3, and now it has been proven that the typed letter itself, was indeed typed on a typewriter of the same make, and perhaps model used in Pio letters. I wanted to caution that some typewriters used the letter I and the number 1 with the same typewriter key, so the 1 and the capital ‘I’ letter are identical. under the direction of the Mr. William Carrigan, Padre She is, The daughter of The Father, the mother of The Son and the spouse of The Holy Spirit. Chronology of Major Events in Padre Pio’s Life. In one of his talks for promoting his book someone asked him about Padre Pio’s letter and he said: “nobody has seen it”, suggesting that it was a hoax. Juan free free to publish the signed Pio letter here. Biographies & Websites      Articles      Writings      Art, Padre Can you confirm that on the Envelope of P. Pio’s letter it is the original handwriting of Padre Pio? address by Fr. In the letter he says that the Virgin ordered him to send them a copy of the rosary of Fatima that she had dictated to him and wanted to be propagated for the salvation of sinners and the preservation of the humanity of the terrible punishments with which the good God is threatening. Francis Mary FFI, “Padre Pio wouldn't tolerate Padre Pio’s Guardian Angel Club Get in touch We are open Monday – Friday from 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM (EST) and the First Saturday of each month unless it coincides with a national holiday. You know how easily I abandon You. Either the machine had the “1” key broken or the person who wrote had the tendency to use the letter “i” as a number. away one after another, until he ended up hearing very few confessions. As proof of the use of this stamp in the correspondence from the convent of San Giovanni Rotondo there are some notes which can be seen today in the convent, like the one that our friend Toni Coll (from Padre Pio’s prayer groups) has sent us from there recently (see photogragh). Given he decided NOT to sign it, I would suggest he protected himself by getting someone else to write the envelope. Please grant us, who have not met you personally, the opportunity to be considered your spiritual children. The second page is also typed, but in Spanish (see photograph). low-necked dresses or short, tight skirts, and he forbade his spiritual THE FRIEND WHO GAVE IT TO ME ENDED UP BECOMING MY BROTHER IN LAW YEARS LATER. The "Common Knowledge" section now includes a "Series" field. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. padrepio@padrepio.com (860) 635-4996 463 Main Street Cromwell, CT Search for: Make a donation online Instagram profile Facebook profile Twitter profile View Cart 0 Toggle mobile menu. In the part of the seal, which is already partially destroyed, it is clearly printed that it was sent from the Convent of the Capuchins, (S. María) delle Grazie, San Giovanni Rotondo (Foggia), Italy, Postale N. 13 / 8511. How did you come about it yourself? By Barry Ham-arty "1 give you only one counsel: Pray and make others pray because the world is at the beginning of perdition." These people are doubting Thomas and will find one after another reason to discredit the apparitions of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. and San Giovanni Rotondo, where he lived: A WWW Resource on In the letter he expressed his firm adherence to the Magisterium and its teachings, particularly mentioning the recent encyclical, "Humanae Vitae". Padre Pio’s Guardian Angel Club; Get in touch. All Ican say is 1 day Iwas in need of serious help and a Lady Imet gave me the Rosary from Fatima and Isaid it for 1 week 3 times a day and Iwas helped with all my real troublesome family affairs thanks My MOTHER MARY X. I am so happy to hear something like that. It still strikes me as odd that such evidence as this would be misplaced. I have examined the Olivetti Type 2 font type, that Padre Pio used. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Padre Pio benefitted greatly from Fa-ther Agostino’s wise counsel. Not many know that Padre Pio among so many gifts had a very special one, that of prophecy and the Lord Jesus Christ himself communicated with him, and in a letter of 1959 addressed to his superior, Padre Pio tells the revelation that Jesus made about him. Juan’s evidence is massive because it has the envelope. Someone had also copied this letter in Italian on a paper, and in recent years it has circulated on the Internet as Padre Pio’s letter, but this handwritten letter was not obviously the real letter. Not many know that Padre Pio among so many gifts had a very special one, that of prophecy and the Lord Jesus Christ himself communicated with him, and in a letter of 1959 addressed to his superior, Padre Pio tells the revelation that Jesus made about him. Together with this I am sending you a copy of the Holy Rosary of Fatima, which the Blessed Virgin has ordered me to send you. Father Andreu was correct, “we are so lucky to have such a wonderful Blessed Mother in Heaven”. Light a blessed … Padre Pio’s Letters, English Edition. Below are links to some of the lead stories in past issues of the Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry quarterly newsletter. You can’t actually attest to the authenticity of the letter without examining the provenance of the document itself. Padre Pio. Thank you very much little John. A real mystery. Who is Padre Pio … We can attest the authenticity of the letter and show here new information.”