Annual membership dues shall be set by the Board. Scroll down and find a form for information we can share with our breeder-members. Should a Cardigan owner no longer be able to care for the dog, the owner shall take all reasonable steps to secure a new home for the dog. The Club’s fiscal year shall begin on the first day of July and end on the 30th day of June. Trim the nails weekly and check the ears, cleaning them with a pet-safe ear cleaner if they appear dirty. The first champion of the breed was a red and white bitch, Ch. That is why this breed has a significant impact on the development of dogs in Wales. Members should be forthright and honest regarding their bitch’s or stud dog’s strong and weak points, reproductive record and familial history. Nominations cannot be made at the annual meeting or in any manner other than as provided above. Other bloodlines that may have contributed to the corgi type include Shipperke, Swedish Valhunds, and Finnish Spitz dogs. New Business Feed scheduled meals, weighing the food with a cup or scale. There shall be a minimum of three Board meetings per year. The Cardigan is among the oldest British breeds. If expulsion is not so voted, the suspension shall stand. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi—the Corgi with a tail—is lesser known than its cousin, the tailless Pembroke Welsh Corgi, but the breed is worth getting to know. This site uses cookies to improve your experience. Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws and Standard of the Breed may be proposed by the Board of Directors or by written petition addressed to the Recording Secretary signed by 20% of the regular members in good standing. In the late 1800’s the beginnings of what we know today as dog shows began to take shape. Since being separated, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi and Pembroke Welsh Corgi have not been co-mingled. Amendments proposed by the Board of Directors shall be mailed, or sent in accordance with the AKC’s most current procedure on Electronic Balloting for AKC Parent Clubs,*** by the Corresponding Secretary to each regular member for comment. All new owners will be provided with appropriate AKC registration documents, pedigree and health record unless otherwise agreed upon in writing and signed by all parties. The Board shall be comprised of the President, 1st and 2nd Vice-Presidents, Recording and Corresponding Secretaries, Treasurer, AKC Delegate, and 5 other persons, all of whom shall be regular members in good standing and residents of the United States. Some of Mrs. Bole’s Cardigans went to Mrs. Marcia Lopeman in up-state New York; some to her niece, Mrs. Peter Jay in Maryland; some to Dr. Peterson of Virginia; and to Mr. W. B. French in Georgia. Such meeting shall be held at such date, place, and hour as may be designated by the Board of Directors. Any comments thereon shall be returned to the Corresponding Secretary within 30 days from the date of mailing. Section 3. Each member of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America, referred to as the CWCCA shall consider the welfare of the Breed and Club paramount when engaging in any activities involving owning, breeding, leasing, exhibiting, and selling of the Cardigan Welsh Corgis. It is at this time the original Corgi may have been crossed with local sheepdogs to obtain a more versatile working dog. The breed may be reserved with strangers at first, but given ample time will usually warm up to new friends and share some of the abundant love they shower on their family. Click on the show title for more information. [citation needed]Cardigan Welsh corgis can be extremely loyal family dogs. The history of the Cardigans goes as long as 3000 years when the Celtic tribe migrated to Wales from central Europe. Breed History The ancestors of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi are said to have been brought into Wales almost 3000 years ago. Ch. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is one of the oldest known breeds. The Welsh Corgi (/ ˈ k ɔːr ɡ i / sometimes known as Corgi, plural Corgis, or occasionally the etymologically consistent "Corgwn"; / ˈ k ɔːr ɡ uː n /) is a small type of herding dog that originated in Wales. Board Meetings. The Treasurer’s books and records shall be subject to audit by a qualified individual or committee upon prior notice by and at the request of the Board. If the owner is unable to complete their commitment to the dog, the breeder shall resume responsibility. Bred the first time to Kentwood Helgi, she produced a daughter who was subsequently bred to a Swansea stud, Ch. The Constitution and the By-Laws and the Standard of the Breed may be amended at any time provided that procedures set forth in Section 1 above have been followed. HIGH: Ideally, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi will regularly … Swansea Jon