos que, en Su ascensión, Él fue recibido por Su Padre y que, este recibimiento de Su Padre, nos asegura completamente que Su obra redentora fue perfectamente culminada (Heb 1:3). Doctrinal definition is - of, relating to, or preoccupied with doctrine. Since the believer is in Christ, he is set apart unto God in the measure in which Christ is set apart unto God. The earliest creed in Christianity, " Jesus is Lord ", originated in the writings of Saint Paul. We believe that according to the “eternal purpose” of God (Eph. 17:11; Isa. We believe that, because of the eternal purpose of God toward the objects of His love, because of His freedom to exercise grace toward the meritless on the ground of the propitiatory blood of Christ, because of the very nature of the divine gift of eternal life, because of the present and unending intercession and advocacy of Christ in heaven, because of the immutability of the unchangeable covenants of God, because of the regenerating, abiding presence of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of all who are saved, we and all true believers everywhere, once saved shall be kept saved forever.

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