He has written two of the standard texts on the subject, Building Strip-Planked Boats and The Strip-Built Sea Kayak, and his efforts have guided thousands of people through building their own boats using the popular strip-planked method. | Strip Planked Daggerboard > Forum posts represent the experience, opinion, and view of individual users. In the past large boats were carvel planked with heavy boards attached to solid ribs using sturdy fasteners or wood dowels. It is a practical, easy way for inexperienced boat builders to make a wooden boat. Plywood deck. The idea here is that you put on an inner, strip-planked core, then cold-mold a layer or two of thinner, wider strips over it and coat the whole works with a layer of glass cloth and epoxy. Hull planking is kind of a 'make or break' moment for the build. Take your boat building skills to another level with book-matched strips and staple free construction. However any straight grainedwood can be used although itis best if it is knot free. Many builders have used that method to build large replica runabouts. The book offers complete plans to build 3 amazing boats with all the information required included in the book. Caulking of tar and fibers was driven between the planks and when the boat was launched the boards swelled, came closely together and formed a mostly watertight hull. It is a practical, easy way for inexperienced boat builders to make a wooden boat. This allows you to fasten into wood or provide a place for clamps to grip. Having said all that, my opinion that strip planking is the least pleasant way to build remains for the reasons outlined in the FAQ piece. Contact Nick Schade at Guillemot Kayaks.com, Alternative to Cove and Bead in Wood Strip Construction, Staining the Recess - microBootlegger Sport - E30, RoboBevel Tool Prices and Shoulder Planes, Announcing Canoe Plans from John Winters and Green Valley Boat Works, Fine Strip-Planked Boat Building Class at WoodenBoat School, Elements of Coastal Kayaking with Nick Schade - At WoodenBoat School. The first plank in the cuddy deck area being steam-bent in place. Ian Farrier has kindly allowed us to publish an extract from his study site methods page. The basic hull build technique is the same as used in strip-plank canoe building. (No longer in business). staples, often plastic staples like the ones from Raptor. The boats are stronger, stiffer than the originals. Speed Strip™ (wood) 23 to 40 lb./cubic ft. During the planking phase, it is therefore important to keep the planks tight against the form so that you won’t have to remove too much to make the hull fair. All of our strip planked boats use temporary forms without permanent frames. The glue joints only need to be rigid enough so that the hull can be faired and glass cloth applied without the hull deflecting from shape. “Strip-planking” is a method of building boats using narrow, thin strips of wood edge-glued together. Strip planking avoids this by using narrow strips with rigid glue bonds. If you are building a boat with 3/4″ thick or thicker planks, nails can be a great help in construction, allowing you to hold the planks in place without a lot of clamps. It is e… Reinforcing the surface of our 33' Norfolk Broads Yacht 'India' using PRO-SET 125-226 Epoxy Resin and vacuum infusion. If the forms are plywood (usually the case) it is best to glue strips of wood around the perimeter of the form and trim to the form contour. Place the soaked wood plank onto the boat hull, following the curves of the hull. “Strip-planking” is a method of building boats using narrow, thin strips of wood edge-glued together. Strip Planking 16: Removing White Glue Lines [video] Strip Planking 17: The Cotton Swab Test [video] Strip Planking 18: Trimming off the Excess Glass [video] Strip Planking 19: Releasing Forms in Staple Free Construction [video] Strip Planking 20: Installing a Center Accent Line on the Deck [video] Strip Planking 21: Stripping the Back Deck [video] Today, we can produce a lovely round bilged shape without many of the tools and skills required for traditional round bilged construction by using the strip planked method. With modern epoxy adhesives, it is the glue and not the fasteners that holds the hull together. If forms are meant to be temporary, the edges should be covered with polyehtylene to prevent the planking from sticking to forms. Strip-planking is a popular method of amateur boat construction, but until now there has never been a book that showed how to use it for more than one type of boat. Among these are rectangular or square cross section, bead and cove, ship-lap and tongue and groove (left). Soft woods are preferable tohardwoods as they expandless and can absorb more compressio… A related method (… This book describes the procedure of building a boat with strips of wood, covering those strips with fiberglass and epoxy and creating a strong, lightweight and beautiful boat from the beginning stages all the way through to completion. There are other ways to build a dry-storable boat which is to be glassed like ply-on-frame, stitch-and-glue and cold-molded, and glassing is part of the process with modern strip-planked hulls. The strips are kept narrow so that there is very little shaping required. Copyright 2006-2022 by Glen L Marine Designs. If there are to be permanent bulkheads in the hull, the planking can be glued and permanently fastened to them. Traditionally planked boats cannot be successfully fiberglassed. At