C.D., won three consecutive Best of Breeds at Westminster and more than one Specialty show. Board Hearing. Pembrokes and Car… When Mrs. Pym bought him he had just won the Breed at Crufts. All comments will be considered in preparation of the final amendments to be submitted to the members for vote. Vacancies. The first bitch to arrive in this country was the famous Cassie who was already a well established producer of high quality Cardigans in England. Report of the Treasurer When a member places or sells a Cardigan Welsh Corgi on a limited registration as provided by the AKC, the reason(s) for such shall be clearly understood by the buyer, and the breeder/owner shall have a signed statement to that effect. to encourage and promote knowledge of and quality in the breeding of pure-bred Cardigan Welsh Corgis and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection. See the Event Calendar above for coming events. Any committee appointment may be terminated by a majority vote of the full membership of the Board upon written notice to the appointee; and the Board may appoint a successor to the person whose service has been terminated. Meetings of the Board shall be held at such times and places as are designated by the President or the majority of the Board. Each member shall make an active effort to become educated with regard to inherited problems particular to the breed. At the Annual Meeting, the Treasurer shall render an annual financial report of all monies received and expended from the previous annual financial report up to 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting and stating the financial condition of the Club. The Cardigan, of course has a long tail, which the Pembroke’s tail is usually docked if they are not born tailless. Kentwood Cymro, whom he once beat in the ring. Written notice of the Annual Meeting shall be given to each member at least 60 days prior to the date of the meeting. Such committees shall always be subject to the final authority of the Board. The Recording Secretary shall promptly send one copy of the charges to the accused member by certified mail, together with a notice of the hearing and an assurance that the defendant may personally appear in his own defense, present evidence and/or have witnesses. CWCCA Members: check on the Member’s Section for contacts. Mobile devices: Rotate to landscape mode for best results. The 1st Vice –President shall have the duties and exercise the powers of the President in case of the President’s death, absence, incapacity, or resignation. They are small but powerful dogs with the agility, speed, … Written comments are invited from the membership concerning their suitability. Section 2. The immediate past-president shall serve on the Board in an advisory capacity until the succeeding Annual Meeting. a corgi dog with a woman are sitting on the coach at home. The 2nd Vice-President assumes the duties and exercises the powers of the 1st Vice–President in the event of the absence of the 1st Vice-President. Due the breed’s unique physique, care must be taken to ensure the Cardigan doesn’t injure his back. The Board shall name a chairman for the Committee. APPROVED CONSTITUTION Visit our Breeders’ Directory Here. The Breed History In early history, and arising from the same type of dog that gave rise to the Dachshund, the progenitors of the modern day Cardigan Welsh Corgi were brought to Cardiganshire in Wales around 1200 BC. Voting. The notice of the meeting shall state the purpose of the meeting and no other Club business may be transacted. Additional nominations of eligible members may then be made by written petition addressed to and received by the Recording Secretary on or before January 5th of the election year. For over a decade no fresh stock had been brought in from Great Britain. Nominations. Almost all purebred dogs are subject to developing certain hereditary conditions. When Vikings arrived in Wales, the spitz-type dogs that accompanied them bred with Cardigan Welsh Corgis and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi was born. Board Business:  The Board of Directors may conduct its business by mail, e-mail, electronic methods in accordance with state law where incorporated, telephone conference call or videoconference. (1) No member shall knowingly exhibit a Cardigan Welsh Corgi in conformation with a condition that renders it ineligible under AKC regulations, including but not limited to a dog which has undergone any of the following procedures to change its appearance by artificial means as set out in Chapter 11, Section 8 of the AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows. Those Corgis who resided in areas untouched by such influences, however, retained their basic original blood and were the descendants of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Writer, editor and pet expert Jackie Brown is a