Awesome! Checked via DMDE and it showed it had *not* changed the bit to 00 – it was still at 01. Dear friens, I’ve the same issue with windows 10. What a relive now back to normal , Diskeeper works now! When prompted to select a drive for editing, choose the logical volume you want to edit the dirty bit on, and then click OK. Click on “Boot sector” at the directory browser. Finally after searching in the internet found a solution that works for me. One peculiar problem it seems there was an invisible windows 7 hand that disabled chkdsk cmd before it can even proceed processing at every boot! The dirty bit for FAT32 is located at offset 41 (5 down, 2 across) and if set this will be 01. Just cleared it for exFAT. Found the supposed to be the dirty bit, edited it, sadly it doesn’t work for me. The -dflag explicitly clears the dirty bit. Your solution resolved the issue for good, kudos :-). Request: Problem was that the strings the Hex Editor found were not exactly like the ones in the article. Finally, open Command Prompt and do fsutil dirty query C: [ENTER]. Checked via DMDE and it showed it had *not* changed the bit to 00 – it was still at 01. d) chkdsk /r Shift + Restart Please confirm and/or share if there is solution to result this issue. Is the hex string to be located on Windows 10 Pro the same as given above for Windows 8: 03 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 18? Windows "Fast Startup" Windows 8.0, 8.1, and 10 (and most likely future Windows versions) have a feature called "Fast Startup". In the Hex box enter the following string and click OK: For some odd reason Windows 8 has slightly changed this value when it sets the dirty bit and the values to look for are different. Unsupported cases found. In this tutorial we’ll show you how to manually clear or set the dirty bit for a NTFS & FAT32 volume in Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP. Besides never clearing the dirty bit (if you even once ask it to run chkdsk on next reboot the OS will never clear the bit), Windows 10 also *_will not truly shut down_* unless you hold down the shift key while clicking Shutdown. Furthermore, if you had the same setup for a long time, a clean installation is the better option to upgrade to the latest version of Windows 10 or upgrade from an older version (such as Windows … You can’t save changes to the C drive if that’s what you are booting from. This video shows you, How to Clean C Drive (Local Disk C) In Windows 10 for more free space, better load times, and increased system performance! Thank you. That was it – it took a while for windows to go through with all the five steps. i have windows xp professional and i’ ve done all steps except the last one. It will remove dirty bit and read only attribute on write-protected exFAT drive. It says that the type of file system I have is exFat; the one that is dirty. 2. connected it to my Mac. when you get an answer please post here, im sitting with the same problem. At the end of the checking it will (assuming the filesystem is in fact clean, which is often the case) clear the dirty bit (yes!). At last that dammed “dirty bit” on my C drive gone! It can’t find the string 03 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 18. 1. Click on it, press Ctrl+E to edit, change 01 to 00 and then press Ctrl+W to commit the changes. This should take you through five stages of the scan and will un-set that dirty bit. Irhmy’s solution solved it for me on a C drive on a Server 2016 Core Hyper-V VM running as a domain controller. Finally I found this excellent article here, but I can’t solve the problem. 3. Tip #3 gparted will show you the filesystem type (ie, “ntfs” or “fat32” or whatever) and the size of each partition — please use that information and your good thinking in order to assure that the partition you’re checking (and marking as clean) is the troubled (and relatively large) NTFS partition. 50: 20 20 29 E8-90 89 99 55-53 42 20 44-49 53 4B 20, At step 4, when I pressed Alt+C, the cluster selection window came up with ‘3’ preloaded as the start cluster. I figure out may be the issue why my Windows 7 could not cure itself! Sparkling windows in a jiffy! Two weeks ago, the machine had a read-error from the SATA drive (C:) while booting (hard reset was neccessary). Went back 2nd time into Windows 7, and it was still showing it was not changed. Even if I have to fix the dirty bit the hard way, thanks for the article, and the great tip on DMDE, which is a great piece of freeware. If the computer won’t run coorectly after changing, and I remember the Offset (h) and change the numbers, can i go back and return to 03 01 01 01 ? Using a hex editor on the partition table would not be my top choice — what worked for me is the “gparted” partition editor, available under the GNU licensing agreement. Once you’ve done editing click the Save icon or press Ctrl+S. Is it possible that Win 8.1 has a completely different kind of string to look for? without much ado (had to force-lock the volume, though). And its looping because after that process my laptop restart and start chkdsk again.. And I am stupid that I followed your procedure. Then select Troubleshoot. I have been through this drill with a dirty bit on a drive installed in Windows 10 Pro machine. Unfortunately we didn’t manage to locate the dirty bit for the exFAT file system which seems to be harder to trace and edit. Trying to figure why the discrepancy. Thank you so much for the help! I tried both the Win7 and Win8 strings you gave, and I even searched just for “03 01”, but I couldn’t find the string before I aborted the search after five minutes and 50 million sectors. The progress bar I expect to be a very early disk check. 3. Finally I started to search for the pattern ’00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 18’. The procedure requires you to use a disk editor software such as WinHex. 1. xp always starting with a black screen and later a white progress bar and finally after 5-10min it started up normally. The first challenge was the fact that the miscreant drive was an installed boot device. I find 03 01 01 01 but the other numbers aren’t the same. General Manager, VP, “There are errors found while opening Root directory”. 4. Then I boot back into C and it came up with the disk check and I still could not defrag. Thank you for this excellent article on the dirty disk topic.

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