the WoodenBoat School in June 2015, Nick Schade led a class in Fine Strip-Planked Boat Construction. Modelers Central is the no.1 destination for model builders. In this method the glue joints are less critical as the hull ends as a composite; the wood serving as a core. When strip planking first began to beused the strips were plane cut eithersquare or oblong in cross section. Boat Design Net does not necessarily endorse nor share the view of each individual post. This method allowed us to use an inexpensive but accurate “mold.” We CNC cut a bunch of female building frames that allowed us to build a hull inside these super accurate frames. The most common timber used isCedar. It is usually necessary to use temporary fasteners into the forms or clamps to keep the hull shape. It is important that the planking strips be held tight against the form in order to eliminate a lot of unnecessary fairing. The resulting boats are beautiful and light. Planking can begin at the keel and work toward the sheer or vice versa; or in the middle working toward the keel and the sheer. All rights reserved. It is the fastest, easiest way to build a strong, rigid, lightweight wooden structure. Basically this method entails marking and cutting out mould (sectional) shapes from a cheap material like chipboard and erecting these upside down on a simple strongback. If the hull is to be painted this may not matter, however, if the hull is not fiberglassed, the planking pattern will most likely become visible through the paint. < planked spruce restoration ? Clamp the plank into place at both ends and in the center. Since the common strip width is 3 / 4", a plank at least that thickness is required. Cedar, redwood 23 lb./cubic ft. Mahogany, Douglas fir 32 lb./cubic ft. Ash, White oak 40 lb./cubic ft. It is also commonly known as “strip-building”, “woodstrip” or “cedar-strip” for the most common wood used in the process. An article about Catboats caught my attention - I was and still am taken by their beautiful lines. Two house versions, trunk cabin with 5’4” headroom and pilothouse with 6’3” headroom. This method is used on canoes and other small boats and planking thicknesses may be as thin as 1/4″. One edge of the wood is concave, the other convex. Strips are usually a minimum of 1/2″ thick, with a maximum width of 1 1/2 times the thickness. Strip planking is a form of carvel planking. In the winter of 2012 a very good friend leant me an old copy of Nautical Quarterly. The sheer plank was steam bent and fastened on first. The heat from the iron will help you mold the plank to the hull. Boat Plans Catalog – 300 Boats You Can Build. For long life it is much better to use the strip planking as the first layer, then stabilise it with further cold molded skins. This is the strip-building or strip-planking method. Nick Schade is following up the success of his first book on building kayaks with a new book providing instructions to build almost any kind of small boat using the strip-built technique. Learn the basics of Strip Planked construction with this easy to build 8' pram style row boat. Strip building also known as cedar strip or plank building is a method of boat building where narrow strips of thin wood are glued together around a frame, the strips are then faired and fiberglassed and the form removed. Strips can be cut from wider lumber and fitted to the previous plank as required by the curvature of the hull, or they can be “bead and cove”. With modern epoxy adhesives, it is the glue and not the fasteners that holds the hull together. Author Nick Schade presents complete plans for three boats of different types (canoe, kayak, and a dinghy) and shows you step-by-step how to build them. Strip Plank Boat Construction Plywood Canoe Construction Model Boat Building in Wood A Slight Mist on the Horizon. Nick Schade has been building strip-built boats for over 30 years. The F-boat study book has been on my bedside table for quite some time and contains a wealth of information for any amateur builder considering building in foam. With the 7 / 8" cedar, the boards should be thickness planed to 3 / 4" before cutting strips. The method is described in detail in the Gougeon book. Luckily, with thickened epoxy, exact fits are not absolutely neccessary. As the boat was sailed the planks … The process involves securing narrow, flexible strips of wood edge-to-edge around temporary formers. Alternately you can purchase the lumber already milled. Strips are usually a minimum of 1/2″ thick, with a maximum width of 1 1/2 times the thickness. If using thickened epoxy, the purpose of the fastener is to hold the plank in place until glue sets. The strips are kept narrow so that there is very little shaping required. In the case of a strip planked hull, fairing is a process of smoothing out the hull to give it a smoother (fair) appearance. There are two reasons for not doing so. Scarfing involves cutting the ends of the planks on a long bevel, lapping them, and gluing together. Beyond learning how to build these particular boats, the book provides enough background that you should be able to build just about any small boat using the strip-planked method. The strips are glued edge-to-edge with epoxy. The strips are kept narrow so that there is very little shaping required. Speed Strip is the ultimate strip planking material for many applications in boat building, repair and restoration. Cedar is very easy to “fair” away, and it is difficult