regular contributor to many pet and veterinary industry books, magazines and websites. Surgery for hip dysplasia, OC.D., patellar luxation and femoral head resection. Dr. Ed McGough took his Ch. Some people believe the Pembroke is more outgoing than the Cardigan, which can be reserved with strangers. The CWC has oval-shaped feet where the front feet remains curved inwards; the PWC has its rounded feet curved to the outer direction. Each retiring officer shall turn over to his successor in office all properties and records relating to that office within 30 days after the Annual Meeting. Finally, the Kennel Club corrected the error and separated the two breeds in 1934. The Nominating Committee shall nominate from eligible regular members of the Club one candidate for each office and for each position on the Board of Directors, including the Delegate to the American Kennel Club, and shall procure in writing the acceptance of each nominee so chosen. Her friend, Mrs. Marguerite Farley, bred the first American blue merle, Ch. The following passage was written by one of the early influential breeders of Cardigans, Marcia Lopeman, who bred under the Kencia prefix: Mrs. Roberta Bole imported the first pair of Cardigans to this country from England in 1931. The Treasurer shall be bonded, the costs of said bond and audits shall be assumed by the Club. According to legend, two children tending their family's cattle on royal lands found a pair of puppies, which they thought were foxes. The removal of excess skin folds or the removal of skin patches to alter marking. in 1934 the breeds were recognized separately by the British Kennel Club and began to show separately. The CWCCA is the parent club for the Cardigan Welsh Corgi breed and is a member of the American Kennel Club. Expulsion. Many Cardigan Welsh Corgis excel at dog sports and activities like agility, flyball, obedience and herding. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is the older of the two Corgi dog breeds, originated in Wales around 1200 BC. Section 1. Breed History The ancestors of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi are said to have been brought into Wales almost 3000 years ago. Her heart was in the breed, and the situation frightened and annoyed her. In Minnesota, Mr. George Reed had formed a nucleus of breeders and exhibitors. If the Board determines that the charges do not allege conduct which would be prejudicial to the Breed or the Club, it may refuse to entertain jurisdiction. It can be completely normal or a … Dues are payable July 1st. Trimming, removal or tattooing of the third eyelid (nicitating membrane). Discover more about our Cardigan Welsh Corgi puppies for sale below! The meeting shall then vote by secret ballot on the proposed expulsion. The handsome but hard-as-nails Cardigan Welsh Corgi was named for the medieval kingdom of Cardiganshire, Wales, and is the older of the AKC’s two corgi … The Cardigan remained in the shadows of his cousin and only recently has his popularity begun to rise. The Treasurer shall furnish a report to the Board at every meeting stating the condition of the Club’s finances, and every item of receipt or payment not before reported. Report of Election Results (Annual Meeting) Temperamentally, the two Corgi breeds are similar with a few minor differences. Some believe that the Viking invaded the land of wales and the spitz dog which they had brought was crossed between the original corgi and the outcome was the Pembroke Corgi. In such instances, only superior animals should be bred and only with the informed consent of all participants.. A member shall not engage in false or misleading advertising or other misrepresentations of his/her Cardigans, nor shall he/she malign his competitors by making false or misleading statements regarding his/her competitors’ Cardigans, breeding practices or person. The Treasurer, or a designee,*shall collect and receive all monies due or belonging to the Club, and shall deposit same in a reliable bank insured by the FDIC and approved by the Board in the name of the Club, and shall keep a roll of the members of the Club with their addresses. My husband and I lived in Texas in 1938, when I bought my first Cardigan from Mrs. Bole. One of my earliest memories was a meeting in the early 1940’s with Mrs. Bole, Mrs. Peter Jay, Kendrick Lopeman and myself at the Hollenden Hotel in Cleveland. Immediately after the Board has reached a decision, its findings shall be put in written form and filed with the Recording Secretary. The correction of entropion, ectropion, trichiasis, or disichaisia. The tellers shall check the returns against the list of eligible voting members prior to opening the outer envelopes and removing the blank envelopes, and shall certify the eligibility of the voters as well as the results of the voting. This early dog was a transitional form between the Teckel