. January 1, 1980. The envelope’ s stamp is identical to those that can be seen today at San Giovanni in notes written in the convent. The obvious one is the ‘1 number’ was broken. by Dorothy Gaudiose, published by Alba House), Below you will find links to Padre Pio’s LETTERS OF PADRE PIO book. but for now, I think it has been a surprising and delightful step forward in the Garabandal Story. In his last will and testament Padre Pio left this particular veil to Conchita. Letter from Padre Pio to the Garabandal Visionaries: “Oh blessed girls, I promise that I will be with you until the end of the centuries, and you will be with me until the end of the world.” Padre Pio asks girls to pray the little known “Fatima Rosary” January 14, 2021 stephen ryan 241 Views. World’s End. WORDS FROM SAINT PADRE PIO I belong to everyone and everyone can say “Padre Pio is mine.” Prayer is the best weapon we have; it is a key that opens God’s heart. Yet another update…. At this time, he began to have Praise to the Seers of Garabandal, I hope to meet Conchita sometime and give her a bunch of white roses with one red rose in the centre, the blood of Our Lord and the sufferings of Our Blessed Mother surrounded by peace for all. The letter is typed. Stay with me, Lord, because I am weak and I need Your strength, that I may not fall so often. A Spanish journalist published in 2018 a book about Garabandal which I do not recommend (absolutely rubbish). To Clarify. Juan ( and others I’m sure ) deserve 99% of the credit here. Her mother kept it in a wooden box in the village and I was allowed in Garabandal where I have a house to have it on my hands and photo it. I (Des Grant ) have sent Juan a photo of an original Typed and Signed Padre Pio letter. Pio, by Mr. Frank Rega, one of Padre Pio’s biographers, A book Review I do think there is a lot more left in this mini investigation and I’m sure Juan or others will get to the bottom of it, and in all likelihood prove that Pio wrote the original letter to the visionaries. I (Des Grant ) have sent Juan a photo of an original Typed and Signed Padre Pio letter. observed these drastic purges with a certain uneasiness and decided to fasten a Pingback: Garabandal, Unstoppable Waterfall | Catholicism Pure & Simple. For the Italian market the keyboard is in the QZERTY layout, as with most Italian machines (excluding modern computer keyboards). In my opinion, there is continuity here and indicates that Padre Pio is indeed the author of the letter because it suggests that there was a personal relationship between Conchita and Padre Pio. THIS RELIC. PS. Publisher. The photos published here show the truthfulness of the letter received by Garabandal’s visionary Conchita González in March 1962. Opera of Padre Pio:  the charity founded by Padre Pio This is the reason why I published the photographs that I took when I had the letter in my hands. St. Pio; St. Francis; Stations of the Cross; Testimonials. Publication date. I merely tried to add to his evidence. to wear them to confession. St. Padre Pio Prayer Group Newsletter Jesus, Jesus, Jesus V O L U M E 9 , I S S U E 1 January is dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus. 12 messages about when the Apocalypse will arrive. The importance that this letter comes out to the limelight today is undeniable and demonstrates that it really existed. St. Francis and Franciscanism. It is evident that the letter could not be from anyone but Padre Pio. ", "The Church is the House of ( Log Out /  The convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, in San Giovanni Rotondo (Foggia, Italy), annually receives about 8 million pilgrims, more than Fatima and Lourdes. contains links to Padre Pio on the Internet, and is updated regularly. PS : By the way my Friends, do not forget to watch the Garabandal Great Miracle probably on CNN soon according to what some of you told me recently in private, thank you again for the Joke but I did not waste my time with it. I am pretty sure that the envelop handwritting is not from Padre Pio. Dear Mark. (3) In the following visions of Jesus experienced by Padre Pio are warnings which seem to be referring to the Three Days of Darkness. [Padre Pio said]. Just a thought. Stigmata of Padre Pio, by Father John A. Shug, OFM Cap, Padre Pio: His Holiness 2nd DAY: Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, together with Our Lord Jesus Christ, you’ve been able to withstand the temptations of the Devil. Further examination of the letters may reveal even more. In a letter, Father Jean Derobert, who became chaplain of the famous Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Paris, describes an encounter he had with Padre Pio in which Padre Pio urged him to pray more to his guardian angel: "'Look carefully, he's there and he's very beautiful!' BELOW THE KNEE. Note: In honor of Our Lady of Garabandal the editor of Garabandal News (Aviso) gives permission to use freely the photographs published here. God. I reread you post and realized that you are in support of Padre Pio being the author of the letter. Do they even believe in God? Although this may seem like a strange absence today, this was actually common on older typewriters. The envelope has the mark of Pio’s cloister (monetary). I know this post is rather old, but I’ve only just discovered it. Or, it was a habit developed. this is a letter written on the three days of darkness by one of the greatest saints of our time- padre pio. Pepe, I am nor being divisive, I believe the letter was in all likelihood written by Padre Pio, and what I have done is introduce a real letter that Proves that it was written by a similar of not the same typewriter Pio used, since then I have tried with Juan to establish if it is the exact same machine, which would make the link ‘concrete”. This was probably the machine used to write both letters the unsigned and the signed by P. Pio. At that time, she didn’t know where the letters were, and she supposed that her mother had them in Spain. Lovely to read this morning as I sat at my desk and also reflected on today being an Optional Memoria to Our Lady of Lourdes. Your friend in Christ, Rosemary. Photographs regarding Padre Pio: Padre Pio The confirmation that Pio’s letters were typed on the same type or make of typewriter is another little