to judge how much you are removing. This method is commonly used for canoes, kayaks and small dinghies. Catboat Plans - Strip Plank Version. The length of the scarf should be at least five times the thickness of the plank. Through these examples you can see how to adapted the skills learned in the book to just about any small boat building project. If a design calls for 1/2″ thick planks, the planks can be ripped from 3/4″ material. For thinner planks, you may find yourself abandoning fasteners as they are difficult to drive straight in the time allowed by the glue, and many of the nails will come out one side or the other. Apply a hot iron to the plank as you bend it in place. The hull is built over forms using strips of wood, edge-glued, and edge fastened together. Allow the plank … Three months after adding the black strake and wales, I finally got around to planking the hull. Bead and cove is somewhat like a ball and socket. We cut a frame for every 6″ of hull. For the scratch builder we have a wide range of model ship & model boat timber strips including Limewood, Walnut, Mahogany, Tanganica, Teak, Beech and a range of colored timbers. Principal uses include hull and plug construction, decks, hardtops, and cabin sides. Also known as cold moulding, the strip-built method is commonly used for canoes and kayaks, but also suitable for larger boats. By good fortune I had been talking with Bob Pickett at Flounder Bay Boat Lumber, and remembered his description of "epoxy/strip" building. Understand the techniques through this minimalist double paddle canoe. Scarf joints should be glued on a flat surface and allowed to thoroughly cure before installing on the boat. This method eliminates having to fit each plank to the previous plank. A related method (our Stripper) uses strips of wood, edge-glued, faired, then coated inside and out with epoxy and fiberglass cloth. The difference in thickness between the sheer plank and the rest of the planking is evident here. In such a case it is best to use ring shank boat nails or clamps. This monocoque (French for “single shell”) structure includes the strength of the ribs and backbone into the waterproof skin of the boat in one integrated, lightweight, and strong piece. S trip planking is a form of carvel planking. Any of these methods work, but some may have advantages on specific designs. If the hull is to be finished naturally, the planking procedure should be chosen for appearance. It provides instructions to build three very different boat, a pram style dinghy, a small, double-paddle canoe, and a high performance sea kayak. Planking from the keel toward the sheer almost insures that the planks will “run off”; that they will not run parallel at the sheer. This is why clamping strips are installed on the forms; so that stubborn planks can be pulled into place. Protect the surfaces of any permanent bulkheads with polyethylene film, as there is a lot of glue dripping. When the hull is viewed from either end, there should be no visible bumps or depressions. Strip planking is an increasingly popular method of boat construction (over half of all our new design work is for strip planked craft). For fiberglassing to be successful, the inside of the hull must be well sealed. Longer planks can be made by scarfing two shorter planks. With epoxy, nails are redundant. the strip-planked hull We use modern strip planking techniques in building all of our boats because it produces a beautifully crafted and structurally very sound product. Fortunately it is possible to build the strip plank cedar boats using double diagonal plywood instead. Strip Plank Boat Construction. The goal of these designs is: first to be excellent boats, but also to provide good case studies of all the techniques discussed in the book. All lengths are 39 inches/1000 mm, unless otherwise noted. The bottom planks become more difficult to fit, as longer and longer tapers are required at the keel. With strip-built construction, the outer shell provides both the structure and the water-tight integrity of the boat. I had been putting hull planking off for quite some time. Be careful if using soft woods like cedar. The strips are available in a variety of profiles. Strip building of boats has been around for a long time. The hull is built over forms using strips of wood, edge-glued, and edge fastened together. Natural planking looks best when run parrallel to the sheer. If it turns … In the forward end of the boat, the deck steps up about 8 inches in order to provide more headroom in the forward cuddy cabin. Author Nick Schade presents complete plans for three boats of different types (canoe, kayak, and a dinghy) and shows you step-by-step how to build them. This kayak can go anywhere its pilot is willing to take it and it will look good doing it. When starting at the sheer it is easier to fit the first planks, which is an advantage for first time builders. Foam 2 to 6 lb./cubic ft. DuraKore™ strip 15 lb./cubic ft. The temporary formers are usually created via a process called Loftingwhereby a set of tables is used to generate the shapes of the formers. Ideally, planks are long enough to put on in one piece, but it usually doesn’t happen that way. Bead and cove bits are available for shapers and routers, but if you intend to shape your own, it is best to rig up a long table on both sides of you shaper as the long thin pieces can be difficult to handle.

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