and the Spitz families. Although Cardigan and Pembroke Welsh Corgis were both developed in Wales, they have different ancestry: twin sons of different mothers, you might say. Adjournment. Section 2. Lest I forget to mention it, Mrs Bole was adamant that no dogs with a poor disposition be used for breeding or exhibited. Acceptance of this Code of Ethics is a condition of membership in the CWCCA. Written notice of the Special Club meeting shall be mailed by the Corresponding Secretary at least 21 days and not more than 30 days prior to the meeting. Have a question about the CWCCA, Membership, Judges Education, or any other topic? Breed History The ancestors of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi are said to have been brought into Wales almost 3000 years ago. The President shall read the charges and the findings and recommendations of the Board, and shall invite the defendant, if present, to speak in his own behalf. Report of the President The objectives of the Club shall be: Section 3. Section 2. No member shall engage in the wholesaling of litters of Cardigan Welsh Corgis or the selling of any Cardigan(s) to such places as pet dealers, animal brokers, catalogue houses or commercial sources of distribution, nor supply Cardigans for lottery, raffle or auction. He sired the breed’s first champion in his red and white son, Ch. Section 1. Advertise your event on our calendar! The Club’s officers, consisting of the President, 1st and 2nd Vice-Presidents, Recording and Corresponding Secretaries, Treasurer and AKC Delegate shall serve in their respective capacities both with regard to the Club and its meetings and the Board and its meetings. Even though he may still have an urge to herd every once in a while, the Cardigan is now primarily used in shows and as a house pet. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi has survived for over 3000 years thanks to its bravery, ability to work, and loyalty to its human family. All other puppies or adults shall be registered or eligible for registration with the AKC. Members in good standing may bring up, for discussion only, additional items at the Annual Meeting under New Business. Ever since hundreds of years ago, dog lovers consider the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, a handsome-looking dog. No member shall knowingly exhibit a Cardigan Welsh Corgi in conformation with a disqualifying fault under the AKC-approved Standard for the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. All votes by mail are to be returned to the Corresponding Secretary within 30 days of the mailing. If you're disgusted by slobber spots on your clothes, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi could be a perfect choice for you. They are both intelligent, active and fun loving. The Board shall have complete authority to decide whether counsel may attend the hearing, but both complainant and defendant shall be treated uniformly in that regard. Amendments. Guaranteed Over 82 years old . The Corgi is known to be a favorite pet of Queen Elizabeth II, but there is more than one type of Corgi breed. So in 1962 she went to Great Britain and chose eleven Cardigans for breeding stock, bringing eight of them back with her in the Queen Mary, to the delight and edification of passengers and crew. The Corresponding Secretary shall mail, or send in accordance with the AKC’s most current procedure on Electronic Balloting for AKC Parent Clubs, said petition with the Board’s recommendation to the regular members for a vote within three months of the date when the Secretary received the petition. The Board may appoint standing committees or individuals to advance the work of the Club in such matters as dog shows, companion events, performance events, trophies, annual prizes, membership and other fields which may well be served by committees. Reports of Committees Section 3. The Board shall appoint three election tellers who are regular members in good standing and who are neither members of the current Board nor candidates on the ballot to count the ballots and report the results to the Recording Secretary. The Cardi was originally used as herding dogs as they could drive cattle to the farms and markets and this was ideal for farmers. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi of today can be traced back to the old Bronant Corgi, with a slight infusion of the brindle herder blood. Their ancestors were the dogs brought to Wales by the Celts who migrated to Wales from Central Europe 3000 years ago. © Copyright 1997-2021 Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America. During the Viking invasion of 1,000 years ago, and subsequent influx of Flemish weavers, a Spitz-type of dog was introduced into some areas of Wales. We hope that you enjoy this site as you learn about our breed. Section 1.

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