bonus. We can attest the authenticity of the letter and show here new information. Des Grant. more later. This book describes the holy life of Padre Pio, an Italian priest who lived in the 20th century. ( Log Out /  Do not look out. When Padre Pio died, he had a black veil covering his face at the funeral. So why would the writer not use it in the date? Testimonials; Submit A Testimonial; Newsletter. Identical stamp on a document displayed at P. Pio’s convent today. In 1962 the Olivetti most common (from 1950) was Olivetti 22. Please accept my apologies. Remembered:  Mr. Adamic’s Photo Collection of 1945. The first page is typed in Italian (see photograph), and says the following: At nine o’clock this morning the Blessed Virgin Mary told me about you, oh dear girls, about your visions and she told me to say to you: “Oh blessed girls of San Sebastian de Garabandal, I promise that I will be with you until the end of the centuries, and you will be with me until the end of the world, and then united with me in the glory of paradise.”. This set includes three volumes containing the English editions of Saint Padre Pio’s letters. There are a few things here that do not add up. 5, these machines were popular in Italy and the monastery could have had one or more of them. “After 56 years without having news of Padre Pio’s real letter to Conchita, it has been finally published. After 56 years without having news of Padre Pio’s real letter to Conchita, it has been finally published. No wonder we’re in a mess. Father Garcia de la Riva, in his book “Memories of a village priest” tells that he had this letter in his hands, dated March 3, 1962, addressed to Conchita, written in Italian, without signature or sender, which came from Italy, showing in his book a photo of the Spanish translation made by the teacher of the Garabandal school, Felix Lopez, who had previously been a seminarian. It may later be proven that it was indeed the exact same typewriter. I have seen that there was another Olivetti in those years: Hispano Olivetti pluma 22 with a key for number 1!!!! It is forbidden The envelope is not written in Pio’s handwriting, but it is from his monastery. Newsletter Archives ; Today’s Reflection; Newsletter Archives. Beato Pío de Pietrelcina It was common enough. Franciscan Archive presents this collection of Images of Padre Pio Padre Pio, in a letter to his spiritual daughter Raffaelina Cerase, writes of the Person, Will, and Power of the Name of Jesus: Of His own free will and to the fullest extent this divine Word was pleased to abase Himself to our level, by hiding His divine nature beneath the veil of human flesh. 2) In this second mystery it is contemplated how the Holy Virgin chose the Cova de Iria for her visions. The sheet of the rosary of Fatima that is attached is typed in Spanish and gives the impression that it is a sheet that was being sent at that time to the Padre Pio prayer groups around the world. Aviso, your decision to publish the photograhs in your blog helped many people to believe. However, to admit this as evidence we will have to prove that this type of typewriter did indeed have the Numerical ‘1’ as an option, rather that both the numerical 1 and capital I being the same key, as was often the case, but not always. al. Help us to render our devotion for this gentle and loving Mother of God ever more profound. This does not prove anything other than that the letter was typed on the same type of typewriter that Fr Pi used, but added to the evidence you are collecting, it may add another piece of evidence for you. Thank you Des for cracking our brains….. Padre Pio’s Guardian Angel Club Get in touch We are open Monday – Friday from 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM (EST) and the First Saturday of each month unless it coincides with a national holiday. You must speak to Jesus, not only with your lips, but also with your heart; actually, on certain occasions, you should speak with only your heart. It is a gentle slide and before long, you have fallen far, now you are scraping at the walls of the pit in order to climb out but only the breath of Our Lord or the touch of The Holy Spirit can save you. Author: Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, (13×18 cm, 1176 pages, hardcover) PADRE PIO OF PIELTRECINA LETTERS – VOLUME III quantity. The testimonies given by Padre Pio in private to many people in relation to the veracity of the apparitions of the Virgin in Garabandal are well known and can be read in the abundant literature on these apparitions, in addition to the story of the visit made by Conchita to Padre Pio in San Giovanni in 1966. However, in both Letters, the 1 in the years date is substituted with an capital I. Stay with me, Lord, for You are my life, and without You, I am without fervor. I would like to update my previous email. Without that, you can’t actually attest to its authenticity. I want to add a detail that I have observed and included in the report: “As a curiosity we can observe a finding in the two letters that suggests that the used machine is the same and probably the person who writes them. So this fact should be enough for our doubts! He Padre Pio, by Br. The letters signed by P. Pio and unsigned (Garabandal) used capital i as number 1 as if lacking the 1 key or the author having the habit of using it. Groups:  USA, Office of the National Coordinator, Padre Pio da Pietrelcina, by (Letters I, 1 May 1912) Reflection Loving Saint Pio, you had a tender love and devotion for our Heavenly Mother. I am still not convinced otherwise. The question would be the following: whom did the Virgin appear at 9 o’clock in the morning of March 3, 1962, in San Giovanni and told him to say to the Spanish girls things like “oh blessed girls of San Sebastian de Garabandal”, “who see the white Lady”?

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