She discusses her romantic life with you. If, on the other hand, she wants to be just friends and use me to help her friends and maybe talk to me or have me as a shoulder to cry on, that benefits her, but all it does for me is suck up time I could be using to build my businesses or meet new women or spend time with friends who benefit my life as much as I benefit theirs. She might think you're just trying to trick her into a date. In that case, she will be as subtle as she can. It is possible that she has already connected with another man, is attracted to another man, or can envision herself with another man in the future. In its own way, it's perversely fascinating because it's very much a Straight People Problem. We may never know her side of … She’s camouflaging her rejection of you as an offer of friendship. Recently after the rejection, you shouldn't ask her to hang out with you alone. She’s scared to love. If your wife just wants to be friends, it means that she is no longer in love with you. Tell her she can bring friends too. Be clear about the type of relationship you want with her, and make sure she's on the same page. Imagine the following scenario: You finally meet someone you like. Every time I like a woman she tells me that she only wants to be my friend. Dear Dr. G., I am a really frustrated 19-year-old college student. She'll probably be more comfortable around her friends and you too can socialize as normal friends … Sounds like, IMHO, she became frightened of you when you became angry (whether justified or not) and she would rather break up with you than be trapped in a marriage with an abusive partner. When a girl wants to be just friends, what you MUST do is simple: Say you’re not interested in being just friends and tell her to let you know if she changes her mind. Let me explain. He wouldn’t stick around and SETTLE being just friends with a girl who didn’t value him as a lover. Something that a lot of guys ask The Modern Man about is what to do when a girl just wants to be friends, but they want a sexual relationship. While she may genuinely want to be friends and be around you, it’s only going to cause you serious damage (which we’ll cover very soon). Often, the guy will have known a girl as a friend for some time and he will then have suggested that they go on a date or begin a relationship, only to have her say that she just wants to be friends. She told me she needs time to focus on herself until she can be in a relationship with me and that we should just be friends for now until she’s ready. Here is a list of signs she just wants to be friends and does not regard you as anything more.. 1. One of the biggest myths in dating - and one I can't stand - is the idea that men and women can't be just friends. Then, after a few dates, just when you think everything is going amazingly, he or she says, “Let’s just be friends.” What let’s just be friends means to her. When she says let’s just be friends it places the responsibility on you. Some may mistake this for a ploy to see if you get jealous. Instead, invite her to hang out with your friends. Before you can go back to being just friends, you have to make sure that she wants the same thing. Image source: Tumblr. Likewise, when your ex girlfriend still wants to be friends after she dumps you, the strong move is to: Not accept being her friend; Let her know to get in touch if she changes her mind What she cannot envision is … Then go no contact with her COMPLETELY and give her space (until she contacts you again). The idea that sex will inevitably come between two people doesn't seem to be an issue when it's two … She specifically told me she wants to date me as soon as she’s in a better spot with herself and not so depressed, etc.