Shes almost 2 weeks from the day we did it, were both under the age of 18. Having an abortion isnt easy either, you wont forget the experience, dont think it's just go in and out, and the problem is gone. You will need to follow up within 1-2 weeks to make sure your abortion is complete and that you are well. According to the California Healthcare Foundation, California law permits minors of various ages to consent to the following medical procedures and treatment: abortion; drug­ and alcohol ­related problems; HIV/AIDS; certain infectious, contagious, or communicable diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases; mental health drugs and counseling; pregnancy and birth control; and sexual assault. (Cal. first get the morning after pill it is effective up to 5 days after and your bf can go pick them up at planned parenthood no questions asked for around $30. The owner of an insurance policy deserves to know what medical procedures they are paying for. !” Planned Parenthood explains that a teen girl can click on this link … It'll have a huge emotional toll on you. I am not going to say how old i am but i am way to young to be having a baby and im pregnant. 57% of adults said in a poll by the Pew Research Center that abortion should be legal in all or most cases. read more birth control) without the barrier of parental permission. Nov. 9, 2010, 4:06 p.m. Is it possible for me to have an abortion without my parents knowing? parent or legal guardian without minor’s consent. (American 56.10, 56.11). The clinics shall provide cisgender, transgender and non-binary youth equal and confidential access to decision-making rights for students and their families.”. Civ. The State’s high court found “that minors have informational and autonomy privacy in terms of intimate personal decisions, which trumps the rights of parents. A teen writes to Planned Parenthood’s “experts” about how she can obtain a second-trimester abortion and hide it from her parents: “Is abortion possible after the first trimester?How much does an abortion cost if you are a minor and want to keep the abortion from your parents?? Abortion, in general, is legal under California state law and throughout the United States. Tags: Gavin Newsom on Friday. Same thing with the Plan B. Alaska. You take the abortion pill at home and return to the office for a follow-up visit 1-2 weeks afterward. The Pill is covered by most health insurance, but if you are on your parents' plan, they may know if insurance pays for it. The new policy reads: “CTA believes comprehensive school based health care clinics are needed to bring caring and responsive services to young people. Help!! BASICALLY what you do is call an aboriton clinic that you want the abortion perfromed at, Okay? It all depends on a lot of factors, what country you live in and also how old you are for example because of different laws. So far, Planned Parenthood says on its website that minors must get parental approval before receiving transgender hormone services. Before seeking an abortion without parental consent, you must know the specific rules in your state. These “sensitive” services, as defined by SB 1004, include abortions; drug abuse and mental health treatment; and under certain circumstanced transgender hormones and sex change operations. In some states, it may be illegal to ask someone to drive you to another state for an abortion. unfortunately due to federal law any cases of abortions in minors must be with parent consent. Although Planned Parenthood is not publically advertising the use of transgender hormones on minors without parent approval, the California Teacher’s Association (CTA) is headed in that direction. I know you are all going to tell me that i should tell my parents. If you’re under 18, your state may require one or both of your parents to give permission for you to have an abortion or be told of your decision to have an abortion before the procedure.Usually, judges in such states can decide if a girl can have an abortion without involving her parents. In others, it’s possible to get consent from another adult in your family. My girlfriend got pregnant and we just cant keep the baby. The rationale states: “Current interpretation of California state law does not allow trans students to begin gender identity confirming hormone therapy without the consent of both legal guardians, however it does allow for cis minors to receive hormones (e.g. Likewise, where can I get an abortion pill in CA? [CDATA[!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? The Epoch Times when on to write: The rationale behind this policy change was printed in a CTA Report of Board of Directors, Committees, and Items of New Business in June 2019. Yet, this bill not only hides the medical services used by young adults from their parents, but according to the text of SB 1004, it also hides services for “a minor who can consent to a health care service without the consent of a parent or legal guardian… .”, “Government bureaucrats should not be helping Planned Parenthood undermine parents’ rights to guide and oversee the healthcare of their children,” said California Family Council President Jonathan Keller. Abortion, Amy @ Planned Parenthood A fact-sheet from bill author Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, (D) Santa Barbara, states the legislation is necessary to protect young adults, who remain on their parent’s health insurance until age 26, from being shamed or hurt by the policyholder who disagrees with their healthcare choices. Call your State Senator: Click here to find your State Senator’s contact information. There is no mandatory waiting period before someone can get an abortion. One of Planned Parenthood’s priority bills in California this year requires health insurance companies to hide from parents “sensitive” medical procedures given to their adult and minor children. Also yes you can get an abortion without your parents knowing but remember abortions are not a natural thing and cause damage to your body and may make it harder or even impossible to conceive later. | To have the video evaluation, you'll need access to a device with … The most common way to get the abortion pill is at a health center or through a clinician who provides abortion care and meets certain qualifications. California will become the first state in the nation to require public universities to provide access to abortion pills on campus under a bill signed by Gov. If an adult under 26 wants insurance privacy, they can and should purchase their own insurance.”. Answer #5 DON'T DO IT ! Having the Procedure Locate the appropriate health care provider. Abortion in California is legal. “This inequity of decision-making forces some children to go through the wrong puberty and can negatively impact the child’s mental health.”. One of Planned Parenthood’s priority bills in California this year requires health insurance companies to hide from parents “sensitive” medical procedures given to their adult and minor children. Under SB 1004, insurance companies would be criminally charged if they let parents know their health insurance policy was paying for these procedures for their minor children. © 2021 Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc. However, California law places some limits on when a pregnant woman can terminate her pregnancy.Specifically, a woman can get an abortion up until her fetus becomes viable.And only qualified medical providers are allowed to perform legal abortions.If an abortion is performed … Visit the Nigeria Site (DASUBJECTMATTER.ORG). But if you knew my parents you would understand why i dont want them to find out. Follow @LifeNewsHQ//